One Wild Night

Chapter 553 Grandfather

As Tom, Harry, and Eric concluded their meeting in readiness to leave for the general conference hall which would accommodate all the shareholders and directors of I-Global, Tom's phone beeped and he scowled when he saw it was a multimedia message from Barry.

"What is wrong?" Harry asked when he noticed the reluctance on Tom's face to check the message.

As curious as Tom was to know what was going on, he wasn't very keen to find out about it in that moment. He could do so after the meeting.

"Barry just sent a recording," Tom informed him.

Harry turned to Eric, "You can go ahead of us to the conference hall and make sure everything is in order. We will join you shortly," Harry said, dismissing Eric.

They waited until he had left, and Harry jerked his head towards Tom's phone, "Let's hear what he sent," Harry said, and Tom shook his head.

"We can always listen to it after the meeting."

"Like hell. Why would I stay in suspense trying to guess what he sent when I can just listen to it right now?" Harry asked as he reached to snatch Tom's phone from him but before he could do that, Priscilla called.

"It's the foundation lady," Tom told Harry with a resigned sigh. It seemed like whether or not he was in the mood to hear anything about the Millers, he did not have much of a voice.

"Perhaps something is up?" Harry asked, and Tom shrugged as he reluctantly received the call and placed it on speaker for Harry to hear since he didn't want to go through the stress of recounting the conversation to him.

"Good morning. Did something new come up?" Tom asked impatiently without waiting for Priscilla to greet him first.

Priscilla was slightly taken aback by the impatience she heard in his tone, but she tried not to let it bother her. If she could tolerate a nobody like Rebekah in order to earn a living, she could tolerate a person like Thomas Hank. He was her ticket to the life of luxury she desired after all.

"Anita Miller left my office a while ago," she told him, and rushed to explain the detail of their conversation, conveniently leaving out the part where Anita had offered to pay her.

"She said all that? Do you think she was being genuine?" Tom asked in confusion, wondering what was going on. Had she been affected so much by Lucy's slap, or was she suspecting something already?

"With the Millers you can never tell. But there was defiance in her eyes like she really wanted to go against her mother. I may not trust her words, but I trust the disgust I saw in her eyes each time she mentioned her mother," Priscilla said, and Tom sighed.

"What should I tell her?" She asked when Tom didn't say anything.

"You don't have to tell her anything yet. I'm busy at the moment. I will get back to you some time later," Tom said before hanging up.

"Lucy's hands must be magical to elicit such personality-altering effect," Harry said in amusement.

"It's either that or Anita is backing down because Lucy confronted her and she now knows we are aware she was behind the scandal," Tom said thoughtfully.

"That could be true. And perhaps she also found out about her mother's affair with her brother in-law seeing as one of the sisters knows already," Harry suggested, and then gestured to Tom's phone.

"Let's see if Barry has the answer," Harry suggested, and Tom clicked on the audio file Barry had sent.

They exchanged a look when they listened to the voice recording, and it dawned on them that it was Anita's phone call to the emergency line requesting for an ambulance to transport her unconscious sister, who had attempted suicide, to the hospital.

Neither of them said a word for a minute after the phone call ended, and Harry sighed while Tom massaged his temple, "There is so much unpleasant drama within that family," Harry murmured, not sure whether to feel sorry for Bernice or not.

Without saying a word Tom rose from his seat and walked around his desk to his tiny office room to find medicine for his headache.

The throb in his head had grown into a full blown headache and he doubted he would be able to function at the meeting without relieving it.

After taking aspirin, Tom stepped out of the room in time to hear Harry's phone ring, and he watched as Harry received the call.

"Is there a problem?" Harry asked, and listened for some seconds before standing up and turning to face Tom.

"Are you sure?" He asked, and listened for some seconds before hanging up.

"That was Eric. He called to inform us that your grandfather just arrived," Harry said, and Tom raised a brow.

"My grandfather?" He asked in disbelief, and Harry nodded.

"Lawrence Hank...."

Without waiting for Harry to finish speaking, Tom quickly walked out of the office, leaving Harry to follow him.

Was it really his grandfather? Why did the old man choose to show up on a day such as this when he wasn't in his best element?

Even as he stepped out of the elevator, he confirmed it. He could see some of the shareholders who had arrived earlier hurrying in the direction of the lobby. He could tell they were going to say hello to the one time president. He may have left the position for years, but he was still very much a force to be reckoned with.

The major question bothering him was why today? Was he ill? Did something happen? Tom asked himself as he got close enough to see the eighty-seven years old man was seated in a wheelchair.

As Harry followed behind Tom, he spotted some of the staff huddled together gossiping, and he decided to join them.

"I heard he owns the company and put his grandson in charge." Harry heard the one who seemed to be leading the group tell the others.

"I don't think so. I heard this is the first time he is stepping foot in I-Global since it's existence," another said.

"Really? Why is that?" Another asked.

"Why don't you come with me to my office and I will answer your questions over your sack letters?" Harry offered, and they all froze when they heard his voice, and gasped in shock when he came to stand in front of them.

"If you will only spend the day gosspising and not do your jobs, you should turn in your resignation letters," Harry advised reasonably and immediately they murmured their apologies as they dispersed.

Harry could never understand the reason employees would decide to leave what they were paid to do, to indulge in unnecessary gossip.

Lawrence Hank smiled when he sighted Tom approaching. He would have been in the conference room already, had he not been intercepted by the small crowd that had gathered around him to pay obeisance.

"If you don't mind, I need to receive the CEO's greeting," Lawrence Hank told them politely, and they made way for Tom.

"Grandfather," Tom greeted with a bow.

"When did you arrive? You could have called to inform me you were in Ludus. Are you fine?" Tom asked, and Lawrence waved off his concerns.

"I'm not here as your grandfather. I'm here in my capacity as the third largest shareholder of I-Global. We can have lunch as grandfather and grandson after the meeting if you are not too busy to sit with an old man," Lawrence said in a quiet voice.

"You didn't have to bother yourself to come down here. I could have sent you the report as usual...."

"I wanted to be here for a change and see first hand what you have accomplished," Lawrence said and shifted his attention to Harry who had joined them.

"You've done a good job taking care of him," Lawrence commended Harry who bowed politely.

Lawrence glanced at his wristwatch, "I believe it's time for the meeting. Let's not keep everyone waiting. We can talk after. Lead the way," Lawrence ordered softly.

Tom exchanged a look with Harry signaling him to lead the way and everyone else followed Harry, while Tom slowly walked behind them to match the pace of the grandfather's wheelchair.

"I saw the press release. It's a good thing your siblings are joining the company. You need the extra pair of trusted eyes around here. I don't suppose they are within the building right now, are they?" Lawrence asked, and Tom raised a brow.

"Are you asking as my grandfather or as a shareholder?" Tom asked dryly, and the old man's body shook with laughter.

"I'm asking as a grandfather who would love to have lunch with his grand children," Lawrence answered.

"Yes, they are. Our parents are also in Ludus," Tom informed him since there was every possibility that he wasn't aware that his son was around.

"Ah! I guess it's a good thing I decided to stop over then. Let's make it dinner," Lawrence said with a pleased smile.

"Why are you really here, grandfather?" Tom asked with concern.

"I already told you my reason, boy. You don't have to worry about my presence. Carry on as you would if I weren't here," Lawrence assured him.

"I suppose that young lady is Lucinda Perry? Your girlfriend, huh?" Lawrence asked when they saw Lucy coming from the opposite direction and her steps faltered when she saw them.

Tom met her gaze and he didn't miss the tension in her eyes. They watched her hesitate for a moment as she tried to decide whether or not to go over and say hello, and then she acknowledged them with a polite nod as any other person would and joined Harry and the others as they walked inside the conference hall.

"Yeah. She is the one. I guess you are up to date with news concerning my life as usual," Tom said, and the corners of Lawrence's eyes crinkled.

"Of course. What else would I do for fun? She seems like she would be a handful. Ask her to join us for dinner. I would love to meet her," he said, and Tom raised a brow.


"Because I want to meet my grandson's girlfriend, why else?" Lawrence asked with a shake of his head as they entered the conference hall for the meeting.

Away from there, Bryan, Sonia, and Jade made their way to I-Global. Jade was practically bubbling with excitement at the thought of seeing Harry, who had sent her a good morning text very early in the morning.

"Are you that happy?" Bryan asked with a scowl when he caught the smile on her face through the rearview mirror, and Jade giggled while Sonia turned in her seat to look at Jade.

"Yes, I am. You would be too if you were in my shoes," Jade said, and Bryan snorted, but Sonia could tell he was only putting up a front. She knew best just how happy he was that Jade had opened herself to love again.

"So, do you have any new detail for my book? Maybe you could tell me what happened last night when you both drove off into the night," She suggested with a wink, and Jade grimaced when she remembered what Harry had said.

"I may have let it slip that you are writing a book. Harry doesn't want us to be a part of it. I'm sorry," Jade said, and Sonia's brows pulled together slightly.

"Could I convince him otherwise?" Sonia asked, and Jade shook her head.

"I'm not so sure about that. Harry can be pretty stubborn and adamant when he wants to be. Maybe if you could ask Tom or Lucy to convince him," Jade said with a shrug.

"Tom or Lucy can persuade your boyfriend and you can't?" Sonia asked in amusement.

"Well, I'm not exactly his girlfriend yet. We are still getting to know and understand each other so I don't think I'm in a position to try to make him change his mind on the subject. He trusts Lucy's judgement a great deal, and Tom is his best friend, so you should ask for their help," Jade said, not feeling the least bit embarrassed to say that.

Sonia sighed, "I guess I have to talk to Lucy about it then. Perhaps she could convince Tom to convince Harry," Sonia said, while Bryan listened to them without saying anything.

He glanced at his phone when it started ringing and he received the call and placed it on speaker when he saw it was Jeff calling. Jeff and Mia had gone ahead of them to I-Global.

"We are almost there," Bryan said immediately he received the call.

"I thought I should let you know the entire place is abuzz with news of your grandfather's presence," Jeff informed him.

"My grandfather?" Bryan asked in surprise, and immediately Jade sat up to pay more attention to what was being said.

"Yes. I hear he is in the conference room for the boardmeeting," Jeff said, and Bryan met Jade's questioning gaze.

"Alright. Thanks for the heads up," Bryan said before hanging up.

"Did something happen to grandfather?" Jade asked with a concern while Sonia also looked at Bryan curiously.

"You can ask him when you get to the company," Bryan said with a grin, and Jade's eyes lit up.

"Really? Is he in Ludus?" She asked excitedly, and Bryan gave her a nod.

"Wow! It's been years since I last set eyes on him. I can't wait!" Jade said excitedly while Sonia looked from Bryan to Jade contemplatively.

She was becoming very curious about their grandfather.

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