On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Thirty-One

Two Hundred And Thirty-One

“So, you are staying here for a while then, Shaeraggo?” I asked, and he nodded, still looking sour, but I could feel he had grudgingly accepted me, in a way he hadn’t before. Well, it makes sense. His sister has returned in triumph, and their enemies are on the back foot. No brother looks forward to the day his sister falls in love, but at least I’m a decent catch. I had to keep in a grin at the thoughts I had, which would have been sarcasm back in July, but now I actually mostly believed them. If I didn’t, I’d make the girls who love me fools, which they aren’t…

“Yes, I shall-shall keep an eye on this Territory while my sister is absent. Father and sister Shaeranna have much to do, many-many negotiations with troublesome pests.” He glared at Grulgor, who actually looked uncomfortable, perhaps his renewed intellect allowing him to comprehend the awkward position he was in with regards to our forces, as he and his trolls were of an opposing faction. No, that’s not really true. He’s pledged to me now, so he’s in our faction. I’m not sure whether Shaeula would be considered a Royalist like her father or not? After all, she thinks she should be the Queen. Oh well, it doesn’t matter in the end. What Shaeula wants, I’ll see she gets. “Though I must declare, the Territory is a far-cry from the pathetic state it was in when I first-first arrived here. I thought then you were leaving my sister in danger with your incompetence, but this is better. Though of course an Unseelie raid or the Wild Hunt would still tear through this land like it was-was nothing.”

“What I think my darling means to say…” Selensha giggled, drawing our attention. “… is that you have impressed him, and he was wrong about you. I’m impressed too. To think you both mastered a water so strong, as well as transformed the lands so.” She gazed around at the gleaming red and gold Earth Alter, the Rhyming Tree with the winding stairs around it and the first construction of the Treetop café beginning, kobolds working away busily, and she nodded, impressed. “Yes, it is far weaker than the Seelie Court, but… this land has been in existence for what? A year? Less?”

In astral days, yeah, eight or nine months at a rough guess. Might even be less. I nodded. “Somewhat less than a year. Though it was helped by the fact we managed to seize what remained of Myrcolaxriath’s domain and used it to build up here. It isn’t every day we get such a bounty. Though I like to think we invested it wisely for long-term gain.” Yeah, the way we built up nearly three hundred thousand ether so quickly, when such sums before took ages, shows we have the generation part down. Next is defences…

“Well, even so. Shaeraggo is impressed, aren’t you, darling?”

He grunted. “I admit to being… not entirely displeased.” He paused then. “My bow. I hope it is being used by one who cares about the art of archery? Your sister, I believe you-you said?”

Damn, remembering sis makes me a little mad right now. She’s really going to get a lecture… “Yeah, she likes it.” I saw no reason to lie. “She’s also mastered the fire element herself, which is quite the feat.”

“Indeed. It seems talent runs in your bloodline.” Selensha praised, and I wondered why she was being so complimentary, looking at us with starry eyes, until Shaeula grinned fiendishly.

“Do not-not worry. The water of the spring and the power it carries will be yours when the Spring replenishes itself. I have promised, and I do not-not go back on my word without good cause. Though that may take years until there is-is enough. Far faster perhaps to…” Shaeula looked at me then, her amber eyes telling me to trust her, so I silently nodded, letting her scheme away. “… find a source of significant water energy we can hold within the Territory. Akio and I can-can convert water element into the stronger, more potent spirit water, though it takes far-far more than I can muster. But if-if we had such a source of water element, then your gift comes all-all the sooner.”

“Dearest husband, can we perhaps…” Selensha began then, making her own pleading eyes at Shaeraggo, and he conceded with a sigh. It’s amusing seeing he is a henpecked husband too. Makes me feel a little better.

“Well-well, we always intended to remain here for a while.” His gaze strayed to us. “Sister, Brother-in-law, do you perhaps know of such a source that can be captured?”

No, but we have guesses. “Well, to the south of us is a large bay. Where better to find water elemental energy than the sea? If you could cut a path to there, bringing the land into my control, I’d appreciate it. Shaeula too, right?”

“It would indeed be a fine-fine present would appreciate greatly, and remain thankful for.” Shaeula agreed, knowing how to provoke her brother and his siscon instincts. “And it is one that can not-not be destroyed either.”

Not entirely true, as we could always lose the Territory, but if there is water element there, we’d need to move a couple of the Ether Spires there and set up a fifth defensive front. We can afford it though. Making Spirit Water seems a good plan. Eri, my sis, the trainees… I’m not sure how long it’ll take to make such a lot of water, but if they are going to learn, why not learn the best? No, I should prioritise my sis, Eri and the other girls first, rather than my allies. Unless they support me fully at their conclave of course. Another bargaining chip. Neat…

“Very well. We shall handle it. Ulfuric should be more than capable of holding the Territory, and commanding the other forces.” Shaeraggo agreed, and I thanked him, to which he growled that he “did not need my thanks, and was only doing it for his sister.” Yeah, male tsundere are so not cool, especially ones that have animal ears…

“Excellent. I shall not-not be absent long, for I have much to discuss regarding my stewardship of the Spring. Oh, brother, they may-may be sending an elf over to be our liaison. If she arrives, treat her with all due-due respect. It would not-not do to alienate her.”

“I see. That.” He eyed me sourly, and I was a bit lost.

“Do not-not worry about it. I shall explain later. For now, I wish to relax in the mortal world for a while, play some games, drink some strong-strong alcohol, and enjoy myself. I shall aid you in performing more-more Chirurgery before returning, and I can-can show Hinata and the others around tonight?”

“Sounds good. I have a busy day ahead, so you might as well take it easy.” With that we finalised our plans, and gathered the group to return to the Material…


“Well, this is… unpleasant” Shaeula muttered. Shortly after opening her eyes, she discovered she was naked and resummoned her yukata after teasing me about mopping her naked body. Moments later though, she started ejecting her own impurities. Unlike with me, where the massive flow forced me to fall unconscious from the strain, Shaeula was merely dripping it out, as perhaps with her body being so new, it had not the long exposure to contaminants that accumulated through everyday living.

“It sure is.” I commiserated. “At least you only have a…” before I could finish my sentence, the door to my room slammed open, and someone came bounding in, tremendously excited, exuding levels of energy and enthusiasm that would put a hyperactive child to shame. What the hell is she wearing?

“Master, mistress, this is yooour other home?” Her nose wrinkled in disgust as the smell of the impurities hit her. “Nooo this will not dooo, not at all. Such mess!” She began to bend down as she pulled out a cleaning cloth from her skimpy outfit, but I stopped her in a panic.

“Hyacinth, don’t bend down or you’ll have a wardrobe malfunction!” I declared, and she paused halfway, cocking her head in confusion. “Seriously, what the hell are you wearing?” I asked. “That maid outfit isn’t functional like your usual one. It’s a maid café outfit, and a particularly scandalous one at that!” Yeah, it’s a frilly French maid outfit, but the skirt is a mini, showing off her slender, long legs, and the front is so low cut that she’s bulging out just standing there. There’s no way she can go out wearing that…

Mortal maid Hyacinth

“I dooo not understand? Is this not what you wanted, master?” she said slowly, and I paused, frowning, Shaeula chuckling beside me, though it was interrupted by coughing gasps as more impurities were pushed out of her pores. Well, I admit I’m attracted to Hyacinth, she’s very pretty with a large chest. And her personality, it makes me want to shower her with affection, showing her life isn’t all bad… but do I want her dressed like that? I know I used to frequent maid cafés with Hayato-san and the gang all the time back at Uni, but even so… “Fine, I think we have scarves or shawls in Shaeula’s room. You can cover that chest up before we go out. But before that, no cleaning. Not for now.”

“But master…” she whined, and I got up, patting her head.

“But nothing. You can later. After all, this is your home too now. But first we have to… oh, here he is now.” Well, holy shit, it’s like he stepped out of a manga…

“Grul is here. This world is strange! This body too. But Grul likes it, it looks strong!”

“Damn, you are… looking good.” I had to declare. “Rocking that Saitama look, though that suit harkens back to his businessman days rather than his hero ones.” Yeah, with that muscular body in an expensive suit, that bald head and those angry yellow eyes, I’m pretty certain the ladies would find him attractive. Now there’s a scary thought.

Grul Saitama

“Saitama?” Grulgor asked, and Shaeula answered for me.

“I know-know that one. Yes, I do indeed see the resemblance. You would approve, troll. This Saitama is the strongest being in his world, a single punch and he can defeat any foe. But that matters little. What does is do not-not bring any trouble for Akio while you are here. And later, you shall come with me and persuade Duke Formor to back me. Understand?”

“Grul understands. Grul will need to find this Saitama and show Grul is stronger though…”

Uh, yeah, sure. Best keep him away from Akihabara then, don’t want him killing any unlucky cosplayers. We dug out a fetching shawl for Hyacinth and she covered her cleavage, allowing me to finally look away. Shaeula was pouting a bit at my attention on Hyacinth’s chest, but it wasn’t like Eri was small either, though in her mortal body, it looked like Hyacinth had jumped a cup-size or two, as in the Boundary she was similar in size to Eri, but here she outclassed her.

“So where is the White Snake and Haru?” Shaeula asked, and I shrugged.

“Well, this is Shirohebizumi shrine, so it can look around all it wants. As for Suzuki-san…” I listened, and could hear TV going in one of the rooms downstairs. It could have been a trainee using a room, but considering the sobbing I could hear, I doubted it.

“Follow me.” I said, descending, and on reaching the room I knocked softly on the door. “Suzuki-san. It’s me. Can I come in?”

There was a moment of silence, before the door opened, revealing her to me. She was wearing a black mourning dress, with long black gloves and dark opaque tights, as well as a black veil covering her face. The only splash of colour on her was a bit of thick white lace around her throat. Pretty much all her skin is covered. It makes sense, I guess she has a lot of trauma.

“Oshiro-san… I… it’s true. I’m back.” She was still sniffling, and I could see damp cheeks under her veil. “When I turned on the TV, watched the news, it hit me. I’m… I can see daddy again. I can go shopping, listen to music… everything I used to. Well, except live, I suppose. I’m still dead.” She managed a weak smile, before reaching out one gloved hand to me hesitantly, her fear of men still strong. Still, I knew she needed this, so I took her hand.

“Yeah. I need you to work for me, as agreed, but when you are having your downtime, you can spend it however you want, either in the Boundary or here. Nice veil by the way, Suzuki-san.”

“Please, don’t be so formal with me.” She managed. “Call me Haru. After all, you are my boss, right? And… you brought me home. I didn’t think it was truly possible. As for the veil… it helps me to have something to concentrate on to block out the voices. I can hear a few people not far from here, but if I use the veil to trick my mind, I get silence.”

“That’s clever.” I approved. “And I’m pleased that you managed to learn to control your Telepathy at least a bit… Haru-san.” I said her first name without stumbling, remembering how difficult I used to find it referring to girls so closely. No point getting embarrassed by things like that now, is there? “Still, don’t slack on your training, skill levels are important. Anyway, once I’ve introduced you to my secretary I’ll get her to make arrangements to meet your father.”

She nodded, turning off the TV and wiping her eyes. “I’m ready.”

“Great then, just Shirohebi to pick up.” I said, and it was found a few moments later, blinking in the early-morning sun as he surveyed the training school, a pensive expression on its face.

“Thisss… isss my ssshrine?” it asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah. The Izumi’s generously let me take over ownership and build this training school here. I have no intention of usurping them, don’t worry, but you must feel the lower level of ether here? This is high for the mortal world, due to that. Anyway, you can go visit the Izumi’s later. First we need to check in and get your photographs taken so we can get your koseki and passports done.”

They looked confused at that, but Haru-san and Shaeula understood. “I see. I’ll need new documents. After all… I’m dead.” Haru-san said, and I consoled her.

“Yeah, but the name I chose for you was Suzuki Harumi, so there should be no dissonance, and if you respond to being called Haru, well, it’s a nickname, right?”

“That makes sense.” She agreed. “After all, I do look the same as before. Well, not exactly.” she shook her head, the black veil moving with her breath as she spoke. “My hair and skin is perfect. I doubt I even need make-up now. Hooray for being dead…” she attempted to make a joke, her expression pained, and we all just smiled back warmly at her attempt to be strong.

“All right then, follow me!” And with that, we headed for the outbuilding that was Karen-chan’s office…


“So, it’s just one wild thing after another with you, isn’t it?” Karen-chan said, rubbing at her forehead. “Though… are maids your thing now? She’s a real beauty, I’ll give you that. She’s got a real punk vibe with those highlights and contacts. The outfit is lewd though.”

“Ooof course, I must be ready tooo warm master’s bed whenever he wishes!” Hyacinth declared proudly, puffing out her massive chest, straining the knots on the coloured shawl.

“Normally I’d say something like you sure are dedicated to your maid roleplay, girl but since the world has gone mad, I doubt it’s that.” She looked at Shaeula. “And you are okay with her flirting right in front of you?”

“Hyacinth has more than earned her right to be intimate with Akio. I could not-not deny her, nor would I wish to. She can also satisfy Akio when neither I nor-nor Eri are present.” Shaeula grinned, and Hyacinth flushed, her face red, her breath coming in hot gasps.

“Tonight.” I promised, causing Hyacinth to giggle wildly, and I was surprised to see faint spots of red dripping onto her shawl, her nose bleeding. “But before that I have quite a lot to attend to. Karen-chan. Tanaka-san, Hashimoto-san.”

“I told you to call me Noboru.” Hashimoto-san protested, and Tanaka-san echoed him, asking me to call him Taku.

“Fine. I will in future.” I promised. “Anyway, I know Hinata has bound you under contract, and you know secret stuff is going on here. I understand if you want out, and as long as you keep secret what you learned here, I’ll give you glowing references and enough severance to get you back on your feet. But if you want to stay, then you’ll need to become stronger to aid me. As employees, I’ll expect a lot more from you than I would my trainees. Though overtime will be paid at a fair rate, and you’ll find you have more energy, so working long hours won’t kill you.” I smiled to rob that of its sting.

Karen-chan was the first to accept. “When I heard about this, I knew I’d accept. You gave me a second chance, and I do like this job. I’ll accept everything it entails.”

“Great. Well… you can accept the pain then.” When Karen-chan blanched, I shrugged apologetically. “It only hurts at first. And as a side benefit, you get comprehensive medical care afterwards.” With Ether Healing, if they get ill or injured I can fix them, so in a way it’s better than medical insurance.

“I am in too!” Noboru-san declared, confidently. “I want my daughter to continue to respect me, and to prove my ex-wife wrong. No pain can hurt worse than my own daughter looking at me as if I am a worthless loser.”

Taku-san hesitated for longer, but in the end he agreed as well. “I’m not going to be the only one who quits. I thought I might be too old for this, but… Watanabe-san is right. You gave us second chances, and I’d be a fool not to see it to the end. Besides, with Nichibotsu backing you, you’re going places. Their young lady is going to be your wife, right?

“Oooh, another mistress? Hyacinth simply must meet her!” she cried, having been looking around the office at all the unfamiliar devices such as computers, the fax machine and more with chronic excitement, although her urge to clean and tidy was rising, only held back by her lust, which was also on the rise, her face ruby red.

“Putting her aside, I have to wonder, who are the other three? The poor girl looks like she’s in mourning, but the other two… is she a girl or a guy? I can’t tell…” Karen-chan observed the priestly Shirohebi. “As for the hulk there, he’s a big guy. Love the suit though, makes him look like a professional bouncer.”

“Oh, yeah. This is Grulgor.” I gestured to him, as he looked bored, standing there with his muscular arms folded. “He’s… well, the ultimate hired muscle. If we ever have more trouble with yakuza, he can go and break some heads, or if you need an escort somewhere, like when you are depositing massive piles of money or something, he can be used. As for this… err, well I don’t know if it even has a gender. It’s the patron deity of the shrine, Shirohebi.”

“Oh, that… what?” Karen-chan declared, and the other two looked equally shocked. “A kami? Really? Here?”

“Yep, no kidding.” I laughed at their reactions. “With all that goes on here I’d have thought you’d be more composed.”

“Composure is one thing.” Taku-san shook his head. “Meeting a god face-to-face is another. I had best start donating to the shrine!”

“I think faith is good enough. Kami like your prayers.” I grinned. “Once we are done here I’ll introduce Haru-san here, and then one of you can take Shirohebi to the shrine proper. I think the Izumi’s would want to meet the kami their family has served for all these years.”

“Yeah, I’m sure they would!” Noboru-san said, shaking his head too. “But done here, what do you mean?”

I grinned, still amused. “Well, first we have to perfect your networks. We have a lot of others to do tonight, so I want to let my aether rebuild before then. Come on you two. Shaeula will handle Karen-chan, but you boys are all mine.”

The two of them exchanged wary looks before nodding. Might as well get this done. I’d probably enjoy Karen-chan more, but after her experiences with her boss, I’d never be so crass…


“That hurt…” Taku-san said, shivering, as we re-entered the office. “… but my mind does feel clearer, and my aching joints don’t feel as bad as they usually do.”

“Yeah, it’s like…” Noboru-san began, only to stop as we had visitors, the atmosphere tense. Karen-san and Shaeula were back, and Hyacinth was busy cleaning, my absence allowing her to regain some sanity, leaving her pink delusions. Grulgor had actually gone back to the training school, as I told him about the special enhanced fitness room, so he had gone to lift weights. I told him not to mess with the machines until I showed him how… they were custom-made and expensive, so he had better listen!

Shirohebi was sitting quietly in the corner, observing, and our visitors… they were eyeing up Haru-san, who was looking away, nervous.

On seeing me enter, Officer Usui waved at me brightly, us having grown closer since we busted the moneylenders and their scammer comrades, but Detective Kato was focused entirely on Haru-san.

“You are Suzuki Haru, right? You look exactly like the photos and videos of you we’ve seen. But you are dead! I’ve seen your severed hand!” His gaze dropped to her lap, where both hands were resting.

Oh, great. More complications… Still, we were going to have to face this sooner or later, so I might as well get this handled now. Taking a deep breath, I stepped forwards, shielding her from view. “Well, Detective Kato, nice to see you again. You too, officer Usui. Now, why don’t you calm down, take a seat, let Karen-chan bring you some tea, and we’ll discuss this… unusual situation.”

He gave me a very pointed look, before nodding, taking a deep breath to steady himself. “Yes, I think we should. I think we should.”

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