Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 135: You Are From The Future?

Chapter 135: You Are From The Future?

After taking a bath, Lin Haihai stood before the window dressed in light, plain clothes. There were things she found terrifying in this era, especially on a quiet night and when she was cursed with ceaseless agitation. It felt as if she had no connection to anything in the world, that she was merely an outsider visiting.

The door creaked open, and the chilling wind sweeping in sent a shudder down her spine. She turned to look at her visitor. The emptiness and sense of loss in her heart evaporated immediately. She could only find herself in him.

Why havent you put on more clothes? Yang Shaolun reprimanded and came up to hold her tight. Its chilly late at night. Youll catch a cold!

Are you done with court affairs? His warmth felt like home to her.

One can never be done with court affairs, but I put them aside since I didnt want my wife to wait too long for me! Yang Shaolun held her cold hand in his, his eyes shining with care.

Wheres this wife youre talking about? Youre shameless! Lin Haihai broke into a smile, her heart swelling. She never knew a single word would be able to elicit such happiness.

Why would I want shame when I have you? Yang Shaolun said cheekily. Having a wife is much more important!

You have much more than one wife! All three thousand beauties in your harem are your wives! Lin Haihais voice was practically dripping with jealousy. It was a womans nature to be jealous.

The only one I want as my wife is you. What do the women in the harem have to do with me? Yang Shaolun chuckled, stroking her delicate skin with his slender finger, which stopped at her lip. Youre jealous, my wife!

Shes cute when shes jealous!

Lin Haihai glared at him. Jealous? Why would I resort to such childishness? Go seek your wives out. I swear I wont be jealous at all!

She was a confident professional woman. There was absolutely no reason for her to get jealous.

Im worried that youll cry if I do so! Yang Shaolun pretended to be torn.

Then Ill find another man to marry! Lin Haihai said seriously.

Yang Shaoluns sharp eyes flared as he pinched her chin with a dark scowl. In an urgent voice, he said, You wouldnt dare!

Why wouldnt I? Lin Haihai taunted him. If he dares go to those women, Ill marry myself off!

This Emperor wouldnt allow it! he commanded, his voice hardening. He even called himself emperor before her.

Lin Haihai narrowed her eyes. How dared he order her around? Trying to intimidate her as the emperor? She pulled a long face and said, Youre the emperor. If you refuse to let me go, how am I going to go against the imperial decree?

Yang Shaolun was regretful. They had finally gotten together. Why should they waste their time on unnecessary arguments? He put his arms around her and whispered, Im sorry. I shouldnt say that. Please dont be mad at me.

I didnt want to, Lin Haihai said honestly. I am jealous, though. It feels terrible when I think about your relationship with those women.

Give me some time. Once we deal with Prince Pingnan, well get out of here. Then well have only each other! Yang Shaolun couldnt wait. He had long grown tired of the throne. He wanted only to build a life with her.

Dont be hasty, Lin Haihai warned. Or you may make a mistake!

Yang Shaolun was confident. Dont worry. Everything is going according to plan!

Lin Haihai realized this was the side of him she loved the most. Men were most attractive when they were focused. Perhaps it was time for her to reveal her pregnancy. She believed he could handle everything well.

She was about to open her mouth when he said mysteriously, Theres something I have to tell you!

Lin Haihai was caught off guard. What is it?

Imperial Brother had a chat with me. He said that he would let us be together. He only wanted a month to spend with you! Yang Shaoluns expression was colored by a faint sorrow. She could understand the source of his melancholy. Their relationship ended up hurting the little brother he cared about the most. That was their biggest regret.

Lin Haihai sighed. She owed Yang Hanlun too much.

Your heart aches for him, doesnt it? she asked gently, pulling his hand to her chest, where her heartbeats could be felt.

Yang Shaoluns eyes grew misty with tears. For the longest time, Ive considered protecting my younger brothers my most important duty. I swore to Imperial Father by his sickbed that I would care for and cherish them my whole life. Imperial Father was able to leave in peace because he knew I was a man of my words. Now, however, my younger brothers ended up getting hurt by me, the big brother they love and support!

He didnt know where the urge to confess came from. Perhaps he had been keeping everything bottled up for too long, and he forgot about how his words would make Lin Haihai feel.

Lin Haihais chest tightened. He was under more pressure than she was. Before meeting her, the man she cared deeply thought only about the nation and its people, and he never once considered his own needs. Now that he finally wanted to fight for his own happiness, though, he was met with resistance from all fronts. She put her arms around him and swore to herself that she would do everything she could to make him happy.

Would you give up on me? Yang Shaolun asked in a whisper.

I wont! Lin Haihai promised. My child and I will wait for you!

This wasnt the time for her to run away. She was Lin Haihai rather than Lin Yuguan, and she had the right to fight for the man she loved.

Child? Yang Shaolun looked at her with confusion in his eyes. Realization soon dawned on him, and he froze like a statute. Do you mean our child? he asked carefully, timidly. Youre pregnant? Both his voice and hands trembled with the effort to keep his overwhelming emotions under control.

I am. Im two-month pregnant! Lin Haihai nodded happily with her hands on her belly.

Tremendous joy rushed through Yang Shaoluns entire being. He felt a sudden lightness. His eyes stung as tears threatened to fall. He let go of Lin Haihai and placed his hands on her belly gently, almost fearfully careful. He worried that he might hurt his wife and child with his strength.

Thank you, Xiaohai, he sobbed. Finally, he had a wife and a child!

Its not your first time being a father. Why are you so overwhelmed? Lin Haihai voiced her confusion. Didnt you have Chuting?

Shes not my child, Yang Shaolun said slowly.

Lin Haihai shook her head in shock. What? How did you know?

The empress was pregnant when she married me, Yang Shaolun said with a faint smile. Theres someone shes always loved, and she cannot forget him even today!

Lin Haihai was moved. He knew, and he never blamed the empress, but instead allowed her room to love and miss another man, to yearn for the man shed loved for a lifetime. He was more magnanimous than Lin Haihai could imagine. She hadnt fallen for the wrong person!

Theres something Ive never told you. Im not your sister-in-law. Yang Hanlun divorced me a few months ago! Lin Haihai realized that she shouldnt keep anything from him. Li Junyue was right. Yang Shaolun was the emperor, and he was capable of handling difficult issues. There were matters that were better left to him rather than her.

Yang Shaolun looked at her in disbelief, caught off guard by the sudden revelation. What shocked him even more was what Lin Haihai was about to say. She tugged at him to sit down and said, To be more precise, Im not Lin Yuguan. Im Lin Haihai. Im not from the Daxing Dynasty!

Not from Daxing? Yang Shaoluns heart sank. Luoqing has said shes no ordinary woman. Could it be?

Im not from Daxing. Neither am I from this era. I came to this world from the future. Li Junyues my contemporary. My time may be a few hundred or a thousand years from now. There wasnt a Daxing in the history I know of!

Lin Haihai dropped truth after truth, which made Yang Shaolun too stunned to say anything. He could only shake his head. His throat felt tight. Everything was too absurd for him to wrap his head around.

I know it all sounds ridiculous, but Im telling the truth. Theres nothing great about my medical skills. Im simply standing on the shoulder of the experience accumulated for hundreds of years. Im from China, a society where technology and everything material develops rapidly. Time travelling as a concept isnt novel.

Lin Haihai continued, In my time, a man marries only a woman. There are no concubines. If the couple lose their love for each other, they can get a divorce. A woman can divorce her husband as well. Of course, there are homewreckers everywhere. What Im doing now fits the description of a homewrecker. Youre married, and Im wrecking your family.

In this nation and era, though, men can marry multiple wives openly. I have no choice but to adapt. Youre gonna take in other concubines even if you dont have me as a mistress!

Lin Haihais voice grew weaker and weaker as she spoke. Anyone would feel guilty calling herself a homewrecker.

Youre a homewrecker? Yang Shaolun was confused. Im not gonna accept anyone but you! Youll be my homewrecker!

Lin Haihai paused and said angrily, Im not a homewrecker! That wasnt how it worked here!

But you said you were a homewrecker, didnt you? Yang Shaolun began to stutter. He didnt know what hed said wrong. Lin Haihais story left him disoriented and completely confused. His instinct told him that she wasnt lying, but it was way too fantastical to believe.

Lin Haihai fumed. She was from China. A characteristic of Chinese people was that they could point out their own mistakes, but they wouldnt allow others to do the same. Told you Im not a homewrecker! If you dare call me that, Ill castrate you!

The Lin Family had raised a thug!

Yang Shaolun ground his teeth together, feeling the urge to bite her on her flushed face. He pulled her into his arms and held her tight. What do you mean youre gonna castrate me? Hm?

Lin Haihai blushed, stammering, Im gonna make you a useless man!

What good is it going to do for you? he murmured, chasing after her lips and dropping kisses along her jawline to her ears.

Lin Haihai was soon lost in desires. She declared, Im not going to be your homewrecker. Ill be your laopuo[1]!

Hm? Laopuo? Laopuopuo[2]? Does that mean well be together until youre old and grey?

Thats right. And youll be my laogong[3]. Well be together until you become a laogongong[4]!

Lin Haihai tightened her arms around him. She hoped this wouldnt be merely a dream. She hoped she wasnt being too greedy. She hoped they hadnt missed their chance. I want to hold onto his hand until the day we die!

Youre truly from the future? he asked, still having trouble reconciling with the truth. Thats unbelievable!

1. A more lovey dovey way to say wife.

2. Means old woman.

3. Lovey dovey way to say husband.

4. Means old man

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