One Wild Night

Chapter 588 Pretty Emotional

Chapter 588  Pretty Emotional

Lucy's brow creased with a frown when she checked the spot her apartment key was supposed to be but didn't find it.

She knew without a doubt that she did not take it to Tom's house since she remembered leaving it there just the previous evening, so where could it be? She mused as she headed for her apartment.

Apart from her, only Tom, Lucas, and Sonia knew where she kept the key, and seeing as neither Tom nor Lucas was around, that left Sonia.

Was Sonia in her apartment? But Bryan did not mention anything about that when she asked him to meet her there. Lucy mused as she pressed the doorbell.

"Sony? Are you in there?" She asked, trying not to be too loud so she wouldn't attract any attention. The last thing she wanted right now was for anyone to know she was here.

All she wanted was to be alone in the comfort of her apartment. She didn't want any intrusion.

She almost sighed in relief when she heard footsteps inside, followed by the door being opened from inside.

She did not doubt that Sonia would be pissed at her, but she didn't mind. She believed she had done the right thing. Advising Sonia to tell Bryan the truth was the best thing for Sonia, and maybe if Sonia told her how the conversation had gone, she would know what to expect when Bryan showed up.

Once Sonia opened the door, she walked back inside, and Lucy followed her after shutting the door behind her.

"Sony, I know you are pissed…."

"I'm not," Sonia said flatly.

"You are not?" Lucy asked, surprised.

"I've been thinking about it. I should have told him about it from the moment I began to suspect it," Sonia said as she walked into the bedroom and got on the bed, pulling the duvet over her.

"What happened? What did Bryan say when you told him?" Lucy asked as she sat down on the bed beside Sonia.

"I never said I told him…."

"Bryan told me you did," Lucy cut in, and Sonia sat up.

"What else did he say? Was he very mad?" She asked with a worried frown.

"He didn't sound mad. He wants to see me. He wants us to talk. Does he know you are here? I asked him to meet me here," Lucy explained.

"I should leave before he gets here," Sonia said, rising from the bed, but Lucy placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Where would you go? Back to Tom's? Just stay calm. I could talk with him outside. He doesn't have to know you are here, and you don't have to see him if you don't want to, but first, I have to know what he said. How did he react to the news? Does he want an abortion?" Lucy asked with concern.

"I don't know. He was mad I was keeping it away from him…."

"Rightfully so. He has every right to be mad. You can't blame him for that," Lucy said, and Sonia sighed.

"He broke up with me," Sonia said, and Lucy looked at her in disbelief.

"No, he didn't."

"He did! He said I could do whatever I wanted with the pregnancy," Sonia said, tears dropping from her eyes, but Lucy merely stared at her.

"What? You don't believe me?" Sonia asked, and Lucy shook her head.

"It's not that I don't believe you. It's just that what you're saying doesn't make sense. So, you said, Bryan, I'm pregnant. And then he said, do whatever you want with the pregnancy. I'm done with this relationship? Or what?" Lucy asked in confusion.

Lucy sighed when Sonia began to cry again, and she embraced her, "Whatever it is, I'm sure Bryan is going to fix it. That must be the reason he wants to talk to me. You haven't taken the pill, have you?" Lucy asked, and Sonia shook her head.

"Good. Let's hear what Bryan has to say first, alright? I'm certain he reacted the way he did only because he was upset. Bryan isn't unreasonable. Stop crying and try to get some rest while I change out of these clothes," Lucy said as she kissed Sonia's head before standing up.

Wanting to distract Sonia from her problems, Lucy looked at her as she undressed, "Have you been on social media today?"

"No. I'm not interested in anything," Sonia said, and Lucy nodded.

"Anita did a live apology video," Lucy said and almost smiled when Sonia's eyes widened in surprise.

"Apology? To you?" Sonia asked, and Lucy nodded.

"She stated all her crimes…." The rest of Lucy's words were lost in a giggle when Sonia got off the bed in search of her phone. Nothing worked at distracting Sonia from her problem more than other people's problems.

As Lucy headed for the bathroom, her phone started ringing, and she picked it up when she saw it was Bryan, "You're here already?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah," Bryan said as the cab stopped in front of Lucy's apartment.

"I will be out in two minutes," Lucy promised as she hurried to her closet and pulled out a random pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt which she hurriedly put on.

"Bryan is here," Lucy informed Sonia as she hurried into the living room, where Sonia was seated on the couch watching Anita's video.

Immediately she heard that Sonia stood up, "Can you bring him in? I will be in the bedroom. I want to hear what he has to say," Sonia said, and Lucy frowned.


"Please, Lu. It's not like you're going to hide anything he says from me anyway. He doesn't have to know I'm here," Sonia pleaded.

Lucy considered it for a moment. She trusted Bryan. She knew he loved Sonia. And because she trusted his love for Sonia, she believed that whatever he was going to say to her was going to help their relationship. That would work better in convincing Sonia of his intentions than anything Bryan was going to say to her.

"Alright," Lucy agreed, and Sonia hurried into the bedroom while Lucy went outside.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting," Lucy said apologetically once she met him standing by her car.

"I didn't wait for long. It was an impromptu arrangement, after all," Bryan said as he followed Lucy, who led him inside her apartment.

"There is not much to offer since I've not stayed here in a while. Can I get you a glass of water?" She asked, and Bryan shook his head.

"That is not necessary, Lucy. I hope I'm not making you feel uncomfortable?" Bryan asked when he noticed how she was standing awkwardly.

Lucy smiled, "Not at all. Please make yourself comfortable," she said as she took the seat adjacent to him.

Bryan cleared his throat, "I'm sorry I called you out of the blue…."

"You don't have to apologize for that, Bryan. I'm actually glad you did," Lucy rushed to assure him.

Bryan nodded, "Did Sonia tell you one of the reasons for our last misunderstanding? Did she tell you I was upset because I thought you were more important to her than I am?" Bryan asked, and Lucy nodded.

"She mentioned something in that line. But I don't hold it against you," Lucy said with a small smile.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but if you were pregnant, would you tell Sonia about it before telling Tom about it?" Bryan asked, and Lucy shrugged.

"It depends on the circumstance. And you should know that Sonia only told me about it because I helped her deliver the test kit, and I was there when she took the test," Lucy said in Sonia's defense.

"Do you think she would have ever told me about it had you not asked her to?" Bryan asked, and Lucy sighed.

"I'm sure she did not tell you about it simply because I asked her to. She would have eventually gotten around to it," Lucy said confidently, and Bryan sat up in his seat.

"Am I asking for too much, Lucy? Is it too much to ask the woman I love to involve me in whatever concerns her? In whatever concerns us? How could she have been planning to have an abortion without even telling me first?" Bryan asked, still unable to wrap his head around it.

"Do you want the baby? According to Sonia, you said you didn't want any of that…."

"I said I didn't want?" Bryan cut in.

"I thought she was in agreement with me on that! I thought she wanted the same thing! She was the one who suggested not living together some time ago, wasn't she? Why is she holding what I said against me when we were in agreement about wanting to take things slowly and know more about each other? Our relationship isn't all about what I want! What she wants matters to me too! Yes, I'd prefer to have her to myself and spend a lot of time getting to know and love her better, but that doesn't change the fact that I want her to be in my life for the long run. I love Sonia. I'm crazy about her! But what I can't stand is her making decisions without talking to me," Bryan complained.

"Maybe she was in agreement with you on that, and when this came up, she figured she should take care of it so it doesn't become a problem for the both of you…."

"How can something we both did become a problem for us? I am just as responsible for the pregnancy as she is if not more. It's not in her place to worry about it by herself! This shows she doesn't trust me, and it not only annoys me, but it also hurts me too!" Bryan cried out in frustration.

"I understand how you feel, Bryan. I really do. I have also addressed the same issue with her before now. But one thing I try to remind myself often is that Sonia has been living on her own terms since she was eighteen. She has been making decisions involving her alone for the past seven years. Have you considered the fact that it might not be deliberate?" Lucy asked, and Bryan sighed.

"Yes. I've thought about that. That doesn't mean I can't get upset when she does stuff like this, does it? I mean, what if she had gone ahead and aborted our baby without discussing it with me first? Do you think I would have forgiven her for that? Do you think that excuse about it not being deliberate would have made sense to me?" Bryan asked incredulously.

"What do you want, Bryan? Do you want the baby or not?" Lucy asked, and Bryan sighed as he raked his fingers through his hair.

"That's why I'm here, Lucy. I want to know what she wants."

"I think it's best I know what you want first," Lucy insisted.

"I told you already. I love Sonia. Whether we start a family in the next ten years or now, it doesn't make a difference to me since she is the one I know I want to spend my life with. Yes, having a baby now is going to affect us both in a lot of ways, but I know we can make it work if that is what she wants. I have been thinking about it since she told me about it, and I can't stop wondering if it's a girl or a boy and who the baby is going to look like or behave like. I don't want to imagine us terminating our first pregnancy. I need to be sure that is what she wants too. I can't force her to keep our baby if she doesn't want to. But I will be really happy if she decides to keep the baby. We can find a way to make it work. We can get as many Nannies as she wants so it doesn't affect her career. I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind babysitting when we go out on dates. We can make it work," Bryan said, and they both turned towards Lucy's bedroom when they heard a sniffle behind the door.

Lucy couldn't blame Sonia for blowing her cover. Not when she was feeling pretty emotional herself and wanted to cry and embrace Bryan for saying all the right things.

"Is Sonia in there?" Bryan asked in surprise, and without waiting for Lucy to respond, he headed for Lucy's bedroom.

"Babe?" He called, and Sonia stepped out from behind the door.

"I was wrong. I'm sorry," Sonia said as tears ran down her cheeks.

Without saying a word, Bryan pulled Sonia to himself and embraced her, "I did not mean what I said about breaking up. I was mad at you. I still am. But I don't want to break up with you," Bryan murmured as he kissed her wet cheeks.

"Me too," Sonia cried.

"I will wait outside," Lucy said as she opened the door and excused herself, but neither of them looked at her.

Lucy sighed as she took her car keys from where it was hidden by the tire and got into her car.

She was glad that Bryan and Sonia wanted the same thing. She smiled at the thought of Sonia having a baby. Evelyn would definitely be over the moon. Thinking of Evelyn, Lucy sat up as she remembered that she needed to clear the misunderstanding with her. Telling Evelyn that the kit wasn't hers wouldn't be enough for the woman. She knew it. She had to tell Bryan and Sonia about it so they would join her in informing Evelyn that the kit she had seen belonged to Sonia. Evelyn would be just as excited since she was going to be a grandmother

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