One Wild Night

Chapter 607 Kimberly/Dawn

Chapter 607  Kimberly/Dawn

The moment Tom walked through the doors of the club, the first thing that occurred to him was that this wasn't a regular club.

It seemed like almost every body in there were in various states of undress. Majority of the ladies were naked, and the few who were dressed were only covered in sexy lingerie, and most of the men were just as naked, some just shirtless and some were dressed in just their briefs.

Everyone was going about their activities like being naked was the new normal. The waitresses were serving drinks butt naked, those in the dancehall were naked, and even the barman was shirtless save for a red bowtie, it seemed all the staff were wearing to be easily identified, and his briefs.

Tom looked around in mild confusion until he felt somebody stand beside him and he turned to see a young man dressed completely in suit.

"CEO, I-Global?" he asked, and a lady who just walked in and heard that, turned in time to see Tom give him a slight nod.

"My boss is expecting you," he said and gestured to the right as he led the way.

As Tom followed him down an hallway, he couldn't help wondering why anybody in their right mind would want to have a business meeting in such an environment.

For christ's sake he was here to meet with the man in charge of Hotel management and hospitality regulations in the country not a random nobody. Why would he arrange for such a serious meeting here?

As Tom was escorted past different open rooms it occurred to him that if he had thought the people at the Central part of the club were crazy, then he had been mistaken.

In almost every room he walked past, people were having sex. Threesomes, orgies, gay-sex, masturbation, and no one seemed to care about their privacy.

Tom liked to consider himself a wild person, but having sex in public under the scrutiny of other people like an animal was something he was sure he could never indulge in.

Tom tried to focus as he was led into another room, and this time he was taken aback when he realized it was more of a torture room for those into BDSM.

"Thomas Hank!" a handsome man in his mid forties greeted as he rose from the couch where he had been seated.

Thankfully, unlike the others in this room who were naked and either chained to a pole or tied to bed and being dominated, he was dressed completely in a suit, and seemed to be a voyeur.

"Mr. Moore?" Tom asked as though he doubted the man's identity and the man laughed softly.

"I'm sure you must be surprised that I chose such a location for our meeting," he said with a knowing smile.

"I can't say I'm not," Tom responded honestly.

"Well, I always spend Wednesday nights here, and since you wanted me to fit you into my schedule it had to be here. Someone else is joining us by the way," he said as he placed a hand on Tom's shoulder in a friendly gesture and led him to his couch.

"Who?" Tom asked with a slight frown.

"Someone who has been wanting to see you for a very long time," he said, leaving Tom more confused.

"And I suppose you don't want to tell me who this person is? Or why they want to see me?" Tom asked and he smiled.

"I have no idea why. You will see."

Even though Tom didn't exactly like the idea of meeting someone he didn't know, he didn't push it.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is this place?" Tom asked politely.

"Did you miss the name? It's Club Eden...."

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have found my way here now, would I?" Tom asked as he continued to gaze around.

His eyes settled on a couple who were suspended in the air on a swinglike material as they copulated while the woman kept using a rod to spank her partner's ass. All around they were serenaded with various cries of moans and groans.

The man laughed as he watched Tom, "It is as you see. A Den of pleasure. Everybody here has one thing in common, they desire pleasure."

"Isn't it distracting to meet with me here? Maybe if we could find a private room...."

"I would rather we talk here. Why? Do you find it arousing? Tell me, do you enjoy things like this?" he asked with a grin.

"I have a reputation to maintain. I can't be seen in a place like this," Tom said cautiously.

"This place is government approved. There is nothing wrong with a businessman having fun. And just so you know, you have no idea the calibre of people who come here. See that guy over there?" he asked, jerking his head in the direction of a man in his fifties who was banging a young lady hard from behind while choking her with one hand and pulling her hair with the other.

"What about him?" Tom asked curiously.

"He is the chief of police. I don't reckon he can do that to his wife. But in here, nobody cares who you are outside. What happens in Eden, stays in Eden," he assured him with a grin.


"And those are my girls," he interrupted with a chuckle and rose as two ladies approached them.

They both looked like they were in their late twenties, and one of the ladies was naked and had something like chocolate around her nipples as though she was walking around looking for someone to lick it off her, while the other was dressed in a skimpy black dress and her eyes were on Tom.

Tom used a hand to wipe his face and didn't bother to stand up when the ladies stopped in front of them.

He watched with a blank expression as Mr. Moore bent down and licked the chocolate off both nipples, making the lady giggle while the other continued to look at him.

Instead of looking on, Tom signalled to a waitress to get him something to drink, making it clear he wasnt interested in Mr. Moore's business. All he wanted to do was discuss the Hotel and leave.

"Thomas Hank," the lady who was dressed called, drawing Tom's attention as she sat down beside him.

"We don't know each other, do we?" Tom asked politely as he received a glass of wine from the waitress.

She narrowed her eyes, "I definitely know you. I don't forget faces so easily. Especially not one as handsome as yours," she said with a smile and Mr. Moore raised a brow.

"You still haven't told me how you know him, Kim," he reminded her and she laughed softly.

"We had a one-night stand four years ago," she said, and Tom almost choked on his wine.

"Four years ago? The sex must have been really good if you still remember him," the other lady said with a giggle, but Mr. Moore was not amused.

"Four years ago? A one night stand?" Mr. Moore asked, looking at her with questioning eyes, and she nodded, answering his unspoken question.

"You don't remember me, do you?" she asked with a tsk when Tom looked at her with a frown of disbelief.

"Am I supposed to remember someone I had a one night stand with four years ago?" Tom asked with a slightly raised brow.

"I guess you make it a habit of having one night stands then. Give me a minute and I will jog your memory," she said as she reached into her purse for a cigarette and lit it, while Mr. Moore and the other lady listened with interest.

"We met at the poolside of the I-Global hotel four years ago the same night the place was opened. You were drinking alone after swimming, and I was in the pool. I joined you because you were alone and the other tables were occupied. Do you remember now?" she asked and Tom blinked in surprise.

"That was you?" He asked as he looked her over once again, wondering how she could remember him so easily.

"Yes. That was me," she said with a pleasant smile, glad that he remembered her now.

"He was the one four years ago?" Mr. Moore asked, genuinely surprised but not displeased.

"Yes," she said as she took a puff from her cigarette.

"What do you mean the one? Is she the person you mentioned wanted to see me?" Tom asked Mr. Moore and he nodded.

"I was going to introduce them earlier but you didn't seem interested. This is Kimberly Moore, my niece," he said, not bothering to introduce the other lady who happened to be his wife.

"Your niece?" Tom asked, beginning to feel very uncomfortable now since he wasn't sure what was happening.


"I need to speak with him alone if you don't mind," Kimberly said looking at her uncle as she took another puff.

Tom shook his head, "I'm sorry, I can't. I'm here for a business meeting and...."

"I believe whatever she wants to discuss with you is more important than whatever we will be discussing. Don't worry, I know the reason you wanted to see me. I will be more willing to help you after you listen to her," Mr. Moore said as he rose and then looked at his niece before walking away with his wife.

Alone now, Kimberly looked at Tom without saying a word for sometime and then leaned forward, placing a hand on his thighs.

Tom withdrew immediately, "Is there a problem?" Tom asked not liking that he was sitting alone in such a place with a lady like her.

"I've been searching for you for the past four years. You left without a word. I had no idea what your name was. The hotel had no information on you either, and...."

"Why were you searching for me? I mean, we both agreed not to exchange any personal information since it was simply a one night stand," Tom pointed out.

"And you can't imagine my pleasure and surprise when I caught a glimpse of you during the interview with your girlfriend and you turned out to be the CEO of I-Global," she said, continuing as though he had not interrupted her.

"So what? You want to blackmail me into giving you some money or what exactly is the purpose of all this?" Tom cut in impatiently.

She threw back her head and laughed heartily as though he had just cracked a very hilarious joke, "Please, Thomas, don't make me laugh. Take a good look at me. Do I look like I'm in need of your money?" She asked as she picked up the ashtray on the table and tapped out the cigarette before dropping the ashtray.

"What do you want if not my money?" Tom asked with a raised brow.

"I am wealthy enough. I even have shares in your company...."

"You do?" Tom asked with interest and she smiled.

"Yeah, I do. Although I'm not actively involved. I had no idea you were the CEO anyway. You know, I usually leave my personal broker in charge of things like that. Maybe if I had been involved actively I wouldn't have wasted so much time..."

"Can you please cut to the chase and tell me what this is about?" Tom asked and she shook her head as she opened her handbag and took out her phone.

"I see you're quite impatient," She said as she unlocked the screen and turned it so that Tom could see the screen saver.

"Here," she said handing him the phone and Tom reluctantly took it from her.

Displayed on the screen was a picture of the most beautiful three years old girl Tom had ever set eyes on, smiling into the camera with her hazel eyes gleaming mischievously.

Tom's heart skipped a beat as he looked at the picture, hoping it wasn't what he was thinking.

He had used a condom, right? He always used condoms. He never had unprotected sex with ladies until Lucy. Tom reasoned as he tried to remember the night four years ago and what had transpired between them.

"Why are you showing me this?" He forced himself to ask after the silence had dragged on for long enough.

Kimberly watched Tom whose eyes were still fixed on the screen as she leaned back in her seat, "Her name is Dawn. She is your daughter. She is the only reason I've been trying to find you all this time."

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