On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Seventy-Three / Side Eighty-Nine – Kudou Yasuhide

Two Hundred And Seventy-Three / Side Eighty-Nine – Kudou Yasuhide

The first to take the stage was Uchida-san, and he addressed everyone with a benevolent smile. “I am speaking to those of you in Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, and of course those of you who have no connection to the other factions.” He began, radiating confidence.

“We in Susanoo favoured keeping hold of what we had. Making aggressive moves when we had little power was considered risky and foolish, and so…” as he reiterated the stance of Susanoo, I started to think about what I wanted from this Conclave. Really, I thought I wanted the support of the shrines and temples, that it would be necessary. But… There were definitely reasons to have their support. Shrines in the Boundary could provide lesser kami who could bless us, increasing the level of Kami-Blessed, giving more bonus stats, and now that we had worked out the way to grant that class to others, it was a ready source of power, even for those who couldn’t level up. In addition, some of them might be worthwhile candidates for a Throne of Heroes, although I guess I’d rather bring more Fae to the Material first.

“… so I would implore you to support my goals, our goals. My son Yamato is blessed by Kannon, and mercy is sorely needed in this hard world. It is time for the shrines and temples to take back their place as the source of spiritual guidance for all of Japan.” He was continuing.

As Saionji-san smirked again, I continued my own line of thinking. Kiyomizu-dera also had a wonderful supply of light element, as well as a unique building. Plus it could allow the construction of better Defensive Emplacements, though I did have my hopes Haru-san could build them for me now, though without a source of light element I imagined it would be impossible. So the shrines are valuable in that regard, and there are more Candidates here… Yamato-san’s Golden Warriors would make excellent tanks, for one. Still, what matters, what makes one powerful in the world has changed…

It didn’t really matter how strong a person was before. A truly mighty fighter could be a boxer, martial artist, or some sort of gangster or yakuza, and they might make a decent living, be famous, but any thug with a gun could still kill them. And if there were those with powers like the shrines possessed before the advent of the recent changes, then they must have been far weaker than Candidates, else the world would surely have known about them. But now… My stats can resist a lot of weapons, but there are limits. Anti-tank rockets, missiles, bombs… all of those would still finish me… although, my League… Fortune, Foresight, Fate… those stats seemed the most mysterious, but one towered above them all. League. Mine had been steadily growing, and as it had massively jumped recently, I now felt… different.

“… we are grateful to Takakura-sama for supporting us through the nobility, and for the Imperial Family.” Uchida-san nodded to the Princess. “We needed the stability having the Imperial Family provides Japan, and without the nobility to protect our country financially and our traditions, more and more shrines would have been lost, especially during the occupation. They have their roles. But… those chosen by Japanese gods to save Japan should be under our aegis, be they part of an already established shrine or temple, or not. After all, we allowed the nobility control when it was purely a matter of money stabilising and protecting Japan, so now times have changed, it should be us…”

With my current League, it was as if some of the laws of the Material applied to me noticeably more loosely. I suspected now that small arms or being stuck by a speeding car wouldn’t even damage me, never mind my current stats. And perhaps… I could likely survive attacks that should kill me, even with the defences my body could muster, though I wasn’t eager to test that, as I would surely still incur significant damage, and if I was wrong I could easily die. What was true though was before, financial and military might were the supreme powers in the world. But now a single person could match that. Personal power, political power, money, Territory. Vassals and Heroes, troops and resources. Everything together makes true power… and those that don’t keep up… I returned my full attention to the speech Uchida-san was wrapping up.

“.. so if you agree that we should be taking the lead, a strong, powerful pillar amongst the three, then I urge you…” he eyed the opposition seats. “Stand behind Susanoo. And with your support, we shall lead Japan through faith!”

At that there was some gentle applause from the Susanoo benches, but only two people actually stood and moved, both from the neutral seats behind us. Chiyo-san and Bankei-san looked at them with some disdain, but even so, they joined the back of the Susanoo group.

“Well then, a… surprising opening.” Bankei-san announced. “Next, Saionji-san will speak.”


“I see my good friend and long-time rival Uchida-san…” there was some snickering from the crowd as he called Uchida-san a friend, and Yasuhide had to agree. The three of them had fought over their ideology for years, and there was little love, if some grudging respect, between them.

“… has decided to join Amaterasu at last. That was the sort of speech I’d have liked to give myself.”

He’s not wrong. Susanoo were all about remaining hidden and quiet, continuing to preserve what we had. A noble goal, though sometimes I would have liked to go further, leaving a better legacy for my children and grandchildren. His son was at the front of the Tsukuyomi benches, as he ran his own smaller temple in Kyoto, and also Shiori was there. Shiori, my precious granddaughter. His son and daughter-in-law always mocked him about how he doted on the girl, but if an old man couldn’t cherish his cute granddaughter, what could he do?

Gin continued, his tone slightly mocking. “So it would be churlish of me to pick apart what he has said, considering it aligns so neatly with my own interests. Although… why would anyone wish to be led by someone who has done such an about-face in their ideology, merely because circumstances have changed?” His smile warped to a triumphant grin. “Surely Amaterasu is the wisest course, considering we have advocated for this even when the situation wasn’t favourable. We are no flighty weathervanes, but true believers!”

Ren looked furious at the mockery from Gin, but it was hardly unwarranted. He’s right. If both sides are the same, then what separates them? Logically it makes more sense to support Amaterasu, just looking at it like that, but… His gaze strayed back to his granddaughter, who was also at Conclave, though he had to bend the rules a little to include her. I want her to be a part of everything that takes place here. After all, this is monumental, it will shape the future of everything. And now…

“But of course, if it simply comes down to being Chosen, then as you now know, I am as well.” Gin’s smile turned vicious. “And with Akai, who is far more impressive than those Golden Statues…” he paused for dramatic effect. “… and with the fact that I am Chosen by Avalokiteshvara, of which Kannon is but another facet or avatar…” at that there was a muted buzz around the room, and the Uchida boy, Yamato-kun, he looked shocked and angry. “… well, I would be picking up those chairs and moving them over to my side.”

Some did move then, a handful of Susanoo from the rear of their block, as well as a number of his own supporters. Holding in his disquiet, Yasuhide knew it was to be expected. The time of neutrality is over, I suppose. Before, checks and balances were needed, but the situation has changed. But what is still needed is a voice of restraint, to not let power overcome our good sense. As Gin basked in the pleasure of starting to win over his opponents, even if only a barest handful had joined him, Yasuhide had his thoughts and attention elsewhere, on the group in the neutral seats. Akio-kun, huh? Well, he is a wildcard indeed. Perhaps his support will be enough to overturn the disadvantage Susanoo has, trying to take Amaterasu’s position. If he were so inclined to give it… Though judging by his position in the neutral seats, that was hardly a foregone conclusion.

I’ve spoken to Shiori at length, of course. It seems he is a hard man to grasp. Apparently he is quite close to the nobles, and is even pledged to marry some of their daughters. And from what she has heard, he was rather pushed into it, and struggles to say no. Yet… Engetsu-san and the others who had ventured into the realm of the spiritual with him painted an entirely different picture of him. He was confident, aggressive and eager to profit. Through to be fair to the boy, he did make sure to benefit us as well. That speaks well of him.

Hearing about how he had destroyed a powerful Yokai with ease, Yasuhide realised his strength was abnormal. None of the other Chosen of the Gods he knew of were able to produce such feats, though the showing from the boy Yamato-kun and that Phoenix of Gin’s was certainly very impressive. Coupled with his ability to strengthen others… it is no wonder he is confident to the point of bordering on arrogance, yet he seems to have not lost all reason… the Night Parade…

To think that it had been seen so clearly. The description, and knowing it was roaming Kyoto even now, was enough to make Yasuhide shiver. To think, my son and Shiori will have to face this eventually, as the world of the spiritual grows…

“Uchida-san has so eloquently…” more mockery from Gin. “… explained as to why we need to control those the Gods of Japan have chosen. This Ministry Takakura-sama is invested in sounds a good idea, though I do believe it should be us running it, as it matches our expertise. With support from our good friends in nobility and business, of course. After all, if the Lady Diviner…” he bowed to the silently watching woman politely. “… warns us of disaster, it would be a betrayal of the Gods and kami we have served for more than a millennium to squabble long enough for disaster to reach us. So, let me be plain as to why it should be me in charge of directing us all.”

He's reaching. Takakura-sama looks rather displeased. He favours a mix of heavyweight political figures, nobility, faithful and a representative from the Imperial Family, perhaps even Princess Mikasa herself. And I find it hard to find fault with that. But again… Takakura-sama was very keen that Akio-kun was involved in a high position, and a lot of the ideas had been apparently been provided by the boy, although obviously they were preliminary and subject to change.

“To stave off disaster, and other countries, who will no doubt eye our protected and still standing legacy of faith, we need strength!” Gin declared boldly. “You saw the display of might from Yamato-kun.” At the way he was addressed by Gin, the Ren’s boy frowned, displeased, but that expression was nothing compared to how he looked a moment later, as Gin continued.

“It was not pathetic, that is certain. However, can you imagine what I can do, as a Chosen of Avalokiteshvara, who stands above and encompasses Kannon? Now, I’m not claiming they are the… same.” Gin continued to push his advantage. “After all, I am quite knowledgeable on matters of faith, and some Greek and Roman gods who are technically the same being, seem to be separate entities, able to offer their divine favour. So likely Kannon is too.” He looked at Yamato-kun with mocking kindness. “But there are hierarchies, are there not?”

I am not Chosen, probably as the kami do not wish to waste their precious blessings on an old man like me, but… I know those in my faction. And from looking around… There could still be those who hadn’t revealed themselves, but those that had were smiling wryly or shaking their heads in denial. I have heard that a strong God doesn’t necessarily give the strongest blessings. It depends on the person and other hidden factors. And if one should know… He turned his attention to Akio-kun once more, using his experience as a way to gauge the truth of such things…


“So, how does it feel-feel to be the same as that male?” Shaeula teased Haru-san as Saionji-san spoke about his Candidacy.

“Don’t be mean, Shaeula.” Eri whispered. “He is pretty annoying though.” She conceded. Eri had been embarrassed about going up in front of such a huge audience, and when she had returned, she had worried over ruining such an old building. Now she was directing her anger elsewhere. “Power. Hierarchies. He’s just a frog in a well.” Eri sniffed, getting a cackle from Shaeula, loud and drawing attention.

Yes, Kudou-san is looking at me. I’ve noticed his gaze a few times. I had a reasonably good impression of Kudou-san and his faction, they seemed quite willing to work with others. Of course, thanks to Hikawa-san I was close to Susanoo, but Yamato-san was a bit… well, arrogant. Just like Saionji-san. They are quite similar. Power, huh? That aligned with my thoughts from earlier. Power, personal and spiritual, it was definitely a factor in the new world that was coming. But if we let power decide alone, then that bastard Kondou Kazuo would have been an important figure. No, power and wisdom, character too. All are important. Besides…

My Eye flared orange, and this time I made no effort to hide the glow. I could see the level of aether within Saionji-san, and I had to admit it wasn’t any weaker than Yamato-san’s. Depending on what skill his divine favour gives, he can’t be dismissed, but…

Haru-san shook her head beside me. “I may be chosen by Kannon, but… I don’t think I’m like the others. I’m weak, I know it. Scared. But…” she clenched one fist. “… I’m not alone. And I’m stronger than I was. And I’ll continue to grow.”

“That’s right.” Eri affirmed. “That’s why you should lead, Akio. You don‘t just care about your own strength, you want us all to be strong too, and can make that happen.”

“Indeed. Though I suspect that you would feel-feel Akio should rule, even were he weak, would you not-not?” Shaeula laughed loudly again, drawing more eyes. Eri flushed, yet she still nodded boldly.

“But he isn’t, so why bring that up? You’re the same, right Shaeula?” As they bickered, I could see amusement on the features of Kudou-san and Bankei-san, though the others up there were either unreadable or annoyed.

One thing is true though. I do feel I’m qualified, if not to lead, then to be heavily involved. That’s why I’ve been involved in the Ministry, in setting new laws. After all, I have a lot of knowledge through Shaeula and others… I was no politician, but I had allies who were. I met the eyes of Takakura-san, who nodded, reassuring me.

“I am strong, my faction is strong, and we have the greatest number of those like Akai with us, as well as more of those blessed by the kami.” Saionji-san continued. “It isn’t just a matter of which shrines are influential, which temples are wealthy. No, now any shrine can become a place of wonder, the centre of the new world. But earlier, a true point was made. There are many more Chosen out there in Japan than are here. We have some honoured guests.” He nodded at us, and I returned a slight, non-committal smile. “All of us leaders have had the opportunity to meet with Oshiro-san, who has come to the meeting today. His insights have been valuable in understanding those who do not have a background of faith. We saw the girl, did we not?” he nodded at Eri too. “She has grown through his assistance. So let me say this. If you all support me, I will endeavour to bring in Oshiro-san to our side, and all of you will be able to regain the powers you once possessed, and can all grow like that girl has.”

I was stunned for a moment. What? I never agreed to that. We never even discussed it. The cheeky bastard…

Beside me, Eri frowned, her hand opening and closing, as if she wished she was holding her axe, and Shaeula looked ready to unleash some wind-weasels, so I needed to do something, before the situation took a problematic turn…


Yasuhide was watching Gin speak, impressed by his persuasive power. He has always been a decent speaker, but now… it is as if his words resonate with me. Everything just seems so persuasive. A small number of people were slowly, shyly moving seats, quietly so as not to be noticed, peeling off from the back of their factions, including his own. Well, it makes sense, unfortunately. Our factions are not a monolith, and there are plenty of shrines and temples that are only in a faction for that feeling of belonging, or are even dissatisfied with us.

Listening to Gin talk about the strength of Amaterasu, it was undeniable. They were the strongest, if you simply took their Chosen and spiritual beings at face value. However… One of his and one of Ren’s is under Akio-kun. And I am aware of another, from Takakura-sama. Knowing that a daughter of one of the most powerful nobles in Japan was Chosen was a huge shock, but to find that she was actually under Akio-kun… that girl beside him is another. Alone, he commands almost as many as Susanoo does, and as for his spiritual beings…

The girl in the kimono was powerful. Yasuhide could feel it even without being Chosen, relying purely on his experience, and there was the maid, a giant troll, and more. As Gin talked about power being the surest reason for him to be preferred over Ren, he found himself agreeing, until his mouth dropped open in surprise, as Gin made a final pitch to everyone.

Wait, I know Akio-kun met with Gin before this meeting, and I know how powerful his ability to strengthen others is. Did he come to an agreement with Gin? If so, Amaterasu would be… his racing thoughts were halted as he noticed Akio-kun looking rather stunned, and the angry faces of the women with him. No, it seems that he is as surprised as we are. Even so… The hall was erupting into another uproar, with many people talking over each other. Gin watched with a keen eye, before clapping his hands, a halo of glimmering violet energies forming around him, almost seeming to look at everyone, piercing through them, and Yasuhide was no exception, shivering at the intrusive yet rapturous sensation. Is… is this the touch of Avalokiteshvara?

“Everyone should be calm.” Gin declared, and it was hard not to listen to his words, they had a powerful persuasiveness. “I confess to not having finished my negotiations with Oshiro-san yet, but it isn’t a bad deal, is it?” he smiled, confident, and Yasuhide found himself nodding. Yes, it seems Amaterasu can offer the most

It was then Akio-kun stood, striding to the front. Murmurs went around at his insolence at the interruption, but the look in his eyes was cold and hard, as steely as the grey colour they were. He looked at Takakura-sama, who managed a nod of approval after shaking his head slowly to clear it. The Diviner shifted as well, and suddenly Yasuhide found his mind clearing, as though moonlight was washing away his confusion. He turned, only to see her incline her head in acknowledgement, her veil shifting slightly.

This old man is ashamed. Fancy letting myself get swayed by his honeyed words. The halo of deep violet light was still sparkling above, glimmering stars within, and it was drawing the gaze of many, but Akio-kun barely spared it a glance, before he stood next to Takakura-sama, taking his microphone. He drew in a deep breath, then spoke, and his words echoed over the hall, pulling everyone’s attention to him instantly.

“I am Oshiro Moonstone Akio, and I felt it important to speak. After all, it seems like my aid is being requested. It would have been nice to know about this beforehand.” His voice was cold, yet even so, it was captivating. The Diviner drew in a long breath, and Princess Mikasa was hiding her face. He seems angry. I see…

“Well, we did not have long to talk, did we?” Gin said reasonably. “But tell me, Oshiro-san. It isn’t a bad deal, is it? And together, we can easily chart the best path for the faith.”

“Oh? You think so? Well, perhaps that’s the case.” Akio-kun said, and Gin seemed to relax a little, before he continued. “… but, let me tell you what I think…”

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