On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Sixty-Eight

Two Hundred And Sixty-Eight

On returning to the ryokan, despite it being early, everyone was up and getting ready for the big day. I was greeted by my father, who surprisingly enough didn’t seem hungover. On seeing my gaze, he looked down, a little embarrassed, which was a surprise.

“Daughter-in-law Shaeula used her ability to cleanse me of the hangover.” He admitted, but I was just happy that he was accepting Shaeula as his daughter. I could see her behind him, giving me a triumphant smile. She was in a kimono rather than a yukata, one we had brought with us, a rather fetching white and pink one, and instead of wearing her hair long it had been expertly pinned up with expensive hair sticks, giving her a rather mature air, despite her delicate appearance.

As I admired her, my mom and Auntie came out, talking to Marika-san’s mother, and the three of them were dressed up too. “It’s… a bit weird, but… you all look good.” I said, surprised.

“Well, I’ve always been fascinated by the cosplay this country has a tradition of.” My mom said, doing a twirl in the shrine maiden outfit she was wearing, though from the cut and the material you could see it was expensive and custom-made, not merely cosplay. “We don’t really do it back in the UK.”

“I think we are too old for it.” Auntie Hana complained, but she looked good in it, if you asked me. When I said that, she gave me a flat look. “No need to flatter me, little Aki. Save your flattery for Eri. And I suppose the others.”

It was then that Marika-san came out, her shrine maiden attire looking great on her, very natural. She was with my sister, Eri and Kana. On seeing me, my sis grinned. “Well, look who’s back. Looks like I got to use your private room after all. We had quite the sleepover didn’t we, and we were all in the baths together, Marika-chan, Keomi-chan and Kana-chan’s friends too. You missed out, bro!”

“Not entirely.” Aliyah observed sourly from behind me, stifling a yawn. “Hey, I know we’re trained to stay up all night on operation, but seriously, can’t Trey and I grab a few hours? Travis and Manx can take over.” She nodded at the two, who were already suited up and standing in the corners, keeping an eye on things.

“Sure. Conclave doesn’t start yet, although some of us will be busy before that.” I haven’t had any sleep myself, but I can do without due to my stats, and it’s even easier with my Split Thoughts skill, as I can rest half of my mind while keeping the other half active. It was a godsend, as I had too much to do and there weren’t enough hours in the day, although sleep was still very satisfying, especially if it was with those I cherished.

As if reading my mind, Eri giggled. “Well, I did have fun. We didn’t get back until late. Mother and father were upset, but I did point out if anyone tried to harass us, Aiko and I could beat them up. I missed you there though Akio. Not just me, too.”

At that Kana flushed a little, and clenched her fists as if hyping herself up for something. I could see her family, also impeccably dressed in shrine attire, Nagi-san looking more comfortable in it than mom or auntie Hana, and their expressions were mixed. Nagi-san had an amused smile, while her father and grandfather looked troubled.

“Hey, Akio? Can I have a minute?” she asked, and I had a bad feeling. Is it… that?

“Sure.” I said, resigning myself. This is likely all my fault, anyway.

“Great.” she said, face red. “So, uh… Akio. I’ve been thinking this for a while, and you know, I think.. no, that’s not right. To be honest, I know how I feel now, and so I was hoping… no, asking really, if…” her words were coming out alternatively rapid and sluggish, and she looked incredibly nervous, so I decided to help her out.

“Sorry Kana. I… well I know what you want to say, and I’m flattered, I really am. You’re a really cute girl, and I like your self-confidence, but right now, I just…” I realised everyone was looking at me, amused expressions on their faces. My sis broke the silence by guffawing loudly, and Eri was shaking her head. Wait, am I wrong?

Kana took a deep breath to calm herself down, forcing a smile. “Hey, Akio. You really have some confidence, to think every girl you meet likes you and wants to go out with you. You’ve changed a lot since the first time I’ve met you.”

Oh, so I am wrong? I felt relief, but also a treacherous little thorn of disappointment. Kana’s right. I have changed, despite having so many girls, a part of me still wanted Kana. And why not? I do like her personality. I think she’s the sort other girls hate, but she’d be popular with boys… “Oh I see. So then, what…” I began, only for her to cut me off.

“Still, you aren’t wrong. I do like you Akio. A lot.” She said, and I stopped, stunned. Wait, what?

“Yes, I like you.” Kana repeated, her face crimson, but her expression was resolved. “But… well, I’m no beggar, no weak-willed girl who needs to ask for crumbs from your table, Akio. I’m not going to ask you to date me, or anything like that.” She took a deep breath, resolving herself. “I’m Izumi Kana! I’m the most beautiful girl in our whole neighbourhood! At least until you others turned up, but I still don’t lose!” Shaeula and Eri snickered at that. “I have my pride. And I want to be doted on, loved, cherished. I could live with having Eri-chan, Shaeula and the others as my rivals. In fact, they are the only girls worthy enough to match me!”

“What about us, Kana-chan?” Mio-san said, earning a glare from Kana and more giggles from the other girls.

“Ask him out if you think you are worthy. I’ll laugh when he shoots you down though.” Kana said to her, before turning back to me. “What I can’t accept is having to beg for scraps and force you into it, using your guilt and the fact you are a total pushover to pretty girls. I totally could.” She bent over, appealing to me with her body wrapped in red and white hakama, and I swallowed. Yeah, Kana is already beautiful, and judging by her mother, she’ll only grow more so as she matures.

“I’m not saying that’s wrong. I know you were being dense as hell when it came to Eri-chan and Shaeula, so they had to take drastic measures. As for the noble girls, well, what chance did they have? From talking to them I can see they don’t know anything about men or dating. This way was probably better, and I’m sure they’ll be happy.” She smiled. “You’ll make sure of it, right? I get that. Damn, it’s one reason I like you. Ordinary guys, posers, they say stuff like I’ll look after you or leave it to me but you actually do it. Against anything.” Her smile was genuine and wistful. “Ever since I first saw you with my useless gift I hated, my life has been a rollercoaster, but… it’s always going upwards.”

I wasn’t sure what to say to that, but I knew I shouldn’t interrupt, as Kana was genuinely speaking from the heart here. As she continued, I forgot everyone else around us was watching, and I was drawn into her speech.

“I like you. I do. But I have trouble liking myself at times, you know? At first I was jealous of Eri-chan. Apparently we are similar.” More giggles at that from my sis. “But…” Kana continued. “… she had everything I wanted. Now I realise she actually did earn it. With her own determination. Even if she did rely on you being unable to say no to her!” she smirked, but I could see a hint of bitterness there still. “That’s not for me though. Even if you were single, I think… I think I’d want, no need you to be the one chasing me. My pride won’t stand for less. So, Akio…”

“…yes?” I said, overwhelmed by her intensity.

“… I do like you. Hell, who am I kidding? I think…  no, I know it’s more than like. But that isn’t what’s important. What is… is I’ve decided. I’m going to take over Shirohebizumi shrine, and become a true shrine maiden, one with power and who is able to stand by your side in the new world that’s coming. I’m tired of just being a pretty girl who has nothing but her looks. I’m not that shallow! So Akio, please…” she bowed to me then. “… train me. I’ll learn, no matter what it takes. So take me with you today!”

So, uh… that was a confession, but it sort of sounded like she was also turning me down, too? I’m a bit confused. Still, training, huh… “Kana. Are you sure? I think learning how to be strong is good, and I mean to train everyone at the school. But going beyond that, to the level of Eri or my sis… it’s gruelling. It’s painful. And when I invest that much effort in you, I can’t let you go, afterwards.”

“Was that you asking me out?” she joked, before shaking her head. “No, I know it wasn’t. Seriously, for a guy as smart as you, you can be incredibly dumb at times. I said it. I’ll stand by your side. So train me. I don’t like hard work and I’m scared of pain. But I’m scared of being a loser, a nobody, even more…”

“Fine then.” I reached out a hand, and she took it. “Welcome to the team. I’m glad to have you here.”

“Great.” Kana shook my hand. “By the way, I like you. I’m not lying. But I’m not an easy girl. I’m not going to sit here pining for you, wasting away. If somebody catches my eye, you might find even if you ask me out down the line, it’ll be too late.” She grinned fiendishly. “After all, I’m a beauty, and when I’m one of your disciples, I’ll be even more desirable a catch. You might hate it, as if I’m by your side and all over another guy, you’ll surely regret it.” She winked.

Maybe I will, but… I liked Kana a lot, but I didn’t love her, and I had enough on my plate. For right now… “Well, maybe I’d deserve that. Anyway, better get your things together then Kana. We have work to do before Conclave.”

Kana clicked her tongue, irritated. “You know, with that momentum, I was sure you’d confess your feelings for me. Oh well, I hate being beaten. Fine.” With that she hurried off, her friends following, alternatively congratulating and commiserating, leaving me in an awkward position.

“Well, my daughter is certainly stubborn.” Nagi-san observed. “But… well, you’ll continue to take care of her, right Akio-kun?”

“I will. Even if it’s only as a trusted friend and ally.” I answered, earning an amused look in return.

“Only, huh? Well, Kana can be quite stubborn as you can see, but I think she knows how to get what she wants from boys.” Nagi-san gave a little giggle. “Though for now… I’d appreciate it if you made sure Kana was strong, like the other girls.” She looked at Eri and Shaeula. “My daughter is right. The world has changed.”

“It has.” I declared, glad the drama was over. “And to that extent, Conclave.”

We went through the details with everybody. The first day was split into two sessions. Each shrine and temple would have one representative in the main hall of Kyoto Imperial Palace, where the faction leaders, Kudou-san, Uchida-san, Saionji-san and Bankei-san would be, along with Takakura-san representing the nobility, and Princess Mikasa the Imperial family. Another princess huh? And it feels a bit more real than Shaeula, not that I’d ever tell her that. The Diviner will be there too, Matsumuro Tsukiko. Perhaps… I’ll be able to find out more. But first, light element…

I and Haru-san would be allowed as guests, and some rare shrines were allowed a second entry. Those with kami brought to this world, or where their Candidate wasn’t the main person in charge. I would be taking Shaeula, while Haru-san was bringing along Eri. The two kami, Shirohebi and the jade beetle, they were also going to attend this session, and were richly dressed and an impressive sight, currently.

There was a series of secondary sessions, where other shrine personnel and related parties would be attending, for networking and faction politicking, and this is where Aiko, my family and the other trainees would be mingling. With Grulgor and Hyacinth to prevent problems, it should be safe for them, and we could expand our influence and make new allies.

As I explained this, my father frowned. “So, we can spread news of this Chirurgery safely, and talk about daughter-in-law Hyacinth and the others?”

At his words of acceptance, Hyacinth giggled madly, and I was once more struck at how my father was being far more accepting than I had expected, or even hoped for. Correctly interpreting my thoughts, father sighed. “It is not the time to talk about family matters here, but… I know you are serious, son. I may not approve, but I know you are doing your best, and even the law will recognise that in due course. Besides…” he looked at Kana’s family, who he had come to know. “… even their daughter understands. So leaving that aside, you are sure?”

“Yes. This is one reason why we developed the training school, to show what we can do and how we can benefit people. As for bringing spiritual beings here, the kami will be revealed, and others know how to do it already. So we need to show we have more and can do it better.” I grinned proudly. I had two Thrones at Rank 2, which I doubted anyone else could boast yet. “So go out there, mingle and win people over. I intend to offer some Chirurgery as examples to Kudou-san’s faction, the neutral shrines under Bankei-san, and possibly the others, if they play ball. But if you see anyone we want to make alliance with, feel free to sweeten the deal. A bit of bribery greases the wheels.”

“Oshiro-san…” Kikuchi Shuta-san said diffidently. “You have not forgotten you are to meet with Saionji-sama before the Conclave begins?”

“No.” I promised. “I’ll have a little time so I’ll do it. But… before that.” I looked at Eri and my sis, as well as Marika-san. “It’s time to get training.” I grinned at Kana who had emerged from her room, and I tried not to notice she had washed her face, her eyes looking puffy. “Kana, I hope you are ready. It's time for the Kyoto training camp!”


“So, what are you doing here, Yamato-san?” I asked. “Shouldn’t you be preparing for Conclave?”

“I could ask you the same question.” He replied, a little irritated. “My father is head of our faction, so of course as the glorious Chosen of Kannon I need to show my support and power. But… I had promised you aid for your welcome assistance last night, so here I am.”

“Me, like… I don’t have much to do at all.” Mine-san said, her partly-shaved blonde hair and numerous piercings making her look totally inappropriate for the upcoming Conclave. “So I thought I’d tag along, and like… show my support for Yamato-sama!”

“Also… you are quite cautious around us, aren’t you?” Yamato-san eyed Hyacinth, Shaeula and Grulgor, who had accompanied us. There was also a nervous-looking Ren-san and the twins, who were seemingly overawed by the exalted company. “I cannot in good conscience allow you entry to my Territory unaccompanied. It would be extremely foolish. Though you would struggle to enter without my assistance.”

“Well, I can’t argue with that.” Yeah, Shaeula and I could break in, I’d imagine, but the others… “Taking precautions is wise. That’s fine, just… we’ll be busy doing some tough training, so don’t interrupt unnecessarily, all right? We need to get this done so we can focus on Conclave.”

I saw a gleam of curiosity in his eyes, but he nodded. “Very well then. I have prepared a somewhat nicer room for you to venture in from.”

“We appreciate it.” I thanked him, before we entered the room with more bedding set up. “All right. Grulgor, you stand watch first, and I might have you change with Hyacinth if this drags on. Anyway, in we all go.”

Once we were all inside the impressive Territory of Kiyomizu-dera, with the shimmering azure energies of light element dancing all around us, the air thick with it, I gathered everyone up. Ren-san and the twins were looking around in wonder at the fantastically splendid architecture, Marika-san too.

As Yamato-san and Mine-san joined us, watching over us from a distance, not interfering, I gathered everyone into a circle. “All right. This is an opportunity for everyone. We want to try and gain access to the light element, as well as try out some ideas I’ve been having on how I can improve our ability to learn skills. So, before I begin…”

“Hey bro.” my sis interrupted me. “Can I ask for something?”

“Sure, go ahead.” I sighed.

“Don’t be like that bro, I know you love scoring points with me.” She smiled. “I… well, I want to learn Chirurgery. You think you can help with that?”

“Really? But without Eyes it’s going to be hard to use well.” I clarified, but she was resolute.

“I know. But bro… Kana-chan isn’t the only one who knows what she wants.” She teased Kana, who looked down, blushing a little. “I want to be someone who deals with the body, both physical and magical. I’m going to be the foremost physical and magical personal trainer in the world!” she boasted.

Really? Well, that’s… quite the goal. “All right. I’ll see what I can do.”

My sis leapt over and hugged me. “Cheers bro, you are the best!”

“I know, I know.” I laughed. “Now, off you get. We have work to do.” As I disentangled myself from my clingy sister, I looked over to Ren-san. “So, you’ve been working on filling the mirror with sunlight, right?”

At my words, Ren-san looked exhausted, but he nodded. “I’ve been working hard, I promise. It’s become a little easier.”

“Ren-sama has been putting in the effort, Akio-sama.” One twin said. Chiasa, I think.

“Yes, Ren-sama knows he shouldn’t disappoint you, Akio-sama.” The other agreed.

“Great. well, you two are integral to this plan as well. But for now… everyone, just try and pull in the smallest amounts of light element you can, and see how it feels. You, Ren-san, you can guzzle in as much as you are able and fill the mirror with sunlight for now. Haru-san, you’re with me.”

As everyone started following my instructions, Shaeula watching over them to perform Ether Healing if their networks started suffering damage from rampant light energies, I brought Haru-san off to one side. “All right. you’ve been practising. Use your Blessing of Sharing Light and Telepathy to link with me. Without showing me anything troubling, all right?” I smiled gently.

“I… all right.” She swallowed nervously, before extending a gold and blue glow outwards and into me The experience was awkward, my body trying to fight against the intrusion, but I relaxed and allowed it in.

How is it? Can you hear me?

To the voice echoing a bit fuzzily in my brain, I responded. “Yes, I can. Good job. But can you show me what you see?”

That’s a little harder, but.. give me a minute. There were a series of strange sounds and flashing lights in my vision, before I found myself seeing myself as if in a mirror, overlaid on what I could already observe. It was extremely discomforting, but as I separated out my thought streams with Split Thoughts it became much easier. “Okay, that’s good. Now I’ll send to you, is that all right?”

I asked for consent, knowing that Haru-san had suffered greatly with the fear her gifts meant she was going mad. Still, she gave it, and after a short while we could pass images back and forth. “Great, now… for the hard part. This… is going to be tough on you, but it’ll be great training. I’m asking again, are you willing to do this?”

I’m your vassal and you brought me home. Of course I am.

“Yeah, but you’re a vassal, not a slave. If it ever gets too tough…”

No, I want to be strong and brave, like you, like the others. Seeing a girl younger than me be so bold… I’d be ashamed if I couldn’t match up. I have a dream too. One day I’ll head the entire new Ministry!

That’s a great dream. I know she’ll make it happen.

… … …

“Oh, you could hear that? Oops…”

Yes. I’m not a child, I am as old as you. Looking down on me in your thoughts, I find it somehow very annoying…

“My bad. well then… time to put the twins to use.” I approached the two, who were concentrating on pulling in the surrounding energies. “All right, you two. I’ve explained what I want, but… can you do it?”

They exchanged glances, before nodding. “Yes, I believe we can, Akio-sama.” “Even if we can’t, we’ll somehow manage, Akio-sama.” They said together.

“Good girls.” I approved. “Well then, it’s time to begin.” Haru-san extended her awareness to the two girls, light energy flowing into them. It was as if multiple people were talking at once, but that quickly settled down, as the twins were experienced with their own telepathic bond.

Akio-sama, Haru-sama, I can hear you both.

Yes, I can too, sister. It’s strange. It was always just us before, but now…

As we talked back and forth with our minds, we started sharing images and our vision, and a few minutes later we were ready. I clapped my hands, and everyone gathered around. Yamato-san and Mine-san were watching curiously as we huddled up.

“All right then.” I said. “Time to bring you all into the link. It’ll be confusing and stressful at first, but when all our minds and thoughts are connected, we can use each other’s experiences and knowledge to train each other.” I dropped my voice to a barest whisper. “Yamato-san hasn’t been using the light energy here properly. This’ll be our only chance to drain dry all that’s built up over time.” My smile was wicked, and several people laughed. “In addition to learning light element, we may have some time to improve a few other skills, though we can’t linger, as Conclave is later today. So, is everyone ready?”

At their nods, Haru-san began to extend out feelers of her empathic light, bringing people into the circle. At first some panicked, while others shared thoughts that perhaps they shouldn’t have. Careful sis, I don’t need to know about what you lot talked about last night…

As more and more voices were talking in wonder, the strain on Haru-san and the twins was starting to tell, but I took more and more of the weight onto my Split Thoughts, acting as a sort of control tower for them. Eventually, the last, Ren-san was brought into the circle, and now no words were necessary, only thoughts.

Wow, this is crazy!

My sis had got used to the telepathy quickly after her initial embarrassment.

Calm down, Aiko! You should be used to strange things now! Eri chided her.

Yes, you should not-not be shocked. Though I must say, this does feel a little like the Fae way of bonding, though… less-less intimate. That does remind me… Shaeula shut her thoughts down, though Kana, my sis and some others seemed to be hearing her, because they looked excited.

Trust Shaeula to master it quickly.

So, what do we do now, Akio-sama? That was Marika-san, the youngest here and still quite nervous, though pride at her being chosen for this was also present.

“Right, yes.” I said out loud, as Yamato-san was getting restless, watching us in our silent, eerie circle. “Haru-san and Ren-san will lead. Draw in light element and show us how it’s accumulated and used. Ren-san will also show us how he converts it into his mutated element, sunlight. Then… then I’ll give it a try. Hopefully between us all sharing our thoughts and feelings we can learn how to use it.”

“Really, that works?” Mine-san asked. “Yamato-sama, like… can I give it a try?”

He nodded, sourly, and Mine-san shut her eyes, drawing in a little of the light. I hope she doesn’t hurt herself too badly. Oh well, we can heal her if we need to, and she already owes me a favour, so…

Haru-san and Ren-san were pulling in the light around them, and their thoughts were flowing into our minds. I opened my Eye, as did Shaeula with hers, and we shared our vision of what was happening inside them. The strain on people’s minds was harsh, so I started releasing Ether Healing to everyone, soothing their pain and stabilising them.

Thank you. That wasn’t nice. Marika-san spoke for everyone. Even so, it was fascinating seeing the light energies pool around the Third Eye, when suddenly my sister spoke.

“You know what, I think… I get it! Seeing a success, feeling a success! Your sis has this, bro! Watch and learn!”

She suddenly started pulling in a large amount of light, while not forgetting to share her emotions and senses. I could see the flow with my eyes, moving past her chakras, some of the energy pulled away as it passed the heart, swirling around her lunar chakra. The main flow passed the throat, where suddenly we felt a spike of emotion. Dark jealousy flooded the bond for a moment, before my sis clamped down on her mind. Wow, sorry about that. It just leaked out. I’m totally not jealous of Eri, or Shaeula, no way! I’m stuck at a piddly level nine, and… ugh, forget it. So embarrassing. I’d better succeed now or this totally won’t be worth the shame…

As the flow reached her third eye, it began to coalesce, although a little continued up towards her crown. Suddenly the emotions over the bond changed, love, joy, compassion… all these strange emotions were generated, and my sister was turning red with embarrassment at having her emotions interpreted by us all. Though within the positive, there’s also…

Yes, Hyacinth feels it toooooo. In light, there is sooome darkness, and in the darkness, light. Hyacinth… I understand as well! She also began to draw in large quantities of light, though as the light reached her throat it began to clash with the blue darkness there, and emotions cascaded through the telepathic bond, fragmentary and dark. Hatred. Yet hatred is not always bad, as one can hate evil and injustice. Anger. Righteous anger is a thing. Jealousy and envy. Yes, Hyacinth was jealous and envious of the life she lost, those who had the life she wanted, but… it gave her the opportunity to change.

I knooow… light and dark, two sides of the same coooin. Aiko told me, Hyacinth was not Seelie or Unseelie, Hyacinth is simply me! Poison can be used tooo save, like we did at the Spring, and looove can lead to great evil, like the Dark Queen!

Yes, love can turn to a need to dominate and possess. Pride comes before a fall. Charity can quickly turn to superiority. Good emotions taken to excess cause just as much harm as those we consider bad. Darkness and light, yin and yang… I too started drawing in the light energy around us. It was fortunate so much had built up around the shrine over time, but Yamato-san sure was going to be pissed off when we plundered it all… well, he owes me. And it isn’t like it won’t recharge eventually. There’s a ton of sources here…

This is hard… I… I’m… no, I’m not just a jealous, wicked woman! I like you, Akio! I… I like you Shaeula! And you Hyacinth! You’re a good girl, Marika-san. As for you, Kana-chan… I… I don’t hate you.

Eri’s emotions were scattering wildly, her network starting to corrode as light and darkness clashed, as she had started drawing it in after I made my move. Shaeula used her own Ether Healing, soothing and repairing the torn capillaries, siphoning off the excess light element into herself.

I should hope not. Last night… well, Aiko-chan tried to give it all away to Akio, but… we talked and became real friends, right?

Right. But… is now the time? Eri was struggling. Her affinity was definitely for darkness, so the light blinded and fought her. But I know it is sometimes easier to balance opposing forces. I found it much easier to learn water because with it, earth, wind, flame… everything balanced in perfect opposition…

That sort of thinking is not-not the way of the Fae. We fear our opposites, loathe them. Yet… Shaeula was drawing in light element from Eri, as well as the surroundings. Lightning and Nature oppose, yet the Queen and King embody these aspects… perhaps… perhaps we were simply quite-quite foolish, not-not seeing the truth.

It's just like a magnet, I think. We used them in class the other day. North and South.

Aren’t you clever, Marika-chan? I wish Keomi-chan was smart like you. If I gave her a magnet, she’d try to eat it, I bet… at Kana’s joke we all laughed, and one by one everyone started pulling in the light energy, a dizzying indigo halo surrounding our circle.

Your balance is slipping there a bit, Chiasa-san. Oh, Kana, you need to reroute the flow down here… yes, Marika-san, good. But you are letting it scatter, no wonder it hurts…

As I multi-tasked frantically, making adjustments with Ether Healing and Chirurgery as needed, my Split Thoughts skill Ranked up, easing the strain. With my newfound leeway, I switched concentration back to my own struggles, trying to balance the elements.

Hyacinth is grey, neither light nooor darkness! Only me! I am just like mistress Shaeula nooow, Hyacinth can change herself, remake herself! She was the first to succeed, her light and darkness in flux, balancing perfectly. With her heaving breaths, silvery sweat dripping from her, she extended her thoughts to Eri and I, as we struggled through the same trial she did. Mistress Eri. You are trying toooooo hard to be the light. Accept the jealousy, the envy, the desire tooo possess. They are you, and Akio loooves you despite that. Light is possessive too, it wants. Happiness. Kindness. Yet Looove is both light and dark. Let your love encompass both, like Akio does fooor us. And Akio… you… nooo, I think you understand. But you have sooo much to balance. Dooo your best!

Uh, that’s barely advice, but I’d rather she does help Eri…

“I see now!” Eri spoke out loud, forgetting the link for a moment. “Encompass everything! No, be everything. For without light, darkness is meaningless, and without darkness, light is blinding and uniform. Both… we need both!”

That’s… well, yes, the missing thing I needed. The primary elements, they seem strange. After all, fire is a process, earth and wind are affectively mixtures of elements, and water is a uniform compound. They really don’t make much sense as a system. It’s almost as if someone decided on them… but light and darkness… well, light is obvious, but darkness… I couldn’t tame it, as I didn’t understand it. But… it makes sense now…

This is incredible. So this is what an element is like? I would say I don’t have to be jealous of you anymore, Eri-chan, but looks like you beat me to it. Kana was delighted as her own third eye was blazing. She was drenched in sweat, her chest heaving in pain from her ragged, battered network, which I immediately started to repair, but she had succeeded, with my Eye I could see that. Eri had too, surprising me. I thought she’d struggle the most…

We don’t have darkness, Chiasa, but our brother, Ren-sama, he has the light, so why should we be different?

That’s right Chiaki. I’ve always thought it strange. But… we can do it. I can see inside you, and you can see inside me.

Yes, together we can see through Akio-sama’s eyes, what we need to do. And if it’s hard…

We can each be half of the whole!

The twins, something strange was happening there. Their third eye chakras had gathered the light, but the light was also crossing between them, linking them further, and some strange awakening seemed to be taking place within them. It seemed something that wouldn’t harm them, so I concentrated on my own struggle, just as Shaeula let out a cry of triumph, her body glittering with light.

I have-have evolved again. Now I am a Fae of light too! Akio, the water… the water within us contains the light, draw-draw upon it!

Heeding her words I delved within. I didn’t have much energy, I had recovered some over time, but having given most of it away, there were merely trickles. Even so, she was right. The spirt water contained trapped moonlight, so I already contained light, in harmony with my body! Pulling in the water I let it flow through me, soothing the raging mess of my throat and third eye chakras, and as it settled, I felt something click into place.

Your Class, Fae-Souled, has increased from level 28 to level 30. Your Class is now at its maximum strength. Charm, Fortune and Foresight have increased by four. Majesty, League, Determination and Fate have increased by three. You can now survive with only an Astral body. Damage shared between your Material and Astral forms is dramatically reduced. Your Aether has increased by 150.

You have gained a skill, Third Eye Chakra Of Light Rank 3. Your Third Eye Chakra will generate Light energy. [Class: Powerful] [Type: Foundation]

You have gained a skill, Light Manipulation Rank 5. Your ability to manipulate and control Light energy has dramatically increased. Your understanding of Light has significantly increased, and you can handle Light with less wastage and greater efficiency, and are more able to adapt to and control unique Lights. [Class: Powerful] [Type: Foundation]

I guess my study of the physics of light paid off big-time. And while I don’t get all the spiritual aspects, from experiencing what Ren-san and Haru-san have, and having moonlight within me… as well as the insights everyone has shared… I think I get it a bit… so, that’s everyone, right? This went way better than I could have ever expected… The twins and Haru-san, using them as a way to link our shared experiences and senses proved an incredible learning tool. Coupling that with our Eyes, and a difficult process was made seemingly smooth… although I’m having to do an awful lot of repairing damage to networks. I think if not for that, there might be permanent side effects. We’ll have to do this carefully in…

No, this isn’t enough. I can do better. If I’m going to do this, I need it to be perfect! I don’t want to disappoint big bro, and more importantly, I don’t want to disappoint myself!

Wait, that’s Aiko? She… she’s the only one who hasn’t learned? That seems… We could all feel the frustration oozing from her. Eri and Kana, Shaeula and Hyacinth, they all sent her their support, and my sister let out a roaring cry, which startled Mine-san, making her fall over, opening her eyes, the light energy she was pulling in scattering. Yamato-san was only looking on, a troubled expression on his face as the light around us was rapidly diminishing.

 Hey, Ren-san, fork it over. I need it all. Be a good boy, okay?

Wait, what? Ren had been sharing the feelings of controlling light with us, and constantly pulling in energy and converting it. He was noticeably smoother, the mirror an invaluable tool to him, so had accumulated a decent amount inside, but now it was being pulled out of the mirror, indigo and gold, flooding into Aiko, overwriting the gathered light energy she had accumulated.

Not enough. Got to have more. I feel it, and I know I can master light, but that’s not what I want! Hey, Ren-san, sorry, but… I’ll buy you an apology gift! Before anyone could respond my sister was drawing sunlight energy from Ren-san too. He groaned, as the forcible extraction was causing pain and minor damage to his network, so Shaeula and I leapt in, me to heal Ren-san, Shaeula to use her Chirurgery to guide the flow into Aiko, and heal her rapidly shredding third eye chakra. Pain was flaring from Aiko, and only hard work from Haru-san, who was struggling, was keeping it from afflicting everyone else.

Nearly. I can… it’s warm and gentle, like a spring sun, harsh and oppressive, like a summer sun, soothing and calm, like an autumn sun, and nostalgic and wan, like a winter sun. Light… light is just a reflection of the source, so if I am the source… obey me! Even that kami said I was light element! “Do it, change! Become the sun!”

As my sister roared out her last words, the mirror radiated a brilliant glow, falling from Ren-san’s hands as he dropped it in shock. My sister was enveloped in a similar aura, the last of the light energy around us pulled in, and her third eye glowed a brilliant azure and gold. Damn, she’s done it! That looks like a mutated element to me! Like Ren-san…

With that, the link we had established shattered, coming apart, everyone hit by the recoil of our own thoughts, and as we slumped to the ground, drained, the mirror struck, bouncing away. And as it rolled across the ground, before I could compliment everyone on their hard work, my Foresight started screaming at me, that a sudden danger was on the horizon, hanging not over me, but those close to me…

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