Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 240: One Man’s Battle

Chapter 240: One Man’s Battle

Half an hour ago.

Within the depths of the remains.

Four people with grave expressions carefully walked out of the narrow passageway, the youth leading held a map while checking the directions.

Brother, are we there yet? Yao Zi nervously grabbed her beloved brother Lin Tians arm, while constantly looking over her shoulders, afraid that a monster would jump out of the darkness.

The passageways were narrow and was dimly lit, there was also strange sounds like stone pillars collapsing that made them scared witless.

Seeing his sisters good for nothing appearance, Lin Tian wanted to tease her a bit, but an enormous explosion shook his ear drums.

Repeated explosions came from outside of the remains, the old stone pillars and walls acted as speakers and broadcasted the noise down the entire passageway as dust and small bits of stone fell from above.

The noise finally stopped after a while and the students from Bamboo Academy were finally able to shake off the dizziness.

Sister, that wouldnt be

Un, thats definitely explosions caused by magic! Wu, my ears hurt Yao Zi massaged her ears while complaining.

The explosions had strong penetrative power, and was also rhythmic, and was obviously caused by man made magic.

But who was casting magic?

Based on the sounds, it was at the front entrance of the remains, while Bamboo Academy came in through a side entrance.

Could people be fighting at the entrance? But isnt that too loud!

Hm just how many people are out there? Brother, thankfully we didnt come in through the front, otherwise that wouldve been troublesome!

Based on the scale of the magic explosions, it wasnt something possible for one or two people, there must at least be tens of people fighting outside!

But was that the case?

Since Bamboo Academy didnt go through the front, they didnt see the terrifying meteor shower. If they knew that everything was done by Lin Xiao, as he instant cast twenty seventh-level magic and annihilated all those Lesser Devils, they probably would have immediately praised him as a hero.

The noise finally stopped, Bamboo Academy hastened their pace and finally passed through the narrow hallway and everything opened up in front of them.

I-is this the silver vault?

The spacious cave was covered with shimmering silver fruits. When Lin Tian saw this, he couldnt control his excitement. After a short pause, he excitedly tossed away the map he was holding and rushed out with the crystal, frantically collecting points!

Finally! He finally found the silver vault, all these fruits were his, as long as he collected all of them, then they would jump to first place!

Thats just too lucky!!

Brother, wait, calm down!

Yao Zi had a faint ominous feeling, but she couldnt stop her brother and could only watch him crazily collect the fruits.

Hahaha! With this many fruits, Ill definitely take the championship! Haha, our luck is too good! Well be the champions! Haha!

Brother! Sigh

After hearing his words, Yao Zi didnt know what to say and could only shake her head.

Thats right, they really did it.

But wasnt their luck too good?

It was too much of a coincidence, and they were so lucky it was unreal, and gave her a strong sense of danger.

Wait I remember that Loran Academy entered the remains before us, so where are they? Yao Zi suddenly realized the problem.

How were they able to successfully reach the silver vault? Shouldnt Loran Academy have already collected all the fruits by now?

As expected, before Yao Zi asked again, the other two teammates found the answer.

Hey, look! A-arent these people from Loran Academy?

They suddenly noticed two familiar people lying in the corner at the entrance of the cave, one male one female. The male had handsome blond hair and was undoubtedly Caesar! The other girl was the famous princess of the Childe Household, Rosie!

Because of the dim lighting, no one noticed them when they came in, but after taking a closer look, they noticed these two lying unconscious next to each other.

Whats going on Yao Zi, should we Yao Zi, Yao Zi?

They didnt know what to do, and wanted to discuss with Yao Zi on what to do next, but to their surprise, her face turned ashen.

Hey! Brother, l-lets go! It was like Yao Zi foresaw something terrifying, she rushed over and grabbed Lin Tians arm wanting to pull him away.

What? Im not leaving! Lin Tian was unmoved and continued picking the fruits.

Brother, stop being foolish, take a look, this isnt the time to collect fruits!


He raised his head impatiently and saw Yao Zis impatient and anxious expression. Following the teammates line of sight, he saw Caesar and Rosie.

Eh? Its them? Strange, why are they passed out here? Were they found having a love affair here and were knocked out? Lin Tian ridiculed, not the least bit nervous.

No! Im guessing they met someone strong! But the strange thing is, with prince Caesars strength, how could they be easily defeated? Brother, we should leave, and then go eh? What are you doing?

While Yao Zi was thinking about the possibilities, when she took a closer look, she was almost angered to death by her damn brother!

Since theyre unconscious, then lets plunder their crystal?

W-what did you say?

Yao Zi was stunned as she watched Lin Tian leap towards Caesar, moving his hands up and down until he found that precious resonance crystal.

Hehe, pardon me! Lin Tian roared in laughter after obtaining the crystal and quickly plundered all their points!

Watching all the energy from the Loran Academy crystal flow into theirs, they instantly surpassed four hundred points.

Now they were for sure the champions!

Wait since their crystal is still here, that means they werent defeated by a participating team! Unlike Lin Tians excitement, Yao Zi immediately noticed what was off.

The untouched crystal, the injured Loran Academy members, the empty silver vault, and also the explosions from earlier as well as the strange footprints with all these clues put together, Yao Zi finally found an answer.

Theres a monster!

Brother, lets go! Something big must have happened, itll be too late if we dont leave!

Stop being foolish, what else can happen? Stop worrying, with such good luck how can we not cherish it? Wait until I collected all the fruits eh?

Just as Lin Tian was about to finish speaking, there was a sudden ear-piercing howl!

Whats that sound?

The two teammates turned their heads and before they could even see what burst into the cave, they just felt their body lighten with a strong pressure against their backs. They were sent flying into the air and landed heavily on the ground, unconscious.

Monster? W-what is that?

Yao Zi and Lin Tian were shocked as they watched two of their teammates get finished off in an instant.

Monster, it was really a monster!

A distorted body, thick arms, and an extremely hideous appearance. They didnt even look like living creatures, but a monster composed from multiple corpses!

Three huge monsters burst into the cave and blocked the only exit. They first sent their two other teammates flying, and now they were going to finish off Lin Tian and Yao Zi!

Was Loran Academy also finished off by these monsters? Lin Tians voice trembled and he accidentally dropped the crystal he was holding, and he was no longer able to laugh.

Now he regretted that he didnt listen to his sister, he was too greedy and now met these terrifying monsters.

Brother lets run! Yao Zi trembled with fear, if she wasnt supporting Lin Tian, she wouldve fallen again.

Run? Theyre blocking the exit, how do we run?

Are they just going to be finished off like this?

Was this good luck, or bad luck?

Good or bad, they just had to stay alive first!

Theres no choice cover me, Ill finish them off! At this point, Lin Tian could only choose to fight to the death.

Ehhhh? But, c-can we really do it

Of course! Do you still remember the magic I taught you before? Fifth-level magic, ice rain!

I remember

Okay, cover me with ice rain, and well kill our way out! Lin Tian took out his sapphire staff, didnt retreat, and stood his ground, facing off against these monsters!

Okay then, Ill listen to you I-ice rain!

Yao Zi nervously gulped and drew the magic circle according to her memories, while Lin Tian finished his magic on the side.

Ice blade!

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