Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 199: Lightly-dressed Girl, Night Silver Blade

Chapter 199: Lightly-dressed Girl, Night Silver Blade

W-what are you doing?

Charles realized that she wasnt giving up by throwing away her sword, but simply switching a weapon!

He didnt understand, if she couldnt kill him with that long sword, whats the point of switching to the dagger?

Cooperate with me! Why do you have to think? Live! No matter how hard it gets, its better than dying! Charles was unwilling and continued to try and persuade her.

He could feel his previous words shaking her resolve, but for some reason, she became even angrier.

What? Did he get it wrong? Could it be that she didnt have a man she likes, but instead met a heartless bastard, so what he said made her angry?

But no matter what Charles tried to say, Shen DaiYing didnt respond.

She first took off her jacket then her silk stockings, the only thing left was her white shirt. The loose lower hem of her shirt covered her shorts, revealing two slender white legs, like she wasnt wearing anything underneath.

Like it wasnt enough, Shen DaiYing lowered her head and looked at her legs. She then lifted up one leg, bent down, and grabbed ahold of her high heels with her slender fingers.

Then, she forcefully chucked it behind her. She gently stepped onto the ground and repeated what she did with her other shoe.

It seems she wasnt accustomed to standing on the ground with her bare feet, she slightly curled her feet and shook, but she quickly readjusted.

Closely after, she slowly unsheathed the dagger.

It seems like youre not willing to cooperate. Charles regretfully sighed, Then Ill let you die. Victor, take care of it.

Your Highness? Didnt you want to catch her alive?

No Charles took a long look at that unyielding girl and shook his head, Theres no way to catch someone who wants to die, so just let her have it her way.

Charles didnt know why she was still resisting, but her actions showed that she planned to fight to the death!

As if responding to Charless conjectures, Shen DaiYings disposition underwent a huge change.

The instant she unsheathed that dagger, a black mist seeped out. It acted like a python and started coiling around her arm, then upper body, waist, legs and finally all of it was fused into her body and her eyes became pure black.

If she was an emotionless killing machine before, then now, she completely transformed into a ghost of darkness.

Shen DaiYings presence was originally already faint, but after being enveloped by the black mist, it nearly vanished. Even if you stared at her, it would feel like she would vanish from your line of sight at any time.

The first stage of Moonlight soul-flower, holding the sword Snow, was a state called Flower Burial.

The second stage, unsheathing Soul Slayer, was called Dead Moon.

The reason why she never uses Soul Slayer was because it was the key to using Dead Moon. As soon as its drawn, the killing aura would swallow her and change her into a reaper!

Why does she usually always wear black silk stocking?

Why does she always wear high-heels no matter where she goes?

The reason was to seal her own killing aura!

As soon as they were unsealed, this reaper would struggle free of its chains and harvest souls to its hearts content!

Shen DaiYing was invincible in this state.

Your Highness, somethings not right!

Devoru felt chills as he watched her change.

The other teachers felt the same way, they couldnt get careless and immediately started moving.

The five each performed their own duties, three were responsible for suppression with instant cast magic, while the other two chanted and prepared an extra-powerful seventh level large-scale magic to blow her up.

Fire Dragons Judgment!

Ice Shackles!

The roaring fire dragon and tough ice chains exploded out at the same time, the instantly cast powerful sixth level magic took ones breath away. A streak of red and one of blue enacted a beautiful song of fire and ice.

As expected of seventh level magicians, they had mutual understanding and they were adept at attack combos. A combination of ice and fire increased the destructive capability, the first wave of attacks instantly swallowed her frail body right after she drew her blade.

The explosion of magic rang throughout their ears, everyone watched as the fire dragon and ice shackles hit Shen DaiYing. These two opposing magic could create even more serious injuries than the Arc Light Assault Array, even if they had high willpower, their bodies would be be reduced to a pile of flesh.

But they miscalculated.

That pair of pitch-black eyes watched as the fire dragon came roaring towards her, and she gently raised her feet.

All that was left was a trace of her scent

After that, she completely vanished, like a shadow dispersed by the light, without leaving anything behind, this was the true shadow blink!

What? Where is she?

After the magic vanished, everyone sluggishly stared at an empty array.

Hey! Where did she go? Did she get blown to dust? Victor nervously looked left and right and tried looking for traces she left behind.

Neither them nor the acute Golden Lion Devoru could see what happened.

What kind of move was that, teleportation? Was she also a magician, otherwise how could a physical body achieve such terrifying speeds?

Light Barrier!

Advanced Magic Shield!

Wind Domain!

They used various defensive and perception magics, it was midnight but the night was illuminated to the point where it was like daytime!

Even then, they couldnt find any trace of Shen DaiYing!

Was she preparing an ambush?

Protect His Highness!

In order to protect Charles, the five people spread out to four directions surrounding Charles in the center while extending the scope of their magic trying to uncover Shen DaiYing from the darkness. Devoru also stood next to Charles and acted as his shield, preparing to block the blade.

Damn where did she go? She couldnt have escaped, right?

Victor cursed inwardly.

Just as they thought victory was within grasp. but now they couldnt even find them, let alone catch them alive.

But Shen DaiYing didnt leave them confused for too long.

Shadow Blink!

A black dot appeared in the sky, at first no one noticed, but as it expanded, the acute lion finally discovered it.

Above! Devoru yelled.


Victor instinctively looked up and instant cast a magic at it before even identifying what it was to try and force her to retreat. But he didnt know how frightening Dead Moon could be.

Shen DaiYing descended from the sky like a ghost, in the previous instant she was still high in the sky, in the next instant she was behind Victor, completely evading all the instant cast magic and defensive barriers.

Then she swung Soul Slayer.

Shadow Kill, Heartbreaker.

It was different than when she used that with her long sword, this time, her moments were as fast as lighting, where they couldnt even see her clearly.


Everyone cried out in alarm, but it was too late. None of his defensive magic could stop her blade, it was like that sharp dagger could cut through anything, including his heart!

Watch out!

At the last minute, Devoru moved!

As the blade was about to pierce Victors heart, he pushed him shifting the trajectory of the blade and making it miss its mark by several millimetres.

Even if it didnt hit the heart, the dagger inflicted a serious injury. Shen DaiYing didnt succeed in one hit and vanished again, leaving black mist, with Victor spitting out blood and losing consciousness because of the pain.

Victor! Damn, strengthen the defense, dont give her a chance to approach wait, whats that?

Just as the remaining four prepared to continue casting, they noticed that a thick black mist began surrounding them.

Everyone turned their head and were scared out of their wits.

It turns out that she didnt leave, but ran into the center of their array.

Shadow Kill, Devastating Slashes!

The girl gently moved her red lips.

In the next instant, the violent black mist swallowed everyone!

You Highness!!

The two teammates didnt know what kind of move it was and couldnt care about their own safety as they used their bodies to push Charles to the ground.

Then came waves of miserable howls.

From the start, Charles was like a calm bystander, even after being enveloped and pushed to the ground, he didnt reveal any surprise.

If he was fated to die, then he couldnt escape. If he wasnt, then

Cough your highness!

After a while, the black mist finally dispersed, because Devoru was the furthest away from the center along with the injured Victor, he wasnt harmed too much. He thought that it was the same for the others, but his face was drained of any blood after seeing them.

You guys

The teachers that were just casting magic and their teammates were all lying on the ground, covered in blood. He didnt know whether they were dead or alive.

Your highness, your highness!

Devoru called out like he was mad, quickly he saw a colorful fairy within the darkness.

Charless short hair was dyed with blood, he pushed off the body on top of him and wiped away the sticky blood from his face and rose unsteadily and blankly started at that reaper.

Lightly-dressed girl, night silver blade.

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