Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 300: Unspoken Concern

Chapter 300: Unspoken Concern

Thats right, its your win its your win

Hebrew looked at the stone doll next to Lin Xiaos feet in a daze and repeated the same words over and over.

He still had yet to recover from his shock he had earlier.

Lin Xiao really won the bet and only used fourth-level magic to complete the challenge how did he do it?

Why did the ice ball spin around the doll and hit its butt in the end?

Hebrew has never ever heard of someone being able to control magic this finely no, actually he has.

Rumor has it that there was a grand magician called Woos tens of years ago that possessed extremely fine magic control, he could turn normal magic into a fatal killing blow. Later on he got injured and he was getting old so his strength was not what it used to be and he became a teacher at Loran Academy.

So did this kids magic power control already reach Woos level at that time?

What kind of joke is that, Woos achieved that after tens of years of practice, but hes still just a child!

Sis! He-h-h-h-h

Lin Tian felt his face get hot as he watched Lin Xiao do the impossible, it was like he just got whipped across the face, and he couldnt even speak properly.

As a magician, he obviously knew how terrifying magic power control you would need to achieve something like that. Just making a 90 degrees sharp turn in midair was probably something that he would never be able to achieve in his lifetime, let alone the rest of the outrageous movements!

Hm, he is indeed amazing, but did you notice, hes not the same as other people. Yao Zi widened her whitish eyes, losing more and more of the black in her pupils as she instinctively used the awakened wizards pupils to carefully inspect Lin Xiaos every move.

Not the same? I didnt see anything like that.

Oh you cant see it?

Yao Zi stopped and realized she can see things that other people couldnt, she shuddered and the white abruptly disappeared from her eyes, sending the almost awakened wizards pupils back into a deep slumber.

But she didnt forget what she saw earlier.

Is it his mental strength Yao Zi quietly muttered to her self.

Everyone though the reason Lin Xiao could do that was because he had strong magic control, but Yao Zi knew that his firm and robust mental power was where he was truly terrifying.

Based on Yao Zis initial estimations, Lin Xiaos mental power was at least twice that of an ordinary person, so controlling fourth-level magic was nothing to him, it was as easy as moving a finger for him. That was something that wasnt achievable with just practice, it was a level that a normal person wouldnt be able to reach in their lifetime.

Brother, the strength of his soul um no, never mind, hehe.

Yao Zi wanted to tell her brother about what she found out, but when she looked up she saw his envious expression. She couldnt help but bite her lips and swallow the rest of her words as she put more strength into her arms and hugged him with complicated feelings.

If her brother knew that Lin Xiao was an extremely rare genius, someone he will never be able to surpass, Yao Zi was worried that her brother would fall into despair and do something irrational.

Sigh, she didnt know when her brother can stop with his tireless competitive spirit. They were just normal people, why couldnt he just settle down and live an ordinary life with her in peace and quiet?

Her favorite person was her brother, yet he kept disregarding her feelings Yao Zi thought about all kinds of things while turning a deaf ear to what was happening around her.

Unlike the siblings, although Elena also saw Lin Xiaos strong mental and magic control, but she was more concerned with another minor detail.

Pervert, can you stop trying to act cool?

Ah? What did I do?

You did that on purpose, right? Elena glanced at the stone doll that Lin Xiao was stepping on and the pile of copper bloodwood, How can it be that much of a coincidence, for the doll that was sent flying to land right next to your feet theres a limit to showing off, okay?

Uh, you found out

Thats right, other than those flashy movements, what Lin Xiao was really focused on was the strength of the explosion.

The reason he spun the ice ball around the doll was because he needed to carefully adjust the angle and the strength so that the blast would accurately send the stone doll right underneath his feet so that he could step on it and create this handsome pose.

But its a shame, it was unnecessary. Other than me, no one else noticed.

Although Yao Zi had the wizards pupils, Elena had her magic radar which could also similarly detect minute magic power fluctuations, even including his deliberate adjustments and calculations.

Actually, thats enough, its not like I want anyone else to know how strong I am if you couldnt even tell, then I really would be disappointed.

W-what do you mean? Its not like I have the patience to watch you every single time dont be so full of yourself the next time.

Eh? Next time? Lin Xiao carefully thought over the hidden meaning in her words, Elena, so are you saying that earlier, you were patiently watching my casting?

Elena blushed and didnt say anything when she realized she had a slip of her mouth.

Of course, she would be worried about Lin Xiao when he made a bet with someone else, although she said that she wanted to see him make a fool of himself and kept making cynical remarks on the side, she actually helped him a lot in secret

First, she told Lin Xiao about the hidden magic circle and the copper bloodwood, then she patiently used her magic radar to watch over Lin Xiao just in case something happened. She wasnt able to relax until Lin Xiao succeeded in the end.

The demon kings care was not easily noticeable, but was twice as warm. It was truly unexpected for Lin Xiao.

Elena, y-you werent worried about me the whole time, were you? Lin Xiao scratched his head with an unnatural expression.

Who would be worried about you? I was looking forward to you losing!

If youre not worried, then why were you watching out for me

I was worried that you would lose money and I would be forced to eat potatoes with you!

Uh whats wrong with potatoes? Potatoes are the powerhouse of the different world, look at all those novels about potato politics, potato economy, dont look down on potatoes!

Pervert, I dont understand what youre talking about.

A nice atmosphere was ruined by him, Elena flipped her eyes and ignored him.

Elena, shouldnt you be used to calling me master, its not good to keep calling me pervert, okay? Although I do indeed like it

Since you like it, arent you just a pervert?

Oh is that so? But I still feel like I can be helped.

While the master-servant pair started flirting in front of everyone as usual, Lin Tian finally recovered and was squatting on the ground carefully inspecting the wood that fell out.

What is this?

Unlike his sister, Lin Tian knew quite a bit about magic theory and knowledge, especially about applications of magic circles. He even made some low grade magic tools before, so he could kind of be considered a self-taught magic tool artisan, so he could instantly see something fishy!

Inside the magic circle, there was a neat hexagram, the lines inside were twisted and there were a couple of small magic crystals embedded at the points, this was clearly used to dilute magic power!

This wood doesnt seem normal either it has a strong magic affinity and it works well with the magic circle to absorb magic power. Hebrew, this is your doing, right!?

When he finally realized the scheme, Lin Tian angrily asked Hebrew while holding the wood.

Ah? I Hey! What are you holding?

Hebrew finally recovered after he heard Lin Tian shouting at him, then he noticed that Lin Tian was holding the copper bloodwood. He instantly got impatient and started barking angrily like a dog who had its tail stepped on.

Damn kid, what are you doing? This is damaging office facilities, its punishable by fines! Give it back to me!

Hmph, still acting tough? Hebrew, this is your schemes right? You cant trick me! You bastard purposely put this wood into the stone doll to increase its magic resistance so that we cant pass the challenge, and then youll trick money from us!

B-bullshit I didnt do that! Hebrew was already sweating, even if he was arguing with a loud voice, his voice was already beginning to quiver.

It wasnt just Lin Tian that was angrily questioning him, what scared him more was that those people that were watching were all turning on him!

Hehe, I cant believe that kid blew the stone doll up, not bad. Now theres solid evidence, so theres no way out.

Yeah, someone finally got a hold of him, its over.

Isnt he just reaping what he has sown? Tsk, someone should have dealt with him a long time ago.

Those people were all alliance investigators and were only here to accept missions. They were too lazy to meddle in someone elses business and didnt want to offend anyone, so thats why they werent helping the siblings and just watched the action from the side.

But similarly, when Hebrews schemes were exposed, they also wouldnt help Hebrew. Rather, they would spread the word around around to make it even more lively!

No one knew how many old cases would be involved, but everyone knew this time, Hebrew was completely finished.

Hebrew secretly clenched his fists and his eyes were filled with hatred.

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