On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Twelve

Two Hundred And Twelve

We strode out of the collapsed and burning mansion, tongues of Foehn greedily licking up the skeleton of the once-nice abode. The sparks drifting up into the black velvet of the Fae skies were pretty, but as I watched them sourly, helping the injured Shaeula and Hyacinth out, my arms around their shoulders, I couldn’t help but feel aggrieved. Sure, we can rebuild it, but even so… that was a nice mansion, and I do have some good memories there now.

“It is indeed a great-great shame.” Shaeula said, her amber eyes reflecting the conflagration as she turned her head. “Still, I would rather lose a mansion than anyone else I care-care about, even with Kin Restoration. I would not-not wish to rely on it too fervently, as there is no guarantee it is perfect, and to be reckless because we can restore my kin, only to find we were mistaken…” her eyes narrowed. “… I would not-not wish to live with that guilt gnawing at my soul.”

Beside me, Hyacinth nodded, still covered in little more than bloody rags. “Mistress is wise! Hyacinth has seen toooooo much loss over these looong years. It hurts to see the hooome destroyed.” She shook one fist at the burning wreck, frustrated. “It hurts sooo badly. The hooome is to be cherished, cleaned, proootected. But Hyacinth thinks we can rebuild, better than ever, sooo long as we all still live, right?”

“Good sentiments.” I said, feeling warmth not from the flames, but from the camaraderie and bonds I shared with my companions. And speaking of bonds… “It was pretty awful when that cat-girl started to steal the Kin Bonding skill from me. I could feel our bonds growing fainter, and I hated it.”

“Silly Akio.” Shaeula kissed me then, and in addition to her normal flavour, I tasted blood and smoke. Her tongue sought mine, and we reassured each other we were still here, still alive, with the heat of our bodies. As we parted, flushed, a thin line of saliva bridging us, she clutched my hand, squeezing it for reassurance. “Our bonds are not merely some-some skill. They are formed from love. Though even so, I would not-not care to lose that skill, whether we need it or not-not. It is the legacy of my mother, changed by my love-love for you, and no bitch will ever take it from me.”

“Sooo jealous.” Hyacinth pouted, her usual routine, but after her heroics facing Ginneka, I felt warmer towards her than ever, so I leaned in and kissed her gently. On the cheek of course. I’m not going to take her lips. I’m sure Eri and Hinata can forgive me this much. For a moment Hyacinth froze, before going bright scarlet, her eyes wide, hand on her cheek where my lips had touched her.

“I think-think you broke her. Still, she does indeed deserve a reward. Though seeing first-hand how terrible her ability to use this biological warfare is, I am more-more sure than ever you must bind her to you and never let her go.”

She’s right. I’ve created a monster indeed, and Hyacinth isn’t exactly… stable. I’ll need to take responsibility. I think that when my second Throne reaches Rank 2, she’ll have to take one slot for sure.

“Enough of that.” Shaeula said, surveying the battlefield, as Ulfuric and Grulgor came rushing over to us, relieved we were largely unharmed after our several frantic minutes of vicious combat. Weaselkin had died, even in this brief skirmish with the Hunting Cats, the survivors of which were now under guard, surrounded by thickets of spears. The soul-lights were glittering around Shaeula, slowly drinking in trickles of our aether, but the number of lights around her seemed a little higher than the casualties, several of them bobbing around uncertainly, barely drawing in any power at all.

Still, my musings on that and the irregularities I was experiencing had to wait, as Grulgor spoke, still dripping with silver and red blood from the many cats he had slain. “Grul says you killed those lying cats?” he boomed, and Shaeula nodded.

“Indeed we did. Akio took care of that unpleasant female, while I slew the male one. I do so hope Duke Formor was not-not expecting them to return.”

Grulgor looked troubled at that, before letting out a cavernous sigh. “Grul will speak to Duke Formor! It is strange to fight one another when we can crush treacherous fungi, take back our lands. Grul says you are not weak, not anymore. The Duke will listen, Grul is one of his mightiest followers!” He slammed a fist on his stony body, the sound thunderous.

“I hope so.” I said, remembering the Oaths I had sworn to him. “I did promise to be proportionate, so if he goes too far them I’m afraid…”

“Grul will stop him.” He promised, cutting me off. “But for now, Grul is happy stupid cats are dead.”

I felt a pricking at the back of my mind. Luckily it was not Foresight, the nagging sensations having faded away, and I was once more relieved I heeded them and took precautions this time. See, I can learn! If we had been less suspicious of the servants at the mansion, or wrote it off as mere dislike of me, we could have ended up poisoned, assassinated or dead to the Myconids when our gear broke. Although again, I’m not sure whether it would have been enough to take out me or Shaeula, even with their schemes. Maybe. But Ixitt, Hyacinth, Grulgor, they were vulnerable…

“So, just what happened?” Ulfuric asked. “We were setting up perimeters around the Ring Gates, as well as the mansion, in case the Wild Hunt launched an attack as we suspected was possible, but then from inside the mansion battle erupted, and we were flooded with these creatures.” He turned to glare at the cats, who prostrated themselves on the ground, survival instinct overcoming their loyalty to their former masters. They immediately began to mewl excuses, that they were forced to come, until Ulfuric silenced them with a shout. “These are not from the Wild Hunt though, are they?”

I shook my head and explained the events that led us to this pass. Ulfuric listened intently, occasionally asking a sharp question or seeking further elaboration. When I was done he frowned, expression grim indeed. “The Night Parade? I see. I know little of them, though your mother was one of their number, princess. If Duke Formor, and likely Duke Vulpatrius, are trafficking with them to destabilise your father, princess, then everything does make a lot of sense. Likely there are those within the Night Parade who are dissatisfied with your mother, just as we have here with prince Shaetanao. The matter of long-hidden servants who were working for Duke Vulpatrius worries me more though. Ixitt has stabilised the survivors, and now the battle is over he has no doubt returned to tend to them. We will need answers. But first…” Ulfuric peered at Shaeula. “You’ve changed, princess. There is something about you now that seems… different.”

No kidding, I’ve noticed it too. It happened when she slew Kinneka. I nodded, my Eye gleaming as I invoked the powers replicating Kin Examination it held within. “Yes, you’ve grown stronger, and also…”

Shaeula's stats part 1

Shaeula's stats part 2

You know what? I think we’ve kept our promise to Shaeraggo, and we still have plenty of our days remaining before the three moons he promised us is up. Seriously though, her stats have nearly caught me up again. It’s a touch bittersweet. Still, having my girls stronger is always a good thing!

“You’re a full-fledged Kamaitachi as well now. Neat. I guess the bloodline of your mother is shining through.”

Shaeula nodded. “I do indeed feel a little different.” She grinned. She suddenly changed back into her weasel-form, looking as adorable as ever, but now she had gleaming daggers of brilliant jade metal sprouting from her wrists and ankles, shimmering with verdant wind energies, wreathing her form like an empress in a rich cloak.

“You look… impressive, princess.” Ulfuric was almost lost for words at her regal transformation. “Your mother and father will be very proud. With your current strength, I daresay you could put up a decent fight against your sister.”

“Would I beat her?” Shaeula asked, changing back to her human form and clinging to my arm, seeking praise, so I stroked her silky hair.

“It is not impossible. Though her long years of training and great skill would likely give her the edge. Even so, I feel your exile could be rescinded should you so choose.”

“No.” Shaeula shook her head. “Not-not until we have recaptured the Spring of Clear Reflections and I can return in great-great glory, blowing away all the doubts about me and my father. We can do this, can we not-not, Akio?”

“Of course. This setback hasn’t changed anything. Ixitt and Bjarki can fix our gear, and even if we have to slum it in tents here while the mansion is rebuilt, we can manage.”

“Grul agrees. If you and the princess prove your might, Duke Formor will surely be pleased and have no reason to oppose you. Besides, Grul hates leaving the battle unfinished. Many puny fungi left to crush!” He laughed, his voice booming between his slab-like teeth, causing the captive cats to cower harder.

Well, I’m not sure how much I should trust Grulgor at his word. I can think of many reasons Duke Formor would want us dead even more now. But there’s no point shattering his illusions. We are close to pulling him into our camp completely. Just a little more…

“Your chakra network has changed again.” I observed, Eye glowing amber. “And after we had just finished those paintings. Now we’ll need to redo them.” I sighed.

“You would-would take any excuse to see me naked, would you not-not, Akio?” she laughed, lightening the mood, shaking off our doubts about the Duke.

“I don’t think I need to have an excuse, do I?” I said, to more laughter. Hyacinth would normally be joining in now with her jealousy, but she was still dazed, holding her cheek, making me feel a little bit bad for her. “Anyway, here is the extra information I have. I can’t get Class or Type yet at Rank 1, but even so… A chakra network integrating the elements of both a Fae and a Yōkai chakra network together. This allows for increased affinity with light and darkness elements, and overall higher performance. Balancing this is a miracle, as ordinarily two contrasting networks should interfere with each other, leaving the bearer weak and unable to realise their potential, though strange powers can often be created in the junction, between worthless and wonderous.

“Well, that explains why half-blood Fae such as yourself are weak, and also why you have such great skills.” I observed. “Your networks were clashing from birth, then you moved more down the path of a Fae when you met me, suppressing your Yokai half, growing as a Fae, but now you’ve reclaimed your mothers’ heritage.”

“Indeed.” She gave me a brilliant smile, tears of emotion in her eyes. “I do hope when I finally meet her again-again, she will be proud of me.”

“I am sure she will be. And looking at your class, I think our chances of meeting her are rather high. It looks to me like you stole Kinneka’s qualification to be one of the Hundred Demons when you killed him. So… I guess you are a member of the Night Parade now too? I wonder if someone will come to invite you.”

“Worry not-not.” She sniffed, scrubbing away her tears. “I shall not-not leave you for the Parade. Nor the lands of my father.” She reassured Ulfuric. “I am a greedy female now. I wish to have it all-all. Still, it would be nice if my mother would come and advise me on these matters.” She eyed me then, her own eyes glowing. “Did you not-not join the Night Parade yourself, Akio? You did kill Ginneka, after all.”

“Nope, didn’t get a class. Either she wasn’t one of the Hundred Demons, or I’m not qualified somehow. I guess it doesn’t matter. We gained enough. We can learn a lot from your chakra network, and affinity to light and darkness elements seems great. That could really help Eri out if we can harness it.”

“Yes, Eri needs to be stronger. Aiko too. If only it was as easy-easy to strengthen her.” Shaeula mused.

“Well, I think she can grow a bit stronger.” I said. “Lovers’ Link has changed, since that meddlesome cat purloined it. The description on it says For each Rank of Lovers’ Link the bearer possesses, they will gain access to one percent of the statistics of their lover, up to the maximum of matching their lover.” This seemed to be the change in the skill I had been notified of when Kin Bonding returned to me from that thieving cat. “I think Eri has it at Rank 5, right? Five percent of my stats is a very decent boost.” Shaeula was getting the boost as well, pushing her stats even closer to mine. Our chances of being able to handle the Myconids is significantly higher now. Greater skills means we have higher sustain in the field, which is key to our attrition plans.

“Do not-not tell me you are finally going to give in to your carnal desires and ravish Aiko?” Shaeula grinned, only for me to flick her forehead gently, chiding her.

“Come on, be serious. She’s my sister. I don’t think of her that way. I know I said the same about having a harem, but… that’s very different. I know you are only joking but…” I shuddered. “Seriously though, I can now grant a single rank of it to anyone I love enough. I have no interest in my sister sexually, I’m not a deviant, but in terms of love for my sister, I’m right up there with your idiot brother!” I gave Shaeula a thumbs-up, only for her to flick me back, laughing.

“Whatever you say, Akio. I shall not-not question you! Hmm, so, a single rank? It is not-not much, but would be a nice boost. Six levels and five or six points to each of her statistics as well? She would be much-much safer.”

“That’s what I was thinking. It’s a start, anyway.” The upgrades to my skills weren’t all I acquired either. In addition to the fire and spatial affinity I received, I also increased my Determination by two, Charm by one (which made very little sense) and more importantly, I had seen these amber letters cross my vision.

You have gained access to a partial technique, Void Motion [Class: Unknown] [Type: Unknown]. The shattered remnants of this technique are currently unusable, as you have little understanding of it, or access to the spatial element required to utilise it.

Even so, Void Motion. It just sounded so awesome. And Ginneka was able to use it to great effect, so the thought of me being able to do likewise… I’m definitely going to have to work on this somehow.

“While I think about it, the skills Ginneka took from you have gone up as well, haven’t they? Damn, she really was the gift that kept on giving. You are at Rank 7 with your Heart Chakra too. That’s awesome!”

“Indeed.” She puffed out her chest proudly. “I now have a greater understanding of the wind, and the wall that has been blocking my mastery of it is crumbling. Soon-soon I shall grow stronger, I know it!”

“Great. You can help me out then too!” I chuckled. Anyway, everything else other than the Kamaitachi Dagger Technique, which was a style that seemingly just blended powerful wind attacks with blade-work, were just simple upgrades, so it was time to turn our attention to weightier matters.

Passing by the cats, on smelling the blood from Kinneka and Ginneka on us initially panicked, before something strange happened. The largest of the surviving cats gingerly padded to the edge of the ring of spears, and even as the weaselkin there tried to thrust him back, he did not move, only raising his head to peer at Shaeula. When she turned at this commotion, the cat crouched low, tail between its legs, ears flat against its skull, face pushed to the ground.

“We surrender!” the cat declared meekly. “Kinneka and Ginneka are dead, their place in the Night Parade lost. Yet you… you are one of the Parade as well, as strong as Kinneka!” It let out a rumbling purr, echoed by all of the other captive cats. “Please, we will serve, lest we lose our place under the Parade! The Night Parade is ruled by the strong, you are qualified!”

At this Shaeula looked troubled. “I am no cat, I am a proud weaselkin.” She transformed again into her new kamaitachi form, and the cats spoke excitedly.

“A Kamaitachi! She is one of the Night Parade!” One said, and others echoed it excitedly.

“How about this then?” I said. “You cats can cooperate with our investigation and tell us everything you know, and if so, Shaeula can take you under her wing.” I turned to her. “After all, more troops is never a bad thing, right? And needlessly disposing of followers of the Parade might cause problems when you look for your mother.”

“Fine.” Shaeula conceded. “Listen well to my chosen husband, cats.” She warned. “Disrespect him and I shall show-show no mercy. Prove your sincerity and you may move my heart to accept you!” And as the cats adopted submissive poses, purring out their thanks and promises of cooperation, we headed to where Ixitt had put the badly-injured maids. On seeing us, he raised his head, grinning broadly.

“That is quite the fetching form you have there princess. If prince Shaeraggo could see you now he would likely weep a river of joy!”

“Very amusing.” Shaeula snorted sourly, restoring her human form once more. “So, how are they?”

“Gravely wounded. I have done what I could. One did not survive, alas.”

Shaeula nodded. “I know. Poor foolish idiot. I hope-hope it was worth it, trampling on my trust and betraying me.” Her eyes strayed to the side a moment, before she bent down, looking at the two battered and broken maids. “Akio, I know-know you are tired, but can you aid me?”

“Of course.” I nodded, immediately starting to work Ether Healing with what remaining aether I could muster. At least we topped off a bit from the bounty of ether the cat twins dropped. Soon, under our ministrations, the first maid awoke, her face still filled with pain from her injuries. On seeing us her eyes went wide, and she tried to look around, only for her wounds to stop her in her tracks. She let out a screech of pain, and I let a little more Ether in, alleviating the worst of it.

“What… happened?” she managed, the last thing she remembered was being slammed into the wall, her bones shattering. “How am I alive-alive? Is… what happened to everyone else?”

“Most are dead. All barring you two-two.” Shaeula sighed bitterly. “Though I know not where Risha and Klena are. Dead perhaps, but I doubt it.” Her gaze once more wavered, before she went back to her work.

“Don’t forget, Velna is safe back at our Territory. That’s one silver lining.” At my comforting words, Shaeula nodded slowly, brightening a little.

“So now, it is time-time for questions.” Shaeula said, hardening her heart. “Perhaps I was not-not a good mistress, I accept that, but it was your schemes that moulded me that way. This betrayal stings my heart, I do admit. And worse… attempting to kill me with poison or by sabotage…” she shook her head once more, amber hair cascading over her face, hiding her expression and no doubt her tears from view.

“The poison wasn’t me-me!” She protested, gritting her teeth against both pain and shame. “All-all I did was to encourage you to behave badly as Risha asked, and in exchange I was promised rich rewards and many privileges when Duke Vulpatrius replaced your father as Prince of the Beastkin Fae!”

“I do not-not understand.” Shaeula whispered. “What rewards could you want that I could not-not give you?”

At that the maid fell silent, mortified, looking away. We could have used the winds to press her, but that could wait. The second maid was also up, and she sang a similar story. Risha was the one who had started it all, and was working for Duke Vulpatrius long before her service to Shaeula’s family, along with another of the maids, who was now dead.

“Yeah, this is why companies need background checks I guess. Although… I’ve been hiring staff without due diligence. Shit. Guess I’d better be more careful in future. This was a good lesson, if a strange one.” I said inanely, the tension of the moment getting to me.

“So, where did Risha take Klena and why?” I asked the two maids, who were now out of danger, if still quite injured. I’m pretty sure I know the answer, but let’s see how cooperative they are.

“Klena and Velna were getting suspicious. I think Risha had some way of-of communicating with the Duke, and your progress in fighting the Unseelie was unnerving him. So her measures were growing reckless. I swear I knew nothing about the poison or the sabotage. That was Risha and the other two!”

“Yes-yes, all I did was spy on you and teach you wrong!” the other maid whimpered. “I didn’t want to see you die. I think Risha left to bring in those two-two monsters. And she was spared their rampage.” She spat then, the effort paining her, silvery saliva tainted with blood. “To think we were tossed aside like that, used up like trash. Perhaps the moon did not smile upon our actions.”

“Why would they?” I shook my head. “An impressionable young girl like Shaeula relied on you to guide her properly. Instead you betrayed her trust. And the thing about betrayers is, they always seem to end up betrayed in turn.” I pulled Shaeula close, rubbing her head while she cried in my chest, her tears muffled. “We need to find a way to get Klena back, even if it’s through diplomacy. And as for Risha… well, I intend to have a nice long talk with her one day.”

“So, what-what will happen to us?” The maids asked together, the dire situation they were in finally dawning on them.

“Well, that’s not up to me. But if I were you, I would suggest being extremely forthcoming with Prince Shaetanao.”

“I shall handle matters.” Ulfuric rumbled, having settled the cats under the watchful eye of his troops. “The matter of the method of communication is interesting. Chances are she took it with her when she fled, but if it still remains it would make good evidence.” He gazed at the mansion, which was now little more than burning rubble. “We must search the wreckage for…”

“I left my bells in there!” Shaeula exclaimed suddenly, bolting from my lap, startling everyone. “We must-must retrieve them immediately. I pray they remain undamaged!”

“Damn, losing them would be a blow. Let’s go!” I declared, and we rushed over to the mansion…


“So, no sign of any device or the butler.” I said to Ulfuric as Shaeula cradled her bells in her arms, thankful they were undamaged, not having been consumed by Foehn. “I suppose the butler could easily have been killed and turned to ether by now, but…”

“Yes, the maids insist that the butler was not part of their schemes and they would have no reason to lie. Besides, he was one of prince Shaeraggo’s servants, not yours, princess.” Ulfuric agreed. “Risha might have killed him, it would be a small risk, but your skill likely would not have gathered his spirit-light.” Ulfuric mused, knowing well how it worked since he joined our forces as an advisor. “Even so, it seems rather too clumsy.”

“Everything they did these last few days was stupid.” I disagreed. “Although our greater strength than they anticipated and our… other actions…” I flushed a little, remembering. “… stopped their little schemes dead. Still, there is one person who knows for sure, and some others that might.”

“That terrible, wooorthless servant Risha!” Hyacinth snarled, having re-joined us after recovering from her earlier shock at my kind gesture. She had found a new uniform from somewhere and had brought us some wine salvaged from the basement of the mansion. “I shall wring the truth ooout ooof her!”

“I am quite-quite keen on dragging the truth from her myself.” Shaeula was more composed now, having faced the reality of her servants’ betrayal, though she was glancing to the side and over her shoulder regularly, eyes glowing, seemingly unaware of it. Yeah, healing the pain will take quite some time. But I am here for her, Eri and Aiko too. Karen-chan, Hinata, Konoe-san… she has friends now who care about her. And Konoe-san needs our help now. It’ll give Shaeula something to take her mind off this…

“I would also wish for information on why those foolish cats hated me so-so.” Shaeula continued. “I understand that ugly bitch wanting to steal my skill, but Kinneka had quite the hatred for me.”

Not letting my attention be drawn away, I sighed. Ugly, huh? I wouldn’t say that, though she definitely wasn’t the cat-girl otaku dreamed of. Too murderous and slutty. Not that I can judge her for that…

“We’ll untangle it all, we have several possibilities to go on now. But this has been one hell of a time. I suggest we head back to the Material and deal with Konoe-san’s issue once and for all. The break will do us good and clear our heads. I want to speak to my sis and Eri anyway. I should probably thank Hinata and her grandfather too.”

“Yes. It does me no-no good to dwell upon these matters.” Shaeula agreed. “What I have-have learned from you is doing will always beat wishing. I wish to speak to Hinata and Eri as well-well.”

“Ulfuric, can you handle matters?” I asked, and he agreed. “Grulgor, you can have a day off and crush some enemies around our Territory if you want. As for you, Ixitt…”

“Please, I simply must visit the Material world with you!” he begged. “I will not cause any trouble, but even a single day of reading and studying there is worth much to my Mortal Engineering!”

“Fine.” I sighed. “Sorry I can’t bring you as well, Hyacinth.”

“Nooo, I shall miss master and mistress, and am eager to meet the new mistress, but I am happy enooough.” She smiled, surprisingly gently. “Master will return, I knooow this. Hyacinth will nooot be alone or back in the booox again.”

“No. never.” I promised, patting her head. After finishing up a few more details, such as requesting troops to clear the rubble of the mansion when the fires finally died down, Shaeula, Ixitt and I all returned to the Material…

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