One Wild Night

Chapter 745  Once A Thief….

Chapter 745  Once A Thief….

"I can't believe that despite knowing what Kimberly did, Lucy is still so concerned about Dawn. I just can't understand her. Poor Tom," Jade said as they both lay on the bed after they had showered.

"Dawn is not Kimberly. There is nothing wrong with Lucy's concern for the kid. It's just her approach that is wrong," Harry pointed out, and Jade eyed him.

"Of course, you would always support her. If I was the one who did that, you'd be nagging about how I don't mind my business," Jade said, and Harry chuckled.

"What is amusing you?" Jade asked with a scowl.

"I did say her approach was wrong, didn't I? I guess she is beginning to get influenced by you, Hanks. Now that she is starting to meddle this way, I wonder how long it would take before I start meddling, too," Harry said, and Jade scoffed.

"Like that is ever going to happen. You've been a part of us for years, yet you are still this way," Jade said, and Harry chuckled.

"So, you do admit that your family meddles," Harry said with a grin, and Jade slapped his arm when she realized what he had done.

"You are so annoying!"

"I know. And as to what you said, no. I've not really been a part of your family. Not this way. I've known you all over the years, but our relationship is different now. A lot of things have changed," Harry said, and Jade smiled.

"Really? What has changed? Tell me," she asked, and he shrugged.

"The last time I was here, I slept in the guest bedroom, which Dawn is occupying right now," Harry said with a grin, knowing that wasn't what Jade wanted to hear, and she hissed at him.

"You are so annoying," she said, and he grinned.

"It won't be the first time you've said that this evening. Lest I forget, I need to give your former boss a call. And Crystal, too," Harry said, and Jade raised a brow.

"What for?" She asked, and Harry explained the new plan to her, and she nodded.

"It makes sense. I'm sure Amos would be willing to do your bidding, seeing that you have him by the balls now. So, should I give Amos a call, or would you rather call him yourself?" Jade asked, and Harry shook his head.

"I don't want him to have my call line. You should call him," Harry said, and Jade did as she was told and then handed Harry the phone.

"Jade?" Amos asked anxiously the moment he received the call.

He had been anxious all day since his earlier phone call with Harry and had been ignoring Sara's call all day since he didn't know what to say to her, and he didn't want them to keep associating him with Sara.

"This is Harry Jonas. I trust that you have reunited with your family, right?" Harry asked, even though he was aware of that already.

"Yes, sir. Thank you for bringing them to me in one piece," Amos said, swallowing past the lodge in his throat as he wondered what they had in store for him now.

"Good. Now I'm going to give you a chance to save yourself. Are you ready to do as I say, or would you rather go down with Sara?" Harry asked, and Amos nodded eagerly even though Harry could not see him.

"I'm willing to do anything you say. Anything at all," Amos promised.

"Good. Now, I want you to speak with Sara. I want to know what she is thinking and planning to do," Harry said, and Amos frowned.

That sounded just too simple. Why would Harry pardon him for doing such a simple task? Was this some sort of trick?

"You will pardon me if I do just that?" Amos asked tentatively, and Harry raised a brow.

"Why do you ask?"

"That doesn't seem like a good enough reason for you to spare me," Amos said reasonably, and the corners of Harry's lips pulled in a smirk.

"True. It's good to know you know that. That is not the only task I have for you," Harry said, and Amos nodded.

"What else should I do?"

"The Will you gave to Crystal, I want you to annul it..."

"What? But why? She is your sister, and she..."

"Annul it!" Harry cut him off harshly.

"Yes, sir! I will do so immediately," Amos rushed to say, scared that if he continued asking questions, he might provoke Harry and make him change his mind.

"I'm going to inform Crystal that you work for me and the Will you handed her, and all you told her was a prank. You have to play along," Harry said, and Amos nodded.

"I will do exactly that," Amos assured him.

"Finally, I want a video of you confessing to all the crimes Sara has committed and is planning to commit. You have to include the venue of where the transplant is to be done as well as the time...."

"But that would implicate me...."

"You know all about the law, so tell me, would you rather confess yourself or have me expose you in my own way?" Harry asked, and Amos sighed.

"I don't know the venue or time for the transplant," he said, and Harry nodded.

"I will text you the details," Harry said, and Amos narrowed his eyes, wondering how Harry knew so much.

"I will do it. I will do all you have said," Amos said, and Harry nodded.


"Can I make a request?" Amos asked, and Harry raised a brow.

"What?" He asked, even though he had no desire to grant Amos any favor.

"I understand that regardless of what I do, I will have to pay for my crimes. I'm willing to do that. But I don't want my family to be here to see that. Can you please let my family leave? I will stay back and face all I have to face. But let them leave so that they can start afresh somewhere else, please," Amos pleaded.

"They can leave after you've done as I asked you to. So, get started," Harry said before hanging up.

"You are so sexy when you sound that way," Jade said with a grin, and Harry raised a brow.

"When I sound what way?" Harry asked in amusement.

"In charge. Authoritative and cool," Jade said, and Harry shook his head.

"First, you have a thing for evil geniuses, and now you have a thing for authoritative and cool. Tell me, esquire, are you into masochism?" Harry asked, wriggling his brows suggestively, and Jade frowned.

"What's that?" Jade asked, and Harry shrugged.

"If you don't know what it means, then forget about it," Harry said as he picked up his phone to give Crustal a call while Jade quickly picked up her phone to check for the meaning of the word.

Away from there, Crystal was seated on her bed, still contemplating the best way to get rid of Sara, when her phone started ringing.

Crystal raised a brow when she saw the caller's ID. Why was Harry calling her so late in the evening? She usually did the calling, so why was he calling? She mused as she received the call.

"Hello, sir!" Crystal greeted politely as she tried to come up with something to report since the last thing she wanted was for Harry to find out about the Will or her plans.

"How are you? And how is our plan coming up?" Harry asked, wanting to see if she would mention the Will.

"I'm fine, and everything is going perfectly according to plan. She almost freaked out earlier when her name was mentioned on the television," Crystal said in amusement, remembering how alarmed Sara had been when she showed her the clip.

Although Sara had not bothered to explain her relationship with Wilson to her, and even though Harry had not told her anything about Wilson Peterson, she had figured out what was going on.

After watching the news earlier, she had concluded that Candace was one very lucky bitch, and it wouldn't hurt anyone if she kept Sara's wealth for herself, seeing as Candace still stood a chance to get all she inherited from her adoptive parents, and she was also with her brother and father who were very wealthy.

Yes, she had tried to get some information on who Harry was and had found out that apart from being a billionaire co-CEO at I-Global, his father was also the owner of HAJ studios. That meant that they really didn't need Sara's money.

"I see. Is that all you have to report to me?" Harry asked, and Crystal nodded.

"Yes. Nothing much has been happening here apart from Sara trying to get to know me and win my trust. And oh, I forgot to mention that she told me about her illness today," Crystal said chattily.

"Is that all that happened today?" Harry asked again, and this time Crystal frowned.

Why did it sound like Harry knew about the Will? She mused, "What do you mean?" Crystal asked, and Harry shook his head.

"Is there a reason you do not want to tell me about Sara's Will?" Harry asked, and Crystal's heart skipped a beat.

Harry knew about the Will? How?

"You can't find your voice anymore?" Harry asked when Crystal remained silent, and she cleared her throat.

"Oh! Yes! The Will. That totally skipped my mind. I was going to tell you about it..."

"Did you really forget? Or did you plan to double-cross me?" Harry asked, and Crystal swallowed nervously.

"No, sir. I could never think of that," Crystal rushed to say.

"Really? Why do I not believe you? You had all day to tell me about it, yet you didn't. I imagine you must have been too busy thinking of how to get rid of Sara so you can take over all she owns. Tell me, am I wrong?" Harry asked, and Crystal shut her eyes in consternation.

"You failed a simple test. The Will isn't even real. I had my doubts about you but wanted to test you, so I sent Amos to you. Now I know it's true what they say, once a thief, always a thief," Harry said, and Crystal looked down at her hand.

"I'm sorry. I got carried away. It won't happen again," Crystal said since she didn't know what else to say.

"I do not care for your apology. It will be in your best interest to stick to the plan. If you give me any reason to doubt you one more time, I will make sure you disappear without a trace," Harry promised in a cool voice.

Something about the calm in Harry's tone terrified her and sent chills down her spine, "I promise it won't happen again."

"I believe I've made myself clear," Harry said, and without waiting for her to say another word, he hung up on a very flustered Crystal.

While that was going on in Crystal's room, down the hall from there, Sara was also on the phone with Amos.

"Why have you been ignoring my calls all day? Did you see the news? Are you behind it?" Sara asked the moment she received his call.

"Behind what? I just saw the news, hence I'm calling. What are you talking about?" Amos asked, wondering why Sara was so stupid that she couldn't read the handwriting on the wall despite all his warnings.

"You told them about Crystal, didn't you? You are the only one who knows the connection between me and the Petersons. Only you could have done this!" Sara snapped.

"Why would I do such a thing when I'm also involved in this? And why would I return your call now if I were behind it?" Amos asked irritably, and Sara frowned.

If Amos wasn't behind it, then who could it be? Was it perhaps the Hanks and Harry? She shook her head. If it were Harry and the Hanks, they would have come for Crystal by now. There was no way Aaron would let her be with his daughter if he knew where she was.

"If you are not behind it, then who could it be? How could anyone else have made the  connection?" Sara asked with a confused frown as she paced around the room, still not wanting to believe that Harry had made the connection.

Oh, now she wanted his opinion? Too bad he wasn't giving it anymore. "I don't know. I called to find out what your plan is. What do you plan to do about it now? We need to take care of this as soon as possible. That is more important at the moment," Amos said, and Sara sighed.

He was right. It didn't matter who it was. What mattered was taking care of things quickly and getting rid of Crystal as soon as possible before things became messy.

"I already talked to the doctor, and he has agreed to have the transplant done on Monday. I have to get it done and get rid of the girl quickly before they come looking for her, else all our efforts would have been for nothing," Sara said, and Amos nodded.

"I think that is a good idea…."

"Of course it is! By the way, where are you spending your vacation?" Sara asked when she remembered that he had said he was traveling earlier.

"I couldn't leave as planned. Something came up, and I had to take care of it. Perhaps I will leave after your issue has been resolved," Amos said, and Sara raised a brow.

"My issue?"

"Yes. I mean when everything has settled. I can't travel right now until I'm sure you are okay," Amos said, and Sara smiled.

"That's right. You should stay put. Let's celebrate after this is over," Sara said before hanging up the call.

After the phone call, Amos forwarded their conversation to Harry, and when he saw that Harry had sent him the location and time for the transplant, he sighed.

Seeing how Harry had all the details of the transplant, he figured that Sara's transplant wouldn't take place, and she would most likely be exposed publicly on Monday, just like they had done to Rebekah and Wilson.

He knew that if Sara went down, so would he, so he had made up his mind to go report himself at the police station first thing in the morning. Hopefully, that would reduce his sentence, and he would save himself and his family any further embarrassment.

Amos went on to make the video as instructed by Harry, giving detailed information on all of Sara's crimes, right from when she sold her daughter to how she had set the hospital on fire to get rid of the birth record as well as her plans to harvest Crystal's liver. He ended the video by mentioning the venue, date, and time for the transplant.

After making the video, he sent it to Harry and prayed that Harry would keep his end of the bargain. He was exhausted already and wanted it all to end.

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