On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Fourteen

Two Hundred And Fourteen

“I don’t think you should be attacking us, that is clearly illegal.” I said loudly, making sure the microphones would pick it up. In addition to recording, we also had a short-range streaming camera and mic, so hopefully that would be being picked up by the Detective and Shaeula, who would be waiting as backup nearby. Though if not we’ll still have some video evidence anyway.

“Shut up, wiseass!” One of the newcomers said, swinging a telescoping baton down at me from above, as he was another tall guy for a Japanese person. I heard Konoe-san yelping in fear, but I had no time to worry about that now. I slipped past the strike and retaliated, a quick blow striking a vital spot in his shoulder, cracking bone and numbing his arm. He let out a cry, dropping his baton, and as a second guy moved in behind me I spun his comrade, allowing him to take the hit, before slipping past the falling criminal, to disable the second man with a pinpoint kick to the guts. And that’s two. Keeping the speed and power at reasonable human limits is hard, but also necessary if I am going to impress the Detective.

“What the fuck are you clowns doing?” The boss, Matsuhide, said, scowling, his fist still raised, knuckleduster shining a dull bronze. “He’s just one small… guy…” He trailed off as I put my shoulder into the chest of another attacker, flipping him over my body and down heavily into the wooden desk, his head smashing off it with quite the noisy impact. As he stood there dumfounded, I dodged a swing from an aluminium bat, kicking the guy quickly in both knees and twisting his arm savagely as he fell. “Four down.” I said in satisfaction. “However I am not one for violence, I only came here to help Konoe-san. Call off your unprovoked attack and we can talk about this like civilised people.”

“Are you serious?” Matsuhide said incredulously. “If I let you walk out of here now my business is as good as done. If it gets out I’m easy to push around, I’m finished. Luckily for me, I have good brothers who will be sure to help me clean up any messes.” At that he made a move for Konoe-san as she hid in the corner, still filming bravely despite her tears and trembling body.

“Wrong move.” I said, darting to block him. A baton spun at me, but I took it on my forearm, barely feeling anything. The man that struck me let out a pained yelp, the recoil of striking my obscenely tough body jarring him. He staggered, blocking the path of the last remaining thug, and I was upon Matsuhide before he could reach Konoe-san. I caught his punch in my hand and squeezed, metal bending and cracking, along with his fingers. He howled in pain and staggered back, slumping down in his chair. I saw his gaze go to the knife-style letter opener and I shook my head. “Really, that would be a step too far. Until now you can use the defence you were only going to beat me up, but pull a knife and it’s attempted murder, right? Besides, you know it wouldn’t work, surely?”

The remaining two thugs who were still standing exchanged glances with their boss, who let out a long, pained sigh. “You seriously don’t know who the fuck you are messing with. That guy you called knows. The Inagawata-kai controls most of the families in the Kanto region. You think they’ll take this lying down?”

I bent down and helped Konoe-san up. She was looking at me in a mixture of wonder and terror, which made me fairly uncomfortable. Yeah, this is a far cry from beating up those street-punks before. She wasn’t forced to pay attention then, for one thing, so she didn’t take it all in. “So, is that an admission you are yakuza?” I asked loudly, for the benefit of our hidden microphones, and he scoffed, still clutching at his badly bruised hand.

“Hardly. But we do have connections. Everyone in the moneylending and adult services business do. And when the families involved find out you’ve been causing trouble, they’ll pay you a visit, and you won’t…” he paused as I kicked the desk, and the large structure quivered under my blow, thick, solid wood splintering. As it hit the ground with a crash, Konoe-san wasn’t the only one that jumped, the thugs and Matsuhide did too.

“Looks like I wasn’t the only one not listening to Sato-san.” I shook my head, irritated, knowing that there would be even more problems now. I doubt they’ll go after my family, not since they are quite some way from Tokyo, and even if they do, we have Fujiwara Security Services staff on hand, and Eri is more than capable of defending herself. Hopefully Aiko too soon. Even so, there are a lot of ways they could cause me trouble. Maybe it’s time to… “The last yakuza family that tried to interfere with anyone that I care about can tell you how well it went for them. Of course, you’d need to visit them in hospital or prison. Some nearly ended up in the morgue.”

Beside me, Konoe-san looked up at me when I said that, a little fear in her eyes, but I merely smiled back at her reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Konoe-san. I hate violence and only ever act in self-defence. But if those precious to me are threatened, I’ll show no mercy. So if the yakuza try anything, they’ll end up destroyed. Perhaps it’d be a good opportunity to disband them. Japan has no need of organised crime, now least of all.”

“How arrogant you are.” Matsuhide scoffed, as Konoe-san spoke shyly.

“Am I someone precious to you? I barely know you, yet you’ve saved me over and over again.” She shook her head, looking troubled. “I’m not worth it, you know.”

“Are you not?” I said, genuinely puzzled. My hand instinctively went to her head, rubbing her hair gently, and she froze. Oops, did it instinctively again. Still it’d be weirder to stop now. I’ll just pretend I didn’t notice. “Sure, I don’t know you that well at all, but firstly why do we need to have a reason to do good deeds? My sister, my girlfriends, my friends… if any of them were in dire straits I would hope and pray someone could help them. Besides, most importantly, you are precious to Shaeula. And anyone Shaeula cares about matters to me.”

Before I could answer, a message beeped on Matsuhide’s phone on the desk. He looked down, and on seeing the contents his eyes went wide. I see. A message saying a warrant is out for his premises and to hide evidence, huh. My eyes were easily good enough to read it from where I was standing. Before he could snatch his phone and delete the message I had it in my hands, though no-one could work out how, merely blinking, confused. “I’ll have that. I think a friend of mine might want to see this.” He made to rise but I kicked the desk once more, and he slumped down, defeated.

“But… I barely know Shaeula too.” Konoe-san said hesitantly. “And I’ve not been a good friend to her. She told me it didn’t matter and just to be better, but it does matter!”

“This probably isn’t the time for it, but Shaeula has recently discovered that some people who have cared for her for many years were working against her and wished her harm. So she values her bonds more than ever now. I get it, I do. Shaeula can be hard to understand. But I do understand she has a lot of love inside to share and craves affection and friendship, so just live with it and be friends. She’ll never let you go now.”

As the thugs exchanged glances, as if to say ‘why are they talking about this right now, have they forgot about us?’ there was a knock on the door, and a familiar voice called out. “This is the police. We have a search warrant for this building in relation to illegal loansharking, running prostitution, and coercion. Open up immediately and stay where you are!”

And here we go. Grinning I strode over to the door and opened it, none of my opponents daring to stop me. As the door clicked open, Detective Kato strode in, followed by Officer Usui, who had changed back to her suit, and a couple of other Officers I didn’t recognise. Shaeula followed them in, and on seeing me patting the flushed, tear-stained Konoe-san’s head she grinned slyly. Striding over she added her own head pats, while looking at me approvingly. “Well said, my Akio. I do indeed-indeed wish for friends I can trust.” She turned back to Konoe-san. “Now I know you have suffered, but was I not-not correct? Just rely on Akio, and he can and will resolve any problems you face. After all, he has destroyed all my fears and worries, one-one after another.”

“I think you might want this.” I tossed the phone I was carrying to the Detective. He caught it in surprise. “I saw a message flicker up about a warrant? I’m no policing expert, but I’d say someone tipped our guy here off about this. A shame it was too late and we were already here.”

“You can’t, I know my rights!” Matsuhide shouted, shocked at the series of events that had occurred one after another.

“He’s right.” The Detective nodded. “I’d need a separate warrant to investigate…” he began, but Shaeula, still comforting her friend, sneered. A flicker of green flashed, and the room was stirred by a gentle breeze.

“… hey, don’t do anything…” again the Detective tried to speak, but Shaeula waved him off.

“I am doing nothing wrong-wrong at all. I am merely going to ask this man very nicely to cooperate and allow you to access his phone. You will grant us access, will you not-not?” She glared at him, amber eyes full of anger at the one that had tormented her friend.

“Sure, I can do that.” He said. “The passcode is 4590.” He declared, his words a touch slow, and Officer Usui giggled. “You heard him, Detective. I heard and clearly recorded his consent.” All around us the thugs he had on staff, who were being handcuffed one by one, started to panic, but Shaeula ordered them to be quiet, and they did so, silenced. “Have you ever considered joining the Police?” the Officer continued. “You’d clear up the streets in no time.”

“I don’t think we should be encouraging her.” Detective Kato shrugged. Still, he had unlocked the phone, and on seeing the message he scowled. “Yeah, definitely a leak. To think we’d have rats within the Tokyo Police Departments. I’ve been very careful about who I informed of this, since it is well outside my usual wheelhouse, but even so… well, this evidence should help us root out corruption, so I guess I should be grateful.” He turned to Matsuhide. “So, who’s the mole and who does he report to? Well, I guess it could be a she too.”

“I think you want to answer every-every question the Detective has, to the best of your ability.” Shaeula warned, motes of jade and emerald springing to life around her, but luckily no-one was observing her, instead looking at Matsuhide. “I also wish to know-know where you keep your loan books, the details of the females you have tricked, and any further-further evidence of wrongdoing!”

“Yes, it was…” Matsuhide tried to struggle, his will holding firm for a moment, but the befuddling winds were too strong in Shaeula’s hands, so he confessed to two staff in the Criminal Investigation Bureau, one a ranking Officer. Detective Kato was shocked and disgusted. “Seriously? A serving Detective working for the yakuza on the side, revealing warrants and destroying evidence? We’ll need more than just your word, but cleaning up the force is a worthwhile pursuit.”

“So, where-where is the rest of the evidence?” Shaeula demanded, and Matsuhide fiddled with his desk, a hidden drawer sliding out, revealing the loan books and more. He then opened up a hidden safe in the floor, revealing further evidence and significant money, which Officer Usui bagged up. Idly flicking through the loan book, Detective Kato whistled dryly. “Your name is here, Konoe-san. You really got cheated. This is more than enough to put him away for loansharking. But harsher crimes also need stronger proof. Still… I think we have enough here. The money will have to be taken as evidence for now. You will likely get some back in due time, but…” he trailed off, uncomfortable, knowing how dire her finances were. “At least you don’t have to pay this slimeball anymore. Damn, seeing all these women’s names here and their fates really makes me want a smoke, but after my brush with death I gave up… ” he complained.

As Officer Usui collected the cameras and microphones, she winked at us. “Good job. With this we should be able to bust a lot of scum that prey on women and rescue the debtors. But your job here is done for now. Why don’t you go take a break? Poor Konoe-san looks wrung out. It must have been tough.” She commiserated.

“Yeah, you could use a break, right?” I stopped stroking her head and she nodded, still flushed. “Fine, we’ll go get some lunch. I worked up an appetite, legitimate self-defence is hungry work.” I then spoke to the Detective. “So, do you see the benefits and necessity of what I proposed?”

“I do, though I also see the dangers.” He eyed Shaeula with a mix of respect and wariness. “Times have changed though, and we need to change with them. First we need to root out corruption in the force, then destroy organised crime. Then from there… well, another day. I want to save the girls involved in this mess as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, some of them were friends of Konoe-san too, right?” At my words, she nodded, teary-eyed, Shaeula still comforting her. “In that case, we’ll leave you to it. Good luck!”


Twenty minutes later Konoe-san, Shaeula and I were sitting in the quiet corner of a rather nice café, enjoying some tea and sweets, though Konoe-san’s hands were still shaking, her teacup rattling. Even so, she managed a smile. “Thank you. Oshiro-san, Shaeula. I don’t deserve it, but at least my nightmare is over now, right? Well, I’m still out of money, but at least, at least…” she looked down, and I pretended not to see tears dripping from her eyelids once more.

“Yeah, depending on the number of victims and where the money is, you may not get it all back.” I looked at Shaeula and she nodded, bringing out her pretty orange purse. At that, Konoe-san’s eyes went wide.

“No, I can’t take anything more from you! I feel bad enough as it is. I’m always taking, not giving anything back! My pride can’t stand it!”

“Nonsense. As I said before, that does not-not matter to me.” Shaeula snorted, and I decided to interpret for her.

“Don’t let her brusque demeanour fool you. She’s overjoyed she’s able to help you. Besides, we will be away for another few days, dealing with some… difficult… business, so being able to help a friend puts her mind at rest.”

“Indeed! Akio is correct as always!” Shaeula leaned into me and I gave her a gentle kiss, stroking her hair. “So Ichika, take-take enough to at least pay back the friends you borrowed from. Perhaps it is not-not too late to save your friendships.”

“Fine.” Konoe-san sighed. “But I’ll pay you back, even if it takes me forever!”

“If that is what you need to do to feel-feel better, I have no objections.” Shaeula said, still snuggled in my arms, and Konoe-san, having taken a significant sum of money started laughing, relief finally breaking through her nerves and fears.

“It is. Honestly, I still feel awful. But better I feel awful and selfish than end up like the others.” She sighed. “But then you two really are very close. I’m surprised.” She bowed to us then. “Shaeula, Oshiro-san, no, Akio-kun, I guess?” At my nod, she smiled again, through the remains of her tears. “Shaeula, Akio-kun, this is three times you’ve saved me now. I’d be terribly ungrateful if I didn’t appreciate that. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you, Akio-kun, and I’m sorry I’ve been a bad friend. I’ll do better, I will! Though I am still shocked that Shaeula likes you so much when you have other women. I don’t get that.”

“Me neither.” I admitted. “But it’s similar to why you don’t understand why Shaeula sees you as such a close friend. She’s… hungry, I guess, for those bonds. I feel pretty shitty as a man, but I’ve come to accept it is the only way to make Shaeula, Eri and Hinata happy. I’ll never accept a girl they don’t like or want to be closer to. And I’ll make sure they live in joy forever, and any enemies who threaten them will be crushed. I swear it!” I clenched my fist, and Shaeula grinned, kissing me passionately, which was embarrassing in front of Konoe-san. I can call her Ichika-san now I guess too. And it looks like she’s also a bit mortified…

“Indeed.” Shaeula said as our lips parted, addressing the crimson Ichika-san. “I am glad-glad you realise what a fine male Akio is. I have no complaints, none-none at all. He supports me with my dreams and shows me great love, brings me friends and sisters one-one after another.” She then smirked. “If you are looking for a fine-fine male, why not ask Akio? I am sure you would find him pleasant indeed!”

As Ichika-san froze, her mind overheating at that proclamation, I rapped Shaeula on the head, apologising. “Don’t mind her, Ichika-san. She always does this with every cute, nice girl she knows. I wouldn’t say she’s only joking, but you should definitely pay her no mind.”

Shaeula pouted at me, rubbing her head, and Ichika-san only managed to warble out “Cute? Me?” before she rebooted. “Uh, never mind. I’m flattered, Shaeula, but… I’m off men for now. You understand, right? I was nearly forced into things I would never want to do. I’ll concede, Akio-kun seems a good one though, so as long as you are happy, I won’t even criticise him for unfaithfulness.”

“Fine. I do indeed understand.” Shaeula was once more snuggling in my arms. “Well, if you have any issues, feel free-free to return to the shrine, or seek aid from Karen. That will be fine, will it not-not, Akio?” she asked me, and I nodded.

“Yeah, it’d leave a really bad taste in my mouth if things went wrong for you now. I hope you can make up with your other friends, but when you do, please don’t neglect Shaeula, all right?”

“I won’t. I promise.” Ichika-san shook her head, hand still clutching a fistful of ten-thousand yen  bills. “Shaeula, Akio-kun, thanks again. I mean it. I never thought you could solve my problems, even risking going up against organised crime. Though it sounds like it isn’t your first time. I’m shocked.”

“Of course! Let me tell you about the many feats Akio has performed against our foes-foes!” Shaeula boasted, though she only told safe versions of the tales, which was good. Watching Shaeula and Ichika-san chatting, the tense and tragic situation resolved, I felt warm inside. Yeah, this is good. One issue is resolved, Detective Kato has seen what we can do, and now we can focus on the Myconids…


“Right, we might as well oversee the training school today.” I said to Shaeula after we returned in the evening, Ichika-san safely home. “And then we can go back to the lower Astral and start our attacks on the Myconids again.” I also need to check in with Ixitt, I hope he hasn’t caused Karen-chan too many problems today.

As I made to open the door to the training school, which was now fully finished, all construction completed and internal furnishings up to standard, I was beaten to it, the door swinging open revealing a resolute-looking Motoko-san, a nervous Natsumi-san beside her. I could also see Hinata and Kazumi-san, though they were keeping their distance, but on seeing me Hinata gave me a brilliant, happy smile and a thumbs-up, a gesture she must have copied from my sister or Shaeula, perhaps.

“Motoko-san, what’s up?” I asked, and she bowed, before asking me a question. “Akio-sensei. No, Akio. I would talk seriously with you, if I may? I hope you can do me this favour.” Beside her, Natsumi-san nodded, her face pleading.

Akio, huh? Not sensei anymore then. I see. This is going to be a difficult conversation. Still, I had made up my mind after Hinata, not to simply be bounced into things. “All right then. I have no problem having a talk.”

“I thank you.” Motoko-san bowed again. “If we could go somewhere private?”

“We can use our room on the top floor. Shaeula is coming too. And… will we need Hinata for this?” I asked, and Motoko-san nodded after some brief hesitation.

“Perhaps that would be for the best. After all, I have consulted with her on this matter, and she has a vested interest.”

“All right then. This way.” Yeah, it’s about us, isn’t it? Time to test my new resolve, I guess. But what… what do I want? No lying to myself, I’ll consider everything honestly, and after talking it through, we can decide together…

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