Physician, Not A Consort

Chapter 96: The Emperor’s letter

Chapter 96: The Emperor’s letter

A lot of mosquitoes? Lin Haihai asked curiously. Is there anything unusual about the mosquitoes in the mountain?

The man paused. Anything unusual? I didnt notice!

They are pretty unusual, chimed in a scholarly villager. I killed one once, and it looks different. It sucks blood, but it doesnt look like a mosquito!

Li Junyue took notes of their patients skin complexion before he said, I believe we have to enter the village to check!

Lin Haihai nodded in agreement. The leading soldier hurriedly interrupted, You must not enter! Our superiors have made the order to forbid any outsiders from getting in!

Lin Haihai smiled faintly. Fret not, were physicians. Well shoulder the responsibilities ourselves!

The soldier was momentarily captivated by her beauty, but he knew his duty, and he would not go against his order. With determination, he insisted, I cannot let you through. We must protect the general public. If you enter the village and bring the disease outside, the consequences will be unthinkable!

Lin Haihais brows relaxed with approval. If thats the case, I wont make your job difficult! However, I have to go inside. How about this, could you tell me who your superior is? Tell him to seek out Official Luo of the Court of Judicial Review. Hell explain the situation to you!

The soldier widened his eyes, his freckled face showing traces of surprise. Youre sent by Official Luo?

Luo Kuangyuan walked up to them and said seriously to the soldier, Nonsense. Physician Lin isnt someone this official can order around. This official is but a part of her entourage. Do as she says. This official will take responsibility should anything happen!

The soldier gaped. He had never met such important figures, and he naturally didnt recognize Luo Kuangyuan. With his back bent low, he asked, Sir, are you Official Luo?

This official is Luo Kuangyuan, head of the Court of Judicial Review, and this is my official seal. Take a good look at it! Luo Kuangyuan produced his seal from his collars to show the soldiers. The handful of soldiers immediately got to their knees.

Lin Haihai and Li Junyue exchanged a smile. Then she said to their patient, Please lead the way!

The man could barely recover his jaw. He didnt expect the newcomers to be such important figures. And the two physicians seemed so confident. Could it be that there was hope for him and the other villagers?

Blood boiling in excitement, his dark skin radiated a faint glow. He said to Lin Haihai with deference, Please follow me!

Thank you! Lin Haihai responded with a smile.

Surprised by the unexpected kindness, he hurriedly took the lead. Guihua was going to follow them as well, but Lin Haihai told her to stay behind.

The villagers parted to make way for Lin Haihai and Li Junyue before trailing after them. Noticing Li Junyues thoughtful frown, Lin Haihai asked, Whats wrong?

Im worried that we wont have enough medicine!

Lin Haihai tensed. How much western medicine do we have in stock? If its Leishmaniasis, we need to prepare medicine for them immediately!

Thats my guess as well! Li Junyue said. Lets check the sources of the disease first. Once we confirm the diagnosis, well come up with the proper treatment!

Lin Haihai frowned. Alright. Its a shame that you cant bring too much medicine back every time you return to our time, and a lot of it has to be refrigerated. Fresh blood, especially, has to be stored at a low temperature. Look at their yellowed skin and wasted muscles. Many of them suffer from anemia induced by the disease. Itll be difficult for them to recover fully without blood transfusion!

Theres nothing we can do about that, Li Junyue said in resignation. We can only have them eat more nutritious food!

Soon they had arrived at the back of the mountain. Lin Haihai took a good look and noticed many wild dogs loitering around. Li Junyue checked the mountainside and the cracks of the rock to find swarms of sandflies. The blood-sucking insects were the vectors of Leishmaniasis!

Lin Haihai exchanged a look with Li Junyue and smiled. She turned to the villagers and said, Everyone is forbidden from coming here from now on. Ill give you some pesticide to deal with the sandflies. Spray it on places with sandflies - these mosquito-like insects! The disease isnt incurable. You can be treated. Please dont be too worried! Let us first eliminate the causes of the disease!

The villagers broke into a chorus of cheers and jumped in relief and delight.

The sun was setting in the west as Lin Haihai and the others put away their equipment and supplies before returning to their carriages. They shook their arms and stretched their legs in exhaustion, but had satisfied smiles on their faces.

It was an eye-opening experience for Guihua. Shed seen for herself the thorough manner with which Lin Haihai treated her patients. Even when faced with festering wounds, she showed great patience in cleaning them for her patients. The physicians Guihua knew were either dead serious or pompous and arrogant. None of them were as kind and friendly as Lin Haihai. She was proud to serve her master.

When Lin Haihai returned to the hospital, the empress was waiting for her. In stark contrast to her distant attitude yesterday, Lin Haihai went up to the empress and said, Why are you here?

The empress smiled faintly. Lets find somewhere private to talk.

Lin Haihai paused. Does she know about what happened? Li Junyue threw them a cool glance, gesturing at them to talk inside.

Lin Haihai led the empress to her room and asked, Whats going on?

The empress produced a letter. His Majesty told me to deliver this to you!

Lin Haihai was momentarily stunned into inaction. A letter? Hes too bold! Isnt he worried that the letter will end up in the wrong hands?

She took the letter and asked, Did he say anything?

He didnt, the empress said calmly, but I can guess what has happened between you.

I know what you want to say, but there are things that cant be controlled. Matters of heart especially so. We tried to keep our distance. We were rational when we were in the cavern!

The empress sighed. I know. Since it has come to this point, what are you going to do from now on?

Lin Haihai sat down and said with a frown, I dont know. Ill cross the bridge when I come to it. I dont want to give him up. No matter what awaits us in the future, I want to face it with him!

Ill stand by you no matter what! the empress said, putting her arms around her.

Lin Haihai teared up, touched. She had become so prone to tears ever since she came to the ancient times. Thank you, she murmured. I really need someone to support me. I need someone to tell me if Ive made the wrong decision!

Silly girl, theres no right and wrong in love, the empress said gently. Follow your heart. Youve done more than enough for the people. You don't have to sacrifice your happiness!

Lin Haihai fell silent. She had always believed that love wasnt the be-all and end-all in life. There were other things that could occupy her time even if she had lost her love. However, her heart felt like it was being torn in half whenever she remembered his tormented gaze. She couldnt bear to hurt him, couldnt bear to see him in pain.

She unfolded the letter and found vigorous handwriting filling all three sheets of paper. Her heart swelled with happiness, and the exhaustion evaporated completely. She put away the letter for reading tonight. The empress asked with a smile, Dont you want to read it?

I do, she answered so quickly that it embarrassed her somewhat. I mean, Ill read it once Im done with work!

Go ahead then. Im going back to the palace. Oh, its your birthday in a few days. What are you going to do to celebrate it?

Lin Haihai looked up in confusion. My birthday?

You havent forgotten about your own birthday, have you? The empress chuckled. Ive seen the exact day and time you were born. Its going to be your birthday in three days!

Lin Haihai knocked herself on the forehead. Thats right. Ive gotten so muddle-headed because of work. It is my birthday in three days! Theres nothing to celebrate about for someone as young as I am. No need to do anything special!

That wont do. The empress laughed. I figure the empress dowager will most likely arrange a celebration for you. You wont have to worry about that.

Lin Haihai jumped. No way, I dont want her to do anything dramatic! Hurriedly, she said, Please tell her not to arrange too many activities. I just want to share a meal with the family!

The empress frowned. Wouldnt that be too simple? Youre a princess consort!

Its fine. Lin Haihai waved a dismissive hand. Just tell her that for me. I want to keep things personal!

Then Ill tell the empress dowager, the empress said with a smile. Then she nodded and took her leave.

Without wasting a second, Lin Haihai took out the letter and started reading by the window. Her expression evolved from that of happiness to worry to bashfulness, and her eyes brightened and dimmed. She was so focused that she didnt notice Li Junyue sneaking up on her. Noting her staring deeply into the letter in her hands, he reached out and seized the letter from her.

Startled, Lin Haihai hurriedly took the letter back. Li Junyue huffed and complained, You let me read all your love letters in the past, but youve cast your brother aside now that youve gotten yourself a boyfriend! I showed every one of my love letters to you as well. It seems that I was blind to have confided in you!

Lin Haihai blushed and tucked the letter under her collars. Things are different now. If you show me a love letter written to you now, Ill show you mine!

Hmph, as if theres anything special about getting love letters! Li Junyue threw his medical mask on the table and marched out fuming.

Lin Haihai stuck her tongue out at his retreating back. This was a secret between her and Yang Shaolun, and it would stay that way! Lin Haihai savored the bloom of warmth in her chest. It felt good to have a secret!

Evening came gradually. Lin Haihai summoned Guihua and said in a good mood, Lets walk back home!

Buihua worriedly looked at the sky. If we walk, well have missed dinner time when we get back to the residence. Why dont we take the horse carriage?

Dont worry. Ill treat you to dinner if we miss - Aha! Why dont we go to a restaurant instead of going back home for dinner?

Guihua could barely contain her excitement. The princess consort didnt seem to consider her a servant, and had even asked what she wanted! She smiled meekly and said, This maid will accompany you if you want to go to the restaurant, Consort Lin!

Li Junyue emerged from the hospital ward with Chen Luoqing in tow. He voiced his agreement immediately when he heard that Lin Haihai was going to eat out.

Come on, were lucky that General Chen is buying us dinner! Lin Haihai said with a smile.

Chen Luoqing paused before protesting, Wait, when did I say Im buying you dinner? Arent you the one who suggested going to the restaurant?

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