Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 435: Just Can’t Accept It

Chapter 435: Just Can’t Accept It

It seems like you have no plans of joining us.

Bob could read her implied meaning and noticed several strands of spiderwebs in the corner of his eyes. If he let his guard down, he would immediately be wrapped up.

Is this your response?

Bob shook his head while being careful of Snows ambush and gave up on persuading her.

Although he didnt know what Snows obsession was, he knew that it was Snows only pillar that no one could shake, so if he couldnt do it the easy way, then he just had to do this the hard way!

Sigh, Snow, youre so young and talented, I really dont want to kill you.

Bob shook his head regrettably, but Snow didnt buy it.

Bob, you sure talk big we still dont know whos killing who yet!

Snow snorted and tightened the webs and was ready for action.

Damn again?

Bob dodged left and right to avoid the webs. It was just as Snow said, currently they still couldnt tell who would come out on top.

Every single strand of her webs was extremely sensitive, as long as one touched him, all the surrounding webs would all come over and wrap him up.

So Bob could only hide in a high location, but he also loses the ability to attack, if he kept on dragging it on, then the crucifix guard would eventually notice and rush over, then his mission would have gone to waste!


No, Bob had a surefire way of winning! Even he could cut down a mere fallen angel!

But he just needed a bit of time

Whats wrong Bob? Is the view from the sky good? Come down, lets have a proper fight!

Snow angrily called out while continuing to chase him with her webs.

Come down you bastard!

Tsk, Im not coming down if you want to kill me, why dont you come up!

Bastard! I cant fly, how would I go up? You come down, lets decide on a victor!

No, come up if you can!

Uh Bob, are you a three-year-old child? Stop wasting time and get down here!

No! Idiot, youre the child!

Bob immaturely retorted while using the black mist to go up higher and continued dodging.

How immature! How are you going to get the black core by staying in the sky? If you want to complete your mission, then hurry up and come down to kill me!

Ah! Of course, Ill do that! Just wait!

Bastard, what the hell are you planning?

No matter how Snow taunted him, Bob wouldnt fall for it, he continued running away and immaturely calling out to Snow.

But this didnt last for long, Bob finally got what he was waiting for!

Snow, did you think your black magic is invincible? Im telling you now, Ill kill you then retrieve the black core from your corpse!

Okay, then come down!

Hehe, what a naive little girl, being blind youre destined to die here today!

W-what do you mean? Wait, whats that sound?

Snow suddenly heard an eerie growling sound around her and instantly understood.

You purposely dragged out time to wait for those useless living dead?

Snow almost forgot that Bob must have called those living dead that attacked the camp, so he purposely dragged out time to wait for the living dead army!

But was that really useful?

Snow couldnt see anything so she couldnt see the horrifying scene around her. There were numerous running on the road, climbing down from trees, and dropping down from cliffs one after another. Even those with missing limbs would still continue stumbling towards Snow.

Hmph, worthless insects, you want to kill me with just them!

Even if she was a fallen angel, how could she lose to those twisted monsters?

Servants, attack! Use your teeth to tear that girl to pieces!

Snow silently looked down and hugged her chest and muttered in a low voice.

Pitiful souls, I know you arent willing to be enslaved so let me purify you in stead of the Goddess!

She suddenly opened her arms and purple lines appeared on her pale skin, half her face was still holy and pure, but the other half was filled with scary engravings.

Darkness wasnt her enemy, but her ally.

She, the spider queen was undoubtedly the most fatal killer in the darkness.

Black magic, thousand threads and ten thousand blades!

Whoosh! Countless threads shot out at unimaginable speeds, with each thread being sharper than a blade. They flew forth and cut anything in their paths, whether they were people or the living dead.

After a couple of deaths, there was nothing moving within tens of meters, only piles of flesh.

Hmph, as expected of the fallen angel, but so what? Black magic, Voodoo life claim!


After clearing the surrounding monsters, Snow suddenly heard a chant from above.

To the left? No, the right! No damn! Bob, you played me!?

Snow wanted to follow his voice to counterattack, but Bob set a trap so that she couldnt catch him!

Since she couldnt counterattack, she could only take it!

Black magic, arachnids wall!

Her spiderwebs could become blades, it could also become a barrier!

Along with Snows command, the webs gathered up and tightly wrapped around Snow, in the next second, a thick blood red pillar solidly collided with the cocoon.

The blood red pillar exploded and quickly eroded away at the cocoon. It was a dire situation, Snow clenched her teeth and the engravings on her face thickened and an unbelievable amount of power exploded out and the cocoon rapidly restored itself right in front of their eyes.

Ah! Amazing! Truly superb! Snow, are you really only a ten-year-old girl!?

Bob couldnt help but clap when he saw that! Snow on the other hand had a fierce expression as she painfully held her stomach and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Peh! You scumbag!

the black magic white night used was on the same level as her, and their strengths were almost on par with each other, so he shouldnt be able to easily injure her, but

You purposely sent the living dead to their deaths to distract my hearing, then hid above and ambushed me? Y-youre shameless!

Because there were too many noisy living dead, Snow couldnt clearly hear his chant and couldnt discern his location. Since she couldnt see, how could she know the direction from where he was going to cast his magic just with a strand of web?

Without knowing the direction, she couldnt construct the cocoon with a focus and couldnt completely block the ambush, and was injured.

Hehe, how am I shameless? Blame yourself for being blind! Or perhaps, this is just fate, hahaha!

Bob continued to summon countless living dead to attack Snow while laughing, the sounds reverberated throughout the area and she couldnt tell where he was at all!

Snow, the Goddess has already abandoned you! The proof is the light you lost! That is also why you are destined to die a sad death today!

I wont die!! Black magic, arachnids wall!

Snow clenched her teeth and cut those enslaved souls around her, then constructed a sturdy cocoon!

A futile struggle! Die, fallen angel!

Once again, the blood-red pillar shot out from an unpredictable angle and wanted to pierce the cocoon, swallowing that little girl.

What should she do? Can she block it?

No, it was impossible Snow couldnt construct a strong enough defense without knowing the direction, and all the spider queen engravings hidden on her body were awakened, but she still couldnt fully block the last attack and was injured. This time she could only coil up and hid in her cocoon waiting to die.

Has the goddess really forsaken her?

Was her lost light really the reason she was going to die today?

Hey brother, was I wrong?

Snow hugged her knees and curled up into a ball while muttering to herself.

Was I too stupid? Or was I not strong enough?

Having lost my sight, am I destined to be trash who needs someone to protect me?

But I really cant accept it truly really cant accept it

Snow repeated herself like a prayer.

If the Goddess really existed


Like answering her prayers, a cats cry resounded through the skies!

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