Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 117: Breaking Through Restricted Territory

Chapter 117: Breaking Through Restricted Territory

Um, Sister Ying it might hurt a bit, but I can guarantee that nothing will happen to you! Lin Xiao pursed his lips and said heartrendingly.

Perhaps Shen DaiYing could rely on her delicate sword skills to prevent the other from getting hurt, but magic couldnt be made as delicately. Furthermore, Lin Xiao didnt have enough confidence to win, facing Shen DaiYing, he had to bring out all his strength!

Although what he said may sound like an arrogant provocation to others, Shen DaiYing did not believe so.

Hehe, dont worry, Im stronger than you think, because crying out of pain and whatnot thats already a thing of the past. She happily smiled while unsheathing her long sword Snow from her waist.

Wont cry because of pain, is it Lin Xiao bit down and tightly clenched his fists.

He didnt know how scary the meaning behind what she said was, he also didnt know how she could smile like that after saying something so scary, but he knew that he had to win!

The loser had no right to learn of the truth!

Hey, what are they talking about? I cant hear clearly.

Woos and Momm were standing in a relatively safe corner, wholeheartedly watching the duel.

The two talked for a while, then with Shen DaiYing unsheathing her sword, the duel finally began!

Momm originally thought that as soon as Shen DaiYing uses her Cherry Dance blossom, Lin Xiao would immediately lose like Rosie.

He had already prepared to rush on stage to announce Shen DaiYings victory, but not his shock couldnt even be described anymore.

Cyclone Wall!

The chant and circuit were completed at almost the same time, just as Shen DaiYing drew her sword, Lin Xiao already casted Cyclone Wall.

In an instant a violent gale blew, and violently expanded with Lin Xiao as the center, enveloping Lin Xiao 360 degrees with no gaps, if one wanted to get close, they had to use their body to break that violent tornado wall.

But that wasnt the end.

Mud Array!

Ice and Snow Domain!

With his quickest speed, Lin Xiao casted two more protection type magic.

The temperature of the area instantly dropped, with the expansion of magic, lumps of soft black mud oozed out from the ground surrounding Lin Xiao, it moved like it had awareness, protecting its master at the center, dragging all who invaded into the warping quagmire.

The ground was filled with disgusting mud, and the sky became a world of ice and snow.

Countless minute magic ice crystals spiraled in Lin Xiaos surroundings, mixing into the Cyclone Wall, becoming a violent tempest.

Solid ice crystals, violent tornado, squirming quagmire, three to one, forming the perfect defense!

This is magic chain?

Through successively casting magic of different types, but were intrinsically related, magic chain effect happens, and it can reach a 1-2 fold amplification effect!

Cyclone Wall, Mud Array, and Ice and Snow Domain, these three magics were the staple case for magic chain. It was a textbook demonstration of magic chain!

Hey, old man, did you teach him that?

No, it wasnt me oh right, the principal gave him the key to the ancient texts area of the library, he definitely learned it there himself! Woos suddenly came to a realization.

Learned by himself? Momm touched his bald head, and puzzedly muttered, He can learn that just through reading a book it might be hard even for Caesar, could it be that hes even more of a genius than Caesar?

Cough dont ask me, how would I know?

He was sure that he never taught this technique to Lin Xiao, so he was just as surprised at what was happening.

Ah, it seems like youre getting serious. Shen DaiYing held her sword in one hand and looked at Lin Xiao who was hiding behind various magics, her eyes narrowed into a thing line, and her smile became more wide????

Sorry, sister Ying. Lin Xiao revealed a rare serious expression, clenched his teeth and prepared his next magic.

Although to others, the three protection magic provided a reliable defense, but Lin Xiao knew that protection of this level was useless against Shen DaiYing.

Damn, now its hard for Shen DaiYing to approach. Momm nervously discussed the match with Woos, Do you think Lin Xiao will win?

Its hard to say Woos stroked his beard, Although the magic is protecting Lin Xiao, but at the same time he cant move and loses the opportunity to attack.

As they were pondering over it, Shen DaiYing began her attack!

She reverse gripped her sword and disappeared from where she was standing, and rushed towards Lin Xiao with a speed thats hard to see with the naked eye.

Explosive Flame!

The prepared fiery red six-pointed star array emerged, a raging flame erupted, the scorching flame swallowed her figure in an instant.

Explosive flame, a fourth-level magic, its characteristic was its large area of effect, it was very suitable against speed type opponents like Shen DaiYing.

As the flame was about to touch Shen DaiYings long hair, she suddenly moved, she lifted her heels and her beautiful high-heels gently tapped the ground.

Shadow Blink

Leaving an after image, Shen DaiYing once again disappeared from her spot, and miraculously appeared in another spot.

What? She dodged it? Momm bellowed from below the stage.

All she did was gently kick off with the tip of her feet, and she could instantly turn around, speed up and leap all in one movement.

Shadow blink, what a horrifying movement technique, as a seventh-level warrior, even Momm wouldnt be able to make such ridiculously quick movements, whats more, Shen DaiYing was even high-heels that were hard to move in.

Hell, was her body weightless?

Hehe, Lin Xiao the one who should cry in pain is you!

After evading the explosive flame, Shen DaiYing didnt stop her attack, she flashed behind Lin Xiao, and prepared to attack from his blind spot!

Cherry Dance, Blossom!

Shen DaiYing reversed her grip, tightly grasped her sword and rushed towards Lin Xiao, a pale pink light appeared on the edge of her beautiful blade, like a blossoming cherry blossom.

Is she disregarding the restricted area created by the magic chain? Momm gasped.

Lin Xiaos restricted area was a nightmare for speed type warriors! As soon as one rashly rushed in, the mud and ice doubly restricts you, no matter how fast she is, shell become a slow turtle and become a target for Lin Xiao

But, she really charged in!

Like lightning, Shen DaiYing charged into that restricted magic domain, but her speed didnt decrease in the slightest!

Momm, take a closer look, she isnt walking!

What? Not walking?

Momm carefully stared at Shen DaiYings slender legs and finaly got the answer.

Thats right, Shen DaiYing didnt walk into the quagmire, she flew past it!

Her feet werent touching the mud, but just closely sticking to it to make people think that she was walking, but she was actually flying!

Shen DaiYings body was like an arrow flying straight towards Lin Xiao! The mud was completely ineffective, and the storm also didnt do much to block the sharpness.

Her sharp sword could even split apart a storm, leaving the trail of light behind where her sword cut.

What should he do? Can he avoid it? Impossible! Lin Xiaos magic also trapped him in place, he couldnt avoid Shen DaiYings attack!


Momm noticed that at the last second, Lin Xiao sighed.

Is he going to lose like that?

Momm was prepared to run up and protect Lin Xiao, and announce her victory. Although he dislikes Lin Xiao, he cant watch him get hurt.

But before he could even take a step, he heard a sharp and clear snap.

Following that a large roar that made everyone jump.

A Wind blade flew out of nowhere! Shen DaiYing had no protection and was heading right to it!

If she cut it, her own beautiful cheeks will also be cut, an a bloody ccut would be left on her pale cheeks.

Hehe, purposely letting your guard down and luring me inside interesting.

As expected, it wouldnt be that easy to entrap her.

Shadow Blink!

Her beautiful high-heels once again gently tapped the ground, momentarily making contact with the mud, the again strangely disappearing. In the next instant she was back to her initial position, smiling at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was bitterly smiling while gently rubbing his fingers.

The two went back to where they started, like nothing had happened.

What? What just happened?

The audience were all dumbstruck, Shen DaiYing had successfully got closer, but for some reason gave up, was she purposely throwing?

Hey, Woos, I didnt see wrong, right?

Cough if youre referring to the chantless instant cast, then you werent wrong

Although the students didnt understand what happened, but the two teachers clearly saw what happened. With Lin Xiaos snap, he released a wind blade forcing Shen DaiYing to retreat.

There was no chant, and no circuit. It was magic that was instantly cast, there was no mistake!

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