Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 335: Difficulty

Chapter 335: Difficulty

Nightown, outside the doors to the alliance office.

The pale yellow setting sun, the quiet alleyways. The liveliness outside the office was in direct contrast to how Nighttown originally was.

A group of rough-looking men surrounded a feeble girl outside the office. They looked at her with sparkling eyes full of expectations, while the girl was helplessly standing on the streets, even though her own brother and that lazy leader was standing next to her, she was still panicking and wanted to run away.

Lin Xiao, are we really doing it?

Of course!

But what if I fail

Dont worry, your power may still be slumbering, but you can already make use of it. I already taught you how last time you havent forgotten, right?

Un, I havent, Im just a bit worried

Dont be scared! Yao Zi, believe in yourself, show them your skills! Youre someone I personally taught! Lin Xiao stuck up his thumb at her.

Sister, do your best! Although youre an idiot, you can definitely do it! This time, Xiao Tian who didnt know how to speak also sent his considerate blessings.

Wuu okay, Ill try.

Since they all said that, Yao Zi could only do her best.

Lin Xiao planned to have Yao Zi and Xiao Tian join the team. In order for Yao Zi to prove herself, she had to demonstrate her power in front of others.

For Yao Zi, she wasnt interested in it at all, if she had a choice she would rather not take the risk. But Lin Xiao already guaranteed that nothing would go wrong as long as she listened to him. Her brother also really wanted to join so she had no choice.

But how would she show off her skills?

From the investigation she did with Lin Xiao, she had some understanding of her strength, there were only two moves that she could use and one of them was the wizards pupils.

If she strained her eyes she could clearly see the flow of magic, it was a convenient skill.

But unfortunately, although strong, it was impossible to show off.

All that happens when she uses that skill, her eyes go white, to others she would just look like an idiot that was rolling her eyes back, so the only other thing she could do was imitation!

Copy magician, Kakayao, presenting!

Abra, whos the strongest magician here? Lin Xiao asked while pointing to the crowd around them.

Hm what do you want to do?

Nothing, just showing you guys the power of the wizards bloodline!

Then why do you want the strongest magician dont tell me you want to fight?

Abra thought that Lin Xiao wanted to find the strongest magician to have a fight with to show Yao Zis strength, but he was wrong.

Thats so boorish, even if we were to fight, you guys wouldnt be able to beat her, so its boring.

Hah? Stinking brat, dont get too full of yourself!

Before Abra could say anything, a middle-aged man wearing a long dark green robe walked out from the crowd.

Oh? Are you the strongest magician?

Hmph, I might not be the strongest, but Im at least stronger than all of you!

Archer, calm down, we didnt come to fight.

Dont worry Abra, I wouldnt get into it with a bunch of kids.

Okay then Lin Xiao, let me introduce you, hes Archer, an advanced sixth-level magician, hes considered the core of our team.

Although he said he was comparatively strong, he was actually the strongest one. An advanced sixth-level magician would be considered the core of any team.

Archer? Okay then, could you please come over here?

Hmph, I want to see how strong the so-called wizards bloodline is.

Who knows whether it was because he constantly pulled all-nighters but his hair was sparse. He held a dark brown wooden staff and looked like a fifty-year-old man, but he wasnt even forty yet. It goes to show how much effort he put into training magic.

Advanced sixth-level magic, it may be only one level higher than Lin Tian and Yao Zi who were fifth-level, but sixth-level was a bottleneck. So many people go a lifetime not being able to break through, at sixth-level you become able to use many practical skills like chantless instant cast and multi-casting, greatly increasing ones strength!

Tell me, what do you need me to do? Archer held the staff and walked in front of Yao Zi standing right across from her.

Simple, please cast one of your strongest and most complex spells.

Just that? Kid, Im not a clown, why should I waste my magic power to show off magic spells for you?

Not a show, a demonstration.

A demonstration? So youre saying that as long as I demonstrate it once, she can imitate my magic?

Thats right!


All magic needed practice and magic power to cast and Yao Zi was only fifth-level, how could she imitate sixth-level magic? Let alone casting after just seeing it once, however

Those two seem extremely serious and they dont seem to be bluffing. He himself has also heard a lot about the wizards bloodline, so if shes genuine, then perhaps she really can do this logic-defying stuff.

Cough okay, then let me test whether you are genuine or not!

Since things have gotten to this point, then Archer didnt care anymore, even if he wanted to lecture those kids, he would wait until after the test.

Although the chances were low, but what if she could actually do it?

Take a look, this is the most powerful magic I can currently cast, advanced sixth-level earth magic, Rock Burst.

Oh, okay, then Im counting on you. Lin Xiao nodded and backed up to stand next to Abra and the others, then he shouted towards Yao Zi, Believe in yourself, imitate him like how you imitated me, its not difficult this time, you can definitely do it!


Yao Zi nervously responded and clenched her fit at Lin Xiao and her own brother then waited for Archer with wide eyes.

What? Imitate me like how she imitated you, and its not difficult? You brat, how infuriating!

Lin Xiaos words left an unpleasant taste in Archers mouth.

That kid looks kind with his innocent smile but why are his words so condescending?

Lin Xiaos words meant that since she was able to successfully imitate Lin Xiaos magic which was more difficult, she could for sure imitate his which was easier.

According to that reasoning, then that must mean that Lin Xiao was even stronger than Archer and could cast even stronger magic than his?

Young man, dont exaggerate too much bragging in private was one thing, but shouting it out in front of everyone?

Of course, Lin Xiao didnt even realize he accidentally let it slip, he just wanted to encourage Yao Zi. Archer just took it as Lin Xiao talking big and didnt dwell on it.

Actually, that might have been a good thing for Archer

If he was to find out that Lin Xiao could cast even stronger seventh-level magic and can even use deconstruction to cast eight-level magic without any tools, such that even Yao Zi couldnt imitate him, he would probably pass out.

Sometimes, ignorance is truly bliss

Archer closed his eyes and clutched his staff as he gently tapped the end of his staff on the ground and his robes started blowing around without wind.

Rock Burst!

At the same time as when the chant was complete, the crystal on top of the staff glowed and when everyone took a look the circle was almost done.

Using the staff to supplement and carving the commonalities between magic circles for earth magic onto the crystal ahead of time. That way, any earth magics would be amplified to a certain degree and you could even speed up the circle completion time, impressive!

Un not bad Lin Xiao, are you also a sixth-level magician?

No, Im just like Xiao Tian, only fifth-level. Lin Xiao blinked and honestly responded.

Really? Abra couldnt believe it.

Of course! Ah, owww, Elena, why did you step on me? I never lied ah, why are you kicking me now? Hmph, I didnt lie, Im fifth-level, no matter how much you kick me!


Elena quietly cursed at him and her eyes were showing she was dissatisfied at his lies.

Lin Xiao, why did she kick you?

ShenDai Ying who was standing on Lin Xiaos other side asked.

Sister Ying, dont worry, theres something wrong with her head.

Oh, is that so? Then why did it feel like you enjoyed getting kicked by her?

Uh Sister Ying, it looks like theres something wrong with your head too?

Hehe, how can you say that to me since you like getting kicked by women, then let me help too.

Wait! Sister Ying, youre wearing high-heels, your kick is going to kill me!

Oh my, do you not trust me? How could I kick you to death? At most Ill just cripple you.

Hey! thats no good either!

On this side, while Lin Xiao was flirting with the two girls, they didnt realize that Archer was already done.

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