Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 165: Ursa

Chapter 165: Ursa

Chapter 165: Ursa

It was rare for everyone to be present in a single place these days since they had adapted to their new routine but they were still here nonetheless.

"Hmm... I have heard of her during my stay in the Earth Kingdom. They say she's the best to be found in this land, and it seems to be true if she could find you even here. Still, where is she?" Iroh questioned. He was quite amazed to know a Shirshu was in tow with the legendary Bounty Hunter whose price would go as high as gold in someone's weight.

"In the tavern. She fell asleep while I was trying to explain why she shouldn't really go through the contract but I think, she was more interested in what we can offer than what Lao Beifong did."

"Oh? What gave you that idea?" Suki blinked and questioned.

"She said so herself," Nik responded before thinking for a second. June would barge in here and many things would get known. Since everyone was here, Nik just chose to tell them now rather than later after they hear it from someone else even if it shouldn't come as a surprise.

"Well, we were also drunk—"

"You got laid, we get it," Katara scoffed and rolled her eyes, making Nik blink in suspicion.

'Surprisingly well,' he thought internally.

"I mean, she sounds like a blast... drinking the whole barrel... I want to try it!" Toph grinned.

"You certainly won't, miss," Poppy scoffed at her daughter's antics while she stuck out her tongue.

"Besides, I think I found your nephew yesterday," Nik eyed Iroh whose eyes widened in shock, "He's called Zulon. At first, I was a little suspicious since his hair had been cut short but... slightly older than the image we have and that's him. He was with that Kei Lo," Nik looked towards Mai and gestured as she shrugged.

"You met him? Are you certain? How did he look? Well?" Iroh questioned, his gaze couldn't be more concerned... so much so that Nik felt a pang of envy against that brooding youth who decided to defend a maiden's honor (?) in a depressed and drunken state.

"Well... he was healthy, alright. Mai, are you sure that's the guy you hung out with because he was gloomier than you..." Nik finally recalled her brag about having the former prince of the fire nation wrapped around her finger.

"Really? Isn't surprising... if Azula is here, everyone around her should feel depressed."

"I think she would change under her mother's love," Iroh frowned and tried to shift Mai's views while the woman hummed, "I hope you're right..."

*Ding ling*

Bells on the door, Nik's latest addition to the shop, rang as someone entered the tea store while Iroh commented, "Do wait for a moment—"

"I'm not here for the tea," She smiled. A hand on her hips as she took in the sight of Nik sitting between a multitude of women... each one remarkable in their own ways and when Nik looked up at her, June's verdant eyes lit up, "I see you ARE the slightest bit honorable, leaving my door blocked and all. Or was it due to not having someone else take me? I do understand the effect I have on men."

"Hoho, not the conversation I should be a part of... I should prepare tea." Iroh chuckled as Mai followed, "Making tea is more interesting than what's about to happen right now."

"Finally!" Iroh smiled, "You're beginning to see the truth!"

As they entered the kitchen with a surprising chemistry, Nik and others looked at June while Poppy held her daughter's hand, hissing, "You won't take Toph away! Go, away! Out with you! Let Lao know that he should have never thought something so depraved about Toph!"

Instead of replying, June sat in a seat closest to their table and crossed her legs, "First of all, tell me, how did you enter Phoenix City?"

"Earthbending! It was my idea!" Toph scoffed and Yue just smiled at her antics. It didn't matter to her and she was certainly happy seeing Toph act as impishly as ever. But many others gave her a sidelong glance for not only revealing sensitive information but lying about taking the credit at that.

"Right... then to make sure you don't misunderstand me as an enemy but really an opportunistic—"

"Whore..." Katara muttered only for June's smile to widen, "Got that right, love."

Winking at the suddenly stumped waterbender, June continued, "Let me tell you something very important. This place you're in... is called the Poor Man's Land within the inner city. Everyone under a certain level of expectation will be released into these wilds and will be monitored by the men of Phoenix City as they toil away on the farms...

The truly dangerous part is that no information is passed down here if they don't want it to. While the villages are happy about some circus arriving here in a few weeks, they don't know about all the changes implemented in the Phoenix City.

You all have a bounty each. Anyone next to Avatar is fucked, too. Right now, constant orders are being transmitted that any village outside these walls that associate themselves with Avatar, or Nik the Plunderer will have their towns razed.

And yet, here you are, with a tea shop of your own."

Her words made everyone's skin crawl as goosebumps covered their bodies.

"What the hell?" Yue whispered in shock.

"That's the power of information, love. And instead of worrying, that I will take you and your daughter for a pouch or two of gold... worry more about the fact that I could expose your lot~!" Her snicker made the situation tense in a second but as if blind to these gazes, she locked her eyes with Nik, "Now, I would hate to give up such a good fuck. But you've gotta open your purse a little. Buy my silence."

"I think I did that yesterday," Nik stroked his chin ponderously. It would be a lie if he wasn't the slightest bit intimidated but that didn't stop his interest in her from skyrocketing. Instead, he hummed, "You talked about services yesterday. Saying you're useful to us."

"I can find anything." She smiled, "That's more useful than half the bunch you've gathered... for instance... men locked far away from human sights."

Suki's and Toph's expressions shifted slightly. They have been trying hard to find these prisoners but hadn't gotten any results yet.

"I don't trust her. She suddenly appears and claims to be so useful... something is wrong." Katara frowned.

"Indeed," Michi nodded and eyed the seductive woman in front of them, "Why would you want to side with us?"

"Why wouldn't I? It's interesting."

"Oh, wow, that's a massive lie! Could have seen it coming even without my eyes," Toph grinned and, allowing others to know about June being deceptive as the woman frowned, "Why? Can't a woman chase interesting things?"

"That's true... but we've got one of those already," Toph muttered, "But you? You're lying."

The certainty in Toph's tone made June believe something was up.

"Relax..." Nik smiled, "She did say it would take more than a bender to take her down and that's a massive lie, too... but she's here now, when there is more than one bender present... I don't think she expects to leave after stating such threats."

"I don't," June's smile finally faded, "In reality, I've been sick. Sick for days... Lao Beifong had called me to catch the Blind Bandit but I was busy with this sickness..."

"What kind of sickness?"

June shook her head in reply, "If I knew it, I would be moving around to find solutions... it happened during my last bounty posted by a chief of some town saying that their cattle are being slaughtered in the night mysteriously. You know the kind. A stray beast in hunger or a family of it."

She leaned back as Iroh and Mai emerged from the kitchen with a tray of tea in her hands and a tray of cups in Iroh's.

It was always odd seeing the Fire Lord serve the tea... but they accepted it nonetheless while Mai poured it with steady hands.

Amazed by a casual sip, June couldn't help but comment, "This is some nice work, Pops. No wonder you wanted a tea shop."

"Years of practice, young lady," Iroh smiled as Toph snorted, "Great tea, we get it. On with your story!"

"Hmm... I wonder why your father even wanted you back... you're just some rude brat..." June muttered.

"She most certainly isn't!"

June then turned to look at Poppy, licking her lips, "You, on the other hand, I get it... even I want some snacks with this tea..."

"The story," Nik groaned, "We can discuss snacks later..."

Smiling in contentment, she continued, "Well, anyway, I staked the night and found something odd. It wasn't a beast but the Chief's son who entered the farm naked, fucked the goat, and killed it... at first, I was amazed, then I followed him. But we hadn't gotten that far... when a blur appeared in front of that man. It was... a beast in the shape of a man and a goat, if you'd believe me.

I sicked the chief on his son, of course, but ever since then... I would see the face of that... goat-man whenever I go to sleep and the next morning, I would see fur on my arms... growing OUT of me!

Having had enough, I searched for some knowledgeable old woman, and finally, one of them sent me to a lake, suggesting that I pray there and in the morning, dip my fur-coated arm into the lake...

I did that. The next second, a black dogfish swims up. A real manly voice he had, that fish, and said that I'm cursed. The easiest way is to find the new vessel of something Mokshi, saying that he travels with the Avatar and has uncanny abilities.

So here I am, in front of one of the friends of the Avatar with an uncanny ability..."

"Woah... none of it was a lie..." Toph muttered as everyone around her suddenly took a step back. Even Nik. They still held their cups of tea but that didn't stop them from staying farther from June.

"I'm going back into the kitchen..." Mai scowled, "No more spiritual stuff for me."

"Come on, Toph... let's go find some prisoners!" Suki took Toph by the hand and left.

"Hmm, I have an apron to wear," Michi muttered.

"And I have a counter to clean," Poppy left behind.

"I don't know what's going on... but it does sound you're cursed," Iroh sat down calmly instead while Katara looked at Nik and lost all her previous aggression, "I've got to train more."

"Yeah, yeah..." Nik sent her back and June's eyes widened slightly.

"Hmm..." Yue muttered. She was the only one who hadn't left but continued to sit and calmly drink her tea without giving others any attention.

"Seconds?" Iroh questioned with a grin.

"Yes, please!" Yue nodded.

"Alright, you know what's going on? At first, I felt lucky that I'm after you but the situation gets worse every day... except, this morning. No goat face, no fur. I was finally clean in days!

If fucking you day in and out is the remedy then I'm all for it!"

"No... that's not it," Nik sighed, "You're just under the effects of someone else's energybending... Aang went through something similar. It just means that you're affected by something foreign and something more forceful than your own will..."

"Great, how do I cure it?!" June questioned with a tinge of hope.

"Dunno," Nik shrugged and settled himself.

"Hmm, if someone directed her to you... it could either mean that they want to harm you or only you can help her..." Yue muttered finally like the wise advisor she had started to become and Nik nodded.

"Anyway, I don't have any solution right now..."

"Fuck..." June drew a groan and leaned on the table entirely. And the fact that Mokshi had been silent meant that the situation may not be dangerous in the first place.

"So... I think we should discuss what to do next," Nik spoke up.

"Yeah... whatever," June rolled her eyes, "I may have lied back then but I'm still serious about settling. There is only so much I can do with the Phoenix King's influence and gradually increasing strength removing the need for the existence of bounty hunters like me. And of course, I'd want someone like you... rich and strapping."

"A long-winded guest, too," Yue smiled.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, opportunities, maybe," Nik smiles and shot the playful minx next to him a glare, "Fine, I believe that you want to settle. I guess... I could be called wealthy."

This time, all those within the same room scoffed at him but he continued naturally, "There are many things that wouldn't remain secret between us, and due to the nature of our meeting... it will take a little more time to trust you. But I warn June. Do not betray the trust we build..." Nik seriously eyed June and she frowned, snorting even. "Get this in that thick skull of yours, boy. If it wasn't for my disease, I'd be chucking that woman and the girl to that no matter what he is. Don't you fucking question my loyalty again since I've never even betrayed my Nyla, the Shirshu outside!"

"Sound like a catch," Iroh chuckled, sipping his tea peacefully.

"Tell that to him, not me. And really, you should have plenty of trust to spare given how so many are flocking around you."

"Hmm..." Nik looked thoughtful for a second, "Fine, I won't question it."

Her eyes twitched for a second. The meaning was clear. He won't question her and give her the chance to explain the moment she seems sleazy but act directly.

"So... how does your group really work? Am I allowed to find some fruits outside?"

Nik blinked and he shook his head, "Not really. But then again, try it and I'll have a reason to do it just the way you liked it yesterday."

Iroh began coughing loudly while June smirked, "Doesn't sound that bad..."

"Now move your pet so that customers can get in... or you know what, let's start with the most basics of my abilities." Nik chuckled.


Despite how chaotic their morning had been, things turned calmer once June left with Nyla, her pet Shirshu, to help find the prisoners. Catching up with Toph and Suki was simply a matter of time and although Nik had wanted to know more about this strange situation she had found herself in... she wouldn't have her afternoon wasted when she could be doing the things she love— tracking.

Despite the urge of settling down and Nik providing her plenty of incentives in doing so, it was just hard to abandon the things she had done while growing up.

So, their morning did begin with a bang... but surprising the group behind was the fact that... customers filtered in!

They would soon realize that Jin was to be thanked for this as she had spent some time yesterday idly promoting the shop. Despite its size, this was a village and people believed more in personal reviews so those who appreciated Jin began to sample the shop and its contents.

Not far from the shop, Jin hung onto another woman's arms with a wide smile tugging on her lips. Nothing like a refreshing night of sleep to truly remove the frustrations of the night before.

She knew the woman, of course, and also knew that such intimate touch won't rile Azu. It was her mother, after all, and Jin's caretaker for some time after her parents had died of diseases that struck the lower rings of Ba Sing Se a dozen years ago.

"Now, now, Jin. Think of my age," The woman chuckled, her beauty almost seemed unnatural when compared to those around her but that's all the more reason why she and Azu looked great together.

"You look great, Aunt Ursula. Besides, I told you that you can make some friends in the shop. Talking buddies. So that you aren't bored out of your mind at your home with Zulon out on the farm and Azu scaring kids around."

"She does like to do that," Ursula sighed while Jin giggled, "I met them yesterday... and their tea is great, too! AND cheap!"

"Fine, but after this do help me get some stuff back into the house. I don't think I would be able to carry it all back on my own."


They soon reached the outskirts of the village where Toph and Nik had set up the shop.

"Hmm, Jasmine Tea Shop," Ursula smiled while Jin introduced quite cheekily, "Hmm, it's great in here... so after you have some... could you tell Azu to... you know, come with me? Maybe... not like I'm forcing or bribing you. I just thought we should spend some time together!"

Smiling at the girl, Ursula couldn't help but let a chuckle pass her lips and she nodded, "I will... although, I can say for sure that tea still wouldn't be the reason why she would choose to come with you."

Jin blushed at that and lowered her head with the usual coy smile hanging on her lips.

"Well... if you say so," she pulled Ursula into the shop, greeted by an unfamiliar but nevertheless pleasant ringing sound at the opening of the door and finding a familiar face greeting her with a sunny smile.

"Oh, a return customer. And our greatest patron until now... truly, how can we ever thank you for publicizing our services to so many, eh?" Nik chuckled while placing a tray of tea on the table occupied by two old women who were having the time of their life— a hot guy serving the best tea and all...

Jin immediately pursed her lips but her eyes twinkled at his words, "Maybe the best pot of tea you have to offer on the house? I certainly heard you paying your respects back at the tavern last night."

"Sure, please, this way," Nik chuckled and led the two women with a professional smile, something he had cultivated long before even working for Yuuko, and got them a seat.

Seeing that Michi was dealing with another table and entering the kitchen behind to add on the order, he looked at the two women, "So, the best pot of tea, right?"

"Um-hmm," Jin smiled and introduced, "By the way, I'm Jin and this is my Aunt, Ursula. Oh, and I brought her handkerchief, too," She gestured towards the kitchen while taking out an article of clothing, causing Nik to smile and nod, "Well, nice to meet you. Your order will be right up."

Not lingering about, he got some more orders and entered the kitchen, too, while Ursula looked around, taking in the sight. She was beginning to see what Jin was trying to say. Just one look at the woman behind the counter allowed Ursula to believe that she wasn't... ordinary, to say the least. A perfect face and smile. Even her hairdo wasn't elaborate, the ornaments on her hair certainly couldn't be found around here and she seemed a little too educated with how quickly she counted coins and wrote on a journal without a pause... and it may sound a bit... vain but she couldn't see a woman like Poppy having a bad handwriting.


"Alright, don't panic!" Nik entered the kitchen, "But we've got a live one." His words caused others to look at him. Iroh, Mai, and Michi. For a second, Nik was too humbled to see Mai so... domesticated... it was hot when she stood next to her mother, who was dressed more provocatively instead.

"Nik, this is a tea shop! Every customer is a live one with passion—" Before Iroh could impart his wacky wisdom that certainly held meaning in general life, Nik scoffed, "I mean, the woman in that letter. Ursa? Yeah, she's here. And I don't think all these years took a toll on her. She looks just like the painting..."

Iroh's hands quivered, the fire under the pot of tea suddenly growing more intense but he quickly collected himself.

"I see... that's good," Iroh muttered while Mai added, "About time. We can finally leave this tea shop..."

To be fair, she felt reluctant while speaking this. It wasn't the most entertaining job... but it was honest work nonetheless that kept her occupied.

"Oh, no, no... we can't." Michi smiled, "We're here for prisoners, remember? So, Iroh... do you wish to meet her now?"

"Years of isolation... will not allow her to take my presence kindly. No... but I have just a way to rekindle our relationship. Did she... um, order something?"

"The best one," Nik muttered, "So, the Lime honey tea."

"Hmm... I think not. Just wait on others until I call you... Michi, do you think she would recognize you?"

"I know of Lady Ursa because of how impactful her departure was... but I don't think she would know of me... it was actually Mai who played in the castle with her children."

"Great, I'll stay here..." Mai shrugged.

"Here is the order for table number 2... give me some time to prepare Ursa's order." Iroh seemed to have gotten a few years younger as he muttered and began to work while Mai learned from her tea master. Michi and Nik, meanwhile, left the kitchen and entered the diner once again and set the orders on the table that they got while making idle chat with the customers who had begun to take kindly on the shop.

And, over the period, Jin had returned the handkerchief, allowing Michi to introduce herself with her given name now that she knew no knowledge about their group had ever reached the Poor Man's Land the inner and outer walls.

Ursa, or as she introduced herself, Ursula, instantly grew a liking to Michi. Jin was right on the mark. Although her body had grown less than noble after years and years of hard work, what her daughter would call a peasant's work, she was quite noble in her heart. Calm and receptive. Kind when necessary, stern and dignified when any harm tried to call her kids in. Michi... seemed like a kindred soul. Although her outfit was more adventurous, revealing her curvaceous and mature body a little more than Ursa's comfort... it was this sense of getting out of her comfort zone itself that seemed to attract Ursa's attention to Michi and even Nik.

She could instantly sense the spark in Jin's eyes when she talked with Nik and knew full well how difficult her daughter could be but still, that didn't give her a reason to see her hurt. It would seem that a chat with Jin was necessary but not here and now.

"Eh? But we asked for the best pot... this doesn't smell like honey or lime!" Jin pouted indignantly, "Can't afford a cut of 20 coins for us?"

Nik blinked and nodded, "Oh, I can. Probably hundreds if it means to have you a customer every day," his compliments and unabashed nature getting him a long way with Jin as she hummed and collected herself, finding his words as sweet as honey and tangy over her body as a squeeze of fresh lime would send down her spine in shocking jolts.

"But, the man who prepared this tea is a teacher of mine and a wonderful guy. And I assure you, when he says he's in the mood of making something even more delicious than the ones offered to others, you always say yes and drink it. Believe me this once, you won't regret it. Hey, and if you don't like it, all the other pots of Honey Lemon Tea until this shop goes under because of me are on me."

If that couldn't assure Jin, Nik didn't know what will but she took his words with a great response. Her eyes lit up as Nik leaned forward and set the cups in front of the two women.

"Nik, right?" Ursa smiled, "You truly know how to make a woman's day. Compliments and great deals," she chuckled, making Jin come around with a start as she lowered her head guiltily once she felt the intent behind Ursa's gaze.

"Well, haven't lied since I was born and don't intend to even now," Nik grinned, lying through his pearly white teeth.

As he poured them a cup each, Ursa and Jin promptly picked up their cups but as Jin started tasting, Ursa held the cup with both of her hands and made way through the scent first... unable to help but work some recollection of past as she found the scent unbearably pleasing despite it not being too fragrant.


"A special tea?"

In a calming courtyard and wearing a long, regal gold-stripped crimson robe, Ursa gazed at the happy but long-forgotten figure. Even now, his face seemed blurry... it had been too long but she remembered his voice and words. She recalled the cup of tea in her hands.

"Yes... I heard something inspiring on one of my expeditions in the Earth Kingdom. Someone said to me that the tea we love and prepare speaks a lot about us... and that is why, I made this tea... the ingredients are simple. Like me... but the fire... is giving. It sounds a little vain but I gave this tea life... it is to celebrate you. If it wasn't for you... I would not have such a beautiful niece and nephew!"

The excitement in his tone couldn't be denied, not after the man had lost his own son, and thus, after smelling the tea, Ursa decided to sip the tea with a 'life.'

The moment it entered her mouth... she felt warmth spreading into her body. Her tensions felt like a thing of the past and she couldn't help but whisper...

"It's... definitely you, Lord brother-in-law... I... Could you tell me what the name of this tea is?"

His gentle chuckle resounded as all her tensions leaked from her body in the form of a single tear dripping down from the corner of her eyes.

"It's called..."

"Ursa—..." She heard the yelp and she came to be.

"Aunt Ursula! Ah, you're crying!" Jin looked at her worriedly. She actually liked the tea but didn't know why Ursa suddenly shed a single tear from the corner of her eye.

Smiling, letting a low and relaxed sigh escape her lips, she shook her head, "It's nothing, dear... I just... recalled something from long ago. Ehm, Nik," the woman tilted her head and looked at Nik who had left and was picking some used cups.

"Yeah? Is everything alright?"

"Yes... it is. Could you tell me what this tea is called?"

"Hmm... he said it's very special. Wouldn't say the name even if I asked him... but he did say that if you enjoyed it, you are welcome at any time of the day to drink tea at your convenience."

Ursa smiled at this. She didn't know what to think. Maybe she should have panicked that someone from her past had caught up to her but Iroh had been correct to not force their encounter... instead, she found herself... happy at the invitation.

"Please pass on my gratitude to your teacher and tell him... he allowed me to think back on the good old days."

"Of course," and then he turned to the girl obviously interested in him, "And you, Jin? Still want to force us under with free tea every day?"

Blushing and pouting, she stuck her tongue out, "Maybe. It depends. Get a friend or two of mine hooked on your shop rather than that tavern and I'll pay up."

"Ah... then forget it. That tavern is amazing. Should have opened one myself..." Nik muttered, filling their cups again and leaving. His mockingly depressed state made Jin and Ursa smirk as they continued to chat amongst themselves and drink tea.


Shoutout to Luis Cornelio and Nero!

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