Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 322: Final Gift

Chapter 322: Final Gift

Winterless City, West Gate

Within the gate, there was a silent convoy, and outside the gate, there was a blond youth silently staring at the convoy and the person sending him off.

Are you really going?The man at the head murmured.

Brother, as matters stand, are you still trying to make me stay?

Sigh, forget it, I cant stop you.

The man sighed and swallowed all his complaints.

Thomas came today to send his little brother off, it would be too hurtful if they had a falling off before parting ways. So he controlled his emotions and gave him his final warnings.

Caesar, listen up this times mission is no small matter, Gotham Kingdom has a plague outbreak and several small cities in the west have already become ghost cities. Although the church has developed medicine, but theres a limited amount. Also, this times plague wasnt an accident, but someone purposely did something behind the scenes, actually

Actually, the heros holy sword was already smuggled into Gotham Kingdom you already told me that so many times.

Uh since you already know, alright then. Thomas awkwardly smiled and looked at the pink-haired girl, and curiously asked, Is Rosie also going with you?

En, she just had to come with me, I couldnt shake her off. Caesar responded honestly.

Since the lady is willing to go take the risk with you, that McCarthy really spoils her. Thomas supplemented, Dont you let her down.

Brother, you misunderstand, Im just

I understand, your heart isnt settled and you want to spread your wings. Just dont go too far dont forget, you still have a marriage in half a year.

Caesar clenched his fists when he thought of the marriage.

Once married, he would have no way to go wherever he wants, perhaps he might even have to resign his investigator position, let alone become a hero. He would have to obediently stay home and peacefully live out the rest of his life doing nothing he didnt want that!

This was his last opportunity!

If he could successfully complete this S rank mission and help the hero find the lost sword, then perhaps he could persuade his father to give him a bit more time although the chances are slim, hes willing to give it a shot.

Sigh he brought up a touchy subject again, Thomas shook his head and spoke of something else, Right, isnt your fiancce also very strong? Why isnt she going with you? Also what about that Lin something right, Lin Xiao, why isnt he going with you?

ShenDai Ying had other arrangements, and I didnt want to go with her. He turned to glance at Rosie as he spoke.

Actually, he did think of looking for ShenDai Ying, an extra hand was always better, but when he considered that Rosie was also going, if he brought ShenDai Ying, then they would definitely get into it on the way there, so in order to avoid trouble, he didnt invite ShenDai Ying.

Of course he didnt know that ShenDai Ying already had teamed up with someone else.

As for Lin Xiao, sigh

If he could team up with him, they could definitely successfully complete the mission, and they wouldnt have to be scared of anybody.

Its because Lin Xiao changed a lot recently, he wasnt the dispirited youth he once was, he finally found his goal in life and become a reliable man that could be entrusted with heavy responsibilities.

His intellect and strategies along with Caesars strength and bravery, they would form a great team! However

His ambitions are elsewhere.

Oh, I heard it seems like hes not that motivated. Thomas agreed and nodded.

As for that youth, Thomas has also heard of him.

Lin Xiao had talent and opportunity, but just lacked ambition and just wanted to live a peaceful life unlike Caesar.

Speaking of that, if Lin Xiao and Caesars personalities and positions could be swapped, both of them would be extremely happy.

If Lin Xiao wasnt a commoner, but a prince, he wouldnt have to be forced to run around even if he didnt become someone strong, he could enjoy a life of luxury and a free foreign princess as a wife.

And Caesar? If he wasnt a prince, he could live freely as a commoner and do whatever he wanted to. He could be a hero or mercenary and no one could stop him, and no one would hep him decide his future wife and destroy the rest of his life.

But unfortunately that kind of exchange doesnt exist.

Ill just see you up to here, be careful. Thomas sighed and patted Caesars shoulder.

Wait for my good news! Caesars nodded and had a resolute gaze full of confidence. He touched the sword at his waist and turned to leave without any hesitation.

Rosie was already getting impatient as she waved at Caesar while making faces at Thomas, like she was blaming him for speaking too much and wasting time.

Thomas lightly chuckled, then heard a strange sound coming from behind him, he could help but hit his head and stop Caesar.


Whats wrong?

Caesar stopped and thought that his nagging brother was going to persuade him again, but when he turned around, he saw a short girl suddenly jump out from the convoy.

The girl was wearing a grey hood and tried to cover her face as best as possible.



Caesar and Rosie looked at each other, never expected to meet his sister, princess Pelle here.

That little girl ran over and started at Caesar for a bit, finally she wasnt able to hold back her sorrow and threw herself at Caesar while wailing.

Caesar was dumbfounded and looked towards Thomas, but he found that he already went back into his carriage with an attitude like this didnt concern him.

Pellle, why did you come? Father forbids you from leaving the palace without permission!

Brother! I dont want you to leave, I heard you were leaving so I begged brother Thomas to sneak me out

As expected it was him

Brother, are you really going? I heard that this mission was extremely dangerous, not only the enemies but also theres a terrifying plague brother, even if you could beat up the enemies, you cant beat up the plague! Pelle hugged onto his and lifted her head with teary eyes and wouldnt let him go.

Pelle heard that the outbreak has already killed thousands of people, the alliance sending investigators was just throwing people into the fire pit, even if they found the source of the plague and eliminated the person behind the scenes, they would have to sacrifice quite a bit of people. Once infected, it would be hard even for the strong to survive!

This couldnt compare to the Heino Kingdom Academy tournament, this was a real battle, the plague was in the light and the enemies were hidden in the dark, who knows what dangers Caesar would encounter if something happened

Dont worry Pelle, Ill definitely be back safe and sound. Caesar patted her head and spoke gently.

Little sister Pelle, dont worry, Caesars so strong, how can anything happen to him that easily? Even if you dont trust him, you can trust me! Dont worry, there will be no problems with me protecting him!

Uh Im worried because youre there. Pelle glanced at Rosie with contempt.

Tsk, you really are a disrespectful brat! I-Im also very strong, I recently became a fifth-level magician!

Hmph, sister Rosie just depends on expensive magic tools to hit people you arent strong at all.

Uh who told you that? Tell me, Im going to beat them to death with money!

I hate rich people! Pelle pouted and then rubbed her red eyes and looked up at Caesar, Brother, are you really going to take the risk?

Pelle, Ill be back safe. Caesar promised.

O-okay then, if thats the case

Seeing as how she couldnt persuade him, she bit her lips and made a decision.

She reached her hand inside her pocket and fished out a small crystal bottle and then carefully handed it over.

Brother, this is for you!

Whats this?

Caesar took the crystal bottle and was confused.

Rather than a crystal bottle, it was more appropriate to call it an accessory. The bottle was filled with several drops of a dark purple liquid and there was also a thin string around it, making it look like a pendant.

Brother, wear it!

Pelle took it and helped him wear it then quietly whispered.

T-this is an antidote I spent a lot to get, I heard that as long as you drink the drops of medicine in the bottle, even if youre infected, youll immediately recover!


Caesar was shocked as he looked down at the purple pendant on his neck.

He naturally knew how much it was worth, even if it was just a couple of drops, it could save his life.

Even though the Holy Light Church developed medicine for the plague, because of its production cost, it wasnt enough to treat everyone, the more potent medicine was even rarer, so Pelle was very lucky to be able to get this small bottle.

Brother, I wouldnt mind even if you take that ShenDai Ying slut as a wife, if you marry sister Rosie as well, I-Ill also agree as long as you come back safe and sound.

Un, definitely.

Caesar clenched the pendant and promised.

Hehe, little sister Pelle is so sweet, wait until your sister-in-law is back and Ill definitely reward you!

Hmph, its too early for you to be my sister-in-law! Then brother goodbye.


Caesar patted Pelles head again and parted ways and set off with Rosie along with her final gift.

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