On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Twenty-Seven

Two Hundred And Twenty-Seven

“Please come up. Room four hundred and two. It is unlocked.” A voice came out of the intercom, and Hinata whispered to me that it was Koga Michiru, the bodyguard of Miyu-san. The door slid open, revealing four armed and bulky security guards that were posted around the entrance to the block of condominiums, probably Fujiwara Security. I nodded to them politely, well acquainted with some of their colleagues, but all they did was remain expressionless, maintaining their poise.

“You know, this doesn’t seem like a party venue.” I said, as we entered the lift. Kazumi-san had to wait outside, as bringing a bodyguard to the house of Miyu-san was apparently an insult, especially for someone with the status of Hinata.

Hinata nodded, curious that we hadn’t seen any other guests, but perhaps we were asked to come early, or were already late. “Well, her father doesn’t involve himself in the business of Fujiwara house. He’s a senior bureaucrat in the MEXT. Most of the nobility look down on him, as he declined to work for Fujiwara house, but Miyu-sama is still Fujiwara-sama’s granddaughter, so she suffers no disrespect. But due to his job, there are numerous gatherings held here, or so I hear. Obviously the daughters of nobility aren’t involved in government business.”

MEXT, huh? Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. It’s not a big one like the Military or Finance, and he’s a career bureaucrat rather than an actual politician like Tsumura-san, right? Even so, if he’s senior, that’s quite influential, especially if his family is so important… As the door slid open to floor four, we stepped out of the elevator into a wide hallway. There was still nobody else about, and we couldn’t hear any noise that sounded like a social gathering.

Hinata met my quizzical gaze and shrugged, her hand still in mine. “It does seem a little strange, but this is a very high-end building. I’m sure the soundproofing is excellent.” We quickly reached room four hundred and two, and I pressed the intercom by the door.

“Come in. I said it was unlocked.” Koga-san said again, so after a deep breath and a reassuring squeeze of her hand, I opened the door, and we stepped inside, to be greeted by a surprisingly spacious entryway. Looking down, I could see the floor was hard wood, so we would not need to change our outdoor shoes. I daresay that makes sense, if this isn’t just a home, but a venue for politics as well. Must be tough for a young girl.

Once through the hall, the condo opened out into a significantly-large living area. It could easily hold a hundred or so people in a party, and… there was nobody there. No, that isn’t correct. There are two people. One was a woman in what looked like archaic ninja garb, her brown hair pulled into a side ponytail. Her body-language radiated wariness, and her brown eyes were looking at me with cold appraisal. Beside her, sitting down quietly, wearing a black and white dress with long skirt and sleeves, showing almost no skin, was an elegant-looking girl, her expression blank and doll-like. Fujiwara Miyu-san, I guess.

“My mistress bids you welcome.” Koga-san declared, gesturing to a couple of seats sat opposite the girls at a noticeable distance. Hinata squeezed my hand again, showing her nerves, but I smiled calmly and mouthed reassurances at her.

“Pardon my rudeness.” I said, trying to comprehend the unusual situation. “My understanding was I’m escorting Hinata here to a gathering for noble girls from her school. Are we too early?”

“I fear there has indeed been a misunderstanding.” Koga-san said, still on alert. “My mistress is not fond of such boisterous affairs. Instead she wished to speak to the two of you. She thanks you for your attendance.”

At that, Miyu-san inclined her head in thanks, the movement elegant yet somehow soulless, insincere.

“I… see.” Hinata said, thrown off by the surprise. Still, she quickly regained her confidence, leading me to the chairs. As we sat down she offered her greetings.

“Michiru, Miyu-sama, I thank you for inviting Akio and I here today.” Hinata said politely. “It is quite the honour to be in the presence of the oldest daughter of the Fujiwara family.”

At Hinata’s polite greeting, Miyu-san’s face twitched, though I wouldn’t have noticed it except for my excellent perception. Despite her seeming annoyance, she opened her mouth and spoke, her voice quiet but refined. “Hinata… I can call you Hinata, right?”

Hinata nodded hurriedly to agree. “Of course, Miyu-sama.”

“Well, Hinata. I was curious when your engagement was announced. To someone outside the nobility, with no pedigree. Curious. Except that the world isn’t normal now, is it?” Miyu-san shook her head. “I’m quite aware of these mysterious people who have strange powers. And this gentleman, Oshiro-san, I believe, he is one my grandfather is putting much faith in. even so…” this time even Hinata could see the displeasure on her face, which made her blanch, her ingrained respect for the ladies of the Three Great Houses making her instinctively avoid upsetting her.

“… I’m curious. It is the fate of all of us, a marriage for our House. I have a fiancé too, supposedly, though my grandfather has not announced who it is, not even to me, as the time isn’t right. So I was curious. Your family isn’t true nobility, but your mother is from the Takatsukasa house, so you were raised properly, to accept this. But you would have expected a marriage to someone in the Fifty-Seven, surely. Yet my grandfather has pushed you into a marriage to this stranger. How does that make you feel?”

This again? Hinata is pretty bitter about how she’s treated differently to her cousin Sakura-san, right? I made to console her, only to find Hinata was smiling brightly, no trace of distress on her features. Seeing me looking, she winked at me, before turning back to Miyu-san.

“That’s quite a strange question, Miyu-sama. And I must say I’m a little disappointed. I was honoured to receive an invitation from you, only to find that I am merely here to be a clown, to make you feel better about your own situation.”

“You dare, you…” Koga-san started to move, angered, but she suddenly froze, as my intent to intervene radiated out from me. I wouldn’t say it’s killing intent, like a manga, but I’m definitely annoyed right now.

“Be still, Michiru. She means no disrespect, Hinata merely… misunderstands me.” Miyu-san said, and I was starting to suspect she was nowhere near as meek as Hinata had advised me. “Go fetch us some tea. That will suit everyone, will it not?” She asked us, and Hinata nodded, so I did likewise.

“But, mistress, I need to guard you!” Koga-san protested, but Miyu-san merely fixed me with a searching look.

“I’ve heard the reports from grandfather. If Oshiro-san wished to harm me, you would be unable to stop him, isn’t that right?” She asked me.

“Well, I’m not in the business of hurting girls.” I shook my head. “Though I’d appreciate it if you’d stop trying to upset Hinata. But if I’m being honest, yes. You’d both be dead or under my power before you even noticed, if I was so inclined.”

Koga-san tensed at my words, but Miyu-san leaned back in her chair, seemingly satisfied by my answer. “As expected, anyone who can defeat armed yakuza and even foreign agents will outmatch you, Michiru. Though I daresay you would give a good account of yourself.”

“This is why I objected to this…” Koga-san talked back, surprising Hinata, though she did head for the side of the room, where an expensive-looking tea set was waiting.

“It was necessary.” Miyu-san insisted. Turning her attention back to the troubled Hinata she smiled, and this time it seemed more genuine. “Well, Hinata. I am quite serious. Just what do you think of your arranged marriage? I have reasons for asking, and not to mock you. I was present when Mayumi-san sent you storming off in tears, after all. Besides, why would I mock you? My fate is the same…”

Hinata and I exchanged glances, before she looked down and sighed. “I don’t feel good about it. Not at all.” Hinata said, and Miyu-san raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Interesting. You would say that next to your fiancé? From everything I have heard, you are supposedly overjoyed, Motoko-san too. Though that might just be your families putting on a brave face. There is much rotten beneath the surface. But to think you would be so bold as to speak freely? Do you not respect Oshiro-san? Well, he is a commoner, but that seems…”

“You misunderstand me.” Hinata shook her head. “I hate it. Motoko-san and Natsumi too. We all hate the arranged marriage, as… it wasn’t fair. I’m particularly ashamed. I even had to spring my proposal on Akio when he was helping my grandfather, using my parents too.”

“Isn’t that how arranged marriages work?” Miyu-san was puzzled. Koga-san returned then, carrying cups of tea on a silver tray, and we took them gratefully. I took a sip and smiled. Yeah, this is good. Really good.

Hinata placed her cup back down on the saucer, nodding her thanks to Koga-san. “Well yes.” She continued. “But you misunderstand me. I’m not unhappy at the marriage, Motoko-san, Natsumi neither. We are unhappy that we couldn’t win his love without tricks.” She then leaned over and kissed me, heedless of ruining her immaculate lipstick and make-up. As Koga-san and Miyu-san flushed, we tangled our tongues, damp sounds echoing, and as we pulled apart, lips damp, Hinata was flushed too, with a mixture of shame and lust, her lips wet with my saliva. “Make no mistake. It may have started as an arranged marriage, but it’s a love match now. I have proof, right?”

I grinned shamefacedly. “Sorry about that. We shouldn’t have been so forward in front of such refined girls such as yourselves.”

“Think… think nothing of it.” Miyu-san managed. “That was… interesting. So, a love match you say? That seems improbable. You barely know this man.”

“True, but I discover something more to like every day.” Hinata insisted. “Most importantly, he never treats me like a noble, or an upstart, or anything but a girl. And he needs me! Honestly, he’s too weak to women, and too generous. He needs a wife who can stop him getting swindled! I wake up excited every day now, wondering what it will bring. And there are other perks too…” she touched her lips, flushing. “If I may be so bold as to give you advice, Miyu-sama…” she said diffidently, and the other girl nodded, allowing it. “… I’ve seen more of the outside world in the last few weeks than I have in my entire life, been more alive, had more joy. Nobility is important, history is important, I don’t disagree. But nothing is more important than our happiness. If you don’t want to get married, then don’t. It may cause problems with your father and grandfather, but… finding someone to love is more important.”

“Problems with father? Hardly.” Miyu-san snorted. “I can’t even remember the last time I spoke to him. If I want anything I go through mother. Grandfather, I respect him, he has helped hold Japan together through many troubled times, and he has always been kind to me, but he likes Honoka more, she’ll be the heir.”

“In that case, why not… why not try and find your own path? Even if you declined any engagement, I am sure Fujiwara-sama would forgive you. Besides…” Hinata looked at me, her eyes pleading. “I am sure that Akio can help you. The world has changed, and the nobility needs to change with it. For my future. Motoko-san, Natsumi. Even you, Miyu-sama.”

“So, you’d help me, would you?” Miyu-san smiled, looking satisfied. “I see. I knew I was right to call you here. Yes, you can help me.” She leaned forwards, her gaze intense. “Tell me, Oshiro-san, these strange powers, how do you get rid of them?”

For a moment there was silence in the room as Hinata and I turned over the implications of that in my head. There was only two conclusions I could come to, and one made no sense so… “Miyu-san… are you a Candidate? Did a god bless you?”

“Sharp as expected.” Miyu-san sniffed. “Though calling it a blessing seems strange. It is surely a curse. Ame-no-Uzume… to think such kami actually existed. Laughable.” She snorted sourly, completely shattering her image of a meek girl. “I didn’t ask for this.”

“But…” Hinata was shocked. “Fujiwara-sama, Ichijou-sama, Grandfather Itsuki, they were desperate to find others like Akio, and yet you didn’t talk? Why? I don’t get it.” Hinata said, confused. I think I do, though. Reaching out, I patted her on the head reassuringly, not caring that I mussed her hair, considering that this social gathering was just a front, and that Miyu-san was revealing her true face to us.

“Just let her speak, okay?” I said, and Hinata nodded.

“I am already trapped, a marriage I don’t want decided for me, my life planned out for me, my fate to be the perfect, quiet daughter. I am only ever happy when dancing, or playing piano, or spending time with Michiru.” At that, the ninja-girl flushed. “Hinata, do you seriously believe I would surrender even more of the fragile specks of dust I get for my own life? I’m not like Mayumi-san, who revels in being a queen, or Honoka, who believes her future husband will succeed the Fujiwara family. I don’t want any of this!” She was angry, her face red, and Koga-san was at her side, rubbing her back soothingly. “Why should I have to save the world? What has the world ever done for me?”

“That’s… amazingly selfish.” Hinata said then, surprising me. “I’m a little disappointed in you, Miyu-sama. No, Miyu. If you dislike Fujiwara house so, and your rank, why should I give you the respect it merits?”

“You would dare speak to Miyu-sama that way?” Koga-san protested, enraged, but Hinata brushed her off, continuing.

“I do dare. I’ve always spoken my mind, to Sakura, to Mayumi, and why should you be any different? Besides, you are being foolish. Yes, the system is rotten and unfair to us, but it comes with benefits too. Benefits you’ve enjoyed. You say you love piano and Japanese dance. Well, do you think a normal family can afford such luxuries?” She looked at me fondly then. “Aiko told me how you scrimped and saved for her bow, giving up your allowance for many months to pay part of it.” She continued. “I hate the way I’m treated yes, but I still do my duty. I’m just lucky that my duty coincides with what I want now. Your bodyguard, Michiru. Would you have her without your grandfather? And you don’t care about the world? You and Michiru live in this world!”

“I think you might want to calm down.” I warned her, but she shook her head.

“Seriously. I get it must be scary. Akio told me a tale of his battles earlier, and the thought of facing such things, I can understand you must be afraid. But there are those that would envy you. Ame-no-Uzume. If I had her power, I could do amazing things together with Akio. Eri would kill for that. Aiko too.”

“If you want it so much, then take it!” Miyu-san sneered, her placid mask now completely gone. “Who are you to preach to me?”

“Someone that knows more than you do!” Hinata snapped back, and then I was moving, my hands grabbing at Koga-san, who had leapt at Hinata, an expression of rage across the part of her face that wasn’t behind her mouth-covering ninja mask. “Enough of that.” I warned, only for her hand to dart towards me, glittering metal and dark liquid under two of her fingernails, aimed for my exposed skin. “I said no.” Grabbing her hand I squeezed, and she turned pale with pain. Even so, the ninja-girl struggled, and her shoe stabbed at my body, long needles also coated in dark liquid shooting out.

“Stop, Michiru, this isn’t…” Miyu-san was shouting, while Hinata was frozen by shock. This little firecracker moves well. You’d think she was a Candidate. Still, that’s fucking dangerous. My foot slammed into the needles, and they pierced through the sole, before stopping, unable to penetrate my skin. Koga-san let out a yelp as I slammed her down into the floor hard enough for the ground to tremble, and I stomped my pierced shoe down, shattering the needles, before treading on the ninja, pinning her stunned body down.

“That was stupid and reckless.” I said, extremely aggrieved. Hinata was pale, and Miyu-san was looking at me, as if unsure of what I would do next. “I’m telling you now, if one of those had hit Hinata, you’d be dead.” I was serious, and even the dazed Koga-san knew it. Hinata was blushing at my vehement defence of her, but I wasn’t going to let her off either. “And Hinata, I get that Miyu-san has been shitting on all your dreams in front of you, despite having achieved them through no effort but being born, but remember. We promised, right? We’ll change things. There’s no need to let her get to you.”

“Sorry.” Hinata said, shaking her head in apology, calming down now the suddenly-attacking Koga-san was helpless below my boot. “I… well, it offends me on so many levels! When you are putting in so much work, fighting, bleeding, crying, just to save the world, and she… she…” her words failed her and I reached out, clasping her hand.

“I’m not trying to save the world. I’m trying to save those I love. It’s just those I love need a world to live on, right?” As she looked surprised at that, I turned back to Miyu-san.

“Well, that was… troublesome. Where do we go from here? And I hope you know why Hinata was upset. She idolises the true noble daughters like you, and now she longs for the sort of abilities I have. To hear you dismiss both of them…”

“I apologise. We went too far.” Miyu-san said, surprising me, and Hinata more, as she gasped in shock. “Michiru, you shouldn’t have attacked her. Besides, we knew Oshiro-san was unbeatable for us. Now you have to pay the price.”

“Anything, mistress. This ninja has failed you. Death is a small price to pay for such disgrace.”

“Death doesn’t benefit our guest. One I am asking a favour from.” She shook her head. “Oshiro-san. Michiru is a beauty is she not? She is now yours, to do with as you will. Break her, toy with her body, defile her purity. She deserves no less.”

What. The. Fuck? My mind went blank for a moment as a schoolgirl, such a young lady, suggested the unthinkable. Hinata was equally shocked, choking.

“But mistress, I only yearn for you. I swore to let no man but the strongest give me… wait…” she trailed off, confused, falling silent.

Screw this. I’m done being polite. I removed my foot, hauled Koga-san up and propped her over my knee. She looked confused for a second, before my hand slapped her ass. She let out a little shriek, before my hand slapped her other buttock. I’m not even hitting that hard, and she’s still wearing her ninja outfit. “Bad kids need punishment. But I’m not some sort of monster.” A handful more slaps, and I was done. “Nine. And ten.” Releasing the girl, I frowned at Miyu-san. “I get that she’s your servant, your bodyguard, but you don’t own her life! You claim to hate the way your role oppresses you, and you go and turn it around on another? I’m tempted to give you a few slaps as well, but your grandfather would be pissed off if he found out, and dealing with that would be a pain. Not that I couldn’t.” I declared proudly. “I’m never the man I was yesterday, I’m always stronger, more skilled, with allies who support me more and more. I’m using your grandfather as he uses me. I always honour my agreements, but I’m not up for being taken for granted. Just bear this in mind. If there’s even a scratch on Hinata or any of my friends, family or fiancées, be they a noble, the President of the USA, a fucking Demon Lord from Hell, an Alien invasion… or even a young girl like you, then my fury will be swift and terrible.”

Hinata was throwing her arms around me, while Koga-san took up her post beside Miyu-san, surreptitiously rubbing her ass. “Swift and terrible? I see. But not so terrible.” Miyu-san shook her head. “You made only one mistake. I do not order Michiru as my servant, she is my sworn bodyguard, trusted ninja, only true friend. It is insulting to her to say I cannot command her to die, or worse. Few true ninja families survive. Her pride would never allow her to refuse an order, no matter what. If you had torn off her clothes and defiled her right then and there, broke her arms and legs, threw her naked into the streets, she would raise no objections if I declared it her punishment for failure.”

Okay, this is… too weird. She’s giving Hyacinth a run for her money on odd behaviour. Also, I’m pretty sure I heard her object too… “Should a young girl like you, so sheltered, really be talking about this sort of thing?”

“Ninja are always wary of such ends. It is all too common.” Koga-san said suddenly, looking reproachfully at me. “I naturally advised mistress on all the many varied and cruel ways men could torture her should our vigilance falter.” Her gaze turned flinty. “I objected to allowing you to visit Miyu-sama, even to ask you for help. Men can never be trusted!”

So it’s your fault she’s talking about that! I can only hope she doesn’t really know what she was describing entailed, just like Hinata and Motoko were naïve. Screaming internally, I shook my head.

“Akio can be trusted!” Hinata declared, angry. “But he wouldn’t touch trash like you. He has me, Motoko, Natsumi, Shaeula, Eri… he doesn’t need you!”

Koga-san was about to respond, before Miyu-san raised a hand to stop her. “Well, he did pass the test, did he not?”

“He manhandled me!” Koga-san protested, and Miyu-san shook her head in denial.

“Mere chastisement. He did not even pull down your clothes. And he was right, I told you to make sure not to injure our guests unless in self-defence. Poison needles were dangerous. If Hinata died here, it would rock the nobility.”

A test? That was a test? I’m starting to think I should definitely have punished them more. Putting Hinata at risk for a bloody test…

“I still think you should have sought out another.” Koga-san stubbornly continued. “There are several women who have been unearthed, one of them might…”

“No. it has to be Oshiro-san.” Miyu-san denied her again. “He’s working for grandfather, yes, but it is an alliance, as he says, not servitude. The ones under Ichijou house are far more restricted. They will inform grandfather or Ichijou-sama about me. Secondly… Hinata, you can answer this better than I, perhaps. Is there any with superior skills to him?”

“No, definitely not!” Hinata clung to me. “If even only half of what he and Shaeula have told me is true, there’s none better in Japan!”

“I see. More tea, Michiru. This will be a thirsty conversation. So, now we understand each other better, I’ll repeat my question from before. This curse, is there any way I can get rid of it?”

Yeah, this was not how I saw this little tea-party playing out, on so many levels… My Eye blazed amber, shocking Koga-san and Miyu-san, as I considered her question, and just what it meant…

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