One Wild Night

Chapter 593 Favourite Women

Lucy woke up the next morning feeling tired. Her body ached from sleeping on the couch, but that was the last thing on her mind as she looked around her apartment and sighed.

She had dreamt of Tom, and somehow she had expected to see him beside her when she woke up, only to realise she was lying on the couch in her apartment. It was going to be a really long next couple of days without Tom, Lucy realised as she rose to prepare for work.

As she stepped out of her apartment, she sighted Alicia, who ran over immediately after she saw her, "Hey, Lucy! Good morning! You're back in your apartment? I thought I saw the light on last night," she said excitedly.

"Yeah. I can't let the rent go to waste. Good morning," Lucy said with a brilliant smile.

"I'm sure Tom won't mind the rent going to waste. One of the perks of having a billionaire boyfriend," Alicia said with a wink, and Lucy gave an awkward laugh as she knew Alicia expected.

"How is Jasmine doing?" Lucy asked, and Alicia looked towards their apartment.

"She is good. Wanna say hello to her?" Alicia asked, and Lucy quickly shook her head.

"No! I'm in a hurry. Maybe later," Lucy said as she opened the car, letting Alicia know she was serious about leaving.

"Alright then. It's good to have you back here," Alicia said with a bright smile as she let Lucy get into her car.

"By the way, did you see the video trending online yesterday? Anita Miller is such a bitch. I can't wait for the interview with Eric Howells," Alicia said, and Lucy nodded, not bothering to tell her the interview might not hold anymore because all the secrets were almost out in the open now.

"Yeah, I saw it. I need to run now, Alicia. See you around," Lucy said as she started the car and drove off with a wave.

Once she arrived at the company, her plan was to head directly to Harry's office since she knew he usually arrived early, too, and she wanted to have the conversation about the Millers with him first before resuming work for the day. She didn't want any distractions once she got to her office.

She was surprised when she sighted Jade alighting from one of Tom's cars in front of the company as she parked her car, and she hurried to catch up with Jade.

"Good morning, Jade!" She greeted as she fell in step beside Jade.

"Good morning, Lucy! You were missed at dinner last night. Heard you decided to move back to your apartment because you couldn't stand being there without Tom," Jade said, and Lucy shrugged.

"I thought it would be easier being at my apartment."

"Was it?" Jade asked with interest.

"Nah. It wasn't," Lucy admitted, and Jade giggled.

"Well, don't try too hard. When you put too much effort into avoiding something, it becomes your reality," Jade advised as they stepped into the elevator and Lucy pressed the button for Harry's floor.

"I'm on my way to Harry's office. I suppose you're here to see him too? Heard about his meeting with Aurora. Congrats," Lucy said with a grin, and Jade giggled.

"Thanks. We have a dinner date tonight, but I'm here for business," Jade said, and Lucy took a second glance at her corporate outfit. Jade was dressed in a navy blue tailored pantsuit and red stiletto shoes.

"Oh! You're resuming here today?" Lucy asked curiously, wondering what was up.

"I'm sure you heard about Anita's brothers-in-law. Harry wants me to represent Jackson, and I'm here to find out why and what I'm expected to do," Jade said, and Lucy frowned in confusion.


"Why what?" Jade asked, not understanding Lucy's question.

"Why would he ask you to do that?" Lucy asked, and Jade sighed with exaggerated patience as they both got out of the elevator.

"I clearly just said I'm here to find out why as well," Jade pointed out as she took the lead.

"I'm going in first. You can join us after two minutes," Jade informed an amused Lucy.

She intended for Harry to see her first, not Lucy. She was going to be Harry's girlfriend, after all. She was ninety per cent there already, and his first smile of the day should be directed at her, not Lucy.

Lucy shook her head in amusement as she watched Jade walk into Harry's office without knocking, and Jade sighed, "Lucy, come in. There's no point waiting for two minutes," Jade said with a scowl when she saw Candace in the office with Harry.

"I like to believe the disappointment I see in your eyes is not because you saw me here, is it? What were you planning to do in here alone with him?" Candace asked in amusement, and Harry chuckled as he went around his desk to meet Jade.

"Good morning, beautiful," He greeted her as he kissed her cheek, but before he could pull away, Jade's arms went around his neck.

"Tell me you haven't smiled at anyone else today?" Jade asked, and Harry raised a brow.


"Because I was hoping to be the first reason you smiled today," Jade said with a slight frown, and Harry smiled into her eyes.

"You were the reason I smiled to sleep last night, and I had a wide smile on my face when I woke up this morning and remembered our dinner date was in a couple of hours. And your voice was the first I listened to this morning, remember?" Harry asked, and Jade blushed delightfully while Candace rolled her eyes, and Lucy, who was standing behind Harry and Jade, giggled.

Jade pressed her lips to Harry's for a quick kiss before pulling away, "I believe you."

"Good morning, LuLu. Did you sleep well?"

"I did, HaHa," Lucy said, and Harry nodded while Candace looked at them in amusement.

"I suppose Jade is JaJa, and I am CaCa?" Candace asked, and they all laughed. 

"Good morning, CaCa," Jade greeted her pleasantly as Harry placed a hand on her lower back and led her to one of the seats close to Candace.

"Finally, you can see me, JaJa? I thought I wasn't welcome here?" Candace asked dryly, and Jade giggled.

"Why wouldn't you be welcome in your twin brother's office? I wasn't happy because you ruined my early morning quickie plans," Jade said, and Candace laughed while Harry and Lucy shook their heads.

"Good morning, Lucy! Jamal sent his love," Candace told Lucy, and Lucy grinned.

"Tell him I hope we can go on a date before he leaves. Just the both of us," Lucy said, and Candace laughed.

"He is never going to get over you if you do that," Candace warned.

"Oh, I don't want him to!" Lucy assured her, and Candace laughed.

"How lucky I am to have my favourite women in my office so early in the morning," Harry said as he watched them.

"Let's get down to business, Harry. I can't represent Jackson Bateman, and it's not just because I don't like his wife. Do you realise who the victim is? He is Adam Washington. The only son of the chief judge. Asking me to represent Jackson Bateman is a career suicide…."

"Yet, here you are dressed like you are going to see him after you leave my office," Harry cut in.

"That is only because I trust you must have a good reason for wanting me to do that. So I dressed up for the job hoping you will give me a good reason to go for it. We could have had this whole conversation over the phone and saved me this office visit had you not hung up after making such a request," Jade pointed out.

"I don't think you mind the visit very much," Candace murmured and Lucy grinned, while Harry chuckled as Jade scowled at Candace.

"It's good to see that you trust me. And yes, I do have a very good reason. Trust me. This isn't career suicide. If anything, it's going to be the best thing that ever happened to your career because Jackson isn't responsible for what happened, and the chief judge will forever be in your debt for making sure justice was served. We have all the evidence to prove it."

"Is the evidence admissible in court?" Jade asked, and Harry shrugged.

"You will have to determine that."

"But why are we doing this? I mean, I thought the Millers were our enemy. Are we suddenly going soft now just because of Anita's apology?" Jade asked, and Harry shook his head.

"Rebekah Miller is the ultimate enemy. And as much as we would have just preferred to let it all go following Anita's apology, we can't turn a blind eye to Rebekah's crimes. Her daughters will have so much to learn from their mother's downfall," Harry said, and Jade sighed.

"Alright. So, if Jackson Bateman didn't murder Adam Washington, who did?" Jade asked the question which was on Lucy's and Candace's minds.

"Rebekah Miller did and is deliberately framing Jackson for it."

"What?" Lucy and Jade asked in unison while Candace watched in confusion, not really understanding anything.

"Why would she murder one son-in-law and set up the other son-in-law?" Jade asked.

"I thought Adam was the one she was having an affair with?" Lucy asked in confusion.

"She was having an affair with her son-in-law?" Candace asked in disbelief, and they all turned to her.

"Yeah," Harry said, answering both Lucy and Candace at the same time.

"Don't be too shocked. That's not the worst thing she has done," Lucy assured Candace, who looked disgusted.

"And I thought Sara was the worst thing that could happen to anyone," Candace said, and Harry smiled.

"They're cut from the same cloth. Maybe Lucy's mom isn't the right twin. A switch must have happened at the hospital," Harry joked, and they all laughed.

"Unfortunately, there is a resemblance thing between them. Or at least there was before all that surgery," Lucy pointed out.

Before Harry could respond, his phone started ringing, and he grinned, "Speak of the devil. It's Sara," Harry announced as he received the call and placed it on speaker for them to listen to her.

"Good morning, Mom…."

"Have you seen what is trending on the internet? It's a picture of us together!" Sara announced, sounding very displeased.

"Together? As though we are lovers or what?" Harry asked with mock innocence, and it was all the ladies could do not to laugh.

"Don't be silly! All those silly people are talking about how you're my son, and we reunited. We can't have that now, can we? We need to do a damage control…."

"Damage control? What for? You're my mother. I want the world to know you're my mother, and I'm…."

"Can you shut up!" Sara snapped and then took a deep breath when she remembered that she was supposed to be nice.

"Listen to me, honey. There is no reason for the public to be involved in our private family business. As much as I want to tell the world that you are my son, I don't think it's a wise move. We are both public figures, and it's going to be very inconveniencing. Also, I don't want Lucy to misunderstand and try to hurt me. I told you she warned me," Sara said, and Lucy snorted while Jade and Candace shook their heads.

"So what do you want me to do? Deny the claims?" Harry asked curiously.

"Well, let's tell them my late best friend was your mother. I would have said my sister, but everyone believes I'm an orphan. So maybe we can say my best friend who died before I became a model. Okay? Our stories have to be the same. If anyone asks you, tell them I'm your late mother's best friend. I'm doing this for you, trust me. I have enemies that might want to go after you if they believe you're my son. I have to protect you. And just so you know, I will be leaving Ludus tonight. I don't think we should meet again," Sara said, and Harry nodded in agreement since he had no plan for meeting her that way again.

"Alright, Mom. If that's what you want, I will do so," Harry promised before hanging up.

"Your mother's best friend? Seriously?" Jade asked irritably.

"When is she getting here?" Candace asked, referring to Crystal, the con artist.

Harry glanced at his wristwatch, "Soon. You can place the call to the orphanage home and ask someone from there to go inform Jade's boss that they have found her," Harry instructed Candace, who took out her phone to do so immediately.

"Jade, you should get to work. You can go pay Jackson Bateman a visit. I will transfer the evidence you need to prepare for the case," Harry told Jade, who sighed.

"Alright. This won't interfere with our date, right?" She asked hopefully.

"Nothing will interfere with it. I will pick you up by 6 p.m. Let me know how the meeting with Jackson goes," Harry said as he leaned forward and kissed Jade.

"Alright. Let me know how it goes with the girl who doesn't suck pussies," Jade told Harry with a wink and giggled when he scowled.

"See y'all later," Jade said as she headed for the door and then paused to look at Lucy.

"You're still here?"

"No. I'm heading to my office now since I've heard it all," Lucy said as she rose.

"See you later. Give my message to Jamal," Lucy said to Harry and Candace before walking out with Jade.

"I heard from Bryan and Sonia last night," Jade said with a wide smile.

"I suppose they've made the announcement? How did Evelyn and Desmond react? They must have been very excited," Lucy asked with a grin.

"They couldn't make the announcement last night. We got carried away with the Miller family drama," Jade explained, and Lucy sighed.

"Too bad."

"Yeah. By the way, you and Tom are cool, right?" Jade asked as they walked into the elevator, and Lucy turned to her after pressing the button for her floor.

"Sure. Why?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the lawyer in me, but I didn't believe anything you said earlier about crashing at your apartment just so you wouldn't miss him too much. If Harry travelled out of town, I know I would want to lie on his bed and inhale his scent all night long instead of avoiding his place together," Jade said with a shrug.

"Different strokes for different folks, remember?" Lucy asked, and Jade nodded.

"Yeah. That's what I told myself as well. Hence I'm asking you if everything is fine. Tom truly loves you, Lucy, and I believe you love him too. So I really hope things will work out between you two. Whatever might be wrong, I hope you both can work it out. Okay?" Jade asked as the elevator stopped at Lucy's floor.


"Have a pleasant day," Jade said and embraced Lucy before letting her step out of the elevator.

Lucy sighed as she walked into her office, and she paused when she saw a note on her desk. She picked it up, and a smile tugged on her lips when she read the handwritten note.

[Good morning, Jewel. Missed me last night, didn't you? I know you're probably trying hard not to think about me. Too bad I plan to stay on your mind all day. Every day. I love you. Your handsome boyfriend.]

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