Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 318: A Misconception

Chapter 318: A Misconception

Ah, wait for me to finish! Lin Xiao grabbed Elenas arm and didnt let her move and then realized the ambiguity in his words, I meant for you to transform and let me ride you to escape!


Elena stopped and realized Lin Xiaos intentions.

Yao Zi was almost about to finish casting, so it wasnt likely for them to be able to escape just with their legs alone. If she turned into a black cat, she could take Lin Xiao and escape before she finished casting.

Although Elena didnt really want to be ridden by Lin Xiao, that was the only way right now.

Okay, let me try, I hm?

Elena resolved herself and just as she was about to stimulate the power of the demon king within her to transform, she suddenly noticed a trace of discordant magic power fluctuation.

Elena, hurry up! Its not like youll die or get pregnant if I ride you! Or rather isnt that better for you! Then you can get out of the contract? So hurry up otherwise well both die!

Lin Xiao continued to press her, but Elena responded all calm and composed.

We dont need to run.

Hah? So are we waiting for her to burn us to death?

Elena looked back at Yao Zi who was surrounded by the magic storm and calmly said, Who told you that she would for sure succeed?

Ah? You mean

She failed.

Earlier, she noticed a trace of discordant magic which was completely different to how smooth it was after Lin Xiao used deconstruction, not only was the magic power not quelled, rather it became more violent.

Eighth-level magic required an enormous amount of magic power, if it was controlled well, then you would be able to cast extremely destructive magic, if you couldnt then that power would become a trap of ones own devise.

The magic barrier suddenly began to speed out and become more violent, like an angry tornado. It picked up the pitch-black scorched earth as it spun and the originally translucent magic barrier became a pitch-black wind pillar.

What the hell? Lin Xiao was dumbfounded.

But it wasnt over yet, the dirt that was picked up was crushed smaller and smaller. As if dragged down by the dust, the tornado finally slowed down and then a sudden explosion happened.

When the tornado and the rampaging magic vanished, tons of dust was sent flying. The surrounding sky was completely covered by the dust and even the sunlight was blocked out.

But it would eventually land.

Watch out!

Lin Xiao cried out and quickly held Elena with his back towards the sky, in the next instant, the dirt completely buried them.

A heavy pressure, darkness, fear being buried alive wasnt a pleasant experience. Lin Xiao held his breath and endured the increasing pressure until the last of the dirt landed before he dug one arm out an struggled to dig a way out.

He then also dragged Elena with him, but compared to him, digging her out was way more work. Although her waist and arms were slender, but her chest!

Lin Xiao just needed to dig a bit and slip out, but Elena couldnt, her chest kept getting stuck. Lin Xiao also didnt want to force her out in case she got injured, so he could only dig slowly around her with his hands.


After all that, neither of them had any energy left and they both sprawled out lying on the ground while panting.

Strange didnt they say that the wizards bloodline was the strongest? So why did Yao Zi fail? Lin Xiao spat out the dirt in his mouth and complained.

Clearly, Yao Zi wasnt able to control the magic power and she never learned deconstruction. Although her eyes could see the movement of magic power, she couldnt understand the groundbreaking new method of casting at all.

Peh! Isnt failing normal? Elena responded to Lin Xiao weakly.

Why did this guy not have any self-awareness?

What did he think the possessor of the wizards bloodline was? The creator? The goddess? Someone who can freely change the rules of magic?

Yao Zis magic power was only at the fifth level, the fact she could control outside magic power to cast magic two levels above her was already a transcendental miracle. Expecting her to skip three levels and cast eighth-level magic that was essentially the human limit was just a joke!

Lin Xiao, do you not know how strong eighth-level magic is?

Hm slightly stronger than seventh-level magic?

What? You idiot! Just slightly stronger!??? Did you know? When I transform, Im completely immune to normal seventh-level magic other than group bombardments, otherwise, its very difficult for magic seventh-level and below to hurt me. But even I cant meet eighth-level magic head-on! How many grand magicians practice their entire lives and die before even being able to cast eight-level magic, and yet you used some strange technique to skip a level and cast it pervert, do you know what that means?

I dont know. Does that mean Im very strong? Lin Xiao thoughtlessly chucked and didnt understand the severity of the situation at all.

You!? Sigh

Elena didnt have any more energy to get angry.

She knew that those magic werent even worth mentioning to him, even the eighth-level magic that can harm the demon king was only just slightly stronger.

Because of that misconception, Lin Xiao had the wrong idea, since he could successfully cast eighth-level magic, then Yao Zi who was touted to the heavens should naturally be able to succeed.

But Yao Zi failed, so he felt surprised and confused, and was disappointed because it felt unbelievable.

What kind of bullshit logic was that?

Does Lin Xiao still not understand how strong he is?

The wizards bloodline was nothing compared to his talent in magic.

Deconstruction, Lin Xiao was able to use it simply through memory, without even practicing it. Just with that fact, he was undoubtedly already the strongest magician in Eileen!

Although Yao Zi could imitate him, there was no way she would be able to imitate everything.

Sigh, lets just go home. Elena helplessly sighed, and it felt like she aged a lot in an instant.

Since we made such a large commotion, everyone in Winterless City probably heard it. Youre right its going to be troublesome if we dont get out of here lets go!

Lin Xiao didnt waste any more and got up with Elena as they supported each other and tried leaving.

But he suddenly stopped after taking a couple of steps.

Shit we forgot something!

Lin Xiao turned and looked at Elenas blood-red eyes and she instantly realized it.

Yao Zi Yao Zi is gone!?

Those two only worried about digging themselves out and completely forgot about the existence of another person Yao Zi was definitely also buried alive!

What do we do?

What else? Save her!

Lin Xiao didnt hesitate, no matter what happened, even if the kingdoms soldiers came and arrested them, Lin Xiao couldnt just leave her behind.

Elenas use your magic radar to find her, Ill go dig!


The two split up the duties and cooperated to quickly find where Yao Zi was. They got down to the ground and use the surrounding rocks as tools to dig until they finally revealed a part of her from the thick layer of scorched earth.

Black hair, and this pale arm its her! Keep digging!

They were worried they would hurt her, so they tossed the rocks aside and continued to dig with their hands, then dragged her out from underneath.

One, two pull!

The girl was finally saved.

But the strange thing was, when they finally saw that girl, both Lin Xiao and Elena had a strange expression.

That was because all of her clothes were burnt off, so she was currently completely naked.

Lin Xiao, dont look!

I-Im not, I wont look, definitely not uh, how about one peek?

Ill rip your eyes out!

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