On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Forty Two *Contains Maps*

Two Hundred And Forty Two *Contains Maps*

In the training hall at Shirohebizumi, my allies were arrayed around us, surprisingly numerous. I’ve come a long way in just a few months, from being alone, to adding Shaeula and her weaselkin, to Grulgor and his trolls, allies from the shrines and temples, and many others. Still, that was just my idle thoughts, trying to distract me from the scene in front of me.

“So, why are you here, Mayumi?” Hinata was demanding, face red. The girl in front of her looked a little affronted at the lack of honorific, but she radiated confidence in a regal way that reminded me a little of Shaeula, who was watching with interest, the spectacle at least relieving some of the deep weariness that was shadowing her features.

“Why would I not be, Hinata?” The girl, who obviously was her friend Mayumi-san, said, puzzled. “Since grandfather was coming, I thought it would be a good opportunity to finally see this man you are so proud of. Besides, it seemed fun.”

Motoko and Natsumi had both greeted her respectfully, Natsumi falling back into her role as bodyguard and lesser noble, which aggravated me a little at her diffidence, but it would take a while for her mindset to change, so I set it aside for now. Behind them, Ichijou-san, shadowed by a single, powerful-looking bodyguard, was grinning at the sight of his granddaughter and her curiosity.

“Fun? This isn’t a spectacle for you to laugh at!” Hinata spluttered. Her brother, Hiroto-san, was watching with a concerned look on his face, knowing well the status of Mayumi-san. “This is serious, important discussion that will decide our future, the future of Japan, maybe even the whole world!” Her face was bright red, and I was struck by how cute she looked, but even so, I thought I would throw her a lifeline.

“I wasn’t aware you’d be bringing anyone else.” I said to Ichijou-san, who had turned up after everyone else had gathered, arriving fashionably late as if he was the star of the show. Which I guess he’s used to being. “I’m not sure that’s appropriate.”

“Oh, come now, Oshiro-san.” He said, watching his granddaughter warmly. “Surely you wouldn’t begrudge an old man the opportunity to teach his granddaughter something important, would you? Besides, she’s been a little down since she had a quarrel with Hinata-chan. Speaking of…” He interrupted the two arguing girls.

“Hinata-chan, it’s been too long.”

“Uh, Ichijou-sama…” Hinata paused, realising she had been arguing fiercely with Mayumi-san in front of everyone, and her red flush was now one of shame, not anger. “I’m deeply sorry you had to see such an undignified display…”

“Think nothing of it.” He waved it away. “You’ve certainly been fierier and more outspoken recently, my Mayumi has told me. Besides, I believe she rather enjoys the discourse, don’t you?”

Mayumi-san nodded. “Of course. Who else would dare to speak her feelings to me, or speak so informally? Still, there is a limit.” She warned.

All right. enough of that. “Well, I’m afraid that Mayumi-san… I can call you that, right?” I asked, and the girl nodded after a moment, eyeing me curiously, as if I was some sort of strange animal. “… Mayumi-san will have to agree to the same terms as you and your bodyguard. We will be discussing extremely confidential matters here. Oh, and let me introduce these two.” I gestured to the two soldiers who would be my attachés and liaisons with the military as part of the agreement, who would also have to undergo a similar process. “These are First Lieutenant Nakano Banri and Major Sasaki Yasu. They’ll be working with us for a while, and also coming on my next mission.”

Major Sasaki, who was the chosen of Bishamon, nodded politely at Motoko, who returned a similarly polite greeting. I guess perhaps they might have seen her before, considering her father and grandfather hold high positions in the military. “I am Major Sasaki Yasu, it is an honour to be here, and I intend to prove my worth. Bishamon, kami of war spoke to me, and told me to defend Japan. As I have always been a career soldier, such an ask was merely a formality, as I intend to defend Japan to my last breath!” he said, expression stern. He was older than me, in his early thirties, it looked like, and his short-cropped brown hair and dark eyes gave him an intense look.

“And I’m First Lieutenant Nakano Banri. I’m only recently a First Lieutenant, I got a rank bump when I disclosed I had been called upon by the kami Kagutsuchi.” He laughed, and as he was around my age, with similarly close-cropped hair as the major, but a dirty blonde shade, and his eyes were a lighter hazel, and his build more wiry and lean, he came across as a little crude. “Still, we were the first two, though now there’s six of us.”

“Yes, I remember you two.” Shaeula observed, grinning sourly. “I trust you have managed to grow stronger, else Akio will have left you further-further behind.” Yeah, she’s in a bit of a bad mood. It must have been tough, dealing with Seelie politics.

“Of course.” The Major said, saluting her. “The information you left us when you visited the Ministry proved helpful to our training. Still, it would be presumptuous of us to expect to match you two. That is why we are here, to offer our support and learn.”

“Well, I concede you know-know your place.” She sniffed. Behind her the various members of the faith were muttering on hearing the gods they were Chosen by, which were by no means minor like a lot of their kami.

“I see. And what does Akio get in exchange for that? I’m not sure how helpful you can be.” Hinata said, looking at them shrewdly, and a lot of us smiled as the sight of a young girl staring down some career soldiers, but then Hinata was fairly fearless when it came to these sort of matters, especially now. Mayumi-san watched on in interest.

“Well, I’m here to talk about that as well. After all, a lot was discussed today. You can tell that by the presence of our guests.” As Ichijou-san took a seat, his bodyguard behind him, Mayumi-san pulled a chair out and sat beside Hinata, watching her, her chin held in her steepled hands. Hinata bit down on a sigh, raising an eyebrow at where she chose to sit. Yeah, okay, there’s a lot of girls there, but… no, it doesn’t matter. It’s only a seating arrangement, nothing more. Hinata would probably tease her about it later. “But then, a lot has happened, right?”

“Yes, it has.” Hikawa-san said, grinning, his handsome features drawing the eye of those around him. Though I notice my girls don’t seem to notice. Feeling happy at that, I let him speak. “Conclave has finally been decided on. It’s a bit short notice, but it’s the weekend after next. So we need to decide on just what we plan to do. When we first started this alliance, it was just to grow our strength and increase our influence, giving our faction a larger voice. But… matters have changed somewhat.” He cast his gaze at the two kami who were present in human forms.

“Yes. I was informed by Takakura-san of this.” I agreed. “So of course we’ll be talking about that too.”

“Takakura-sama, I see.” The old woman who had been brought in by Hikawa-san, Chiyo-san, who was neutral in terms of faction struggles, and head of the old and influential Yushima Tenjin shrine, in Ueno, which venerated Ame-no-Tajikarao, a god of agriculture and strength, although in latter years Tenjin had also become worshipped there. Shifting worship is unusual for true shrines. But I’m still not fully versed in such matters. “And what did such an august personage wish with you?”

“Well, we’ll talk about it. But he hoped we could help put a stop to the wasteful infighting in Kyoto. Anyway, Ichijou-san, as we discussed, I need you to listen to Shaeula and obey her, all right? And she’ll use an ability to make you keep your promises. You too, I’m afraid, Mayumi-san.”

“Wait, what? I don’t believe I agreed to anything. Are you saying my word cannot be trusted? Your fiancé is rather offensive, lacking in…” she started berating Hinata over my demand.

“Cease your yapping.” Shaeula snapped, and her annoyance she was barely holding in boiled out. “You come-come as an uninvited guest, and seek to rile my dear friend and sister Hinata. I shall not-not stand for it. Be silent and obey.”

Mayumi-san paused for a second, unsure of what she had heard, before her brain caught up and she opened her mouth to protest, pale with anger, only to shrink back as a jade aura filled the room. The bodyguard accompanying Ichijou-san made to move, but he was frozen by her piercing amber glare. “I am Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, Princess of the Seelie and Duchess of the Spring of Clear Reflections. You may be proud of your heritage, I would not-not deny you that, but do not-not forget your manners. You are intruding into matters both important and secret. Be thankful Akio is kind and will-will let you remain here with merely an Oath of secrecy.” Her League, Charm and Majesty combined to make it so none could look away, and Mayumi-san was completely overpowered by her. There was silence, until Hinata broke the deadlock, starting to giggle. When she did so, Eri started too, followed by Aiko. Soon even Motoko and Natsumi were laughing as well, hiding their smiles politely behind their hands.

“When it comes to being noble, Shaeula has you outclassed, Mayumi.” She snickered. “Though at times she’s surprisingly… normal. You could learn a lot from her.”

“Well, I can’t say I’m pleased at this. First telepathy, now mind control. How can anyone ever know if their will is their own with such powers unleashed on the world?” Ichijou-san said, shaking his head, deep in thought.

“It is hardly mind control.” Shaeula tossed her head, long amber hair fluttering. “Merely encouragement to keep-keep your word.”

“Well, I made preparations. I’ll be tested, Mayumi too. Regularly. If I find any discrepancies in our actions or memories that can’t be explained, I’ll have no choice but to assume you tampered with our minds, and the full might of Ichijou house and the nobility will be arrayed against you. Be assured, no matter how strong you are, you can’t fight a country.”

“True. For now.” I agreed, looking unruffled. “Come on, you’ve investigated us. You know we won’t do that. But I agree, precautions are wise. Anyway. Shaeula, go ahead…”

“Very well. You shall keep-keep secret all we discuss here and refrain from disclosing it in any way at all-all, be it verbal, written or…” as Shaeula bound them to secrecy, the winds blowing, I gathered my thoughts. Everything is falling into place. We are starting to get the political landscape moving, Shaeula is finally home, my Territory is growing, and soon we can start dealing with the long-awaited Conclave…


“So, thank you for coming, everyone. This is quite the gathering. I’m glad I made the training school pretty large.” I joked, breaking the tension our display of Shaeula’s power had caused. “There are some people here for the first time…” I gestured to the soldiers, as well as Ichijou-san and his daughter, who was still pouting a little at her treatment, but from her seat beside Hinata she was now looking around, curious, taking in everything. “… but now it’s time to take stock and plan our moves going forwards.”

“A good idea. Conclave is going to be… tense. I’ve heard there have been fatalities. I can’t say I fully understand everything that occurs in the other world, the spiritual one where the kami dwell.” Hikawa-san said. “But Ren has been there now, and from what he saw it is a dangerous place. I don’t want to believe fellow priests and maidens of the old shrines, the true faiths, would go so far as to kill each other, but…”

“Yes, we cross factional boundaries here. Takakura-san also wishes for the faiths to come together and join with the new Ministry we are establishing. I’ll talk about that in a moment, but first I’d like to make some decisions about who is going to attend Conclave. Obviously I’ll go, with Shaeula, Hyacinth and my other allies. We need to display strength, after all.”

“These old bones will be there.” Chiyo-san declared. “I have long been tired of the silly games Kudou-sama and the others play. My granddaughters, who have so graciously been improved by this Chirurgery of yours, will also attend.”

“I shall represent Hachisen shrine, as will my grandson and his cousin.” The frail, elderly man gestured to the trainee priest and shrine maiden, who had also received Chirurgery. “Ryūjin shall not go unheard at Conclave.” He was Uchiumi-san, right. A fitting name, as it means ‘inner sea’ and they worship the Dragon God of the oceans, and their shrine is on the bay.

“As will me and mine.” The last neutral priest declared. He was old as well, yet not as frail as his colleague. He too had a boy and a girl as his representatives, who had been trained. “Akaiwashi shrine many not be the most well-known, but we have kept faith for fifteen hundred years for this day.” Behind him the trainee priest, who was pierced and had bleached hair, looking more like a delinquent than a man of faith, nodded fiercely. The girl beside him rolled her eyes, clearly irritated.

“Every voice counts, Akaminai-san.” Hikawa-san declared, and Chiyo-san agreed.

“Too many shrines have been lost or destroyed over the centuries, or even abandoned by faithless fools. Your kami may be humble, but it shall be represented.”

“Well, you all know me.” Hikawa-san declared. “I am Hiroto Hikawa-san.” At the name, Hinata nudged her brother, who had turned up today since the meeting was important. When he had undergone his painful Chirurgery, he had not made a sound, perhaps not wishing to be compared unfavourably to his younger sister. I could understand that.

“My shrine is Hikawa-Kawagoe, where we revere Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the kami that is the namesake of our faction. I wield considerable influence. My son Ren and my daughters, they have great skills, which have only grown under the care of our good friend Akio-san here.” he gestured to me. Ren-san was puffed up with pride, and I winked at him, causing him to pale. Yep, no getting out of filling that mirror for me.

“I shall obviously be in attendance, and am expected to support the head of our faction, Uchida-sama. Obviously I am a man of my word, we all are. But things have changed. Making precipitous moves not knowing the situation is foolish. Besides, we have esteemed neutral shrines here, and even… even an Amaterasu faction minor shrine.” He grinned, gesturing to Kikuchi Shuta-san, who looked ill at ease, his daughter, Maiko-san, and another.

“I feel that your words are quite wise, clik.” The bald, thin man in jade green vestments said, and everyone could feel divinity from him, though to me it was weak. “I am the Jade Beetle kami of Hisuikomushi shrine. My loyal priest has followed the advice of Akio here, who saved us from a cruel fate. Thus I am here before you, clik.”

There was some hubbub around the room, but since news of Shirohebi had spread and some had even met him, a second surprise always carried less shock than the first. Still, as Shuta-san and his daughter affirmed their intent to travel to Kyoto and support me, being a bridge to their faction, I scanned his Territory details.

Vassal Territory: Rank 2

Constructed Buildings: Ether Spire Rank 2, Ether Spire Rank 2, Ether Spire Rank 2, Throne of Heroes Rank 1, Ether Spire Rank 1, Ether Spire Rank 1, Ether Spire Rank 1

Build Queue 1: Ether Spire Rank 2

Build Queue 2: Ether Spire Rank 2

Tithe Rate: 25%

Status: Active – Uncontested – Barrier 100%

Looking at it I felt a bit bad, as I had helped Miyu boost her Territory to a greater strength, and wasn’t even tithing her. Still, I had provided Defensive Emplacements and a safe environment, as well as advice. He could just continue to upgrade his Ether Spires and then the Throne.

“I don’t know much about this Conclave, only that it’s important and in Kyoto, but I don’t want you to go alone!” Takagi-san declared to Maiko-san, surprising her.

“Well, it’s a bit premature, but…” I looked at my parents and the Mori’s, who were sitting at the back silently, watching with impressed eyes as I managed this diverse crowd of important people. “… I feel a bit bad asking for Eri and my sis to miss more school, but I was hoping they could come with me. After all, Eri and Aiko are definite success stories, right?”

“Wow, Kyoto trip! That’s like a classic, right?” Aiko grinned, nudging Eri, who looked a little embarrassed by her antics.

“Hush, Aiko. This is a serious meeting.” She hissed. “Of course. I need to be there. If anyone disrespects you, then I’ll set them straight!” She made a grabbing gesture, and Aiko laughed, muttering that Eri missed her axe.

“Eri’s grades and attendance are fine.” Uncle said, agreeing. “As for Aiko-chan…”

“I’ll be fine. My studies are going well, and I know what exams I have to take. Missing a few days won’t set me back!” she promised, and my mom grinned. “Fine. Enjoy the trip.”

“So, I’ll be going too, right Akio?” Kana declared, and I agreed.

“Of course, not only is Shirohebizumi shrine our base of operations, Shirohebi is essential too.” I gestured to the androgynous figure, who nodded. “Keomi-san and your father are your delegates.”

“So… uh, do we get to go?” One of Kana’s friends, Mio-san, stuck up her hand. “I missed our school trip there, and this sounds… well, fun.” Her other friend, Asami-san nodded too.

“Well, this isn’t playtime. It’s serious business.” I warned. “But you have undertaken Chirurgery like everyone else, and have signed the agreements.” Hinata looked pleased at that. “You’ll need to work, to show what normal people can achieve when running through our training school, all right? If you do, we can pay you some pocket money to enjoy the trip.”

We then went through the other shrines that had been brought in originally. A thin, wizened bald old priest accompanied by a pair of shrine maidens who were still in middle school, Hanabusa-san, was the head of Hanabusa Inari shrine in Akihabara. It had been relocated several times due to war or disaster, and worshipped the kami Uda no Omachi, of the harvest and food.

There was a surprisingly young man, only in his early twenties, my age, Shiba-san, who had his young nephew, one of the few males I had performed Chirurgery on, and his sister, who was the oldest of all the shrine maidens, and attending University. His shrine was a minor one, located in Hachioji and rather run down, yet despite its ramshackle appearance, Kashima shrine was an old one indeed.

Outside of Tokyo, and the furthest shrine from us, was a shrine led by a small, dark-skinned woman, her age was something I couldn’t quite determine and wasn’t rude enough to ask, but I assumed she was around my mothers’ age. She had two similarly dark-skinned shrine maidens accompanying her, one about to graduate high-school, the other just starting. Her shrine was dedicated to a minor kami called the Wolf That Howls, or Hoeruokami. I can’t say I warmed to the idea of that one. Dogs still make me a little nervous. I’m sure Tyr agrees. Still, with the shrine being in the foothills of the mountains north of Saitama, they had a horrible commute, and it was lucky their town was near a line to Tokyo. I think they were the most grateful to be able to use the rooms at the training school.

Then there was another old man, bald and bearded, looking rather ascetic, like a Buddhist monk. He was Fuchigami-san, and he also had a pair of shrine maidens behind him, looking like sisters. One was looking at her phone, and when she saw me looking, she put it away with a wry chuckle. Their shrine was located in Kawasaki, and venerated Benten, one of the seven Japanese gods of fortune, though they were probably the least influential true shrine that worshipped her, according to Izumi-san.

Lastly, from Tokyo there was a final elderly priest, accompanied by another pair of shrine maidens. Seriously, the ratio is skewed as hell. No wonder Shaeula suffered doing all that Chirurgery. Still, she’s about to get her revenge, as the Special Forces are likely to be ninety percent male… Their shrine was tucked away in a little corner of Shibuya, and worshipped a minor kami, Aoikaeru, the Blue Frog of the Skies.

That just left one, and Marika-san was bobbing up and down in her seat, excited by the presence of two kami in the flesh, and the prospect of seeing her grandfather again. “I shall of course be attending, Akio-sama. My grandfather will be there to represent Chairoakitara shrine. Oh, how I wish that Chairo-sama could come like these two.”

“Well, in time.” I promised her, infected by her enthusiasm, even if I could never get her to stop calling me by -sama. She’s too serious for her age, even if she’s a good, studious girl. “So that’s three neutral shrines, one from Amaterasu, and eight from Susanoo faction. Twelve in total. Two shrines are quite major, right?”

“We also have two kami who can walk the earth, and your other spiritual beings.” Hikawa-san interjected. “I’m actually surprised we came this far so quickly.”

“So I’ve been wondering…” Hinata asked. “Just how many of these true shrines and temples are there? In school we were taught there are some forty thousand notable shrines and temples in Japan, and if you include minor ones with only a statue or an offertory box then it is over a hundred thousand.”

“A good question.” Chiyo-san looked at Hikawa-san who nodded his agreement, allowing her to speak. “Of those minor ones, most are untended and have no lineage, so can be discarded. And many more have lost their caretakers and faith, or are modern replicas. The book lists two thousand, four hundred and fourteen true shrines at last count. Less than ten percent. A great shame. Before the Great War and occupation, that number would have been a thousand higher.”

“I see.” Hinata said, satisfied. “So here we have actually gathered half a percent of all the true shrines in Japan? That’s a surprising amount.”

“When you look at it that way.” I agreed. “We have a decent amount of pull, I’d hope. And Takakura-san is in our corner. I believe he’ll be there too, right?”

“Yes, as a mediator.” Chiyo-san said. “Though traditionally, he can only advise.”

“Well, I suppose it’s time to talk about what I want to achieve, and this touches on that. I hope everyone will get on board with me, as I’ve been fair with what I’ve offered, and you can see the proof of what I can achieve.” I gestured to the kami and Shaeula, Hyacinth and the accompanying denizens from the Boundary. Azuki was also sitting on the table there, and was drawing a few curious glances as the doll kicked her legs idly, blinking on occasion.

“I would be eager to hear it. We are all beholden to our factions…” Hikawa-san began, but Chiyo-san snorted “not us.” which interrupted him. After a moment of frustration, he continued. “And Uchida-sama’s son is favoured by Kannon, and can apparently command golden warriors. Still, I wager you’ll be able to defeat those, Akio-san.”

“I would think so, but from what I gather, the Night Parade and infighting between the factions is a bigger issue. But it’s an issue that goes beyond merely factions and faith. It affects the whole country. To that end, I met with the heads of the Three Great Houses, Takakura-san, Fukumoto-san, Tsumura-san and the Prime Minister and the leader of the Opposition parties.”

Fukumoto-san grinned at the memory, from his seat at the back, and Ichijou-san was equally interested in what I had to say, leaning forwards.

“That is quite the august group.” My father said, impressed.

“Yes, well… due to various events, I’ve come under scrutiny, and I’ve accumulated trust. So it’s only natural I be involved in helping shape the laws the country will need going forwards. To that end, a new Ministry is being set up, and it’ll be with cross-party support. I’ve been attached as special advisor, and Takakura-san is hoping a shrine maiden called the Diviner will take the second advisory position.”

“The Diviner?” Chiyo-san whistled. “She’s in Tsukuyomi faction, but every faction heeds her words and warnings. She’s a mysterious one. Every time I’ve met her, she’s always been veiled. Nobody has seen her face since she was a child, apparently. So… what does this have to do with us?”

“Well, I’m hoping you’ll help me persuade the factions at Conclave to come under the Ministry and agree certain rights and responsibilities to prevent chaos. If they move now, they’ll have a say in shaping the laws, as I did. But basically, respecting Territorial rights, and matters like that. Oh, yes… that reminds me.” My grin was bright. “I did get an agreement for one law change. Natsumi…”

“Yes?” She asked, puzzled as to why I was talking to her.

“You might want to start taking measurements and asking the girls what they want their wedding dresses to look like. You and your family are going to be quite busy. After all, for certain special cases, polygamy is going to be legal. So we can all get married properly. Nobody has to miss out and be a mistress or a concubine.”

There was uproar at that from my girls. Eri looked resigned, but slapped Hinata on the back in congratulations anyway. Too hard though, she winced. Shaeula and Hyacinth didn’t look bothered, Hyacinth probably not understanding, but Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi, they were all blushing. Though several other girls are too…

“Well, son.” My father said, his eyes hard. “You have been busy.” And beside him, uncle and auntie had mixed feelings too. Still, I met their gazes calmly, knowing what I was doing was for the best, trying not to notice my mother embarrassing Aiko by talking about the greatest wedding ever seen, so many brides.

“I want to be fair. I chose this path. Perhaps I was wrong to do so, but I’ll never look back. I have to make those I choose to embrace happy above all else, so I want them to have a wonderful wedding, and be legally recognised as my wives, without shame. Though even if the law changes, the stigma might take a while to die down.”

“So, six then.” Natsumi grinned, holding Motoko’s hand, both of them looking excited.

“We’ll see.” Eri said ominously, glancing over at Kana, who was red-faced, looking down. “But those that don’t have the courage will miss out.”

After the cacophony of excitement at this pronouncement died down, my sis and others congratulating the girls, while Ren-san was glowering at me enviously, Hinata’s brother giving me a sly thumbs-up, I then detailed the land acquisition rights and Chirurgery I was going to do for the Ministry and military, but that annoyed Hinata. “Oh come on. You are getting ripped off. Five million a man? It should be triple that.”

“Hinata, the government can’t just shower him in money.” Her grandfather tried to calm her down, but she wasn’t having it.

“That only works if they have an alternative. They don’t, as Akio and Shaeula are the only ones they know who can do this right now. I think you need further concessions. Grandfather, you let me down, you were there!”

“Trust me, granddaughter, he sacrificed some bargaining power just so you could get a wedding of your dreams, so don’t berate him so hard. You should be grateful.”

“Oh.” Hinata turned purple with embarrassment, but her smile was charmingly shy. “Well, uh… it’s still… I’ll think about what’s fair.”

“Well, we got off-topic. But… land claims for Territory. We have four Candidates here. Me. I control this area now.” I produced a map I had Karen-chan draw up for me under my directions. “As you can see, I can control a maximum of ten kilometres from the Shrine we are at. Land I have ownership of currently is just this shrine, marked here. Although..” I pointed to several more areas. “These are the areas Fukumoto-san has bought on my behalf and deeded to Hinata, so… after the wedding…” Hinata blushed again, and I got the urge to tease her. “… which I am rather looking forward to…” Now all the girls were blushing or looking away. “… I’ll have control of them as well. Then this is the site of the Ministry offices, which will also be mine. But before we can get an extra bounty of land, we need to establish a testing site, so I intend to use the park Fukumoto-san secured for us to test the effects of ether exposure and aether-deprivation systematically.”

Map 1Legend 1Legend 2

“Fascinating.” Ixitt approved. “I do so love your scientific method, mortals are so fascinating.”

Ichijou-san was looking at him, smiling to himself, while his granddaughter was still watching everything with great interest and curiosity. Yeah, we’ll have to look into his offer as well. Though my gut says it isn’t worth it as it stands. I imagine Hinata will agree.

“Anyway, I plan to install Boundary to Material Connection and Material to Boundary Connection there, at separate ends, so we can test rigorously. I’ll also need to set up a cluster of Emplacements, but anyway, my Territory looks like this currently.”

There was the Rank 4 Kobold Den near my original apartment building, and the newly obtained Mirror Bee Hive Rank 3 towards the southern coast.

Original Territory

The rest of the buildings were grouped into four main locations. Most of our assets were contained at Point B, Shirohebizumi Shrine. The Anchor was there at Rank 3, with the three Rank 1 Anchor Spire Upgrades (Build Queue, Ether Density and Ether Spire). In addition, our Boundary to Material Connection Rank 2 gave a boost to ether density on the Material in a radius of a hundred metres centred on the training hall.

Towards the back hills we had the Rank 3 and Rank 5 Earth Rhyming Trees, tended to by Asha the Dryad, as well as the White Snake Earth Altar Rank 1. All of this increased the effect of the natural earth element there, making it rather potent. The Rank 3 Faerie Ring Gate and the Rank 4 Kobold Mine were also on the hill. After some reallocation, we had four Rank 3 Ether Spires pulling in resources, and our best Silo at Rank 4, paired with a Rank 4 Elemental Silo and Rank 3 Expanding Silo.

Defence-wise, we had four Emplacements, a Rank 2 Sniper Emplacement, a Rank 1 Rapid-fire Emplacement, and two standard Rank 1 Emplacements. These were protecting our most valuable buildings, the two Rank 2 Throne of Heroes. We also had the Rank 3 Warehouse, Rank 2 Treasury and Rank 2 Armoury. We also had a Rank 2 Barracks and Rank 2 Spawning Spire.

Finally, we had a workshop for Bjarki and Ixitt, taking advantage of the readily available materials from the Kobold Mine and plentiful earth elemental energy, which was useful for crafting. The kobolds had also erected walls and small towers, which we could use as defences in a pinch.

The next concentration was around the vassal Territory of Hisuikomushi shrine, and was mostly focused on defences so it was protected. It had matching Defensive Emplacements to Shirohebizumi (Rank 2 Sniper Emplacement, a Rank 1 Rapid-fire Emplacement, and two standard Rank 1 Emplacements) and a Rank 2 Barracks.

Point C was Shaeula’s old Territory in the park, where plentiful wind energy and a small dungeon could be found. Again it had the same set of Defensive Emplacements, as well as a Rank 2 Barracks, Four Rank 3 Ether Spires, and a Rank 3 Silo with Rank 3 Elemental Silo, and also a Rank 2 Etherite Silo.

Point D was the graveyard where the Raven Knight dwelt. Its four Defensive Emplacements were the usual selection, but the Sniper Emplacement was still at Rank 1. The Rank 3 Dark Rhyming Tree was rooted there, contributing noticeable darkness elemental energy. There was another Rank 2 Barracks, along with a Rank 3 Silo, with Rank 3 Elemental Silo. There were currently only two Rank 3 Ether Spires located here.

Finally there was our newly set up zone by the coastal bay to the south, where we had moved four of our Rank 3 Ether Spires to absorb the abundant water elemental energy from the coastal geysers. Shaeraggo had done well finding the place for us. We had set up the same four Emplacements (one Sniper, one Rapid-fire and two standard ones) all at Rank 1, as well as a Rank 3 Silo and a Rank 3 Elemental Silo.

In terms of bringing in resources, the Territory, Trees and Spires brought in roughly sixty two thousand ether an astral day. In terms of current build queues, we were doing a Build Queue Spire Upgrade with thirty two days remaining to Rank 2, an Ether Spire to Rank 4 with two hundred and forty two days remaining, and a Sniper Emplacement to Rank 2 at seventeen days remaining.

We had also accumulated around seventy thousand ether in our Silos.

Having detailed all my buildings and current state of my Territory, I then addressed Kikuchi’s Territory around Hisuikomushi shrine. “We also…” I gestured to a pair of girls who were sitting at the back, separate from everyone else. It was Miyu and Koga-san. “… have Fujiwara Miyu. Her Territory is in Azabu, where she has the following set-up….” She hadn’t added any further buildings since I had given her the resources, but was instead upgrading her remaining Ether Spires to Rank 2. When that was done, she could work on a Throne.

“I see. This explains why you have changed, Miyu-san.” Mayumi-san said, thinking. “I did wonder why you were suddenly so friendly with Hinata, and Motoko-san.” She looked at me then. “You aren’t planning to take Miyu-san as a bride as well are you? If you did, your place would be secure, as even though Honoka-san is the Fujiwara heir, you’d inherit a great deal of wealth and influence.”

Miyu paled at that, but I shook my head in denial. “No way. Miyu is simply working with me. I’ve got enough on my plate in terms of girls, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, she was a hard girl to talk to as well.” My sis said loudly, making Eri snigger. Koga-san shot my sister a hard look, remembering her from the phone call, but there was some gratitude there too, I thought.

“Back on topic. We have a final Candidate. Suzuki-san.” She wilted under everyone’s gaze, but realising she needed to be strong now, she forced herself to smile and nod. “I’m Suzuki Haru. I’ll be the Undersecretary to the Minister for the new Ministry. I also… don’t have a Territory yet. but I’ll deploy it wherever Akio-san insists.”

As she was showered in congratulations, especially from Shaeula, who knew of her suffering, I waited for silence again, before continuing. “Haru-san’s Territory is a precious asset. We don’t want to waste it by not using it, but we want it to be meaningful. So any ideas, I’m open to them. I can give her Etherites to get set up, like I did for Miyu, so we can get it working reasonably quickly when we’ve decided. Now, in terms of forces…” I looked at Azuki, who went limp. A few minutes later, she opened her ruby eyes, looking at Shaeula.

“Well, your brother is still there. The map might be a little out of date, he’s been busy. Still, everything has been accounted for.”

“Right. So in addition to our Territory, Shaeula was also given some land in the Seelie Court, bordering our newly captured Spring of Clear Reflections. The mansion there got destroyed by the Night Parade…” I pushed down the lingering annoyance at the back of my mind, and the interested looks from the heads of the shrines, who had heard of the chaos in Kyoto. “…but is almost rebuilt, and the forest we ruined is slowly being replanted, it seems. Eventually those of you who enter the Boundary should be free to train there, as the higher ether density and faster time offer greater opportunities. In terms of forces…”

We had the four Kamaitachi, as well as Shaeula’s original weaselkin, plus the numbers the Barracks had added. The troops Shaeraggo had tithed to us would remain, so we had armoured weaselkin, archers, mages led by Danaera, musicians led by Tillyae, spear-wielding weaselkin too, and apparently their numbers were going to be topped up  by her father now that Shaeula had returned to the fold and was no longer in her punishment exile. Ulfuric was on loan, but seemed keen on aiding us still, so perhaps we could count on him longer-term, Bjarki too. All in all, it was quite the force now, taking our Territory wouldn’t be easy.

We had the newly acquired Mirror Bees, as well as the Kobolds, and also the degraded kobolds from the Spawning Spire. In terms of refugees, we had numerous ratkin, although most of them seemed to be related to Ixitt, as well as some goblins and other miscellaneous Fae who were of the more persecuted types. Even some trolls had turned up now, apparently, eager to serve Grulgor, which replaced those who died in our initial skirmishes with him.

Shirohebi had his snake adherents and the Jade Beetle could command his beetle followers. Miyu currently had no forces, but we would change that in due time. Lastly, we also had the Hunting Cats that surrendered to us after we defeated Kinneka and Ginneka, though they were currently helping patrol the defenceless lands around the Spring.

“In terms of progress… Ixitt, what have you been working on?” I asked, and he grinned. “Well, Bjarki has done wonders improving the durability and effect of your guns, and my wives and some of my children have helped in setting up… well, I suppose you would call it a factory.” He seemed proud. “Still, a lot of work has to be done by hand, I would like to automate it all. I should dearly like to look at a real factory…” he said wistfully, and at that moment, Ichijou-san interjected, his tone jovial.

“Well, funny you should say that.” He said. “I’m here today to make an offer.”

Hinata was on guard at that, and I stifled a chuckle, waiting for him to make his full pitch.

“Oh, do go on.” Ixitt said, cocking his head.

“Our house has a subsidiary, Ichijou Heavy Industries, which deals with military hardware and heavy machinery. I was wondering if a collaboration could create products that would be profitable that no-one else can make. After all…” he continued to speak. “… though you are a new visitor to our land, we’ve already noticed your… proclivities… for research. Some of the topics were a bit problematic. Biological warfare. Genetic engineering.” He rattled off the search history Ixitt had done, which showed how much they were keeping an eye on us. I’m pretty sure that infringes our rights. I see why they would have done it, but… well, I’ll need compensation for the affront. Damn, now I really am thinking like Hinata.

“Of course, you have also bought a number of tools and technical manuals, and asked Oshiro-san’s staff to order more, no? And hearing about guns and automation… well I expect you have a great interest in research. Perhaps you’d care to see some of our production lines?”

“I would indeed.” He agreed.

“Hold on a minute.” Hinata said, not liking where this was going. Mayumi-san opened her mouth to speak, but to her surprise Hinata shushed her. “This doesn’t concern you, Mayumi.” Her brother winced at her tone. “Just what are you trying to achieve here? Ixitt is Akio’s subordinate, you can’t just lure him away with treats.”

“Oh perish the thought, Hinata-chan. I’m hurt you think me so cold.” Ichijou-san smirked. “I’ve already broached the subject with your fiancé, though we haven’t discussed any actual details. I’ll make it worth his while. But… technology combining this new magic and our science… well, I’ve seen from our Chosen, than it is possible to use their strange abilities here, though they are apparently much weakened. But… would technology be?” he paused for emphasis. “After all, everyone here agrees the world is changing, and we need to get ahead, if we don’t want Japan to fall behind. And Ichijou house is best placed to make that happen. With the right help, of course.”

“I think it’s time to talk about details.” I said, and Ichijou-san agreed.

“Well, I want to provide manpower and facilities, along with necessary supplies and machinery, as well as research documents and information. Ideally, some sort of advanced weapon for our armed forces would be ideal, but I understand with… creative… minds, it is often best to let them experiment.”

“Right, right!” Ixitt agreed, warming to the idea. “I’ve been extracting the silvery metal from various constructions, and studying the formation and upgrade of numerous Buildings. And I’m close to a prototype of an artificial Ether Spire!”

Seriously? I know he’s been experimenting, but artificial buildings? That would be… huge! On seeing my gaze, he grinned. “I can’t thank you enough. Ever since I started working for you, my Mortal Engineering has reached new heights.”

“So, it’s possible then?” Ichijou-san insisted.

“I suspect I would need an ether-rich environment.” Ixitt mused. “Achieving much without it would be difficult.”

“So, I’m not hearing a lot about compensation, Ichijou-sama.” Hinata declared, earning another glare from Mayumi.

“Call me Kira, Hinata-chan. We’ve known each other a long time. Well, I believe a ten percent stake in Ichijou Heavy Industries should be satisfactory. Even with the downturn, it’s still a multi-trillion yen company, so the dividends and profit sharing is likely to run into billions of yen.”

“Laughable. Truly laughable, Kira-sama.” Hinata punctuated it with an actual laugh, which only grew louder as my sister whispered “Listen to her, she’ll be the one controlling the purse strings Eri, better get along with her.”

“While a ten percent stake sounds good, really, are you going to get your Chosen to provide this ether-rich environment, or have the skills and expertise of Ixitt?” she continued. “Sure, we need money to buy up more property, you know that. Akio has a hotel business, but that isn’t bringing in nearly enough. But… for that plan, you need Akio. He doesn’t need you. We could buy some factories ourselves, right grandfather?”

“Sure. Also… we have our own production facilities. Electronics mostly, rather than heavy engineering, but I’d be delighted to offer you a job, master Ixitt.”

“Yes, your internet is a marvel, the devices that use it too.” Ixitt agreed. Some of the people from the shrines were getting a bit lost in this conversation, but those who were politically savvy were listening intently, such as Hikawa-san and Chiyo-san, as well as Kana, surprisingly enough. She was chewing on her lips, looking around, deep in thought.

“Akio, what are your thoughts? If it’s initial capital, you have money, and as do I. Grandfather will help. You can also get funds from your bank, right? You are with Chase Midas Gold.” Hinata looked proud. “Kira-sama, be serious. Sure, you might be able to lowball Akio now and feel good that you pulled one over on him, but down the line… Akio will remember. I’ll remember. We’ll remember, right?”

“Those who do not-not treat Akio with the respect he deserves will find no favour with the Seelie Court, as he is a liberator of the Spring of Clear Reflections and my husband.” Shaeula declared, and Hyacinth giggled madly. “Yes, if ooone cheats master I will strangle them, choooke them, turn their world to dust and ruin!” Back to calling me master I see. Well, so long as she remembers in private…

“I’m nobody special.” Eri said. “But don’t think I’ll let you look down on Akio just because you’re a noble!”

“I think…” Motoko began. “… you should reconsider, Ichijou-sama. Grandfather might want weapons to defend our country, but if they come by cheating my fiancé… I think he would be unhappy. After all, Akio is giving much to this nation.” Natsumi agreed with her.

“You are all being quite rude. Ten percent of our industrial company is massive. Hinata, you may have wealth, but…” Mayumi-san began, and Aiko snorted, looking at Miyu, who looked down.

“I take it back. Compared to her, you were positively reasonable.” My sis told her.

“Why, you have no right…” Mayumi-san began, so I gestured then, and flame roared into life in my palm, stopping everyone in their tracks.

“Enough. My sister has every right to speak. You’re a friend of Hinata’s, so I’ve been overlooking your rudeness, but my patience is not infinite. Now, if you have something constructive to say, feel free. Otherwise leave the talking to us.”

“I’m not scared of you!” she said, though her shaking hands and pale face belied that, as her dark brown eyes stared at the flame until I dismissed it.

“Fine. Well, I agree. That could be a lot of money. But… Hinata thinks like I do on this. Really, it isn’t something we need you to help us with. The idea is good, but don’t think I haven’t already thought of it. Ixitt and his Mortal Engineers can improve both worlds by combining their strengths. So let me be blunt. Any agreement is going to be vetted by lawyers, although we’ll need to have some from the Ministry first, ones we can trust.” Damn, doing business dealing with Astral matters is tough as hell.

“Fair, and it goes without saying. The sums and technologies involved are too precious not to be secured by an ironclad contract. Go on.”

“I want to bring Fukumoto-san in on it as well. The two of you should work together and construct a new plant and research department within the sphere of Territory I control. I’ll then spend significant spiritual resources strengthening the ether there. That’s something money can’t buy and I doubt any of your Chosen can manage it. It’ll cost me a lot as start-up energy, so in exchange the pair of you should cover the land, construction of the facilities, equipment Ixitt needs for the production lines, and more.”

“I see. Well, that’s not entirely unreasonable.” Ichijou-san agreed, and Hinata nodded.

“In terms of the stake, ten percent is fine.” Hinata said, seemingly going back on her previous words. “Ten percent in Nichibotsu too. Half from the share I’ll inherit, half from you, grandfather.” Hinata said.

“All right, but…” he began, and Hinata smiled.

“That’s for his expertise. Which is priceless. In terms of any breakthroughs…” her eyes glittered with avarice. “… the intellectual property and patents belong to Akio through Ixitt. However he can’t trade them or sub-licence without both of your consent. Profits from any device or finished product will be split evenly, separate to the shares.”

“I see. Well, I would say that if we need to make additional factories to meet demand, what of the costs there? And of materials and the staffing budget?” Ichijou-san asked, and Fukumoto-san agreed.

“Facilities will be shared between the two of you, as Akio will have to bear the cost of providing ether, something only he can do. Staffing and materials… split between Nichibotsu, Ichijou Heavy Industries and us, but obviously Ixitt’s wage comes out of what we pay. Though finding other trustworthy staff might be an issue…”

We, huh, Hinata?” her grandfather smiled wryly. Well, when a girl gets engaged, she’s naturally joining a new family. Tough break, old man.

“Well, it’s quite the initial investment, so… I think we’d need some assurances, right Fukumoto-san?” Ichijou-san addressed her grandfather.

“Really?” I asked, shrugging. “It was you who came to us. And it’s a smart move. So far Ixitt has been involved in recreating firearms, helping with a biological project, and you heard him. He’s trying to create artificial Buildings for my Territory. I’d imagine it’s only a matter of time before we come up with something useful. If it’s weaponry or other useful items though, I want the right to buy them at cost for my own forces.”

“It would be useful to build a suitable facility to mirror it in the Boundary.” Ixitt mused. “That way I could be significantly more efficient., and use insights from each world to further the other.”

“So, when did you get so bold?” Mayumi-san asked Hinata sourly. “Does getting engaged really change you that much? I admit I mostly came here to see him. I grant that he seems impressive, but… he’s not a noble.”

“Wow, this one’s definitely dumber than you, Miyu.” My sis said loudly again, to more sniggers. Kana was trying her best to hold it in, which made me grin.

“I think…” Miyu began, fighting her natural timidity. “…perhaps you are looking at things wrong, Mayumi-san?”

“Oh?” Mayumi-san arched an eyebrow, surprised she was addressed.

“Yes. My grandfather trusts him, and… well, he helped me when he didn’t have to. Even when we were disrespectful. And Motoko-san, Hinata-san… is a man who marries them really not noble?”

“I always get forgotten.” Natsumi muttered to Eri with a smile, earning a smirk in return.

“Yes, but… if marrying nobility made one noble, then the whole nobility loses meaning.” She protested. “it’s why you are not considered a Takatsukasa.” Mayumi-san said, and I interjected.

Not true. All three houses, Takatsukasa, Ichijou and Fujiwara agreed that Hinata would be treated as a Takatsukasa descendant and respected as such.” I broke in. “Not that I care. Hinata is Hinata, and to be honest, she’s a lot more likable than you, from our brief acquaintance.”

“What do you know of me?” she sniffed. “Besides, I don’t have to be likable. I’m Ichijou Mayumi! Grandfather, is this true?”

“Yes. In exchange for healing Itsuki, and a few other matters. We’ve agreed some reforms. Mayumi, don’t forget your noble pride, but times are changing. I believe new nobility is being born as we speak. Best we get used to it, and control what the nobility can concede, and protect what must be protected. Best we guide in those who can work within our rules and strengthen us. like Oshiro-san here.  He understands the good in what we do, even if he takes issue with some matters. And his marriage to Hinata-chan, Motoko-san and Natsumi-san tie him to us.”

“I’m sorry everyone.” I apologised. “This is taking up our time and we still have stuff to go over. Can we wrap this up?”

“Fine. Well, I don’t know about you, Fukumoto-san, but I suppose I can agree to the terms. Ichijou house will be at the forefront of this new world. A little money is a small price to pay.”

“Yes, it is.” Hinata agreed, looking at me. “Akio, I don’t want to go behind your back, I know you hate that, and I feel bad about doing it before. I’m not going to agree to anything you wouldn’t want, just lay some groundwork to give you options. Can you trust me to talk to Kira-sama alone?”

“Sure, I guess. I do trust you. We’ve all learned our lessons, right?”

“I’m coming too.” Mayumi-san said. “You’ve grown cheeky, Hinata. You should jump at the chance to have your fiancé work with us.”

“Fine then. Come on, Hinata-chan.” Ichijou-san smiled. As the three of them left, followed by Kazumi-san and the Ichijou house bodyguard, I turned my attention back to the others. “Sorry about that. It was kind of personal business. But… look at it this way. It shows the strength of our position, right? Money, political power, potential new technologies… I can offer a lot. And from now on, I want to expand the training. As soon as you trainees have enough aether to enter the Boundary, you’ll be assigned a training plan tailored to you. When we enter the Conclave, though only twelve shrines are represented, we should be able to field a force in the Boundary there that has no equal. Also… if the Night Parade truly are an issue, we have our trump card.”

Shaeula grinned. “I would dearly love-love to see my mother again. As a member of the Night Parade myself now, I shall see-see to mediation between us, should Akio be properly respected. Though first…” she sighed. “I have a meeting with Duke Formor. I wish-wish for him to cease hostilities, and return my maids, both the traitor and-and the loyal.” Her face fell.

“Damn, I wish I could be there with you.” I felt awful that I couldn’t be, but we simply had too much to do. “But you’ll be safe, right?”

“Indeed. My father has arranged it. He will be coming to the Spring. I shall require Grulgor, I trust that is not-not a problem?”

“Of course not. It makes sense, and is probably good for Grulgor too. I hope the Duke is reasonable.”

“Grul will speak to the Duke. It should not come to violence. The Duke hates the Unseelie. Our victory was legendary, Grul says. And he respects strength. Princess is strong.”

“Fine. So see? We have even more leverage at Conclave.” We spent a little longer discussing that, before I turned to the next issue.

“Tomorrow I’ll be leading an expedition to Inuyama. I fear there’s a monster there that is responsible for killing Chosen and possibly ordinary people. It’ll also be a good way to increase the strength of some of us ready for Conclave. So… Haru-san, Kikuchi-san, I would like you to come along.”

They both nodded. I then turned my attention to Miyu. “Miyu, I’d ask that you come too. Don’t worry, I intend to protect you all.”

“I can’t allow Miyu-sama to go alone!” Koga-san protested, but I had to be firm.

“I’m sorry. But don’t worry, I’ll look after her. You are still too new, too untested in the Boundary.” Besides, you can’t grow. Miyu should be able to level up. Getting her a bunch would definitely make me feel better. And some confidence for her too can’t hurt.

Koga-san continued her protests, but my sister was the one to stop her. “Look, I get that you are worried, but my bro won’t let her get hurt. Protecting girls is like totally his thing. So wow, just shut up and get stronger, then next time he’ll want to take you, ninja girl. Speaking of…” she looked at our parents. “… while we’re here, why don’t Eri and I tag along? We can head home from Inuyama, it’ll only be one more day of school we miss. You want to, right Eri?”

“Of course. I want to get stronger. And I know I’ll be safe with Akio.” She answered, before turning to Koga-san. “Look, I get it. This girl is your friend, and you want to keep her safe. But let Akio do it this time. I was weak before too, but I’ve worked hard. It’s been painful and scary at times, but if you want it badly enough, you’ll get there.”

“Fine. Though with missing more school for this Conclave, I am expecting you to work extra hard on studying for your exams, Aiko.” My father said. “Eri-san, you too. You may not have entrance exams, but letting your grades drop is foolish. A smart girl like you should not hurt your future.”

“I understand, father-in-law.” Eri agreed. “But I’m sure I told you not to use honorifics for me, it feels wrong now.”

“Yes well…” my father was quite the old-fashioned man, and struggled with displays of intimacy, and I got a brief bit of amusement watching his internal struggle. “… I shall try to remember Eri-san, no, Eri.” He paused. “Though I do note you vary between calling me father-in-law and uncle. Perhaps it is not just I who need to remember.”

Damn, a joke from my father. It’s happening more and more lately. Putting that aside, I addressed everyone, the soldiers particularly keen on hearing what I had to say. “Look. Shaeula and I encountered this monster there. Not all spiritual beings are bad. A lot of the Fae we can make common cause with, kami too. Maybe even the Night Parade. I know what we’ve been told, but until I see the situation myself I don’t want to make any decisions. But this creature is not friendly, not at all. And if it’s causing needless deaths and suffering, well, it’s our job to deal with it. Right?”

The soldiers agreed. “Yes, that’s why we’ve been seconded to you. To learn.” The Major said.

“It’s also part of the duties of the Ministry we are setting up to manage both criminals abusing their powers, and dangerous non-human creatures. I think that those of faith should be involved in that too.” I continued. “I intend to make sure this threat and any others are taken out. But in danger comes opportunity. Don’t worry, Haru-san, Miyu. We’ve done this before.” I smiled reassuringly. “I’m a bit short on manpower as Shaeula, Hyacinth and Grulgor will be dealing with the Seelie Court, but even so, I’ve faced this monster before, and while I was forced to flee then, I’m ten times stronger now. At least. So I’ll keep you all safe, and I have the backing of these soldiers too.”

“Sure, sounds fun.” The First Lieutenant quipped.

“So, our plans as a whole are thus.” I addressed the room. “Shaeula, you focus on securing the Shrine and dealing with the fallout. Those of you who are trainees, continue to train, ready for Conclave. We need every edge we can. Those of you who are fellow Chosen, we’ll be striking at Inuyama. Natsumi, start thinking about wedding dresses.” There was laughter at that, lightening the heavy mood. “Ixitt, I’m curious about these artificial Ether Spires. Try and push it to testing as soon as you can. If you can make it work then there’s no limit to what we can achieve. Also, well, we’ll see how negotiations go, but start thinking of ideas. Karen-chan, you guys…” I said to my secretarial staff. “… accommodate Ixitt as best you can, and keep coming up with the data we need. You’ll also likely be working with Haru-san when the Ministry is set up.”

“Right, we can do that.” Karen-chan said, but my next words shocked her.

“Oh, but you have to get your training plan and visit the Boundary too. Unless you see it, you won’t understand it.”

Then I also have to visit Kondou Kazuo and perform my experiments, then see Aliyah and her mercenaries, though I need Shaeula back for that, and finally, see Shiro at the weekend and hopefully fix her like I did Takatsukasa-san. I also need to make time to interview the soldiers and Ichijou house Candidates before Conclave. Damn, I’m going to be busy… as usual. I also have to set up the testing ground for the Connections, and maybe sort out the factory site, all of which will use a ton of ether too…

“Damn bro, and here’s us hoping we could spend more time with you. And not in the battling an eldritch abomination way.” My sis joked, and I apologised.

“Sorry. But I hope you had fun sightseeing.”

“Well, we sure did, didn’t we Eri?” At her nod, my sis continued. “Akihabara was pretty cool. The trains in Tokyo are way better than back home, we can get from here to the centre in half an hour, it takes near enough that to reach the next damn town to Nishimorioka.”

“Yes. I bought some… souvenirs.” Eri said, face flushed, and at that Aiko grinned.

“Well, not what she was looking for. That’s a story for another time though, ouch, stop hitting me Eri, your strength is brutal now!” As Aiko cried out in mock-pain (although some of her wincing looked pretty real) Hinata and the Ichijou’s came back. Ichijou-san had a refreshed look on his face, while Mayumi-san was frowning pensively. As they took their seats, Hinata winked at me. “Don’t worry, we reached an agreement. I’ll let you tell him, Kira-sama.”

“Right.” Ichijou-san grinned. “I agreed to the terms, we’ll split the costs down the middle and all your other wants will be met. But the factory will be managed jointly by Hinata-chan and my Mayumi. Also, after Conclave, Mayumi will join the students here. The world is moving too fast, if she doesn’t keep up she’ll be left behind.”

“Honestly, grandfather, I don’t need to, we have our own people to rely on…”

“Sorry, but thinking that way is a mistake.” I interrupted her. “Just ask Haru-san. You never know what will happen in life, and one thing you can rely on is your own skills. Just learn. Hinata would grieve if you got hurt. I’m sure your family and friends would too.”

“Friends, huh?” Mayumi-san looked at Hinata, who smiled knowingly. “Well, don’t forget this. I’m different from you all. Only Miyu-san here knows how I feel. But I guess it does seem a little interesting…”

Damn, she’s so transparent. Queen of the little castle called Hanafubuki, sheltered, inquisitive yet utterly bored, without a true friend. Well, Hinata wants Mayumi-san to see her as an equal, and now she’ll have her chance. She’ll be accepted as a Takatsukasa, work with her running this new factory project, and even train together. If that doesn’t give her the chance, nothing will…

“All right then.” I clapped my hands. “Meeting over. We all know what we need to do. I’ll see our honoured guests off.” I nodded at the Ichijou’s and Fukumoto-san. “The rest of you, get to work!”

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