
Chapter 96 Chen Li Meet Bei Yudie

Chapter 96 Chen Li Meet Bei Yudie

"What's wrong with Liu Ying?" Chen Li asked in confusion.

Feng Xian'er embraced his neck and explained. "You may never realize it, but Teacher Ying has already fallen in love with you."

"Are you kidding me?" Chen Li asked in disbelief.

Liu Ying was their homeroom teacher during high school for three consecutive years. She was a kind and gentle teacher, and all the students liked her so much.

Chen Li himself was one of the students who were very close to her in the past. However, he had never realized that Liu Ying had such an interest in him.

"I'm not kidding you." Feng Xian'er replied with a shake of her head. "You already know about my abilities, right? So I know very well about Teacher Ying's feelings for you. Moreover, I often see her glancing at you during class time and daydreaming while looking at you."

Chen Li was dumbfounded upon hearing that, for he was utterly unaware of it. Although he really likes Liu Ying, his feelings for her are only limited to admiration, for her character is much better than other teachers in their school.

Soon, Chen Li took a deep breath and sighed softly. "Forget it, I don't know how Liu Ying fell in love with me, so I don't want to think about her for now."

"How about we go to our former high school tomorrow?" Feng Xian'er asked with a faint smile. "You can see Teacher Ying's reaction with your own eyes."

"All right then, we will go there after I meet Yang Li tomorrow." Chen Li nodded in agreement, for he felt curious about what made Liu Ying fall in love with him, especially since he was her student back then. Moreover, the relationship between student and teacher was strictly forbidden.

Feng Xian'er nodded in satisfaction after hearing her husband's answer, for she wanted to quickly find a fourth woman worthy of being a member of his harem, and she felt that Liu Ying deserved it. "I'm going to sleep now, so you can see Aunt Lian'er and Aunt Xuan."

"En." Chen Li nodded and kissed Feng Xian'er on the forehead; he then got off the bed, dressed, and immediately disappeared from their room.

After her husband disappeared, Feng Xian'er muttered to herself. "It would be better if Aunt Wei'er agreed to be his woman soon, but how should I persuade her? Moreover, Hubby forbade me to tell her the truth that they are not related by blood, even though that was the quickest way to make her fall."

Feng Xian'er sighed softly, covered her naked body with a blanket, and closed her eyes to rest.




Meanwhile, a man was lying naked on the bed, and a brunette-haired, European-looking woman was beside him.

The woman looked quite beautiful, and her slender body also looked sexy. Even so, her twin peaks are only around B-Cup, but her buttocks look plump.

"Why is your face like that, Qin Ming?" The woman asked him.

The man was Qin Ming, Shen Qing's lover. He sighed softly and hugged the woman, but his face darkened. "Earlier this afternoon, Shen Lu called me and told me that Shen Ling was in a relationship with another man, and they even kissed on the lips, Charlotte."

"Oh?" Charlotte was surprised to hear that. "Why don't you break up with that little girl? Aren't you happy with me?"

"I'm certainly happy with you." Qin Ming replied as he chuckled. "Anyway, I can't just let Shen Qing go, for she is greatly useful to me. However, I will have her as our maid after I marry her and gain control over the Shen Family."

"Haha." Charlotte laughed after hearing that, and two fangs protruded from her mouth; she then bit Qin Ming's neck and sucked his blood for some time. "Hehe, I really like your blood."

Qin Ming smiled at her, and two fangs also protruded from his mouth; he pressed Charlotte under him, bit her neck, and sucked her blood.

"Mhn~" Charlotte moaned and rubbed Qin Ming's back, and she enjoyed his sucking on her neck.

Soon, Qin Ming stopped his action and looked at Charlotte. "What do you think if we turn Shen Qing to be like us?"

"Unfortunately, we can't do that," Charlotte replied as she shook her head. "You can become a vampire like me because it was Master who turned you into one, and only he can turn Shen Qing to become a vampire."

"Why is that?" Qin Ming asked in confusion.

Charlotte put her arm around his neck and explained to him. "Only a pureblood vampire can turn a human into one. Since we were both human before, we can't do that to that little girl."

Qin Ming nodded in understanding. At first, he felt saddened by his situation, but he slowly accepted that he was no longer a human but a vampire.

Back then, Qin Ming was on a business trip to Europe, but he didn't expect that one of his clients was a vampire. That person was in bad condition then, and he was the only one with him.

Ultimately, he sucked Qin Ming's blood and turned him into a vampire, and he became his underling ever since.

However, whenever he was in his country, Qin Ming never showed his identity as a vampire to anyone, and he always bought blood from the hospital.

"What if I asked our Master to turn Shen Qing like us?"

Charlotte's expression became serious after hearing that. "Are you sure you want to do that? If our Master meets that girl, he will want to have her for himself, and you will lose her."

Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh after hearing that, he certainly didn't want Shen Qing to fall into another man's embrace, but he was furious after hearing Shen Lu's information, so he wanted to make her suffer by turning her into a vampire.

Charlotte then continued. "Moreover, if that little girl turns into a vampire, you won't be able to control her. Won't that be your loss?"

"Sigh, you're right." Qin Ming replied as he lay down by Charlotte's side. "So, will you come with me back to my country?"

"Yes." Charlotte nodded at him. "Since our Master is in a deep slumber, I can go anywhere freely for now, but I have to come back here as soon as he wakes up."

"That's good." Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction. "In that case, you can help me do something about that man who dared to approach Shen Qing, and we will destroy him."

"All right," Charlotte answered with a nod of approval.




Meanwhile, Chen Li arrived at Yu Hua's apartment but was surprised when he entered, for Bei Yudie was with the two women.

'Why is she here?' Chen Li whispered to Bei Lian'er.

Bei Lian'er sighed helplessly and answered him. 'At first, Yu Xuan had asked her to return to their house, but Yudie insisted on staying here, for Bei Xiang and Bei Qiang were too busy with their own affairs, so she felt very lonely.'

'I see.' Chen Li nodded in understanding.

On the other hand, Bei Yudie kept looking at Chen Li's face, but she didn't act like that because she was fascinated by his handsome face. In fact, she is completely unaffected by his charm; even her expression still looks natural. 'Who is this man? Why did he come here in the middle of the night like this? Moreover, I feel very familiar with him, but I can't remember his face.'

'Oh?' Chen Li was surprised by Bei Yudie's expression, making him wonder. 'She's the third woman who was unaffected by my charm, huh? Will she be unfazed if I use the Heavenly Charm on her?'

In the end, Chen Li abandoned his intention, for he knows Bei Yudie's character very well, and she is a very good girl. Unfortunately, she is an introvert, so few people can get close to her.

Yu Xuan couldn't help but sigh at her daughter's reaction, and she thought that Bei Yudie had already been mesmerized by Chen Li's handsome face. 'Sigh, I don't know what will happen next if Yudie really falls in love with Mo Xie, let alone if she finds out about my relationship with him.'

"Who are you?" Bai Yudie asked after Chen Li sat across from her.

Chen Li then introduced himself. "My name is Mo Xie, and you must be Yu Xuan's daughter, right?"

"En." Bei Yudie simply nodded at him. "Have we met before?"

"Why do you ask that?" Chen Li asked her back as he smiled.

Bei Yudie shook her head and answered him. "I feel we've met before but I can't recognize your face."

Chen Li laughed wryly in his heart; he didn't expect that Bei Yudie's instincts were strong enough to think like that.

On the other hand, Yu Xuan and Bei Lian'er were surprised to see Bei Yudie like that, for she didn't usually initiate conversations with other people and mostly kept quiet around strangers.

"I see." Chen Li nodded in understanding. "We did meet a lot before, but you might have forgotten about me."

"Hmm?" Bei Yudie raised her eyebrows upon hearing that.

However, Chen Li had no intention of saying anything to Bei Yudie, and he used up a bit of his qi, causing her to fall unconscious. He immediately explained to the two women. "You guys don't need to worry; I just put her to sleep, so she won't disturb us."

- To Be Continued -

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