On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Twenty-Three

Two Hundred And Twenty-Three

The White Snake kami nodded, bobbing its whole coiled body, tongue flickering out. “Yessssssssssss. I am prepared for thissssssssss.” It radiated a dignified aura, regal in vestments and pointed hat.

“Just to clarify, if you accept a slot from my Throne of Heroes, then you’ll have an obligation to be my ally. I have no intention of abusing that, but that’s how it has to be. Still, having you able to be physically present during this meeting of all the shrines and temples in Kyoto would likely be huge in impact. I won’t say you’ll be the only kami who will be there, but I doubt there’ll be many. It’ll make a statement. Besides, you can see your followers who’ve looked after your shrine faithfully all these years.”

“I have met the daughter of the sssssssssshrine, yessssssssss. No, you have acted in good faithhhhhhh with ussssssssss. I sssssssssshall not refusssssssse at thisssssssss late sssssssstage.”

“Fine then. In that case, here.” My Eye blazed amber, and a moment later the White Snake Kami, Shirohebi, was one of my chosen heroes.

Your Class, Kami-Blessed, has increased from level 5 to level 6.

The kami glowed brilliantly for a moment, his divine aura increasing, before the bright light dissipated, and what was left there was a tall, thin, androgenous figure, with long white hair, a narrow face and yellowish-brown eyes. Racially the kami looked somewhat Japanese, yet there was a definite foreign tinge to its visage.

Shirohebi human form

“I believe I ssshould adopt a more sssuitable appearanccce for the mortal realm, correct?” The kami spoke, and his tone was similar, but the hissing sibilance of his words were now just a trace. It certainly makes it easier to understand.

“Yeah, looking good, you’ll pass like that.” I agreed. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to assess your abilities, so we can work out your best use?”

Shirohebi nodded. As I used my Eye to check him, I realised that his name was quite similar to Shiro’s. Shirohebi, Shirohime. Confusing. Though I suppose Shiro would be happy to be confused with a god, though she’d probably claim that she would be a more major god than that. The brief distracting thoughts were put aside, and the detailed breakdown was visible to me, showing several interesting surprises.

Shirohebi stats sheet

Well, its stats aren’t amazing for a kami, but I already knew that from its performance during the battle against the Raven Knight. Still, with a bit of work Shirohebi can flourish. I did promise to make it stronger and gather faith for it. But what really intrigues me is…

Divine Star Chakra Network- A perfect chakra network, made up of seven nodes, supported by a trunk pathway and numerous branches, as well as a Divine Spark, which resides within, at the Root of Divinity. This network processes aether as well as adherence. Ether is drawn, converted to aether and circulated around all seven nodes, while adherence is drawn in and circulated to the Divine Spark.

Divine Spark – The core of Divinity, comprised of concentrated adherence, compressed over many years. A Divine Spark will take on the aspect of Divinity that the adherence embodies, offering positive benefits to all actions regarding said embodiment, and also dramatically increases the League and Fate of the bearer. [This Spark resides in the root chakra and embodies the Earth, Fertility and Snakes]

Adherence Manipulation – The ability to use adherence to create miracles. Adherence can be expended to permanently strengthen skills and abilities, or it can realise impossible feats in a manner similar to aether, though it has a greater effect. Adherence spent in this manner cannot be recovered, and will reduce the overall power of the Divine Spark.

White Snake Domain of Earth – The Divine mandate of Shirohebi, the White Snake kami. Being near this kami will slightly increase the power of earth element abilities. Snakes will also be slightly strengthened, and blessings will be applied to reproduction for believers and those the kami favours. This affect can be strengthened by expending Adherence.

So Shirohebizumi is a fertility shrine, huh? I never knew that. I’m going to have a lot of fun ribbing Kana about that. Though of course that doesn’t matter. What does is… a different type of chakra network, Divinity and adherence. Those were what mattered. Shirohebi was a minor kami in a local shrine, but if adherence could be used to strengthen one permanently, then more powerful, worshipped kami and gods should have staggering power. And I’ve already gained the path to utilising adherence by being a Kami-Blessed, though I still don’t know how, and my Ether Spires should be gathering small amounts of it.

“Isss there anything wrong?” Shirohebi asked, and I shook my head.

“No, it’s fine. Just admiring your abilities. Kami sure are something else. I didn’t know you were a fertility god.”

“Yesss, sssnakesss are often sssymbolsss of fertility. I ssshall blessssss your union with many children, ssshould you wisssh it.”

“Well, one day, certainly.” Children with Eri and Shaeula I get. With Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi… Hyacinth. That still seems a bit of a hurdle for me. Well, thinking of Hyacinth… I turned away, looking at the maid who was trailing behind me, still lost in thought. I once more confirmed my feelings, before making my decision. Whatever happens, she’s owed a reward. And if I can help her, I want to. She’s suffered enough.

“Hyacinth.” I called her name, and she jolted, shocked out of her thoughts. Her eyes opened wide, and she bowed politely.

“Yes, what can I dooo for you, master?”

“Hyacinth, you’ve gone above and beyond what I could ever have expected of you. I’m very proud of you.” I reached out and rubbed her head. Normally that would have excited her, but she was now eyeing me a touch warily. “I’m not a Fae, I don’t know or care much about Seelie, Unseelie or anything else. I only see Shaeula, or Ulfuric, or you, as individuals. As long as you are a good person, I’ll accept you. And whether you are a brownie, a boggart or something else, I know you are worthy of happiness.”

“Master…” she whispered, eyes glittering with silvery tears. “… I dooo nooot… I…”

“Look, just listen, okay?” I said, seeing her turmoil. “I get that you’ve been hurt before. I can’t imagine how terrible your life has been up to this point. But I want you to know that I accepted you. Shaeula too. And those that we accept, we’ll never let face any hardships. I hope that you’ll stay with us forever, and if you want to, then I have a way to help you so that you can even travel to the mortal world with us. You want to see where we live there, right? And spend more time with us, meet the other girls I love?” I’ve no idea what I’ll do if she says no to this. With her mastery of deadly spores, she’s a walking bioweapon, and she’s not exactly stable. But I think I’m a good judge of character. She craves approval, kindness, a purpose.

“Meet… the ooother mistresses?” Hyacinth said slowly, my hand still stroking her hair. “See… the ooother hooome?”

“Yes. I think they’ll like you, so you don’t need to worry. All you have to do is stay by our side, and together we’ll make your future so bright it blows away the past. But you have to accept my commands when you become a chosen of my Throne. Can you do that?”

She nodded. “I can, ooof course. After all, Hyacinth will always listen to yooou, master! Nooothing will change!”

“Good. Then… here.” Hyacinth looked blank for a moment, before accepting the offered ennoblement. The moment she did so I felt the connection between us, and something else. Her eyes, they suddenly look clear, less pained.

Your Class, Fae-Souled, has increased from level 25 to level 26.

“I feel so clooose to master nooow.” Hyacinth marvelled. “It is like I am connected to yooou!”

“Yeah, that’s right. we share another bond now.” I said, pulling her in for a hug. She grinned, looking more her usual self, her pale skin flushing. “Can I appraise you? I’d like to check your abilities.”

“Hyacinth has nooo secrets from master. If yooou wish it, I can get naked, sooo you can see my everything!” Her smile was lascivious and lustful as usual, but there was a hint of something else, something more impish, humorous than usual. I gently rapped her on her forehead with my knuckles, and she pouted a little.

“That’s for later.” I smiled, causing her to redden further, squirming in my grip. “For now… this may feel a little uncomfortable.” The amber glow spread from my Eye, and once more I was checking a status sheet.

Hyacinth Status Sheet

Damn, those mental stats are garbage… no wonder she’s crazy. Thirteen resilience? Her mind has really been shattered. The bonus from my throne was fifteen alone, and that was doubled currently as she was in my Territory, so no wonder she looked calmer, more composed. Still, her stats and League are pretty poor overall, but then she isn’t a Noble Fae it seems, just like Ixitt. And her skills are high-Rank. Though that might be my fault… It was very possible that her high ability with nature element was due to the pushing we did with her to make the spores. Sporecaster as a skill was definitely our fault. The Walking Plague class too. Even the name was dreadful.

“Is there sooomething wrong?” she asked me, and I shook my head. “No, just… well, I’m a little worried about your mental state. Your Resilience, which governs mental toughness and other similar traits… well, it’s… low.”

Hyacinth nodded. “Yes, that make sense. I was suffering for sooo long, alone in the box. I felt my mind break many times, shatter. I fooorgot who I was, what I was, until I met you, master. When I was released all I knew was anger, but yooou chose not to kill me, and gave me a name.” She squeezed me, her body warm. “I was happy. I am happy. I have a hooome to tend, a mistress to respect, nooo, many mistresses, I believe. And now you say I can meet them?” Her smile was so pure, it was heart-breaking. There’s often a purity in madness, so they say… “My mind feels clearer, the thoughts, the voices, the whispers, they dooo not hurt so. I’m grateful. I wooould do anything to repay you.”

“It’s not about repayment. It’s about supporting each other.” I chastised her gently. “But can you bear with me a moment? I’m just going to check a few more details. You too, Suzuki-san.” I declared, looking up at the pale ghost who was floating disconsolately overhead, followed by her indistinct allies who were now little more than wisps of spirit. “I’ll talk to you in a moment.”

As they both agreed, I delved into the details of Hyacinth’s skills and classes, Eye glimmering brightly as I read the surprising amber letters.

Sporecaster – This skill is a mastery of creating biological weapons such as spores, fungus, seeds and more, designed to be lethal to other beings, both mortal and spiritual. Living matter created by this skill will have a greater ability to absorb nature element, and will be more able to overcome the nature element of any target afflicted by the spores.

Blessings of Home – This Brownie art can bless a home, increasing the fortune and recovery of individuals dwelling within. All actions taken within the home have a slight positive boost to their success. Those dwelling within naturally feel happier and more fulfilled.

Curses of Home – This Boggart art can curse a home, decreasing the fortune and recovery of individuals dwelling within. All actions taken within the home have a slight negative boost to their success. Those dwelling within feel gloomy, dispirited and a painful yearning.

Walking Plague – This class is gained by those that have the ability to sow ruin and sickness. Resistance to all poisons, plagues and similar afflictions significantly increases, as does resistance to water, earth and nature elements. Conversely, enemies find it harder to resist your sicknesses, nature, earth and water elements. Aether also significantly increases.

Yeah, I was right to be worried. Sporecaster and Walking Plague combine to make her incredibly dangerous. Well, seeing her wipe out the Myconids should have demonstrated that well enough. But… she’s one of my Chosen Heroes, and I won’t let her go down the wrong path, not anymore. Seeing her look nervous, I reassured her. “There’s no problems, just admiring your suitability for biological warfare. I don’t want to use it recklessly, but if carefully managed it could be an asset.” The last thing we want is to escalate warfare to the ‘mutually assured destruction’ level. But entirely sealing it away is also foolish. If people I love die because of my reticence I couldn’t live with myself. It'll take some thought, but… no more genocides. That’s for sure.

“I understand.” Hyacinth nodded. “I’m finding it easier tooo think. I can see why you would be wooorried. If Hyacinth was to rampage, I could kill a loot of people. But I serve you, master, only you and the mistresses. Sooo have no fear. If Hyacinth ever loses control… you can kill me. I am happy enough having knooown peace for the first time I can remember. That is enough.”

“No, it’s not enough. Not for me.” I denied her. “If you are going to lose control, we’ll stop you. But not by killing you. But hopefully if you grow stronger, you’ll stabilise, and then we won’t have to worry about that. And speaking of stability…” I looked up at Suzuki-san. “… can we talk? It’s time.”

She floated down, see-through in both senses of the word. Her body was transparent, as were her emotions, a mix of hope, resignation and fear all over her pale face. As she landed she glanced at me holding Hyacinth, looking sick, and I hurriedly released her. Hyacinth pouted, adjusting her maid clothes, but she seemed to understand. The way Suzuki-san died, she doesn’t really trust men. I can’t say I blame her. So seeing us look like we were fooling around, even if we weren’t…

“I… I thought you said it would take some time.” Suzuki-san muttered quietly, barely able to meet my eyes.

“I thought so too. But we’ve worked hard and won a great victory, so I decided to spend some of our spoils on strengthening my allies, and fulfilling promises.”

“I thought I’d have more time to prepare myself.” She shivered, thin wisps of silver rising from her ghostly form. “I do want to go home, to see daddy again, but… I’m dead. I can’t go back to my old job, speak to my old friends. It won’t be the same. And the voices, the… constant noise in my head… but I still want to see daddy…”

“Calm down, all right?” I said, my tone kind, as if I was speaking to a child. Suzuki-san was a similar age to me, but her mental state was shockingly fragile. “I promised that if you pledged loyalty to me and helped me, I’d help you. And you do trust me, right?”

“I do.” She nodded. “I’ve been watching, you’ve never done anything cruel as far as I can see, and those I’ve talked to say you are kind to women. You are nothing like him. But I worry about what I can do for you. I’m not strong, not brave. I couldn’t face the voices, the madness. I don’t think I’ll be helpful.”

Yeah, her spirit is pretty much broken. The bastard that gave Suzuki-san her powers was an idiot. She’s not really suited for saving the Earth. But if she’s what we have to work with, I can make the best of it, for her sake too. “Well, first you have to learn how to control your abilities. Then I’ll need you to establish your Territory somewhere. I’m not sure where yet, but don’t worry, I won’t let you struggle alone. Your father will support us too, when he sees you again. Besides…” I injected some cheer into my voice. “Maybe you can’t meet your friends right now, but eventually, when the world discovers things have changed, it might not be impossible for you to return, having defeated death in a way. So don’t give up hope. Until then… fashion, music, TV, clothes, shopping… don’t you want all that again? And you can see your father, live with him, even in secret.”

“I’m scared though, still. The last battle, it was so terrible. Kiku, she was cold, cruel, but even so… she’s dead now. I’m frightened of facing that again.”

“Well, if you aren’t suited for fighting, so be it. But you still have value to me.” I reassured her. “Even being able to grow a Territory somewhere has great applications. I was even considering sending you to my hometown, but… I’m not sure whether it’d be worth it long-term, as Eri and Aiko will be moving to Tokyo next year. You can take your time, discover your worth. Don’t you think there was a reason you were chosen?” There must be, I’m sure it wasn’t random. If it was, if I ever meet the bastard god that recruited her, I’ll earn that God Slayer class for sure…

“I want to believe that.” She squeezed shut her spectral eyes, letting out a long exhalation, mist flowing into the air. “Fine. You’ve prepared me for this. It’s sooner than I thought but… I’m ready.”

“Good girl.” I approved, and she looked down, a tinge of colour in her transparent cheeks. Oops, she’s not the young girls I’m used to talking to, I mustn’t condescend. “Well, here goes.”

As Suzuki-san shivered, energy from my Territory flooding into her, I observed her status.

Suzuki Haru status sheet

Another one with a dreadful Resilience, huh? Her stats are decent other than that for a level zero, but it’s amazing she functioned with her mind so shocked. Her and Hyacinth are the same, it seems. Still, Kannon huh? That’s some irony, as her blessing led Suzuki-san into being defiled and murdered… also, I’d have thought she’d mostly concentrate her blessings on the shrines and temples that worship her. Still, if Japan alone has several thousand Candidates, I suppose there’s no rule a god or goddess can only have one candidate, is there? I wonder if there are any comrades out there who have been chosen by Tyr too? I set aside the fact that her skills were pretty high Rank, especially compared to my level zero status, when I had to work mine up almost entirely from scratch. I guess that was the easier way that Ortlinde mentioned. My guess is Suzuki-san would find it very hard to focus on anything but her gifts of light. Though whether that still applies now she’s under my rule…?

“I feel strange.” Suzuki-san remarked. She had calmed down a little, much like Hyacinth did. “It’s like… like I can feel you watching me. It’s… strange. I can’t really describe it any other way.”

“Sorry, is it bad?” I said, and she shook her head.

“No, not bad. odd. Anyway, I feel more like my old self. I don’t hate it.” She shook her head once more, as if to clear a fog from it. “And I can do this, I think.” Suddenly her body was back to how she used to look, solid and tangible. “I’m still dead though.” One hand started turning transparent again for a moment as she looked at it. “But… I think I can live a mostly normal life. Thank you.”

Suzuki Haru, not a ghost

“Don’t thank me yet, I’ll be working you hard.” I promised, smiling to show I was mostly joking. “Now I’m going to check your skills and classes. You may feel like I’m peeking at your soul, it can be a bit uncomfortable.”

“Fine.” She crossed her arms under her chest. “If you must. I don’t like men looking at me after… you know. But I did promise to follow your orders.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not like it gives me your three sizes or anything.” I tried to lighten the mood. “Here we go.”

Onryo – Onryo are female ghosts that are killed cruelly by men, often their lovers, but sometimes strangers, often after being cruelly abused. Most pass on quickly, but if they remain, their grudges can keep them in the Boundary, where they thirst for revenge. As a ghost, Onryo suffer no damage from physical attacks, only spiritual attacks such as mystical fires, wards, talismans and holy water are effective.

Telepathy – Telepathy allows one to hear the thoughts of others and transmit their own thoughts. Those with stronger aether will resist it unless the Rank of the skill is high. It is a skill that requires a high level of control to manage, as when used poorly, the voices can often drive one mad.

Blessing of Sharing Light – This Unique Light Element will allow anyone touched by the glowing rays of light to experience a moment that the wielder has lived through. it can be a happy moment, bringing joy and peace, or a traumatic one, bringing agony and despair. Resisting this ability is extremely difficult.

Mind Healing Light – This Unique Light Element calms and soothes the mind of anyone it shines upon, purging negative emotions, mental attacks and possessions. It can also temporarily increase the Resilience and Determination of those this light touches. Even if the light reflects, however, it will not heal the wielder. At higher Ranks it may allow permanent increases to Resilience and Determination, helping to cure mental ailments.

Empath – This class is gained by those with the ability to understand and share the thoughts and pain of others. All healing abilities increase, and the greater the Resilience one has, the greater this effect becomes. Aether increases significantly, and affinity for light, water and related elements increases.

Ghost of Light – This class is gained by the dead who also have light abilities, which are normally inimical to ghosts and other such creatures. The effects of light element and anti-undead techniques on the bearer of this class dramatically decrease, and light affinity and effects used by the wielder increase significantly. Light element can be converted to darkness element, and the reverse is also possible.

I winced, reading the descriptions. Yeah, poor Suzuki-san. Talk about getting a role she was totally unsuited to. Some mercy there, Kannon. We need to have words.

“Is… is it bad?” Suzuki-san said, twitching a little as the feeling of my inspection bothered her. “Am I no good?”

“No, you’re fine, really.” I reassured her. “It’s just… all of your abilities seem geared to healing the minds of others. It’s ironic considering the state of your own mind. Though I guess with your Blessing of Sharing Light, you can attack others just fine. I remember that, it sucked.”

“Sorry about that.” She said in a small voice, remembering.

“Don’t be sorry. We were enemies then. It was a misunderstanding, but I get it. Anyway, having looked at all your stats and skills, I think the key to not being overwhelmed by your telepathy is training the skills, as well as raising your stats. Intellect and Resilience are key here.”

“So how do I do that?” she asked, after I had explained her other skills and abilities. She was shocked by some of them, and angry that she had a light that could soothe minds, yet it was not able to heal her own. She sure cursed Kannon out. Apparently she didn’t meet the goddess herself, like me she met a proxy, though unlike Ortlinde, it seems she wasn’t notable enough to show up in her status sheet. Not that she paid any attention really, assuming it was all a bad dream until the voices started. I get why she’s pissed though. Kannon is a goddess who favours women, yet it led to this. Although… A small part of me wondered if Suzuki-san had put in some effort, she might have been strong enough to fight Kondou off, or never been in that position at all. No, that’s not fair. Not everyone is an eager idiot like me, and even I was scared and didn’t give it my all at first.

“I think the three of you should go level up.” I said, and I explained my reasoning. We had constant small battles with Rank 0 and 1 Territories as we expanded our control of this area of Boundary Tokyo, and they were relatively safe. The three of them could go support those battles, and rack up gains quickly and without much risk.

“I shall look after them, master.” Hyacinth promised when I was done. “I dooo not wish to be apart from you, but it shall only be for a shooort while. I shall leave you to them!” She pointed, and I could see Velna and Azuki waiting nervously for us to finish. “Cooome, you two!” She grabbed the now human-like Shirohebi and Suzuki-san, dragging them off. “I have fought an Unseelie Duke with master and wooon, so we shall fear nothing here!”

Good girl, Hyacinth. Good luck. Get that Resilience up! You too Suzuki-san. “So, what’s the matter?” I asked, and Azuki spoke, seemingly glad Hyacinth had left.

“It is that Hinata girl. She wanted me to remind you that you promised to go see this Miyu girl on Sunday. It’s important and you promised, right?”

Oh shit, yeah. I did. But I still need to purify the Spring… “What time is it in the Material now?” I asked, and Azuki said it was early Saturday morning, roughly.

“I see. I still have time then. Fine, tell Hinata I’ll try my hardest to be there, but if she can make sure transportation and my outfit and so forth is ready in advance that’d be best, as I’ll be cutting it fine.”

“Right. I will.” Azuki sighed, before her doll-form fell lifeless, her spirit returning to the body in the Material.

“As for you…” I turned to Velna, who stood straight, looking nervous. “The battle is over. We won, as you can guess. the Spring is safe enough, so you can come with me. I know you want to see Shaeula again.”

Surprised and grateful, she curtsied. “I would like that-that, master.”

All right then. Just one more slot on the Thrones left. I’ve gained more benefits, but we still have to exploit the hell out of the Spring before we even think of handing it back. But we have to do it before enemies try and claim it. Oh well, time to show the fruits of my scientific knowledge and research!

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