On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Thirty-Eight

Two Hundred And Thirty-Eight

“Looooook at mistress Eri first, Hyacinth can wait.” The adorable boggart said, her head lying on my extended arm as we stretched out on the grass under the Rhyming tree. Eri, on my other side, smiled prettily.

“Fine. I have to admit, I’m curious. I want to know what changed.”

“All right.” I agreed, my Eye shining a brilliant amber, and Eri giggled.

“It’s a bit hard to see, but when you look closely at your eye, it’s like a sea of stars, little flecks of amber in the grey. It’s unique, but I like it.”

“I’m starting to think you have an eye fetish.” I said, relaxed, and she giggled a second time, her good humour after our lovemaking radiating from her.

“No, I have a you fetish.” She said softly, and Hyacinth chimed in as well, agreeing.

“All right then. Enough banter. Here we go, prepare to be shocked, as I am. I don’t get it myself…”

Eri's status

“I don’t get it. Fae-Bonded doesn’t make sense as a class. What Noble Fae did Eri make a compact with?” I complained, though the boosts to her stats were significant and welcome. Still, the description of the class was slightly different to when I had obtained it, not even counting the lack of question marks.

By agreeing a Covenant with a Noble Fae who has become your lover, you will gradually take on more of the aspects of the Fae, who are renowned for their great Fortune and Charm. Aether will increase and your elemental abilities increase more rapidly. There is a chance you can obtain abilities your Covenant-bearer possesses that are mediated by the Lunar Chakra.

So, the difference is she’s become my lover instead of my servant, but even so… Shaeula is hardly my servant now, I expect if I examined her class again it would have changed.

“What dooo you mean, Akio?” Hyacinth asked, puzzled. “Are you nooot a Noble Fae yourself?”

“No, I’m pretty sure I’m a human.” I disagreed, but Hyacinth would not be dissuaded.

“Nooo, you are wrong, Akio. You are very much a Fae nooow too, just as I am both boggart and brownie, Seelie and Unseelie. It was hard fooor me to accept this, but…” she paused, embarrassed, and Eri finished for her.

“But now it doesn’t matter. That’s just a part of you. A part Akio loves.”

“Exactly.” Hyacinth shook her head furiously in assent, happy. “And Akiooo is the same. Human and Fae too. Besides, you are marrying the princess, Duchess of the Spring ooof Clear Reflections. That makes you Noble, no? Your elements are many toooo.”

“I see, well, your other class reminds me very much of Shaeula’s Pledged One, but…”

Spirit Pledged is a token of the unbreakable bond freely given by a Fae and gratefully received by the recipient. It is a mingling of souls, a deep bond, facilitated by the sharing of powerful spiritual energies. Strength flows between those so bound, and skills known by either partner are easier for both to grow, as knowledge is shared on a spiritual level, and impurities will gradually be expelled from the Pledgers’ body, as more spirit water is absorbed during the act of sharing essence and lunar chakras. As this class grows, a small amount of Adherence will be generated slowly for the recipient of this pledged bond.

“I don’t get it. If people in love could get classes that easily, everyone would have them.”

“I don’t get it either.” Eri admitted. “Now I’m a Fae?”

“Yes, Eri, yooou are. After all, Hyacinth believes you could nooot share your lunar chakras were you not, at least in part.”

“I see. Well, I’m glad.” She accepted it easily, giggling. “Now I’m closer to you. I’m not particularly attached to being human. Does it matter? Shaeula, Hyacinth… they are all people to me.”

Hyacinth was touched, and started sniffling, while I leaned over and kissed Eri on the cheek. “Good girl. That’s exactly right. So it seems that it is the astral subtle body and lunar chakra that defines a Fae. So we are able mass-produce Fae it seems. I’m not sure if that’s problematic or not…”

“Well, who doesn’t want to be a long-lived, beautiful Faerie?” Eri giggled. “Besides, if I’m more charming, you’ll like me more, right?”

“Impossible, my love for you is already maxed out.” I grinned, kissing her again, and Hyacinth pouted.

“Akiooo, Eri, stop flirting! Hyacinth wants to know how I have improooved!”

“Sorry.” Eri smiled gently. “My bad. I’m curious too.”

“All right then… round two.” I said, reading out how Hyacinth had changed, to her shocked gasps.

Hyacinth's Stats

“Hearing your stats and skills makes me understand how Aiko feels.” Eri sighed. “Even so, I’m happy for you.”

“Thank yooou Eri. You are kind tooo me.” Hyacinth sniffled, and Eri looked away, embarrassed. Still, this was Hyacinth’s moment, so we waited, as Hyacinth gathered her thoughts.

Grey Fae? Noble? I dooo not understand that. Hyacinth is no noble.”

“Well, neither am I, right?” I smiled as I recalled our conversation mere moments ago. “But if I can be a Noble Fae by virtue of marriage and power, surely the same applies to you? After all…” I kissed her on the cheek now. “Wasn’t this our engagement vows?”

Hyacinth flushed, but nodded weakly, her mind racing, so I continued. “And as for Grey Fae… I like it better. And I think your new class explains it.”

Fae of Light or Fae of Darkness, all are the same under the light of the moon, the Fae lands eternally in Twilight. A Dweller in Twilight is neither of light nor darkness, but claims both. Oaths, Pledges, Weal and Woe, all are the same to such a Fae, who eschews concepts such as light and dark, doing as their will dictates. The abilities of both Fae and Dark Fae can be utilised, and Woe can be paid in ways other than pain and suffering. Charm and Majesty increase, as does League. Affinity to both darkness and light elements increases.

“I see.” Hyacinth muttered. “Sooo Hyacinth is no boggart nor brownie. I was right.”

“You were.” I grinned. “You are your own self, a self we love. So I can’t fix the past, but I can make sure your future is bright. After all, even twilight is light, right?” I kissed her cheek again, and she giggled.

“Akiooo is a bad man, seducing his servant like this.”

“He sure is.” Eri agreed. “Which is why I need you to balance Shaeula, as we agreed.”

“I will dooo it! Hyacinth does nooot want this happiness to ever go away!”

“Yeah, enough of your scheming. We still have a little to look at. Pledged One, we know what that does. And your lunar chakra is working again, which has strengthened your elemental abilities a lot. But Weal and Woe…”

Weal and Woe is an art of twisting Fate. Great blessings, the Weal, can be granted, the nature of these blessings depending on the nature of the wielder, and then the Woe must be paid, an equal or greater amount of suffering and harm. This is often paid by another. Should the Woe not be paid, Fate will backlash, snapping back into a proper course, inflicting three times the Woe upon the wielder, so the ability must be used with great care.

“But if you can pay the Woe other ways… that’s either going to be useless or great, right?” Eri asked, thinking.

“Yeah. Though experimenting is going to be dangerous, so that’s a task for later. Anyway.” I sighed. “This has been fun and profitable, but… even with the accelerated time here, time is marching on back in the Material. Hinata and the others will need to return soon. They have school tomorrow.”

“Yes, but Aiko and I don’t. We’re skipping out. So we’ll stay and train. And maybe something else.” Eri licked her lips, and I laughed.

“Sure, later. Come on, time to get up and get dressed. I don’t want other people seeing you two like this.”


“Well, isn’t this interesting?” Hinata observed, and beside her Shaeula grinned knowingly, seeing Hyacinth and Eri clinging to me. Shaeula looked at them both with her glowing eyes, and she gave a nod of approval at the strength circulating through their chakra networks.

“It seems to me like you have taken a step forwards with Hyacinth.” Hinata finished, her face red. “I’m a little jealous, but I’m happy for you too. A servant you can trust is a valuable thing.”

“Not just a servant. A wife too.” I grinned, pulling my girls close.

“Yes, Hyacinth will continue tooo serve, for it is what I wish, for me. But I alsooo want to love Akio, so I will!”

“I approve.” Shaeula said, nodding. “Now you are indeed-indeed worthy of Akio. You have changed too. You are no boggart now, are you?”

As we explained that Hyacinth was now a Grey Fae, Eri asked Hinata how her training was going, clearly excited to brag about her own successes.

“Not bad, but even with the help of Shaeula, I haven’t quite got it yet. Still, it’s only a matter of time. I’m determined not to lose to you or Shaeula, Eri.” She said, and I was once more struck by her positivity and drive.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll succeed.” Eri said magnanimously, still flushed with pride and joy from earlier. “Aiko and I managed to learn fire element, so wind should be within reach for you.”

“Well, we need to wrap this up though.” I said, and Hinata nodded.

“Yes, it’s a shame, but as students of Hanafubuki and nobles, we can’t be seen to miss classes. It’s lucky I seem to be less tired recently. I guess your Chirurgery has worked wonders on me.”

We chatted as we re-joined the others. Kazumi-san, Motoko and Natsumi had been joined by Aiko, and Aiko was facing off against my two girls in an archery contest, while Kazumi-san was sparring with Ulfuric. On seeing us, Aiko waved, though when she saw Eri and Hyacinth clinging to me, she rolled her eyes.

“Bagged your third then, bro? A girl can tell.” She said, her tone wavering between admiration and exasperation. “Well, it’s none of my business I guess, but… well, welcome to the family, sister-in-law.” She said to Hyacinth, who smiled back prettily.

“Hyacinth is happy tooo be here! If yooou need anything, Aiko, I wooould be happy to serve you!”

“Damn, that is kind of hot. I think I might get the appeal of maids now.” My sister blushed. “Anyway, how was your training, Eri? I made solid progress, didn’t I bro? Even if you were a brute about it, piercing me relentlessly, blood everywhere, even when I begged you to stop!”

“Oh Aiko, it’s jokes like that why people call you a brocon.” Eri chuckled, her good humour unshakable. “Anyway, I’m sorry.”

“Uh, why?”

“Because I made more than solid progress, I’m up by leaps and bounds.” She grinned.

“Yeah, I’m afraid so. But… don’t worry, Aiko. My focus is on your growth right now. Even if I have to scrape together the ether for a Throne upgrade, I’ll do whatever it takes to help you grow stronger!”

“Damn, when you say it like that, bro, there’s no way I can be mad or jealous.” Aiko sighed. “Slow and steady wins the race, I guess. I wasn’t able to master kyudo just by picking up the bow, and I can’t use doping like Eri.” She slapped her cheeks, hyping herself up. “All right, I can do this. But yeah, bro, you owe me, so I’ll be needing your help. If you need to bully me more, I can take it!”

“She is very passionate.” Motoko said, approvingly. “And her skills with the bow are better than mine or Natsumi’s. Most impressive.”

“Well yeah, they would be.” Aiko shrugged, embarrassed by the praise. “I only do archery, you do spears, swords, unarmed combat… obviously with a split focus you’d struggle to keep up.”

“Modest too.” Natsumi laughed. “I always wanted a sister. Motoko was that sister. But now I find I have a second in you, Aiko.”

“Not just Aiko. Me too.” Eri chimed in, and so did Hinata.

“So, Ulfuric, how were they?” I asked, leaving the girls to their bonding. The badgerkin frowned, considering.

“Not bad. They take instruction well, and adapt it to their styles. As for your sister, her skills with the bow are good, as they said. It would be a waste not to train them. But certain elemental abilities will benefit them. Fire suits your sister, as the bow she inherited from Prince Shaeraggo can be affected by it and strengthened, but many archers choose wind. Yet mastering two elements is no easy task." He looked at Shaeula then, thinking. ”But perhaps if anyone can teach her, you or the princess could. As for these warriors…”

As he called them warriors, I could almost see the hearts in their eyes. Motoko and Natsumi both loved the Tsumura arts, so to be praised by a mighty fighter such as Ulfuric was almost more than they could bear.

“.. earth element is a safe choice. It has applications in both offense and defence.”

“I know that well. You were quite-quite the tough opponent, master Ulfuric.” Shaeula grinned, remembering.

“I apologise for that, princess. But I was just doing my duty.” As Shaeula waved away his apology, he continued. “So yes, earth element is orthodox, but water element is also effective in combat, both for strengthening and healing. Though it does lack offensive power.”

“I don’t think it does. Not with the right science behind it.” I disagreed. “Still, we don’t have a ready source of water element here, unless Shaeraggo finds us some, and the Spring isn’t usable for that yet…”

“Perhaps one of us could learn earth, and the other water?” Motoko proposed, and Natsumi agreed. As we debated it, amber letters flared up on my vision, and I frowned, surprised.

You have gained a Mirror Bee Hive Rank 3 Special. In addition four hundred and one Mirror Bee workers, seventy two Mirror Bee Soldiers and one Mirror Bee Queen have joined your Territory as your subordinates. You may now recruit Mirror Bees from your Barracks.

At that message I let my senses out, and I could see it was on the southern end of my Territory, which had expanded towards the bay significantly. I guess Shaeraggo is doing a good job. I suppose I  have to get along with him, as he’s Shaeula’s brother, and thus my brother-in-law. Still, he does need to make it up to us for his shitty past behaviour. Investigating the details of the new building, I smiled.

Mirror Bee Hive Rank 3 Special- Special Rank facilities cannot be levelled up by Ether, they level as their requirements are met. This Hive is the lair where Mirror Bees, a type of Yokai, live and are spawned. All Mirror Bee level caps are increased by six levels. This Hive produces Mirror Honey and Mirror Jelly, two rare and delectable foods, with healing properties.

“Looks like your brother is doing his work properly.” I told Shaeula, explaining our new allies, and Hyacinth perked up at the thought of honey, muttering about making fruit mead, honey mead and other treats. That set Hinata off, talking about the potential if such impossible drinks could be sold, and everyone broke out in excitement.

“Well, I’m going to fetch Kana and Ren-san.” I said, leaving them to it.

“I’ll come.” Eri said, and I nodded.

At the Earth Altar, Ren-san was the first to spot me. He looked exhausted, so I slapped him on the back reassuringly. “Looks like you’ve worked hard.” I said, and he nodded grumpily, looking down at the mirror he was holding. My Eye glowed, and I could see the mutated light element inside, barely a fraction of the light that was there before, but it looked like he had converted some at least.

“Yeah, that was brutal. But I’m the heir to Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine, this is nothing to me!” he said stoutly.

“Great. That’s what I like to hear. You are a key player during the upcoming Conclave, right? Being able to show your power will bring honour to your shine and kami.” I praised him with ample flattery.

“That’s right!” He agreed, falling into my trap.

“So, to that end, keep the mirror for now. It’ll be your training to have it filled up.” If I borrow the dagger of light, we can all use it to make light element for him to play with. For a mutated element, no amount of trouble is too much…

Eri gave me a look, knowing how valuable the mirror was, but my smile told her not to worry, so she merely leaned her head on my shoulder, as Ren-san looked at her and blushed. “Well, I’m a man, I can do it!” he said stoutly, and Eri rewarded him with a smile. Wicked woman, a Dark Temptress indeed. Still, as soon as we turned away towards Kana, I knew Eri had forgotten Ren-san already.

“So, how’s it going?” I asked Kana as she was surrounded by a halo of ruby energies.

“Not bad. Still, there’s a ways to go.” She snorted at Eri sourly. “So, how’s it feel, knowing you were last, Mori-senpai?”

“You can call me Eri. I think we understand each other better now.” Eri said. “And well, don’t the British say they save the best until last? I’ve heard auntie Emily say that plenty of times.” She was unruffled, secure in her happiness. “Well, I’ve grown stronger, which is all I wanted. And I have a new sister.”

“Really?” Kana was surprised.

“Yes, Hyacinth. She’s accepted Akio. She was so happy, it moved me. Normally I’d be upset and jealous, but… well, maybe I’m growing up.” She winked at me, and she was so beautiful at that moment we had to kiss.

“Doing that in front of me…” Kana muttered, red-faced.

“Why not? We are all friends here, right?” Eri smirked, touching her damp lips as we pulled apart. “You should have seen it, Kana-chan. The Fae way of making love is magical. I can’t wait to try it again.”

Okay, this is quite a strange conversation for Eri. It sounds like she’s taunting Kana, but… I don’t think it’s that.

“You do you.” Kana said. “I don’t think I need to hear about your love life.”

“Fine. Just remember… you don’t have forever, do you? Now, don’t you have school tomorrow?” Eri said cryptically, and Kana nodded.

“Yes, I wanted to master this first, but I guess there’s no rush.” Kana stood from her meditative pose, brushing off her shrine maiden hakama, before following us out, Ren-san joining us. We all gathered at the centre, where Ulfuric did his drills, and I thanked everyone for their hard work.

“From now on, there’ll be others joining us. You’ll have to guide them. I’ll do what I can, but I have many demands on my time.” I told everyone. “Still, I’ll at least give everyone personalised plans to work on, and if you get truly stuck, I’ll do my best to help.”

“I wish we could stay longer.” Motoko said. “But we have noble dignity to uphold. We cannot stay out all night and seem tired at school. As it is, we may struggle a little.”

“Miyu will cover for us.” Hinata laughed. “But we need to go. A kiss first though?” she grinned, face red, and I kissed her. She skipped away, letting Motoko and Natsumi have their turn.

“I’ll give that a miss.” Kazumi-san laughed. “But thanks. This has been fascinating, and seeing Hinata like this is something special.”

“I’ll pass too.” Kana said, and this time it was Eri that laughed, causing Kana to flush as red as Hinata had. “I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?”

Ren-san also said his goodbyes, returning to the Material in relief, and that just left Eri and Aiko from the human side. “You aren’t quitting yet, are you bro?” Aiko asked. “In that case, we might as well keep going. It’s not every day we get to blow school off with our parents’ permission , right Eri?”

“Yes. I’m tired, but I can go on.” Eri declared stoutly.

“Fine. You have come a long way. Be sure to thank Hinata for that later, right?”

“Of course we will bro. We have manners you know.” Aiko pouted. “So, what’s the plan now?”

“Well… for you, my dear sister. Aether Manipulation, Ether Healing and learning how to use aether in combat. You also need to study up on the wind element, as Ulfuric gave me some good advice on that.”

“Two elements huh? That’s hard, right?” Aiko asked, and Shaeula nodded.

“It is indeed quite-quite difficult. But I believe in you, Aiko, and we shall aid you where we can.” Shaeula promised, and Aiko sighed in relief.

“As for you, Eri. Uh… it might be worth taking you out to grind a few levels now your cap is decently higher. And since you are doing well with darkness at the moment, pushing through with that. And… learning Ether Healing too.”

“Bad luck, Eri. That sucks.” Aiko winced.

“Oh, I’ll be fine. If I have to be injured…” she looked at me, face pink, licking her lips. “… I can think of some ways it can even be fun.”

“Wow, lewd!” Aiko chortled, and everyone joined in on the laughter…


“So you do this all the time?” My sis asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah, well, obviously we have downtime. It’s not healthy otherwise, but when we train, we train hard. Still, you’ve impressed me sis. You’ve really tried your hardest.” I rubbed her head, and she stretched like a cat.

“Well of course. How can I not, when I see you and Eri putting in all that effort? I’m a team player, it’s like volleyball. I won’t be the lazy one to screw the team over.”

“That’s cute, Aiko.” Eri said, lowering her axe. She had been sparring against several weaselkin, and had actually won, despite her inferior weapon skills, due to her significantly higher stats. “But I believe in you. You can do it.”

Before Aiko could answer, Velna came rushing in, bowing to us. “Master, prince Shaeraggo has-has returned!”

Eri pulled a face at that, remembering, but Shaeula perked up, smiling. “So, has my useless brother managed to find-find what Akio requires?”

I extended my senses to my Territory, which now extended south to the bay, and out several hundred metres into the water, where... yes, that's water element. Good job Shaeraggo, I guess wanting to impress your sister is the best way to motivate you to be useful.

I was cut off from my answer just like Aiko was by Shaeraggo swaggering in proudly, his embarrassed wife Selensha behind him, looking apologetic. Yeah, she’s got it hard…

On seeing Shaeula, he smiled. “Sister, I have returned in triumph. This Territory now extends to the sea, and there is plentiful water element! I…” he paused them, green eyes going wide as he looked at my sister, who was idly playing with her bow.

“That… that was my bow. So you are the one it was for-for.” He muttered, and my sis shrugged.

“Yeah, so what? I have to say, it’s a nice bow, so… thanks, I guess?”

Thanks, I guess? That’s my little sis sapphire, as flippant as ever…

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