
Chapter 78 Chen Zhen

Chapter 78 Chen Zhen

"Why did you suddenly bring me here, Meiyi? I still have to help Sister Qingzhu and Sister Yun prepare for the opening of our restaurant." Chen Wei'er asked as she followed behind her niece in confusion.

Chen Meiyi turned to her aunt. "One of my sisters has come here, and she is the Spirit of Darkness, and she wants to take you as her disciple."

"Huh?" Chen Wei'er was surprised to hear that.

"Just like me, my other sisters also have a contract with Li'er, so they can freely come and go from this place." Chen Meiyi explained again.

"I see." Chen Wei'er nodded in understanding but also couldn't wait to meet Xiao Hei, especially since she still didn't know anything about Darkness Element.

However, just as they arrived near Xiao Hei, a giant black beast shot out of her shadow and roared, terrifying Chen Wei'er.

The giant black beast itself looks very terrifying. Its body is like that of a sheep but has the face of a human, and it also has teeth like that of a tiger.

The beast's body was covered with long and thick black fur. What was most terrifying about the beast were the eyes in its armpits; those eyes were like black holes that could swallow anything in its path.

Seeing that, Chen Wei'er took a few steps back, but the beast kept coming towards her and sniffing her body instead.

Chen Wei'er was horrified and amused as the beast sniffed her continuously. However, she recognized the beast, Tao Tie, one of the mythical darkness beasts, symbolizing greed.

After Tao Tie sniffed Chen Wei'er's body for a while, it lay down and licked her feet, making her feel ticklish because its tongue was so strange.

"Looks like my big guy really likes you, little girl." Xiao Hei said with a chuckle. "Anyway, Xiao Guang already explained to you, right? I want to take you as my disciple."

"En, Meiyi has already explained everything to me." Chen Wei'er answered as she nodded. Yet, she was also afraid of Xiao Hei, especially her jet-black eyes. "I am willing to become your disciple."

"That's good." Xiao Hei nodded in satisfaction with Chen Wei'er's answer. "In this universe, no one can teach you but me, for I am Xiao Hei, the Spirit of Darkness."

"I see." Chen Wei'er nodded in understanding.

Xiao Hei moved before Chen Wei'er and touched her forehead, and she imparted a technique. "The name of my technique is the Calamity of Darkness, which contains various sub-techniques. From today onwards, I will teach you the main techniques first. As for those sub-techniques, you can learn them on your own later."

"All right, Master!" Xiao Hei then took Chen Wei'er to the seclusion room to teach her, and Tao Tie immediately followed them.

"Why do I feel that she's increasingly acting like a child, Huoli?" Chen Meiyi asked.

Xiao Huoli shrugged her shoulders, "Isn't she always like that? Sister Hei's outward appearance is just a cover to deceive her enemies, but she is still like a child in her heart."

"If Xiao Kong'Qi sees Xiao Hei like that, she will laugh at her later." Chen Meiyi said with a chuckle.

Xiao Huoli shook her head. "Sister Kong'Qi is always teasing sister Hei, and she always manages to irritate her."

Suddenly, they raised their eyebrows when they felt a surge of energy within Chen Li's body, and Xiao Huoli said. "Apparently, he will break through to the Core Realm soon."

"Yes." Chen Meiyi nodded. "Thanks to his Divine Profound Veins, Li'er''s Qi absorption speed is terrifying. Even though he doesn't dual cultivate with us, but his cultivation is still increase so fast."

Xiao Huoli nodded in agreement. "After all, the possessor of Divine Profound Veins can cultivate ten times faster than normal cultivators. Fortunately, Chen Li have you, Xian'er, and Yu Hua now, or else his Chaos Body will become a burden."

"If we continue to supply Li'er with our Yin Qi, then his Chaos Body will not burden him." Chen Meiyi said with a faint smile. "Moreover, the number of his women will continue to increase in the future, making his cultivation speed even more terrifying."

"If I think carefully, Chen Li has the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon Bloodline, and he might become the next Yin-Yang Immortal." Xiao Huoli said as she chuckled, especially after she remembered that person.

Chen Meiyi could only shake her head and turn to her. "Unfortunately, Li'er is still unable to absorb your Yin Qi, or else his cultivation will increase even faster."

Xiao Huoli's face turned bright red upon hearing that, and she answered softly. "To absorb my Yin Qi, Chen Li must at least break through to God Realm first."

'En." Chen Meiyi then asked her. "How about you join us later? Even though you can't have true dual cultivation with Li'er, you can do it another way, right?"

Hearing that, Xiao Huoli immediately covered her buttocks with her hands, and her face turned even redder. Even though she was still a virgin, she had lived too long and naturally understood Chen Meiyi's words.

However, Xiao Huoli felt frightened after she remembered the size of Chen Li's dick, and she didn't dare to imagine if it penetrated her ass, thinking it must be extremely painful.

Chen Meiyi laughed at Xiao Huoli's reaction; she then put her arm around her shoulders and said again. "It's okay; you don't need to be afraid like that. Doing it the first time will be as painful as when you dual cultivate the first time. However, after you do it a few times, you will no longer feel pain but pleasure."

Xiao Huoli turned to her with a frown. "Big Sis Guang! Why do I feel that you are being a pervert now? The old you would never say such a thing, and you are similar to Xian'er now."

"Is that so?" Chen Meiyi chuckled. "However, you are right. I am no longer the same as the old me, especially after I dual cultivated with Li'er and really enjoyed it."

Xiao Huoli sighed and shook her head, but she also thought about Chen Meiyi's words, especially after she had gone a step further with Chen Li.


"He finally broke through!" Chen Meiyi and Xiao Huoli exclaimed together as a wave of energy released from Chen Li's body.

Gradually, a ball of qi began to form before Chen Li, it was his Qi Core, and it slowly took shape and shone golden.

"Hmm? A golden qi core?" Chen Meiyi raised her eyebrows upon seeing that.

Xiao Huoli's eyes were glued to Chen Li's Qi Core. "Apparently, his Qi Core was affected by his bloodline, which made it turn to gold."

"Yes." Chen Meiyi nodded in agreement. "If I remember correctly, Emperor Long also possesses a golden qi core. After all, he is the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon, and I am more and more certain that Li'er is indeed his reincarnation, or else their qi core would not be the same."

A second later, a loud roar of a dragon resounded throughout the Tianyi Realm, startling both women.

"Long Wang!" The two women exclaimed when they saw a gigantic Golden Dragon figure appear above Chen Li's head, and it circled above his head for quite a while before entering his body.

Xiao Huoli sighed afterward. "Sigh, the Emperor and Empress are together again, but they still haven't regained their past memories. I don't know when they will get their memories back, but I hope they can get them soon."

"If Li'er has recovered his old memories, those mortals will surely tremble before his presence." Chen Meiyi smirked, imagining the expressions of their enemies if they knew Chen Li's true strength, and none of them could match him.

[Ding! Your cultivation broke through to the 1st Stage Core Realm.]

Minutes later, the golden Qi Core entered Chen Li's body. However, he still didn't open his eyes, even though the energy surge within his body had disappeared.




Meanwhile, Chen Li had already opened his eyes but found himself in another place. However, nothing was there, and he found no other signs of life.

"What the hell is this place? How did I get here?" Chen Li muttered to himself as he surveyed the surrounding area.

"Hey, Brat!"

Chen Li was surprised by the voice of the man who called him, and he turned in the direction of the voice.

However, Chen Li's eyes instantly widened when he saw the figure of the man, for the man standing before him was his dead father, Chen Zhen.

Chen Li then walked to Chen Zhen and called softly. "Dad? What is this place? How did you get here?"

"Oh? You can still recognize me?" Chen Zhen asked with a sarcastic smile.

Chen Li raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion. "Aren't you already dead? So how did you appear before me?"

"I'm dead, but I'm not dead either." Chen Zhen replied as he rubbed his beardless chin. "Anyway, this is my soul imprint, and I can only appear once. I deliberately left it in your soul, but I never thought that we would meet one day"

"So you are a cultivator? And that also means that you are still alive elsewhere?" Chen Li guessed that after he remembered from the novels he had read before, cultivators could leave imprints of their souls on other people's bodies and some of the artifacts they left behind.

- To Be Continued -

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