One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 45: Sparring with Tsukiyomi

Chapter 45: Sparring with Tsukiyomi

After gathering information for a few weeks and going to my different classes. The day finally came, today was finally the day I will learn how to summon.

For some reason, I'm so excited! I remember those hounds that were summoned during the mock battle. I always wondered what other things you can summon as familiars. Yet ever since I said those words to Tsukiyomi she has been in a strangely bad mood.

"Kukuku, why are you so excited to summon such boring creatures. Familiars are only used by weaklings without enough physical prowess. You are not one of those people and even if you were, you already have me. No familiar could ever hope to match an Ethereal." She said so with a smile but I could feel a slight chill radiating from her. I get her point but still wouldn't it be cool to be able to summon something? In my previous world, there was no such thing as summoning magic. So I'm really excited about learning it.

This world was a true treasure trove of skills, magic spells, and great items.

When Tsukiyomi and I got to the summoning classroom no one was around. At first, I thought we were early but after an hour of waiting, no one came... It was at this time when I was about to give up and leave somebody came. It was a person wearing a white robe so it must be a teacher. Upon closer inspection, the teacher was actually Rena-sensei.

"Oh, Edge-kun, Tsukiyomi-san what are you doing here?"

"We're waiting for the teacher for this class." Rena-sensei looked at us a bit confused.

"This class...? Oh! You are one of the students that enrolled for summoning classes." I nodded my head in response. Then Rena-sensei bowed her head.

"I'm deeply sorry Edge-kun, Tsukiyomi-san but this class has been removed until further notice. There was a note about it in the dorm bulletin board in front of the dormitory." Wait so that board was actually used for something, I thought it was a design of some sort.

Rena-sensei continued, "I'm sorry for not explaining about the dorm board."

"No, it was my fault for not taking notice of it. Please Rena-sensei you don't need to apologize for this, it was my mistake. Please raise your head." Rena-sensei did as she was told. "Again I'm deeply sorry."

We left the classroom as I felt dejected. We then started wandering around the school grounds. Of course, Tsukiyomi insisted that we go to another restaurant. I, on the other hand, propose we train first before we eat.

"We haven't done anything yet so let's eat after training a little."

"Kukuku, how foolish of you Edge. Eating is always necessary, you cannot do anything without eating."

"But we haven't done anything yet to warrant eating, and we already had breakfast. Also didn't you say before that you don't need to eat."

"That was then, this is now... It would seem like we both won't budge, you know what that means."

I sighed once we both have different opinions we would settle it with a spar. As to date, we had thirty-six battles, thirty-four losses one win and one draw. Of course, the thirty-four losses were mine. I only won once and that was because Tsukiyomi got distracted by the smell of food. Still, I won't back down. I've been training every day this time I will win with my skills. Though now that I think about it even if I lose, it would be alright since sparring with Tsukiyomi technically counts as training. I looked at her who was smiling slyly at me.

As we were heading to a sparring room, we encountered Setsuna who had just finished his own class. When he saw us we greeted him and told him what we were about to do.

"Can I come and watch?" Setsuna asked.

"Of course," I answered with a smile. Setsuna was the first friend I made upon entering this school. He was a hardworking swordsman and I like his eagerness in wanting to achieve a higher understanding in the way of the sword.

Aside from him, I noticed that Eva was also trailing behind us. Of course, Tsukiyomi was able to notice her as well. I wasn't sure about Setsuna but based on his skills he might be able to sense presences as well.

We weren't bothered by her following as she too could watch as spar if she wanted to.

We rented one of the training rooms in the school. Being black-clads we do not need to make any reservation and we were given top priority in using the school facilities. The training room was similar to the exam room of the ranking examination building back home. The only difference was in the size, in this school everything was made on a large scale.

As usual, Tsukiyomi will fight me bare-handed not only that, because of the difference in ability she will give me a handicap. She will only use her left hand to attack. Every other part of her body could only be used to defend.

Also during sparring, we cannot use magic. Well, Tsukiyomi's magic spells were pretty much cheating, not only does she use my mana as her own, the magic she uses doesn't need chanting and all of them are extremely powerful spells.

Still, even with those rules, I couldn't win before. Setsuna hearing the rules of the spar looked surprised. It looks like he was once again reminded of how strong Tsukiyomi was. He then looked at the two of us focusing his entire senses to the battle that was about to take place.

Tsukiyomi flipped a coin; this was the signal to be ready. Once the coin drops the battle will start. I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword, and I lower my center of gravity. The coin reached the ground.

I immediately used [lightning step] to shorten the distance between me and Tsukiyomi. I follow up with [crescent moon] my fastest technique. Just to show our level difference Tsukiyomi didn't evade the blade, instead, she caught it bare-handed with two fingers of her right hand.

She was about to pierce me with her left hand. I couldn't pull my sword away from her because of the difference in strength. So I was forced to leave my sword so that I could evade. I then did a roundhouse kick, but Tsukiyomi gently swayed her body backward, and before I knew it her left hand was already touching the right side of my lower abdomen.

"Kukuku, it seems like I won again Edge."

Setsuna's POV:

I watched as the spar between Edge and Tsukiyomi was about to begin. I already knew that these two were on a whole different level from me. Tsukiyomi was a bit understandable since she was a being of the old races. On the other hand, Edge was different, he was the same human child like me. Yet the way he acted, his strength, his knowledge, everything about him made him feel a few years older than me.

As I was distracted by my thoughts, the batter finally began. Edge moved forward at a speed that looked like he teleported. This must be the famous wind style of the Northern Kingdom, [wind step], or it could be the [lightning step]. It was a different set of movement techniques than the ones I know of, but it was still comparable to some of the movement techniques back in my hometown. The utilization of mana was different.

I then saw Edge once again used that technique called [Crescent Moon]. The speed seemed faster than the time he used it on me. Yet even with the speed that my eyes could barely follow, Tsukiyomi was able to catch the sword with only two fingers no less. She really was at the Master level, though that was the middle level in the Eastern Kingdom it was still pretty strong.

The two then moved at speeds that I could no longer perceive and within a second later, I saw Tsukiyomi's hand about to pierce Edge's lower abdomen. Edge then raised his hand and proclaimed his loss.

That was an amazing match, especially from Edge who was the same age as me. Though he lost, the level of skill he has shown was nearing the Master level but at the lower spectrum, while Tsukiyomi was in the upper end.

'Maybe I should also learn this Moon Edge Style...'

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