Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 431: A Nocked Arrow Must Be Fired

Chapter 431: A Nocked Arrow Must Be Fired

Hundreds to thousands of living dead surged into the camp under the moonlit skies, they had no fear of death and continued to battle as they lost their limbs. Along with their numbers and ugly festering appearance, these faithful believers were shaken and their arms began trembling.

Against this living dead army, they could only fight shoulder to shoulder and formed a human wall hoping to stop this wave of attack.

Where did these monsters come from? We clearly investigated the surroundings earlier and didnt see them!

They were so careful, so how did they still get caught? Did these monsters just come up from the ground?

Look, those monsters are covered in mud, and it stinks could they have crawled out of the northern marshes?

What? The northern marshes!?

That area was incomparably smelly, normal people wouldnt be able to hide there at all, so they didnt mind it too much, but they forgot that it had no effect on these living dead!

The sudden attack made them fall into a temporary panic, but the living dead army isnt that forgiving. The monsters surged forth and grabbed two unfortunate souls from the wall and tore them to shreds.

What, what should we do!?

No matter how sharp the sword in their hands were, they will still eventually tire, no matter how strong their magic was, they will still eventually run out. One side was constant attrition of flesh and blood, the other was wave after wave of the living dead. No matter how much they fought shoulder to shoulder, they wouldnt be able to last much longer.

Everyones morale was continuously dropping and the number of the living dead was continuously increasing, the collapse of their human wall was just a matter of time.

Just as they were despairing, a pretty little girl suddenly walked out of the tent.

Hang in there, everyone! Ill help!

Saintess Snow? Saintess!

They looked back and saw Bob leading a cute little girl and brought her to them.

Snows appearance swept away all their doubts and they instantly got motivated. As long as Snow was there, there was nothing they had to be afraid of!

Just think about it, Snow was just a little girl yet she had no fear, so how could the adults cower?

As if answering everyones anticipations, Snow clapped her hands together with a solemn expression as if undergoing the most devoted prayer to the Goddess. She muttered a chant and her long hair and robes began billowing as she was completely enveloped by holy white light.

The light got brighter and brighter and the little girl slowly started floating! Her legs left the ground and were suspended in midair as if the Goddess descended.

Blessings Divine Barrier!

The halo expanded with Snow as the center and the milky light enveloped everyone. At this time, Snow was like a warm sun that illuminated them.

As they were showered in the light, everyone felt refreshed and their swords felt lighter as well. The dazzling light didnt just chase away the darkness, but also purified their fears. On the other hand, the living dead detested the light, just by being touched, it was like they were being scorched away, so they didnt approach.

Seeing that, everyone was instantly filled with confidence.

Long live Saintess Snow!

Protect the Saintess!

As the battle became more intense, the light barrier slowly dimmed and Snow slowly landed on the ground. Bob hurried over and held Snows hand excitedly.

Saintess, youre amazing! With your blessings, we can hold out no matter how many monsters there are!

Is that so? Snow simply sighed.

Saintess, why are you sighing? We have the upper hand now, youre already safe!

Bob, you fool, whats the point of just being safe? Do you know how many living dead there are?


Bob awkwardly looked up into the distance and understood what Snow meant.

They may have the upper hand now, but they were completely surrounded by a seemingly endless number of living dead, so if they dont think of a way, they would still be finished!

Then what should we do? Why dont we rush out in one go!

Bob, what stupid thing are we saying now, were relying on the barrier to barely hold on. If we leave it, a lot of people will die. Snow couldnt see, but still grasped the situation better than Bob did.

Then what should we do?

Theres only one way, Ill take the black core myself out of the encirclement and draw them away!


Bob almost couldnt believe his own ears, but he quickly understood.

The reason the living dead were continuously assaulting their camp must be because there was someone directing them. Their goal was to break through their defenses and get the black core back from Snow, so if Snow took the core out, they would surely chase her and then everyone will be saved.

A seemingly reasonable escape plan but Bob was no fool, how could he be tricked?

Snow couldnt see and was just a little girl, so how far could she run by herself? She will get caught very quickly.

Snow planned to sacrifice herself for everyone else!

Saintess Snow, no! H-how could we sacrifice you to live!? Bob held onto Snows hands tightly.

Uh calm down, I didnt want to go myself anyway. Snow ripped his hands off and was a bit irritated.

Her original plan was to have the crucifix guards laying in ambush and once the fighting here began, she would get Elona to bring herself out of the encirclement. With her protection, she could safely arrive at the target location and meet the opponents subsequent pursuit.

But who knows where Elona went off to at such an important time!

But it couldnt be helped, a nocked arrow had to be fired, the opponent already made a move, so Snow was forced to receive it.

So she had to find another person to lead the way.

Bob, you dont want me to sacrifice myself, right?

Of course! If you were to die, I will die with you! Bob patted his chest.

Oh, great, then come with me.

Snow was waiting for those words!

After Snow heard Bobs declaration, she nodded her head in satisfaction and pulled his hand to get ready to head out.

Eh?? Saintess, a-are you really going?

What else? Are we just going to wait here to die? My maid isnt here and I cant see, so someone has to lead the way.

Uh, yes

Whats wrong Bob, are you scared?

W-what a joke Saintess, Im not afraid! I just think

Hehe, dont worry Bob, we wont die. Snow pulled Bob close and whispered to him, I actually have other arrangements as long as you listen, nothing will happen to us.

Really? Bob nervously gulped and knew it was important. He calmed down after looking around to make sure no one else heard.

Okay Saintess, Ill listen to you!

Okay, then lets go!

After finding a guide, Snow ordered everyone else.

Everyone focus your attacks on the east side!

Yes, Saintess!

After they received her orders, a holy cross shot forth and instantly cleared out a safe path.

Bob, lets go!


Bob picked Snow up and then rushed forth through the only opening!

Everyone watched in shock when they saw that.

As expected, after Snow ran, the living dead army also lost interest and quickly chased after her.

Were saved?

Without the living dead surrounding them, everyone breathed out in relief, then suddenly realized it was Snow that lured the enemies away!

Does Saintess Snow plan on sacrificing herself to save us?

Theres a narrow road to the east, there must be an ambush planned we have to hurry and catch up!

Although much slower, everyone reorganized and chased after Snow.

After the living dead and the believers left, the only thing remaining were corpses

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