On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Thirty

Two Hundred And Thirty

The streetlights of Tokyo shone in through the window of the expensive car we were being chauffeured in, illuminating the tired face of Hinata, who was leaning against me, an expression of contentment on her face.

“Quite the day, huh?” I said with a smile, and she returned it.

“Yes, definitely not what I had expected. To think Miyu was like you. And so stubborn as well. Still, you finally got through to her in the end. I’m glad.”

“Well, it was mostly you and Aiko, really. That sister of mine, doing something so dumb as burning her hand. I’m extremely angry with her!” She’s definitely going to get a piece of my mind when I see her. Once I’ve healed her, of course…

“She is very proactive. I can’t say I don’t understand though. It must be frustrating for her. It is for me. All I can do is spend money, and that isn’t even really mine, it’s grandfathers. That reminds me…” she looked up at me, expression serious. “Do you think you could have removed the ability from Miyu?”

“A good question. I think… probably. I have my suspicions about the Conqueror class that I need to test, and if not, perhaps via Chirurgery. Yeah, that might also work, but it’s definitely less likely. I’ve never done it before, after all.” Thinking about it makes me worried. Conqueror seems a class at odds with saving the world, in a way, though it’s definitely geared towards becoming stronger…

“I see. And what would you have done with it, if you successfully extracted it? I for one would be happy to take it. I’d put it to proper use.” She assured me, and I found that cute, so I patted her head gently, and she squirmed like a cat under my touch.

“I doubt it’s that simple. Assuming that I could even succeed and that the ability remained free, I expect aptitude plays a big part in it. How good are you at dancing?” I smiled then, trying to shake my gloomy thoughts.

“Not very. I guess I make a poor noblewoman.” She sighed. “I see. Yes, that makes sense. It is a good thing as well, otherwise if people found a way to transfer such powers, the world would fall into anarchy.”

“It’ll still happen. Though I suspect it’ll be more a case of Candidates hunting each other down rather than normal people trying to gain powers, though there still could be an element of that. It’s easier to do what we are doing though, and train from scratch. Look at my sister and Eri, they’ve done all right.”

Hinata agreed. “Yes, I’m quite jealous. Not of the fighting, or your sisters’ recklessness.” She clenched her hand reflexively, perhaps imagining the feel of fire, and shuddered. “But I’d like to do more. Besides, the more I understand about this other world and how it affects and is affected by this one, the more I can do for you. Motoko and Natsumi will obviously wish to fight, but me… well, I’d do it to gain these levels, but…”

“Yeah. Miyu is the same. I don’t think she has the temperament for battle. Though who can say how things will change when she gets used to it? But her gifts are simply too good to waste. Gaining her as a vassal was huge.”

“Are they really that impressive?” Hinata asked, still happy under my stroking, and I nodded.

“Yeah, what’s the only thing you can never buy with money?” I asked, and Hinata answered immediately.

“More time.”

“Good girl. Well, in the Boundary, that’s not exactly true. You can buy time, in a way, but the cost gets ever more ludicrous. But Miyu’s dance… it’s still weak and the benefit is small, but she can speed up the formation of a Territory and the buildings within with her Dance of the Returning Dawn. If she trains hard and dances… well, the more time we can save, the stronger we’ll be overall.”

“I see. And if someone does try to take your power, if you are too strong, then it doesn’t matter as they’ll simply fail.”

“Exactly.” I agreed. “I’m still a bit worried, so I need to confirm my suspicions, even if doing so… isn’t exactly a good act. I gave Miyu enough resources that her Territory should be safe for now, but until she grows stronger, I’ll have to protect her. Well, she is my vassal now, so that goes without saying.” Three vassals. So counting myself, that’s four Chosen from Japan working together. I’d like to increase the number, but the easiest way of doing that is winning the support from the Shrines and Temples at their conclave, whenever they get around to it.

“So, are you going to marry Miyu?” Hinata asked impishly, and I shook my head, not even surprised by the question.

“No way. Firstly, I’m happy enough with who I have now.” Hinata made a pleased noise at that, so I continued. “Secondly, I agreed to help her find love with who she wanted, and I may not be the sharpest when it comes to love, but the relationship between her and Michiru-san… it seemed to me there was something there, right? Lastly, I doubt Fujiwara-san would consent. He accepted the situation with Miyu being my vassal, but he didn’t exactly have much choice. I bet I pissed him off by my handling of it.” Though less than if my experimenting hurt or killed her, of course.

“Well, yes. It isn’t unusual. Motoko and Natsumi have that vibe going as well, right? We attend school with other girls, rarely see any men but our brothers and fathers, it’s only natural affection develops, and as long as it is discreet, well, it isn’t like it can disgrace a family like getting pregnant, is it?” Hinata shrugged. “Still, that doesn’t mean that they have no interest in men. Motoko and Natsumi are quite taken with you too.”

“What about you?” I teased, and she flushed, hitting me in the arm gently.

“Me and Kazumi? No way, she’s my friend, but I’m into…. No, I guess I’m not into men. I’m into you!”

I answered with a long kiss, more comfortable with physical affection ever since our bath. As we separated, breathless, she continued. “So, not interested in Miyu huh? Well, so long as she pays her compensation for your kindness I don’t care. Use her as you see fit.”

“I sure will. I’ll have her dancing until she drops.”

“Great. So, did you want to come over to my home?” Hinata asked. “Grandfather would be happy to see you, and I’d like to spend some more time with you.”

“Tempting, but I want to get the preparations done for bringing my new Heroes back to the Material.” I grinned, imagining the reactions to some of them. “But I definitely intend to visit another time. I probably need to visit Motoko’s parents, Natsumi’s too.” I still don’t know how Natsumi’s parents took her request. Motoko messaged me to say that both engagements have been approved by the nobility, but Natsumi is from the Three-Hundred, so they might have just bowed to pressure. Another worry, but a minor one for now, I guess…

“A shame. Oh well, perhaps another kiss for compensation then?” she laughed, and our faces moved closer together, our breaths hot…


Opening the door to my room, I wrinkled my nose, the smell unpleasant. “Yeah, need to clean up first. Oh well, luckily I am prepared.” When Hinata’s driver dropped me off, I visited a store that was still open, buying a number of large glass bottles, as well as buckets and cleaning products. Might as well get to it, this mess won’t clean itself..

From there, it was just a case of scooping up the impurities into the now-empty bottles. I intended to keep them, in case they served any useful purpose. Mopping the floor, I removed the soiled bedding, which were totally ruined and unsalvagable. In doing so, I revealed that Shaeula and her yukata were also covered in my filth.

“This is totally not weird, she’s my fiancée.” I muttered, stripping off her yukata. Once it was fully off her body it disappeared, the impurity soiling it dropping to the ground. I then cleaned that up too, as well as wiping down and cleaning the still, naked Material body of Shaeula. Yeah, I’m pretty sure this could make one hell of a creepy doujin. Once I was done I wrapped Shaeula carefully in a fresh sheet, expecting her to likewise soil it when she returned.

“Right. No more diving into the Boundary in our bedrooms. I’m definitely getting a clean room set up with suitable garments for this. I’m tired of getting blood and worse everywhere. Oh well, there’s too much to do right now, I’ll get Karen-chan to look into it.” With a quiet prayer for my overworked secretary, I entered the Boundary.

It didn’t take long before I found Azuki, who was kicking her legs gently as she sat on one of the lower steps around the Rhyming Tree. Asha also appeared, smiling happily, offering me some fruit, which I took and bit into, appreciating the tart taste.

“Azuki, how’s the situation at the Spring?” I asked her, as the Zashiki-Warashi was our effective go-between for the Material, Boundary and Fae Lands at the moment.

“The princess can speak for herself.” Azuki shrugged. “But it seems to be going well. She met her father and some other important Fae. After they left, she seemed happy though.”

“Her father, huh? Damn, it isn’t just Natsumi’s parents I need to speak to. I have to speak to Prince Shaetanao too. Hopefully I won’t have my head spiked on the Twilight Gate or nailed to that tree like Shaeula used to joke about.” Not that I was seriously worried about that. Shaeula would never stand for it now. “Anyway, do you know if Grulgor, Hyacinth, Shirohebi and Suzuki-san are done with their levelling yet? If so, can you fetch them for me?”

“Hyacinth, huh?” Azuki shuddered, still finding her hard to deal with. I guess they are both house-spirits in a way, so it makes sense they’d have a rivalry. “That crazy… she was done quickly.” Azuki changed what she was about to say with a grimace. “From what some of the weasels told me, they almost felt sorry for the monsters and enemies who she encountered.” She wrung her hands like she was using a washcloth. “Squeezed until they burst.”

Well, she does seem to favour constricting attacks with her nature element. Oh well, it all counts towards levelling up. “Great, so can you get her for me?”

“She’s with the princess, she said she needed a maid.” Azuki nodded, hopping down, dusting off her little velvet dress, and rushed off towards the Ring Gate. As she left, Asha bowed to me, eyes damp.

“I thank you. My sisters have been avenged, haven’t they?”

“Yes. The Myconids were destroyed, and Duke Myrcolaxriath perished with them.” I assured her. “We intend to replant the dead forests too, so perhaps one day you can return, if you wish.”

She shook her head, green, grass-like hair flowing. “No, my Tree is here, and here I shall remain. But perhaps I shall visit, in time, to wash aways the memories and sorrows of the past.” Sorrows of the past, huh? Yeah, Suzuki-san…

I spent a while chatting with Asha before doing a bit of Territory Maintenance. We had accumulated nearly three hundred thousand ether, which while it was a pittance to the massive amount we’d earned from taking the Myconid Territory, showed that our investments would pay off in time. The first thing I needed to do was clear a Queue, so I finished off the Defensive Emplacement to Rank 2, which had only about six days left, so it wasn’t too expensive. Right, what do I want then?

At Rank 3, the Warehouse was able to store a volume of a cube of six metres per side. That was a total area of 216m3, whereas before it was only 27m3. At forty thousand ether, and a hundred and twenty thousand more rush-build costs it was steep, but it would let us store the parts of Myrcolaxriath, so I spent the money. Damn, I’m bourgeoisie now, I spend recklessly.

Adding an Etherite Silo by Shaeula’s old Territory and pushing it quickly to Rank 2, allowing the storage to be a hundred and fifty red Etherites and fifty oranges ones, and upping the Treasury to Rank 2 so it could store more gems and precious metals, blew through another modest amount, though it was less than twenty thousand. I then decided to improve our defences a bit. We had four points of defence, being the Shirohebizumi shrine, the Dark Rhyming Tree, Hisuikomushi shrine, and Shaeula’s old Territory. At each of those I added another pair of Defensive Emplacements, one of which was a Rapid-Fire Emplacement, the opposite of a Sniper Emplacement, with the range and damage much lower, but the firing rate dramatically increased. I notice that I can also build Earth Elemental Emplacements now, but I want to save my earth energies for an upgrade of the Earth Altar, so maybe later…

That set me back another thirty thousand, leaving me with enough ether to rush-build one Sniper Emplacement to Rank 2, and refresh the queue with a third, also towards Rank 2, further increasing our defences. Ideally I’m getting all of these turrets to Rank 2 for peace of mind and deterrence.

With that done, I waited for everyone to arrive, enjoying the company of Asha and a few weaselkin, ratkin and kobolds who were taking a break, enjoying the glade that had sprung up around the Trees. Suzuki-san was the first to appear. She was still floating, accompanied by her ghostly sisters, but she was in a totally human form, looking like she used to, I supposed. On seeing me, she looked at me with a mixture of respect and trepidation, and I liked the look in her light brown eyes. Yeah, she looks calmer. Still afraid, but the madness that had haunted her seems to have faded. I observed her status, and was pleased to see she had gained twelve levels, significantly boosting her stats, and most importantly, her Resilience, which was above a hundred, so her mind should have stabilised. Although all the stats in the world are useless if the bearer doesn’t have the will to utilise them properly.

“Well done, you’ve got stronger, haven’t you?” I said, and she nodded, landing beside me, taking a fruit from Asha, biting into it, marvelling that she was able to enjoy it now.

“Yes, it was… it was a bit scary, but I wasn’t alone, so I managed. I’ve been practising my Telepathy, like you told me to, as well. I’m… I’m ready to help you.”

“Great, I’m glad to hear it. And it helps you too. If you have the strength to protect yourself, you’ll never suffer like that again. In any case…” I said, broaching the subject. “… it’s time to fulfil my promise to you. We are returning to the Material world.”

At that she flinched, but she then shook herself, shuddering, before nodding, eyes meeting mine, damp with emotion. “I… I want to see daddy, but I’m afraid he won’t accept me, that he won’t think I’m me, but an imposter. I… I died after all.”

“No, you are definitely you. You know that, and he will too.” I promised. Her father seemed a man who loved his daughter, there’s no way he won’t be overjoyed at her return, no matter how it happens. “I’ll arrange a meeting with your father, although I’m afraid it will likely have other participants too. The Prime Minister for one.”

“Really?” she cocked her head, and I laughed at her naivety.

“Really.” I promised. “You don’t think your return is a big matter? Besides, apparently he is a friend of your father, and he wants to see him shake off his sadness. But first, why not savour all of the things you used to do? I’ll get you a new phone, and you can go shopping, eat desserts, take in a movie, whatever. Just take a day to remind yourself what you have regained, and why you need to fight to keep it.”

“That does sound… wonderful.” She agreed, the dampness becoming full tears, though her smile was happy. “Even so, when I think about going back, my heart races, and my breath comes fast, and I sweat and I feel faint. Ironic as I am dead, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s understandable. But now… you are an Onryo now, physically harming you would be difficult, and you’ve grown far stronger. And you know you aren’t mad. Enough practise and you’ll be able to shut out the voices of others. But I know all I’m saying is words. I think… I think you need closure, to see he can’t hurt you anymore.” I’m not going to pressure her, and hell, I’m no expert on these matters, but… I think it could give her some peace.

At my words her face screwed up, and I told her I had no intention of forcing her. Finally, she sighed. “I’ll… I’ll think about it. Nothing seems real yet. When I’ve seen my daddy again, when I know I’ve truly come home… I’ll see.”

“Fine, in the end, it’s your call.” I promised. It was then that Azuki returned, leading Shirohebi and Grulgor. On arriving, she hopped back up onto the steps.

“Ixitt says he will return when he is done, he is working on something with that dwarf.” she said, before snuggling down, her task complete.

“I see. That doesn’t surprise me. Well, he’s already had a brief orientation to the Material, so it’s not a big problem.” Anything he’s working on probably benefits me anyway. “Right, you two, we are heading to the Material soon. Grulgor, I need you to get acquainted with how things work there. There won’t be any fighting, it might be boring for you, but long-term I’ll find you some fun.” If he can keep his rage under control I can roster him in to protect Miyu’s Territory, as well as where we set up Suzuki-san’s.

“Grul understands.” He said, sounding… surprisingly patient. When I checked, I noticed he had capped his levels at fifteen, and his mental stats were now actually high, probably outclassing the average person! Still, it wasn’t like that would suddenly pump him full of knowledge, but even so, I could tell the difference. “Grul is curious about the world the princess talks about, anyway. Grul also trusts you.”

“Great.” I said, pleased. “As for you, Shirohebi, I want you to meet those of your Shrine, as well as our other religious allies. It’ll prove my words true, and should push them further towards supporting me at their conclave.”

“It ssshall be done.” it promised. “It hasss been too long sssince I walked the mortal world. I am curiousss to sssee how it hasss changed.”

“I think you’ll be surprised.” I smiled. “As will the Izumi’s. I know Kana has been here already, but hearing from her won’t match seeing you in person.”

I outlined the itinerary. They would all be photographed so that Fujiwara-san could get them documents and a valid Japanese identity, to prevent trouble and allow foreign travel if necessary. Being able to bring them to the Material meant I could also take them back to the Boundary far distant, opening up options of farming areas of significant value for experience and resources. Damn, I have almost too many options now.

“Master, we have returned!” Hyacinth called out, skipping towards us, followed by Shaeula, who looked tired but happy, surprisingly enough in her Kamaitachi form, Velna, and… Shaeraggo and Selensha. On seeing me looking, Shaeraggo snorted sourly, but said nothing, merely nodding at me in greeting.

“I have missed yooou! But Hyacinth has dooone well, right?” She giggled, rushing up to me. I checked her level, and she was at thirteen, which apparently she had achieved rather quickly, according to Azuki, who was ascending the steps of the tree, staying out of Hyacinth’s line of sight.

“Yes, you have.” I pulled her into a hug. She stiffened monetarily before returning it, smiling, before her usual perversion returned and she started sniffing me, her hands groping. I allowed it for a moment, before patting her head and disengaging. “Later. All right? We have guests it seems.”

“Yes.” Shaeula came for her own hug, her fur warm. It’s been a while since we’ve hugged in weaselkin form. I suppose it’s nice occasionally. I still was definitely not a furry, and obviously was attracted to her human form, but she was a weaselkin, so I had no problems with a little skinship like that. “My brother and his wife have decided to visit. The Price-Price of Trial in that regard is meaningless now. For I have met my father and my sister again.” She smiled, her form returning to that of a mortal, bringing another wry snort from her brother, though Selensha was looking on fondly. “It was good to see them again, though I did-did wish you were with me.”

“Well, I daresay I can’t put it off forever.” I said, relinquishing the hug. “Shaeraggo, Selensha, what brings you here?”

“It’s true then.” Selensha declared, peering at me. “I feel an equally strong water element from you too, that which lingered in the Spring. Sister-in-law did say, and I didn’t doubt her, but even so, I’m shocked. Your presence is so much more powerful than before, and so quickly too.”

“Yeah, that reminds me.” I thanked her for her compliment, then spoke to Shaeula, who was holding my hand now, much to the irritation of her brother. “When you get back be careful, as my body went crazy and poured out all this black impurity crap. I mean, I’ve definitely benefited heavily from that, but… well, it ruined our bed, and you got a bit messy. I cleaned you up though, so don’t worry.”

“You share-share a bed?” Shaeraggo asked, and Selensha shook her head, embarrassed.

“Of course we do, brother. Surely you must-must accept it now. Akio and I are to be married, even father must yield on that. Of course we share a bed, and use-use it too.” She grinned wolfishly at his discomfort. I could hear Hyacinth muttering enviously, and hid my own grin. Soon. Soon enough.

“Listen well, Akio.” Shaeula began, incredibly excited, which made her look shockingly cute. “Primal Forest, my father, the Prince of the Elves, they…”


“… so I will require Grulgor to fulfil his promise and stand with us against Duke Formor, should he oppose our settlement.” Shaeula finished her lengthy tale, explaining to me that she had successfully swayed significant support to our cause, from the Way-Wardens to three of the Princes of the Seelie. Her claim to the Spring was likely to be granted, though there was still work to do. What was most important was that she made up with her father and sister though. Her other brothers are still absent, on the borders, but in time… she can have everything back. “I want my maids back too. I must rescue she who was loyal to me-me, and as for that traitor Risha…” I felt a faint tremble in the spirit lights around me. “… I must have retribution.” At her fury, Grulgor nodded his massive head, agreeing to hold to his Oath.

“She will indeed pay-pay.” Shaeraggo snarled. “Thanks to her the mansion I gifted you is-is ruined!”

“We’re rebuilding it.” I said. “Besides, it was a necessary sacrifice to deal with those two idiot cats from the Night Parade. I’d pay a house to take out a few strong enemies every time.” Again there was a trembling, this one more intense and angry.

“Yes, the Night Parade has crossed a line, aiming for my beloved sister. Father and Shaeranna are both most-most wroth.”

“Sister-in-law was raging, wasn’t she, Ula?” Selensha giggled.

“Ula? Cute nickname.” I stroked her hair as she looked embarrassed at the memory, before turning my attention to Selensha. “So, what brings you here then?”

“I am here to teach you and Shaeula water element, as I promised.” Selensha declared. “My darling is here because his sister is watching the Spring right now, along with a force of Way-Wardens, so he finds it more comfortable to be away from her. She’s still very angry he hid this all from her.”

“I still cannot believe you would be so reckless as to attack the Spring. Though results do-do speak for themselves.” He peered at me, eyes glowing a fierce green. “If I was to battle you now, perhaps I would lose again. Shaeula, sister, you… your growth has been-been monstrous.”

Yeah, while I’m here I need to take a look at that.

Shaeula stats part 1

Shaeula's stats part 2

”Impressive, no?” Shaeula grinned, seeing me looking at her with my Eye glowing amber to match hers. “You have grown much as well.”

“Yeah.” I had to agree. I did notice that instead of Spiritually Pure Body, she had a skill called Enhanced Spiritual Form, which was very similar but seemed to apply more to spiritual lifeforms. Turning to her brother, I asked him a question. “So, I promised that your sister would grow strong enough to silence her critics and reclaim her place in the Seelie Court. It didn’t even take three moons, did it?”

“No, it did not.” He agreed sourly. “I suppose I must-must thank you. My sister… she is happy now. Both of my sisters. Father too. And my brothers will be pleased as well-well. I may not like it, but I must-must accept it. Brother-in-law.” His face twitched as he said it, but I held in my mirth, imagining the day when I would have to say the same to Aiko’s fiancé. Well, so long as he isn’t trash and treats her right I’ll smile and shake his hand. If he’s no good though… I’ll bury him…

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