One Wild Night

Chapter 619 Get Rid Of Her

Chapter 619  Get Rid Of Her

As Rebekah made her way to the restaurant where Jade had asked her to meet her, she called her hit man and asked him to stay on standby around the location in case she wanted him to take care of Jade after their meeting.

He had been working with her for years and taking care of all her dirty work and not once had he made any mistake. And as such, she trusted him.

She doubted he had made any mistakes in taking care of Adam's body and making it look like Jack was behind it. But just in case Jade had found something to connect her to it, she needed him to take care of it quickly before it became a problem.

Once she got to the restaurant, Jade who was already seated sipping from a wineglass rose with a welcoming smile on her face.

"Mrs Miller?" Jade asked politely, and Rebekah smiled back as she gave her a nod and joined her on the table.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long?" Rebekah asked as they sat.

"Not at all. I'm grateful you agreed to meet with me on such short notice," Jade said as she signalled to the waiter to attend to Rebekah.

"Of course, I was curious to know why you would want to speak with me. Am I a suspect?" Rebekah joked, and Jade laughed softly.

"I've noticed that most times the guilty ones tend to ask such questions," Jade said with a grin, and watched as Rebekah stiffened.

"I can't imagine that being the case here. I mean, you would have no reason to murder your own son-in-law, would you? It's not like you were lovers or anything," Jade joked, but Rebekah did not smile.

"I beg your pardon?" Rebekah asked, and Jade pursed her lips.

"I'm just kidding. It wouldn't make sense for you to be the culprit. I wanted to know what your late son-in-law discussed with you during his visit," Jade said as she took our her journal and a pen.

"I would have expected such a visit from the police and not a lawyer," Rebekah said thoughtfully.

"I have no idea why the police is yet to pay you a visit. They probably don't know the whole story yet and...."

"What do you mean the whole story?" Rebekah asked with a slight frown.

"Jack told me stuff I think he wouldn't mention to the police. Your daughter did the same. So did Mr. Bateman and the chief judge. Between what every one of them told me in confidence I believe I might know some things the police do not know," Jade said and watched as Rebekah's gaze sharpened.

"What are you driving at?" Rebekah asked, and Jade shook her head.

"Nothing. You asked a question and I answered. I want to know what you know as well before I speak with the wife of the deceased," Jade said, and Rebekah watched her, unsure of what to make out of any of this.

"What did Tiffany and Jackson say?" Rebekah asked wanting to know if anything about her affair with Adam was mentioned.

"You do know I can't tell you that, don't you? I don't want whatever they said to influence your own statement," Jade said with a polite smile.

Knowing how protective Tiffany was of Bernice, Rebekah doubted they would have told Jade about Bernice's affair with Jackson or her attempted suicide. And she believed no matter how upset her daughters were, they would never spread their family's dirty linens in public by talking about her affair with Adam.

"Well, Adam was upset. He was having marital problems with his wife. He needed me to step in and help him go to the hospital to plead with her. I noticed his bruises and asked what happened and he said he got into a fight with Jackson. He wouldn't say why. I assumed it had to do with business. You know the Washington law firm takes care of the legal affairs of Bateman Corp. So while we were speaking he received a call from Jackson. Told me he had to leave to meet with Jackson," Rebekah explained.

"A meeting with Jackson? Not a witness?" Jade asked, and Rebekah frowned thoughtfully for a moment.

"I don't know. Perhaps he was to meet with a witness first and then Jackson," Rebekah said with a shrug.

"I see. How would you describe their relationship? I mean, I know they're both your sons-in-law, but were they close?" Jade asked, and Rebekah pursed her lips for a moment.

She shook her head, "I really can't say. You will have to ask their wives."

Before Jade could ask her next question, her phone vibrated in her handbag giving her the opening she needed for the next phase of her plan.

Even though she touched her phone, she brought out the phone Mr Bateman had given her and placed it on the table for Rebekah to see before taking out her own phone and returning Rebekah's old phone into the bag.

"Excuse me, please. It's my boyfriend," she said with a bright smile when she noticed the call was from Harry.

"Hey, baby!" she greeted cheerfully.

"Move away from where you are seated," Harry said in a tight voice.

"Please give me a moment," Jade said as she moved away from the table to a corner she could speak comfortably without being overheard.

"Is everything alright?" Jade asked with a worried frown.

"What the hell do you think you're doing meeting with Rebekah Miller without telling me about it?" Harry snapped at her angrily.

"Hey! Don't you dare raise your voice at me! I might be your girlfriend now, butthis is my job, and you have no right to be spying on me..."

"You are doing a job I asked you to do! A dangerous job with dangerous people involved! I specifically asked you to inform me about your every movement," Harry said angrily.

"I'm supposed to take permission from you before meeting with anyone? Don't be ridiculous! I'm meeting with her in a public place. What could be so dangerous? Besides, I..."

"Can you be reasonable for once? If you're not going to be cooperative and would rather work on your own then maybe it's best if you don't get involved anymore in this..."

"Don't you dare, Jonas!" Jade warned.

Harry took a deep breath. He wasn't one to lose his cool easily, but hearing that Rebekah's hitman was outside the restaurant where Jade was had sent a chill down his spine. For a minute he had wondered what could have happened had he not asked his men to follow her about.

He couldn't believe that she had barely been his girlfriend for a day and she was risking her life this way already by being so damned stubborn. The last thing he wanted was to lose her because of her pigheadedness.

"The man in the video. The one with Adam's body. He is outside the restaurant right now. Why do you think he is outside there waiting while you are having a meeting with Rebekah Miller?" Harry asked, and Jade felt her blood run cold.

"What? Do you think I'm the one he is waiting for?" she asked in a choked voice, feeling sick all of a sudden, and Harry forgot all about his anger and frowned.

"It's good to know that you still have the good sense to be scared. I don't think he is waiting just to have a meeting with Rebekah. Don't worry. She can't hurt you. Did you say anything to Rebekah to make her believe you know something?" Harry asked instead, not bothering to mention that he was already on his way there.

"I was just going to mess with her and get her to say something she's not supposed to say," Jade said, and Harry sighed.

"Stick to your plan and just act normal, alright? Soon we will know if he's waiting for you or not. Don't worry, my men will keep watch," Harry promised.

"Why didn't you tell me you had people following me?" Jade asked after a moment.

"Your safety is paramount to me. I was upset because you did something like this without telling me. How do you think I'm going to feel if anything happens to you while you're doing this? Trust me, okay?"

"I do," Jade murmured.

"Good girl. Now when you leave, take the longer route to Tom's house. The road is more secluded and I'd rather if anything is going to happen there should be no witnesses or cops involved. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Harry asked, and Jade swallowed as she nodded.

"Yes. I do," she said since he couldn't see her nod.

"Good girl. You can go back to her then. I love you," Harry said, and hung up before she could respond.

Once the initial chill had worn off, Jade felt angry now. She hoped for Rebekah's sake that she wasn't the one the man outside was waiting for, cause if she was, then she just succeeded in making this mission a lot more personal.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I had a sort of misunderstanding with my boyfriend," Jade said with an apologetic smile.

"It's not a problem. Do you have any other questions?" Rebekah asked, and Jade nodded.

"Yes, please. Aside from Adam being your son-in-law do you have any special relationship with him?" Jade asked, and Rebekah looked at her with a stiff smile.

"What sort of special relationship am I supposed to have with my son-in-law?"

"Well. I have no idea. I heard you both are very close," Jade said, and Rebekah nodded.

"I try to get along with all my son-in-law. Adam is more friendly than the others hence we are closer. By the way, I couldn't help but notice you have two phones," Rebekah observed with a curious smile.

"Two?" Jade asked, feigning confusion.

"The other phone you brought out," Rebekah said, and Jade smiled.

"Oh! That isn't really mine. It's a gift from a friend who is in need of a favour. He said I might find the content helpful," Jade said with a polite smile.

"Ah! I see," Rebekah said with a stiff smile. The phone she bad seen looked very much like her lost phone. She could almost swear it was, but she couldn't be so sure.

The phone had been missing for years now. It wouldn't make sense for it to turn up suddenly in the hands of Jade Hank, would it? Rebekah mused.

"By the way, I heard your husband's death might have been ruled as suicide too quickly," Jade said, and immediately Rebekah's eyes hardened.

That was it! Jade Hank knew something and her big mouth was going to lead to her death, Rebekah decided.

"Really? I wouldn't know. We were sort of estranged before his death. I believe I have answered every question you have for me. I need to go home now. It has been a long day," Rebekah said as she rose and Jade did the same.

"Thank you very much for your time," Jade said as they both headed for the door.

Jade tried not to look around her anxiously as she stepped out of the restaurant. Instead, she headed for her car, trusting that Harry wouldn't let any harm come to her.

Once Rebekah got into her car, she texted her hit man, [Get rid of the lady who just stepped out of the car with me and bring me her phones.] before driving away.

As Jade drove away, she glanced at her rearview mirror and saw a black saloon car follow her, and another black saloon car follow as well.

Did this mean that Rebekah had really asked her man to follow her? What was the plan? To tail her? Hurt her? Threaten her? Or kill her? What exactly could be Rebekah's reason for doing this?

She could only hope that whatever Rebekah's man planned to do to her, Harry's men would be much faster.

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