Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 409: The Illusion Called Fear

Chapter 409: The Illusion Called Fear

Tomboy, miss, Im here getting beat and you guys are flirting over there, wait until you go home for that!

Rosie and Claire were hugging each other like a couple while Lin Xiao couldnt shake Caesar off.

Caesar, you idiot, do you really think you can beat me? Hurry and stop, I dont kill nobodies!

Lin Xiao was holding on with his magic shield and trying to persuade him to stop.

Rosie is my woman, I can do whatever I like to her, its none of your concern!

Caesar completely ignored him while muttering to himself and crazily swinging his sword around.

Motherfucker, this guy went crazy, completely insane

Compared to their fight with Darkness, Lin Xiao felt like this battle was more difficult.

It wasnt because Caesar is stronger, but it was because he couldnt actually fight!

Caesar started coming at him for some reason and it wasnt like he could just treat him as an enemy and bombard him with magic, so he could only defend. As a magic swordsman, Caesar was most suited for offense, so it put Lin Xiao in a difficult position.

Elena, Sister Ying, and Claire hurry up and think of something!

Lin Xiao couldnt fight back and had to take it, its not like he could just let this go on and hope for Caesar to tire himself out.

ShenDai Ying was nervous as she watched the two of them and wanted to go help, but since Caesar wasnt in control of himself it was difficult for her to do anything without seriously injuring or killing him, so she could only worry.

Was Caesar infected? ShenDai Ying asked nervously.

No, it was because of that small black thing. Elena shook her head.

When the black thing that Darkness threw exploded, she sensed that a strand of black mist went into Caesars nose. She didnt mind it in the beginning, but now there was a crisis!

A small black thing? Something like this?

When they mentioned it, Rosie quickly took out the small black thing that Caesar handed to her earlier and showed everyone.

Yes, that! Feeling the same king of energy, Elena spoke with certainty, This should be the crystallization of some black magic, its like a magic tool but also like a living thing, its strange.

Even the knowledgeable demon king couldnt tell what the black thing was and could only speculate, but those speculations were already amazing to other people.

Crystallization of black magic? Living thing?

How could a maid have such insight its no wonder Lin Xiao likes her that much and goes everywhere with her. Not only is she beautiful but shes also quite knowledgeable.

So, he used that black thing to influence Caesars mind before he died?

Un, should be. Elena glanced at the tomboy and nodded.

Caesars appearance was similar to her thirteenth aunt.

Her aunt was controlled by black magic, there were blackish-purple festering wounds on her body and she was acting completely different and even wanted to kill her own niece.

Caesar was acting far crazier than her aunt!

Die! You mongrel!! Im the prince of Lombard Kingdom, how dare you plebeians look me in the eyes, kneel!

Rosie couldnt believe that the madman screaming right now was Caesar.

Foolish plebeian, die! Ripple sword, extreme inferno slash!

Fuck, youre really trying to kill me!

There was no way he could block that with just a magic shield, he still had to use the mystic bullets to neutralize the attack.

Lin Xiao had no choice and could only use a sea of purple stars to meet his attack. The expected explosion never came, there was only the resonating sound of the mystic energy. Although Caesars ripple sword was strong, it couldnt handle the annoying mystic bullets and was completely swallowed.


Sister Ying, watch out! Stop him, that pervert is running to Rosie again!

Hah? Pervert? You have the gall to call someone else a pervert?

Caesar what are you doing!?

I want to have kids with Rosie! Shes my woman, dont stop me!

Caesar, you arent that kind of person, wake up!

After a bit of useless persuasion, Caesar already rushed in front of them and was reaching out for Rosie. ShenDai Ying finally couldnt hold back anymore.

Butterfly dance!

Caesar was only focused on Rosie and completely ignored ShenDai Ying and ended up being enveloped by the light from her blade.

The sharp blade sliced his flesh and left a shallow cut across his neck.

ShenDai Ying was soft-hearted, there was no way to actually cut down since Caesar wasnt an assassination target. When Caesar was cut, he also realized the danger and jumped up and wanted to attack from a different angle.

Your opponent is me!

Lin Xiao finally neutralized Caesars attack and continued to entangle him with the mystic bullets.

W-whats going on

The Caesar she knew was upright, and never put on airs despite his status. He treated people modestly and would never do something disrespectful even if he met someone he liked of the opposite sex, he was a classy gentleman.

But Caesar was completely different now, he was arrogant and insolent and even tried to forcibly push her down, he was like an animal!

Faced against Caesar who lost control, no one else knew what to do. They could only let Lin Xiao keep him busy while hoping someone could come up with a good idea.

If it really didnt work, they couldnt just allow Caesar to continue doing that, so they would have to

Wait! Elena, so are you saying the plague is actually just a rare variant of black magic? It seemed like Claire suddenly thought about something and quietly asked.

It should be.

So that means those people became strange because of black magic?

Those people?

The people Claire mentioned were some sick people she met in the city.

During the peak of the plague, in order to stop the spread, they had to lock up all the people that were suspected of being infected.

Most of the people that were infected all showed varying degrees of madness and twitching, but one small group of people had completely different symptoms.

They had very few festering wounds and didnt appear mad, but their personalities changed and they were like completely different people!

One of them was an investigator, he was originally a brave tough guy, but became cowardly after being infected, he hid in the corner and trembled when I asked a question there was also a generous merchant that like making friends and was outspoken, but he became petty and stingy and there were a couple of others anyways, their personalities became completely opposite!

Completely opposite?

Her thirteenth aunt was a perfect example.

Adele was originally an aloof lazy cat that cared about the younger generation, but after being affected by black magic, she became aggressive and jealous. However much she liked Elena before, that was how much she wanted to kill her after, her personality was completely inverted.

And Caesar is like that too.

However noble and proper he was, he became that much more indecent and perverted.

Since its black magic, then they must be affected mentally Im guessing that the mentally weak ones who dont have strong wills would fall into madness and become the living dead, and the mentally stronger ones would have their personalities changed and become someone completely opposite!

Claire made a judgment based on her investigation form before.

A change of personality is it So you mean that the black magic would erode their willpower and then expose the darkness hidden underneath the surface?

That reasoning seemed logical

There were no fearless warriors in this world, even the bravest person has fears. The so-called bravery is just gritting your teeth and toughing it out, so thats why that tough guy acted so cowardly.

By the same reasoning, there was no such thing as a genuinely generous merchant, they all have other things in mind, so once he was affected by black magic, his darkness was exposed.

By the same reasoning

Perhaps the seemingly upright Caesar was just pretending all along? Hes actually perverted and arrogant but he just usually suppresses it.

So he was faking it all along? Rosie muttered after hearing Elenas words.

So Caesar treated her politely but he actually just took her as a female plaything?

No, I dont think he was faking the reason black magic can change their personality is not because of exposing their inner darkness. Claire shook her head and didnt agree with what Elena said.

Perhaps they were forced to become what they least wanted to be or perhaps, its fear.

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