One Wild Night

Chapter 579 The Hell With That!

Lucy would never have described herself as wanton or reckless, but that was how she felt after letting Tom make love to her right there on his office desk before moving to the bed inside.

Somehow, in the last twenty minutes, she had come to believe that make up sex was every bit as intense and pleasurable as she had heard.

It had taken every ounce of self-control they both had not to rip their clothes in their hurry to touch and pleasure each other.

Imagine having to return to her office in different clothes than she had worn earlier while leaving with Tom.

That would have started quite a very interesting rumor around the office, Lucy thought with a giggle, and Tom, who was cradling her on the bed in his office bedroom, looked at her.

"What is amusing you?" he asked with interest.

"How would I have explained my change of outfit had you ripped my blouse earlier?" she asked, and Tom grinned.

"Maybe something spilled on it during lunch?" Tom suggested, and Lucy giggled.

"Do you think they're going to know?"

"Know what?" Tom asked in confusion.

"That we had sex. My clothes look rough. Do you think they are going to suspect a thing?" Lucy asked, and Tom looked at her clothes which were on the floor with his apologetically.

"I'm sure they won't look so rough on you. If you feel tempted to explain yourself, you could tell them you got into a scuffle with someone," Tom said with a wink, and Lucy chuckled.

"I'm going to miss you," she whispered before she could stop herself, and she chewed her lower lip as she buried her face in his chest.

Tom pressed his lips to the side of her head, "Want to come with me?" he asked, and she shook her head.

"I wish I could," Lucy said with a sigh, and although Tom was tempted to tell her she could if she wanted, he chose not to.

It was not necessary.

"I will be back before you know it. And when I come back, we can go on a proper date," Tom promised as he raised her hand to his lips, and then his gaze moved to the clock.

"You will be back before the dinner party, right?"

"I hope so. I'm not entirely sure about that," Tom said apologetically.

"It's fine. I can just skip it if you're not back by then."

"You shouldn't. I will love you to be there whether or not I'm there. Now as much as I love to lounge here with you doing nothing, I need to go over some details with Harry and be on my way," Tom said, and Lucy sighed as she rose.

"Can I see you off?" Lucy asked hopefully.

"I don't think that's a question you should be asking, Lu," Tom chided as he rose.

"Alright. I will quickly clear up my desk while you meet with Harry. Let me know when you're ready to leave," Lucy said as she walked into the bathroom to freshen up, and Tom followed her.

"You know, I didn't think you would agree to have sex in the office," Tom said as he watched her clean up.

"I didn't think I would either. And it wasn't bad," Lucy said, and Tom's lips curved in an amused smile.

"It wasn't bad?" he asked with a slightly raised brow.

"Yeah, it wasn't so bad," Lucy said with a challenging glint in her eyes.

"If I weren't in a hurry, I would make you take back those words," Tom said, and Lucy giggled.

"Too bad you're in a hurry," Lucy said with a coy smile as she brushed past him back into the room to dress up.

Tom chuckled as he watched her, "Too bad," Tom repeated as he went into the bathroom to clean up.

After dressing up, Lucy walked out to the office to find her earring since she was missing one ear, and after seeing it, she went to stand by the window as her thoughts drifted to Sonia and the parcel Candace had received on her behalf earlier.

She knew without a doubt that the content of the parcel was the abortion pills. She had tried talking Sonia out of it again after her mom, Candace, Jamal, and Evelyn had left for Harry's house, but Sonia had remained adamant, and she was worried.

"Enjoying the view?" Tom asked as he snuck up and embraced her from behind, and Lucy smiled.

"Can I ask you a question? It's unrelated to us," she said, and Tom nodded.

"Sure," Tom said as he glanced at the clock. He still had a couple of minutes. He decided as he let her turn to look at him.

Seeing the tension in her eyes, he could tell she was worried, and whatever it was she wanted to talk about was important to her.

"Say, for instance, two people are in a relationship. They're in love with each other and doing great. The guy says he is not ready for marriage or kids yet. He just wants to spend his time knowing and loving the lady, and then the lady finds out she is pregnant. Do you think it's okay for her to have an abortion without informing him? Mind you, she would love to have the baby, but she can't because the guy is not ready for that step yet. She feels like telling him about the pregnancy might put some strain on their relationship. If you were the guy, what would you want her to do? How mad would you be if you found out about the pregnancy and abortion later?" Lucy asked, wanting to have a second opinion.

Tom didn't need her to spell it out for him to know her question was related to the positive pregnancy kit.

"Are you sure she loves him? Her decision is selfish, and love is not supposed to be selfish. Is she making this decision for herself or him? I know that a lot of ladies love to argue that it's their body and their decision, but it's unfair to the man to make such a decision without his knowledge, regardless of what he had said at a prior time. She needs to understand that things change. Desires change. What if he would love them to have the baby? If I were the guy and I found out about it after the deed had been done, we would have to go our separate ways. I can't be in a relationship with someone that makes such a major decision that involves us both by themselves," Tom said, and Lucy sighed.

"What would you do if she was your friend? Support her or tell her boyfriend?" Lucy asked, and Tom raised a brow.

"We are not talking about Sonia and Bryan, are we?" he asked, and when Lucy didn't meet his gaze, Tom narrowed his eyes.

"Sonia is pregnant and wants to have an abortion without Bryan's knowledge?" Tom asked incredulously, and Lucy sighed.

"Don't overreact. I'm not supposed to be telling you...."

"The hell with that, Lu! Convince her to tell Bryan, or I will!" Tom threatened.

"You can't do that...."

"I can, Lu! And I'm telling you I will."

"I'm telling you this in confidence because you're my boyfriend. I've broken Sonia's trust already. You can't say a word of this to Bryan."

Tom took a deep breath, "If you don't want me to do that, then you either convince Sonia to tell him about it, or you tell him about it yourself. I see no reason why you should be worrying about keeping her trust when she is about to do something detrimental not only to herself but to Bryan and their relationship as well. Christ, Lu! If you're trying to be a good friend, then shouldn't you do so by not letting her ruin her relationship? Didn't they just have a fight over this attitude of hers?" Tom asked incredulously.

"Calm down, Tom. I don't think we should fight over this. I will do my best to convince her to tell him about it," Lucy said quietly.

"And if she doesn't, you tell him. I won't be pleased if she goes ahead with this without Bryan's knowledge," Tom insisted, and Lucy sighed.

"Alright. Just don't say a word. I will take care of it," Lucy insisted, and Tom sighed.

"Bryan is not as irresponsible as you think, Lu. Trust me, you will be doing Sonia a world of good by telling Bryan about this," Tom said, and Lucy raised her hands.

"I hope you are right. I should return to my office now. Let me know when you're ready to leave," Lucy said and kissed Tom before walking away.

She knew that Sonia was going to be mad at her for spilling her secret to Tom, but she was going to take Tom's advice on this one. She was scared that Sonia was making a mistake, and she would rather risk offending Sonia than stay back and do nothing while Sonia made such a mistake.

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