One Wild Night

Chapter 697 Reaching An Understanding

Chapter 697  Reaching An Understanding

By the time Lucy returned upstairs to Tom's bedroom, he had freshened up and waiting for her to join him in bed.

"You haven't had dinner yet. I brought you some of the sandwiches Samantha packed us earlier," Lucy said as she walked over to the bed with a tray containing the sandwich and a glass of soy milk.

"Milk?" Tom asked in amusement since he couldn't remember the last time he drank milk.

"Yep. It should help you sleep well," Lucy said and pointed to the tray after she carefully placed it on top of the nightstand near him, "Sit up and make sure you finish it all," she ordered and Tom raised a brow.

"Or what?" He asked in a mocking tone and she crossed both arms in front of her.

"Why don't you try me and find out?" She asked with a smirk before walking over to sit on the dressing table.

Tom smiled as he watched her and even though he didn't feel like it, he took a bite from the sandwich.

"Kimberly and Dawn were here earlier," he said in case she had not heard it yet and Lucy, who had just sat down to comb her hair turned to look at him.

"Kimberly was here with Dawn? When?" Lucy asked in surprise.

"When you were unpacking and freshening up. She wasn't here for long though," Tom said and Lucy nodded as she returned her attention to the mirror.

"I guess she must have come to sympathize with your family and find out the funeral details? She must be pretty devastated herself," Lucy said thoughtfully as she removed the hairband that held up her hair.

"Well, she came for a different purpose actually," Tom said, and Lucy turned in her seat to look at him as she brushed her hair.

"What purpose?" She asked with interest.

Tom sighed, "Dawn might actually be my grandfather's daughter," Tom said and Lucy's jaw dropped open in disbelief even as her eyes widened in surprise.

Seeing how stunned she looked, Tom smiled as he wondered if he had looked the same way when he heard the news.

"You are kidding, right?" Lucy asked, and Tom shook his head as he took another bite from his sandwich.

"I wish I was. But it's not so unbelievable, right? I mean the kid does look like me in a way," Tom said and Lucy pursed her lips.

"That's true. But how? I mean, your grandfather is over eighty years old and Kimberly is so young. It doesn't make sense that they both would have had such a relationship," Lucy said and Tom shrugged.

"People get involved with older people all the time," he said and she shook her head.

"I think that happens mostly when money is the major motivation. Kimberly is young, wealthy, and beautiful. She doesn't need to be in a relationship with a man as old as your grandfather when she can have a multitude of attractive young men," Lucy said and Tom shrugged once again.

"I'm sure she has her reasons for doing what she did. It doesn't change the fact that the kid is my grandfather's," Tom said and Lucy sighed.

"How did your parents react to the news? Was that why you all were locked up in the study?" Lucy asked and Tom nodded.

"Yes. My dad was stunned no doubt, and he didn't like it one bit," he said as he contemplated how to tell her about what Kimberly had asked.

"It's normal. I wouldn't like it either if I were in his shoes. Imagine having to find out after my dad's death that he had another kid," Lucy said with a shake of her head as she kept brushing her hair.

"Why did she decide to inform you about it so soon after your grandfather passed? Was he against your dad finding out before now? Or is there something else?" Lucy asked thoughtfully.

"It's sort of complicated," Tom said as he held Lucy's gaze.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lucy asked, and Tom sighed as he told her all that Kimberly had said about her one night stand with their grandfather and how her family had found out she had lied.

"Although she messed up, I think that doctor's license should be withdrawn. He had no right to divulge her personal information whether or not they are her parents," Lucy said with disapproval before Tom could finish.

Tom's lips twitched in amusement. It was funny and sort of expected that that was what she picked to comment on out of all he had just said.

"What's funny?" She asked when she noticed the amusement on his face.

"Your reaction is funny. Anyway, in conclusion, Kimberly was here because she wanted me to claim to be Dawn's father," Tom said and Lucy rose up.

"What?" She asked in disbelief.

"She doesn't want her parents to know it was Lawrence, and since they already believe I'm the kid's father I should play along," Tom said and watched as anger lit up her eyes.

"She has some nerve! How dare her come here to make such a request?" Lucy asked hotly.

"Does she think you are stupid or what? Why do you have to ruin your reputation because you need to cover up for your grandfather? And what happens after you claim the kid is yours? She wants her parents to insist that you marry her or what? Because that is what I see coming up next," Lucy said angrily while Tom merely enjoyed her reaction since he had gotten over the shock and annoyance of the request already.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Please don't tell me you agreed to go ahead with it," Lucy asked glaring at him, and Tom chuckled.

"Why are you getting mad at me when I only told you what she said?" Tom asked in amusement.

"This is not funny, Thomas," Lucy said and Tom raised a brow.

"Now it's Thomas, huh? Next you're going to be calling me Mr Hank, I guess. Right, Lucinda?" He asked and Lucy's lips curved in an involuntary smile.

"I'm not joking. What was your response?" She asked and Tom beckoned to her to sit down next to him.

Lucy sighed as she went to sit down on the other side of the bed beside him and Tom took her hand.

"I would never have made such a major decision without talking to you first. And in this case, there is nothing to talk about. I won't complicate my life just to protect my grandfather's reputation. I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted me to do that," Tom said and Lucy relaxed.

"And your parents? Do they agree with your decision? What about Bryan and Jade?" She asked and he gave her a nod.

"We are all on the same page. Kimberly will have to find a way to deal with the mess with her family on her own. All we can do is be responsible for our little aunt," Tom said and Lucy paused as she tried to figure out who he was referring to, and then she giggled when she realized it was Dawn.

"Oh, my God! That is hilarious," she said as she flashed him an apologetic smile.

"You are free to laugh. I'm sure everyone would be able to laugh over it in due time," Tom said with a small smile.

"You are not going to change your mind later and decide to claim the child, are you?" Lucy asked and Tom shook his head.

"Claim my aunt as my kid? Then my dad's half-sister would be his granddaughter, and my mom's half-sister-in-law would be her granddaughter, and Jade's and Bryan's half aunt would their niece. That would mess up our family tree," Tom said with an and shake of his head making Lucy laugh.

"That's fine then. It is late already. Finish up your dinner so we can throat.

"She insists that she doesn't like how I let you handle things. She is go to bed," Lucy said as she rose to return to the dressing table.

"By the way, my mom wants to talk with everyone tomorrow about the prank and stuff," Tom said, and Lucy raised a brow.

"I thought it was resolved already?" Lucy asked and Tom cleared his throat.

"She insists that she doesn't like how I let you handle things. She is not blaming you for anything. She just doesn't like that I didn't handle things myself and thought it was disrespectful to my grandfather," Tom said, and Lucy simply nodded.

"Is that all?" She asked and Tom sighed.

"She also made it clear that she is not going to stop being interested in my business either," Tom said, and Lucy nodded once again.

"Are you not going to say anything?" Tom asked, and Lucy shook her head.

"I don't think I should. I'm sure you agree with her," Lucy said and Tom raised a brow.

"What does that mean?" He asked and she shrugged.

"Don't you agree with her? Are you going to say it hasn't crossed your mind that you should have handled things yourself instead of letting me get involved? You can be honest," Lucy said, but Tom said nothing.

"You don't have to feel guilty about agreeing with her. I have my regrets too. I was going to apologize to your grandfather, remember? I wish I didn't speak with about this at all. And I wish I simply accepted his apology and let you deal with everything however you wanted. Don't worry, I will apologize to her tomorrow," Lucy said with a sigh.

"Nobody is blaming you for anything, Lucy. If anyone is to be blamed it should be me. I should have handled things properly myself," Tom said softly and she nodded.

"I know. But I'm allowed to have regrets, am I not? This whole thing has taught me that you Hanks have your own way of handling issues. Expecting your family to do things differently simply because my own background is different, might be somewhat selfish and unrealistic. I'm going to learn to adjust and be more accommodating," she said as she resumed brushing her hair.

"By the way, she also said you both talked about your decision not to get married. What did she say to you?" Tom asked and Lucy shrugged without turning to look at him.

"She said she wanted you to be happy and if being with me made you happy then she was going to let us be regardless of my decision. She was very understanding," Lucy admitted, and that made Tom feel relieved in a way.

Tom said nothing as he watched her and did his best to finish up his late night snack. Once Lucy was done brushing her hair she went to pick up the tray and took it downstairs to the kitchen.

As she rinsed the glass and plate, Evelyn walked into the kitchen, "I thought you would be asleep by now," she said, and Lucy turned to face her.

"Tom just had dinner now so I'm cleaning up," Lucy said as she dried the glass and plate.

Evelyn smiled, "I'm glad he was able to eat something. Thanks for making sure of that. I was too distracted to pay attention to any of that," she said and Lucy nodded as she dried her hands.

"Can we talk for a moment?" Lucy asked and Evelyn looked at her slightly surprised since she had not expected that.

She had always been the one to initiate conversations between her and Lucy so this was new.

"Sure. We can talk in the patio," Evelyn said as she opened the back kitchen door and they both stepped outside.

They both sat on the swing, and Lucy adjusted so that she would face Evelyn, "Tom said you plan to address everyone tomorrow," Lucy started and Evelyn nodded.

"Yes. That's right."

"I was going to talk to you tomorrow, I could just as well do so now since we are both here," Lucy said and Evelyn turned curious eyes to her.

"I understand you do not approve of the way I handled the situation," Lucy began and Evelyn shook her head.

"I do not approve of you handling it. I agree that Lawrence was wrong to have pulled such a prank, but Tom should have been the one to scold his grandfather not you," Evelyn corrected.

"I'm sorry. I felt Tom was being too lenient and I wanted to handle it so that you all would quit meddling…"

"Meddling?" Evelyn asked with a small laugh.

"I love you, Lucy. And as I told you already, I do think of you as my daughter-in-law even though you're not married to Tom. I know my definition of family might differ from yours, and I also understand that you might not particularly like how things are done in this family, but I do not want you to come in and change how things are done," Evelyn said carefully.

"Change things?" Lucy repeated, and Evelyn nodded.

"Let me ask you a question, the day at the spa when that brat and her sister were instigating others to harm you, did you think Jade and I were meddling by handling things the way we did?" Evelyn asked and Lucy's brows pulled together.

"No. What you did was normal. I would have stepped in had the case been reversed," Lucy said and Evelyn raised a brow.

"Why? But it wasn't really our business, was it?" Evelyn asked and Lucy frowned.

"That doesn't mean you should stand by and do nothing when you know I'm in danger," Lucy said and Evelyn nodded.

"There are different kinds of dangers you know? We interfered because they were going to do you physical harm. What if it was an emotional harm or something else? Are we supposed to stand by and do nothing?" Evelyn asked and Lucy sighed.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say there is nothing wrong in getting involved in the business of those you love just to keep them safe and happy. That is the kind of relationship I raised my kids to have with each other. Tell me something, if Lucas suddenly said he never wanted to get married anymore, wouldn't you worry and try to find out what is wrong? Wouldn't your parents worry and try to fix it? Will you all just accept it and wish him luck?" Evelyn asked and Lucy's frown deepened.

"I don't know about my parents but I know I would want to find out his reason and I would try to talk him out of it but I wouldn't try to fix it," Lucy said and Evelyn smiled.

"And if he refused to tell you anything?" Evelyn asked and Lucy sighed.

"Alright. I get what you're trying to say," Lucy said and Evelyn smiled.

"I raised my kids to love and care for each other and to have each other's back. I raised them to interfere in each other's lives to ensure their happiness, and they have always been that way even when they didn't see each other often. However, they also know where to draw the line. I don't want you to change that, Lucy. You might be a private person, and I respect that, but don't try to change how things are done here. I've seen what happens in homes where everyone is allowed to mind their business, it's not what I want in my home. I told Tom already, and I'm telling you now as well. If there is anything wrong with Tom and I see the need to interfere, I will. I am his mother and I will do all I can to make sure he stays happy and safe. If or when you have kids of your own, I believe you will understand me better," Evelyn said and Lucy sighed.

There was no need to say more, especially since it was obvious that Evelyn wasn't going to change. This was an argument she was not going to win, so there was no need to push it.

And maybe she would try to see things from their perspective. That should help her find a way to accommodate their excesses as she knew they were also accommodating hers.

"Alright. I've heard you. Once again I'm sorry if I crossed a line. And thanks for your time," Lucy said as she rose to leave even though she had not said all she had in mind to say.

"Thanks for your understanding. I promise to discuss my worries concerning Tom with you going forward. That way we can both come to an understanding so I don't have to take any actions that might affect you both in anyway," Evelyn said as she rose and Lucy smiled.

"That's fair enough," Lucy said before bidding her goodnight.

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