One Wild Night

Chapter 806 BrySon Wedding.

Chapter 806 BrySon Wedding.

Despite all of the drama that had been going on with everyone else, once it was time for the wedding, they all made their way to the garden at Sonia's backyard, where love was about to bloom.

The setting sun cast a warm glow on the blooms, and their fragrance mingled with the hushed anticipation buzzing through the air.

Holding on to Andrew's arm, Sonia, the radiant bride, glided down the makeshift aisle, formed by the bridal party and groomsmen who stood on opposite sides, facing each other.

Despite the occasional grimace from morning sickness, Sonia's eyes sparkled with love as they locked on Bryan, who stood at the altar, handsome and nervous, ready to embark on this journey with her.

Almost all eyes were on Sonia, Lucy's especially, and her cheeks hurt from smiling so much as she watched her best friend, while Tom watched her.

Harry, who was seated in amongst the audience, focused his gaze on Jade as well while he kept wondering who could have triggered Jade, since he knew her well enough to know those thoughts didn't just come to her. Someone had said something and he wondered who it was.

Neither Sonia nor Bryan heard the opening speech of the officiant as they gazed at each other with smiling faces.

"Are you alright, babe?" Bryan asked, his voice laced with concern when he saw the trickle of sweat on her forehead and noticed she was a bit breathless as a wave of nausea swept over her.

Sonia flashed him a smile, "I guess Ryso is trying to make his presence known," she whispered quietly and he smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I asked the officiant to be quick with everything. We will be done with the official part soon, and then we can sneak away and have some peace and quiet, just you, me, and our little Angel," Bryan whispered his promise.

"No, way. We have to be here for our wedding reception. We can leave after the toast," Sonia said, and they both looked up when the officiant cleared his throat.

"Are you both done now? Can we continue?" He asked and everyone laughed, including Bryan and Sonia who seemed to have forgotten about everyone else.

As the laughter subsided, the officiant continued, his voice warm and inviting.

"You have both chosen to write your vows, and it is with these words you express your binding promises to love, honor, and cherish one another. If you are ready to make these promises to each other I invite you now to face each other and declare your intentions."

Turning to Bryan, the officiant spoke, "When you're ready you may begin."

"Sonia, from the moment you said yes to my fake proposal, I knew I was doomed. But what I didn't realize back then was that I was doomed to spend the rest of my life loving you and laughing with you, my green eyes witch. When I first gazed into your green eyes, I knew I was in trouble, but little did I know it was the kind of trouble you willingly face, the kind that makes your heart sing and your stomach do somersaults."

The crowd chuckled, Sonia's smile widening. He grinned back, his love for her sparkling in his eyes.

"You're my muse, my partner in crime, and the most stubborn woman I know, a quality I find strangely endearing. I promise to always trust you whether or not the facts add up. I promise to always protect you. I promise to honor you with my body and with my heart. I promise to face every adventure with you, from exploring new places to navigating the uncharted territory of parenthood. I promise to face every challenge, and to be by your side at every midnight diaper change. I promise to be your rock, your anchor, your shoulder to cry on. I promise to make you laugh, even when you think you can't. Most importantly, babe, I promise to love you with every fiber of my being, through morning sickness and sleepless nights, through laughter and mood swings, through weight gain and every thing else. You are my best friend, my confidante, and the love of my life. Thank you for choosing me, for making me a better man, and for letting me share this crazy, messy, wonderful journey with you," Bryan said and tears welled up in Sonia's eyes, blurring the faces around her. She squeezed Bryan's hand, her heart overflowing with love as she smiled at him through the tears in her eyes.

Lucy leaned forward to dab at her tears even though she had tears of her own in her eyes.

Sonia sniffled as she took a sheet of paper from Lucy, "Being a romance author one would think I would have the best and most romantic of words to express how I feel about you, but I don't. I've given all of them to the characters in my stories," Sonia said, and everyone laughed.

"Or maybe it's just my pregnancy brain. So, forgive in advance cause this is going to be a simple one compared to your beautiful piece. Maybe we should have stuck to the traditional vows," Sonia murmured and everyone laughed.

"Sorry, I have to read from here. My pregnancy brain won't let me remember it all, and I don't want to have it mixed up," Sonia said as she unfolded the sheet.

"I love you, Bryan Hank, by the old gods and new. I promise not to watch movies we started together without you. Or at least pretend it's the first time I've watched it when we watch it again. I promise to remind you of important dates, unless it's your ex-girlfriend's birthday– no promises there," Sonia said and everyone laughed.

"I promise to be your biggest fan, your loudest cheerleader and supporter, and your peace. I promise to be your home. Most importantly, Bryan, I promise to love you fiercely, unconditionally, and with every beat of my ever-growing heart. Thank you for being my home, for giving me a family, for making me feel safe, and for showing me what true love really is. I will love you for as long as I breathe, and with you, I'm ready to build a lifetime of laughter, and love," Sonia promised.

After the exchange of vows, they exchanged rings, and as they kissed, fireworks lit up the night sky.

Once they were done with the official part of the wedding, soft music filled the air as everyone took their seats, eagerly anticipating the festivities to come.

As the guests ate and drank, Lucy, stood up from her seat at the head table, a glass of champagne in hand. She cleared her throat, her eyes shining with emotion as she prepared to make her toast.

"Good evening, everyone," Lucy began, her voice clear and confident. "Today, we celebrate not only the union of two wonderful people, but also the beginning of a beautiful journey filled with love, laughter, and endless joy."

She raised her glass, the crystal catching the light as she continued, "To Sonia and Bryan, may your marriage be as strong and resilient as the love that brought you together. May you always find laughter in the midst of challenges, strength in each other's arms, and comfort in the quiet moments. May you weather every storm hand-in-hand, emerge stronger, and always remember the spark that ignited your love today."

Lucy paused, her gaze finding Sonia, their eyes locked in a silent conversation. A warm smile bloomed on her face, filled with memories of late-night talks, shared secrets, and unwavering support.

"Sonia," she continued, her voice catching slightly, "you've been my rock, my confidante, and my sister in all but blood. Watching you find love as genuine and vibrant as yours fills my heart with immense joy. And Bryan," she turned to him, her smile widening, "you complement her perfectly. You bring out the best in her, make her laugh, and love her fiercely. You're both lucky to have found each other."

Her eyes swept over the assembled guests, faces filled with happiness and admiration. "But I know I'm not alone in this. Almost here has witnessed your journey, the ups and downs, the laughter and tears, and the unwavering love that shines brighter than any diamond. Tonight, we celebrate not just your wedding, but the beautiful story you've already built together."

Raising her glass once more, her voice resonated with warmth. "To Sonia and Bryan, may your life together be a tapestry woven with love, laughter, and countless adventures. May every thread strengthen your bond, and every color brighten your journey. Cheers to the newlyweds!"

An eruption of applause filled the room, echoing Lucy's heartfelt sentiments. Sonia and Bryan beamed, Sonia's eyes glistening with tears and gratitude as she blew Lucy a kiss.

"That was such a beautiful speech, babe," Tom said to Lucy and she grinned at him.

"Thanks. You have no idea how long it took me to come up with that," she said with a grin.

"You just had to include tapestry and fashion stuff to tell everyone you are into fashion, didn't you?" Lucas teased and Lucy giggled.

While everyone was having fun, Tyler couldn't help casting guilty glances at Mia who stood at the edge of the crowd, her expression unreadable. He knew he had caused her undue stress and anxiety, and he silently berated himself for his thoughtlessness.

Mia, for her part, was annoyed at Tyler's persistent glances, her patience wearing thin. She couldn't understand why he couldn't just leave her alone, especially on a day as important as this.

Determined to enjoy the moment, she ignored him, pushing thoughts of Tyler and her past aside.

"May I have this dance?" Jeff asked from behind her, startling her.

"What?" She asked, surprised.

"I want to dance with you. You shouldn't be a mere spectator," Jeff said and Mia shook her head.

"No. I don't want to dance," even as she objected, Jeff took her hand and pulled her with him to dancefloor where everyone were now dancing with the Sonia and Bryan.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked Tyler and he turned to her.

"Yeah. Just a bit distracted," he said and she nodded as she looked at Lucas.

"Hey, cuz! Care to dance with me?" She asked, and Lucas grinned as he rose.

"How can I say no to such a beautiful lady?" He asked as he extended his arm to her, and she took it and let him lead them to the dancefloor.

"My heart is filled with so much joy right now, it feels like I'm the one who just got married," Lucy said to Tom as they danced.

"To who?" Tom asked, and Lucy giggled.

"Who else would I get married to if not you?" She asked with a grin.

"Good to know. So, now you're coming back home with me tonight, right?" Tom asked and Lucy grinned.

"Of course. I've missed you so much," she said with a deep sigh.

"Well, I missed you much more. If you were to get married, what sort of wedding would you want?" Tom asked and Lucy smiled.

"A traditional wedding. I'd love to get married in a church and have a big reception," she said and Tom raised a brow.

"But you don't go to church."

"It's what I want. I want it to look like a royal wedding," she said and Tom nodded thoughtfully.

"I can make that happen if you agree to marry me," he said and she giggled.

"I know you can. Go dance with your mom," Lucy said, pushing him in the direction of Evelyn, as she went to dance with Desmond.

Some feet from them, Jade and Harry danced slowly with Jade resting her head on Harry's chest.

"Will you come home with me tonight?" Harry asked, and Jade looked up at him, unsure.

"You're not going to say no to clingy boyfriend, are you?" Harry asked and Jade's lips twitched in amusement.

"I want us to talk," Harry said and Jade sighed.

"What about Candace and Andy?" She asked, and he raised a brow.

"What about them?"

"Won't you want to spend some time alone with them?" She asked and he held her gaze.

"Is there a reason I can't spend time with them and you? Besides, they won't be sharing my bed with me, will they?" He said and she sighed.

"Alright. I will go with you tonight," she said and Harry kissed her forehead.

He was going to have a talk with Candace and Andy. After thinking about it, he knew that Lucy wouldn't have said anything to Jade. It had to be either Sonia, Candace, or Andy, and he doubted that Sonia would have the time for that when she was preparing for her wedding.

"Harry? Can I talk to you?" Mia asked, causing Harry to pull away from Jade to look at her.

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