Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 138: Assigning Wives

Chapter 138: Assigning Wives

The old and gray-haired teacher Woos was sitting on the chair, and standing next to him was Shen DaiYing and Rosie.

Cough you guys came just on time, about the upcoming competition, Ill tell you guys together. Woos coughed and beckoned Lin Xiao and Caesar over.

Lin Xiao felt that the atmosphere wasnt quite right, it was just him and Caesar participating, so why was Rosie and Shen DaiYing here?

Dont tell me that Loran Academy assigns each participant a wife?

On the other hand, Caesar also noticed Wooss implied meanings.

Teacher, are you saying that, the participants are not just Lin Xiao and me, but also those two? Caesar swept his eyes across the two beauties.

According to the intramural selection competition rules, only the top 2 has the rights to represent Loran Academy in the Academy Tournament, so why were there two more people now?

Caesar, of course its not just you two did you forget how many people participated last year? Woos asked back.

Last year? Caesar touched his chin and fell into thought.

If he remembered correctly, all the winners were from the warrior department, four intimidating warriors, excluding the top two, the runner ups were also included.

Wait four people?

Caesar just remembered, there were four not two participants last year.

But Teacher Woos, I dont understand. Caesar frowned, feeling cheated, If there are four spots, why do the rules stipulate only the top 2 has the qualifications to participate?

Sigh, isnt that obvious? Woos shook his head regretfully, pointed to the two beauties and explained, Because, the other two spots are special and was decided before the competition, internally.



This time not only Casear, but Lin Xiao couldnt stay calm either.

There were clearly four spots, yet two were specially saved, and Shen DaiYing and Rosie were the two that were internally selected from the start.

Was it just because they were the most beautiful in Loran Academy?

Lin Xiao refused to accept it. If it was based on beauty, then his maid could take up two spots, who could compete with her?

Of course, it was impossible to be decided based on beauty, there must be other reasons.

Woos patiently explained for the two.

Lets first start with Shen DaiYing, she isnt someone ordinary, shes the princess of the Great Qin Empire, so it was natural to have special privileges.

This time, she crossed the ocean to come to Loran Academy, not just because shes Caesars fiance, but she had a more important reason to participate in Eileens 18th annual Academy Tournament, this was arranged from the start.

In political lingo, it was: Participating in the Academy Tournament is a great opportunity to prove herself and train, as the princess of the Great QInEmpire, if she could get a good result, it would undoubtedly bring honor to her motherland, and the empress would also feel pride. Similarily, this was also the result that the King of Lombard Kingdom hoped to see.

Who wouldnt want their daughter-in-law to get more face? The King was also in favor of Shen DaiYings participation.

Therefore, from the first day she joined Loran Academy, she already got the qualifications to participate. The intramural selection competition was just an irrelevant game. Thats also why she never brouht out her tru strength and lost to Lin Xiao.

After finding out about this, Lin Xiao had complicated feelings.

If her goal from the start was Eileens 18th annual academy tournament, then her goal definitely wasnt just to get a good result.

What good is that for an assassin?

Lin Xiao, whats wrong? Is there something strange on my face? Why are you staring at me. At this time, Shen DaiYings gentle voice rang out.

Her long black hair draped over her shoulders, her affectionate eyes making crescents, her charming moles, she was still the gentle way that Lin Xiao liked.

N-nothing, Sister Ying, youre too beautiful, so I couldnt help it sorry. Lin Xiao might have been smiling on the surface, but he was still ruminating about all the different possibilities.

If he layed all his cards on the table and express that he was willing to help her, would that work?

Of course not, he couldnt talk a dead guy into a living person, and neither could he use his mouth to turn an assassin into a good person.

Sigh, he should just raise his affection first, rather than being some hero, he better find a way to get on better terms with her.

After all, hes currently a loser that was rejected twice, its a miracle that he can still talk to her.

Im beautiful? Oh my, Im going to blush if you compliment me like that.

Watching this going on, Rosie and Elena didnt think anything of it, they already knew this damn pervert liked Shen DaiYing, but someone else couldnt accept it.

Errhm Caesar felt his head turning green, and couldnt help but interrupt them, So teacher, youre saying that Shen DaiYing had a special status so she cant get the spot. then why did Rosie get one, shes not a princess, right?


Woos was preparing to explain, but someone else interrupted.

Hey Caesar, what are you trying to say? Why are you being so mean do you not want me to participate with you?

Its not whether I want it or not! This is against the rules! Why should you get a spot to participate? Youre clearly so

Youre clearly so weak, after all, Rosie was instakilled by Shen DaiYing so she wasnt too strong, but saying up to there, even Caesar felt like it wasnt appropriate, so he swallowed the rest of his words.

Since he already let out the beginning of the sentence, and Rosie wasnt an idiot, so she knew what he was trying to say.

Im clearly so weak, so Im unqualified to represent Loran Academy Caesar, thats what youre thinking, right?

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