Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 196: Fairy Hunting

Chapter 196: Fairy Hunting

You really are ruthless, it hurts just looking at it. A cut to the neck then a stab to the heart, clean and efficient, hmm if that really was me, I would definitely be dead, right?

Charles appeared behind Shen DaiYing and made an exaggerated sigh. He wasnt wearing his long robe but the yellow uniform for his team. He looked normal except for the strange aura that his red hair let off in the darkness.

Along with his appearance, Devoru and the other two teammates closely followed and guarded Charles from the left and right, afraid that she would rush over.

Shen DaiYing stared blankly at the dummy laying on the ground, then at Charles.

I havent been able to sleep well the past couple of days, I had to act out the same thing ever night, it almost killed me sigh, good thing it all worked out in the end.

It turns out that Charles was already prepared for this.

He knew that someone would take this opportunity when hes not as heavily guarded to try and assassinate him, so these past nights he had been using a dummy as a replacement to lure out the killer.

He didnt expect to actually succeed!

Such skilled movements, a professional, huh who are you? Who put you up to this? Well, its not like youll tell me even if I ask, right, what a pain Charles shook his head with melancholy.

The night was too dark, even the limited moonlight was covered by the thick clouds, so he couldnt see what they looked like at all. The other party was also wearing a face mask, he could only tell it was a female based on the figure.

Although the sword at her waist and the strange shoes looked familiar, he couldnt easily draw a conclusion.

Her sword skills were quick and cold, each strike fatal, no hesitance whatsoever, it reminded him of an assassination he encountered several years ago.

As the eldest prince, he would often meet assassins so he was already used to it, but that day was especially frightening.

That time was different, it was an organization and premeditated, they were all well hidden and he didnt notice at all as he was being entrapped, and almost died! It was thanks to Devoru that he was fortunate enough to survive.

Tonight, he was reliving the past.

Youre from ShenYue Ge right? Those eyes, theres no mistaking it!

With the help of the dim moonlight, Charles finally saw her eyes, and couldnt help but get startled.

All the assassins from ShenYue Ge were all fearless, every single one of their eyes were empty and spiritless, like killing machines. That time they sent around ten assassins, only one survived.

Charles wanted to catch them alive, but that lucky survivor realized it was a failure and immediately burned the corpses of their companions and committed suicide by jumping into the river.

Charles saw the same coldness in the eyes of this slender killer in front of him.

As expected of the scarlet fairy Shen DaiYing didnt refute him and simply clenched her sword and stared at him with those dead eyes.

Hehe, it seems like you guys didnt learn your lesson. If you want to kill me, youre going to need to send more people. After confirming her origins, Charles coldly laughed.

During that last assassination, ShenYue Ge lost around ten people, but them? They lost over one hundred!

It was a similarly dim night, the spacious courtyard was piled with bodies of his subordinates and littered with body parts. The thick red blood covered the floor, leaving no ground unstained to set foot upon. The nauseating smell of corpses filled the air, along with the metallic sounds of swords being drawn.

The little princess stood strong alone in the center of the courtyard. He didnt cower facing those coldblooded killers, even if he was about to die, he was a proud royal, the corners of his mouth curled upwards in disdain.

Afterwards, a huge golden holy spear shot down from the sky and the reserve saint Devoru appeared at the last minute with reinforcements, saving Charles.

No one knew how reinforcements got there so quickly, or why Devoru gave a damn and saved Charles, and neither did any one know how he managed to survive without a single injury.

The only thing that got out was that after that battle, Charles was covered in fresh blood from head to toe, even his originally short red hair became unusually vibrant dyed from the blood, like a demonic fairy. At that time, Charles still took care of the aftermath calmly without any panic, he even licked the blood from who knows who off the side of his mouth, like he wasnt even the one who just got saved from the jaws of death.

Since then, he obtained the nickname of Scarlet Fairy and the number of assassination attempts greatly decreased, it was like they all thought that he was unkillable.

Only the ShenYue Ge still wants to hunt this fairy!

Even if you want to kill me, isnt sending just one female childs play? Charles coldly snorted and ordered, Go, finish her! Dead or alive, just dont let her escape!

Yes, your highness!

The three responded with Devoru in lead.

He swing his long spear and rushed towards her.

It was three versus one, Heino Academy had the advantage, they thought that she would choose to run, but she didnt move at all!

As they approached, Shen DaiYIng pulled out her long sword Snow.

In an instant, flower petals started drifting down from the sky.


Just as Devoru was about to strike, the numerous petals obstructed his vision. He knew that they werent actually petals, but fatal slashes!

He abruptly stopped his charge and brandished his spear protecting his body, his golden spear head created a strong barrier crushing all the falling petals.

The clashed continued to vibrate in their ears, each light looking petal carried shocking power. Each time he struck a petal, a large tremble passed through his spear, Devorus hand that clenched the spear was going numb.

Shen DaiYing used this skill during the Intramural competition, but at that time she didnt want to reveal her true strength, and wanted to hurt Lin Xiao even less, so she didnt use her full strength. But now, she didnt need to take anything into consideration and went all out.

But mere petals couldnt stop Devoru.


He stepped forward and changed from defense into attack, he thrust his spear straight towards her head!

His speed was too fast for Shen DaiYIng even to react!

But as his spear was about to pierce flesh, she suddenly vanished!

She quickly blinked away and evaded his spear like a ghost and made a fatal slash.

Shadow Kill, Heartbreaker.

The long sword stuck along Devorus neck and pierced towards his heart. Even if he could avoid the first strike, he couldnt dodge the second.

Hmph, insignificant!

Knowing the danger, he didnt even turn. He thrust based on her killing aura and blocked her fatal strike, then retreated and swept with his spear.

Shen DaiYing frowned slightly and couldnt help but back up.

She wasnt scared of his spear, but she was worried about getting surrounded by the other two. She was an assassin, not a warrior, so her speed and fatal strikes were her advantage. If she got into a dogfight with him here and then got surrounded, nothing good will come out of it.

She gently kicked off the ground, shadow blinked, once again disappearing and retreated further away, confronting those three.

Devoru already knew that it wouldnt be that easy to defeat her, he wasnt surprised and prepared for the next bout.

Just from their exchange earlier, he knew that his opponent was an expert, and was at least a sixth level warrior just like him, he couldnt underestimate her!

You two, intercept her attacks. Shes fast so dont give her the chance to slip by and harm his highness, leave the rest to me!


Under Devorus orders, the three split left and right and pressed towards Shen DaiYing.

The three cooperated well, they didnt underestimate the enemy and jump the gun and moved with Devoru as the center. Even Water Academy couldnt achieve such order, you could easily tell that was achieved through countless times of practice.

An ordinary killer would have no way breaking through their line of defense, but Shen DaiYIng had a way.

Just them alone couldnt stop her sword.

Shadow Blink!

Careful! Block her!

Seeing their opponent disappear into the darkness again, Devoru quickly hollered. The two quickly spread to both sides and tried stopping her advance.

But they miscalculated.

Shadow Kill, Heartbreaker.

When she appeared again, her sword was already on Devorus neck!

So I was your target? Hmph, naive!

Devrou realized it was all a feint and she was after him!

But he wasnt scared of her.

He circulated his battle aura around his body and a transparent film surrounded his body aura materialization, the symbol of a sixth level warrior!

After hitting the sixth level, warriors could materialize battle aura even without battle skills and use it as powerful killing blows or for protection. Right now, Devoru used it to protect his vitals and instantly counterattacked!

Pure white spear!

The dark gold spear head along with the radiance of the pure white battle aura was thrust out, at such a close distance, she had no way of taking it. She either had to retreat or dodge, there was no way she could attack!

A glasses dropping moment happened for Devoru.

Shen DaiYing didnt dodge and rushed straight towards the spear!

Does she want to die?

He thought that his spear would surely pierce straight through her head, but she simply tilted her head slightly.

She was able to avoid the spear was such a simple movement, the spear head scratched her cheek and nicked cut her earlobe, cutting a couple of strands of hair but didnt stop her advance.

She advanced sticking close to his spear and crossed right past Devoru.

After passing him, her sword pointed straight at Charles who was hiding behind Devoru!

Charles widened his eyes in terror, obviously pushed to a hopeless situation.

But at an angle which Shen DaiYing couldnt see, he lifted the corners of his mouth slightly.

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