Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 45: S Rank Goal (1)

Chapter 45: S Rank Goal (1)

The students were gone, so many tents were vacated. On that night, Lin Xiao and Elena could have lived separately, but the two continued to squeeze together.

Elena seems to have not realized it. As for Lin Xiao, even if he thought of it, he would pretend he didnt, and continue to take advantage of Elena.

Although he said that he wanted to send Elena back to the Forest of the End, he found that he was more and more reluctant to let go of this demon lord. If Elena was gone, where would he go find such a beautiful and big breasted maid? Lin Xiao even began to regret that he promised to send her away.

But for now, he had more important things to focus on.

The next day, Lin Xiao waited for Rosies good news in his tent.

As per usual, when they were alone together, Elena has to wear a maid outfit.

Hey, Lin Xiao, I brought Caesar!

The one that opened the curtain was a pretty and cute girl, behind her was a rash blond teenager.

Based on their appearance when they came in, Rosies invitation must have been successful, and the situation was better than expected. Although Caesar was still reluctant to face Rosie, the two can at least communicate normally, it seems that things have turned for the better.

As for what trick Rosie used Lin Xiao was unaware.

Lin Xiao, Ive already told him about the team, Caesar, he Eh? Just as soon as she entered the tent, Rosie suddenly stopped, even Caesar was momentarily surprised.

The maid standing behind Lin Xiao was indeed Elena, but somehow, Rosie felt that she was more beautiful than usual. Rosie pouted and repeatedly looked all over her body and finally found the reason!

Ah, maid outfit!

It turned out that Elena did not wear her gray burqa today, but an unprecedented maid outfit, it was the first time that she and Caesar were able to observe Elenas sexy outfit at such a close distance.

Her natural silver hair, with a low-cut maid dress, made her bountiful chest even more impressive, followed by two slender legs wrapped tightly by white stockings Even Rosie, as a woman, was almost drooling.

Cough, cough Getting to business. Caesar was the first to recover and removed his gaze from Elenas chest and said, Lin Xiao, I would be glad to accompany you to kill the Jackalwere leader, but, do you have a way of finding it? Black Lake Forest is so big, where would we start? Also, Momm and the others have already been gone for a whole day, they will definitely find the head before us, it would be meaningless for us to go and take the risk.

Un, youre right. It is really difficult to find the leaders hiding place. Lin Xiao did not rush to refute, but instead pulled out a dried wolf skin and spread it on the table. But what if I have this?

Caesar and Rosie curiously went over and saw that the wolf skin was faintly painted with various patterns, like a map.

is this a map of Black Lake Forest? Caesar marveled.

Not just a map. Lin Xiao proudly pointed his fingers on the wolf skin. Look, there is a black mark here. Here, there is also here, there is also a red mark!

Dont tell me Rosie seems to have understood something. Black is the Jackalweres camp, and is red the place where the leader resides?

Thats right! Lin Xiao gave a thumbs up. This map records the location of the Jackalweres camps. With it, we can find the Jackalwere leader before Momm.

Why do you have this map? Caesar asked cautiously.

Also, even if theres a map, it may not be accurate. Rosie followed up.

Sigh, now thats a sad story Lin Xiaos eyes turned dim and his tone was lowered.

Actually, he picked this map up.

That night when the camp was attacked, he and Elena fled the camp. Before they met Rosie, they lost their way in the forest, while walking they suddenly found a dead body next to them! They took a closer look and noticed that it was a mercenary. Unfortunately, his mercenary group also met the same fate from the Jackalwere attack.

Loran Academy had two masters, Woos and Momm overwatching them, so there were no casualties. But these mercenaries were out of luck, the Jackalweres who suddenly flocked to the camp slaughtered them and they all died in Black Lake Forest.

This map was the one that the mercenary group used. It is very credible, now it was found by me. It was probably the guidance of the goddess. The goddess chose us to inherit their will and complete the unfinished mission for them. This group of hateful Jackalweres! After that, Lin Xiao clenched his fists and slammed the table, and he almost smashed the simple wooden table.

Wuu so pitiful we must avenge the dead mercenaries! Caesar, hey, lets go together?

Oh, oh okay, since theres an accurate map, it will be much easier. Although he promised, he scratched his head and couldnt help but feel that something was wrong.

This wolf skin looked too new, although it was dried, it still carried a faint smell, like a new skin that was just stripped.

Caesar was not wrong, because this was indeed a new wolf skin that was just stripped off strictly speaking two days ago.

What actually happened was:

A few days ago, while everyone was injured and resting. Lin Xiao took Elena and sneaked into Black Lake Forest, and got Elena to release her Monarchs Aura to command a Jackalwere to act as a guide and a traitor. They were lead in a large circle and determined the locations of all the camps and the location of the head Jackalwere.

After doing all this, Lin Xiao randomly chose a Jackalwere and skinned it, and then carefully controlled his fireball to roast the wolf skin, speeding up the evaporation of water, and making the wolf skin look like it has been drying for a long time.

So As if afraid he would be seen through, Lin Xiao quickly rolled the map up and stuffed it into his pocket: Rosie, Caesar, are you two willing to join me to get rid of the Jackalwere leader?

Of course Im willing! Rosie spoke for him and said, Caesar is also willing!

all right. Caesar nodded reluctantly.

I want to say something in advance because only one person can get an S evaluation in the actual combat drill since were teaming up. Well give it to whoever contributes the most when were reporting to teacher Woos later. Do you have any objections? Lin Xiao asked.



Lin Xiao nodded and expressed a satisfied expression, then beckoned everyone to prepare to leave: Okay then, let the four of us

Wait four? Rosie suddenly interrupted. Why four people? Your maid, Elena, is she also going with us?


But Elena doesnt know any magic. Theres no need for her to take risks with us. Why dont you let her stay in the camp? Although she was jealous of Elenas beauty, out of pity, Rosie still thinks that they should not bring a big beauty like Elena out to take risks.

Un no, didnt I say it? This maid likes me too much. If I am not around her, she will go crazy because she misses ow ow ow, why did you step on my foot again? Lin Xiao calmly announced the maids actions.

What if she gets in danger? Shes so beautiful and her chest is so big

While talking, Rosies eyes involuntarily looked at Elenas chest. The two huge round balls were too attractive. Under the wrap of the clothes, they seem like they would pop out at any time, causing Rosie to curse silently.

I hate it, its so big, why cant you share some with me

What did you say, Missy?

No, nothing! I mean, what if she was taken away by the Jackalweres like I was? Rosie had to admit that men preferred a cold and aloof maid like Elena compared to herself. Of course, the Jackalweres also preferred them.

If Elena was also taken away by the Jackalweres Rosie was too afraid to continue thinking about it!

Dont worry, Elena is definitely not going to be taken away by a Jackalwere! Ill protect her with my life! Lin Xiaos solemn vow set Elenas flag.

Seeing Lin Xiao insistence and Elena didnt say anything, Rosie couldnt do anything more to get between them.

Then, okay hmph, as long as you dont hold us back!

Dont worry, Missy. Lin Xiao clapped his hands. Okay, lets go!

If you want to go, I suggest leaving the camp from the west side. On the other side, Caesar has already begun scheming. There is a blind spot there, even if teacher Woos walks out of his tent, he wont notice us.

Adjutant Caesar, good idea, well sneak out of the camp according to your route! Lin Xiao patted Caesars shoulders and nodded deeply to express his approval.

How did I become the adjutant? Caesar asked with a puzzled expression.

Lin Xiao ignored him and turned to Rosie and said: Vice-captain Rosie, please take care of Adjutant Caesar, dont let him fall behind!

I am the vice-captain? Hehe, yes! Captain Lin Xiao, Ill manage him! Rosie was very cooperative and saluted.

Theres also a captain and vice-captain? When was it appointed? Caesar was confused.

Stop saying useless stuff. Convincing Plan A, begin! Lin Xiao raised his hands and announced with excitement.

Convincing what?

Oh I almost slipped, thats not right, its the Jackalwere leaders hunting plan, start! Lin Xiao raised his hands again to show solemnity, Goal, S!

Target S!! Woooo!!! Rosie played along very well, and also happily raised her hands.

Hey, are you two children? Caesar never thought that Rosie and Lin Xiao were unexpectedly so in tune with each other, they could even act crazy together. Instead, a normal person like him felt out of place.

Fortunately, he still had a companion, Elena stood on the side with a scornful expression, not willing to join their childish game.

You also join in! Rosie noticed out of the corner of her eyes that Caesar was actually peeking at Lin Xiaos maid, so she grabbed his arm and forced him to lift it up.

What are you doing?

Lets yell together!! Target S!! Woooo!!! Rosie shouted it out one more time at Caesar.


Caesar had no choice but to respond, his cheeks faintly blushing.

Hunt, start!

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