Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 53: Unhygienic Aunt

Chapter 53: Unhygienic Aunt

At the break of dawn, before the first ray of sunlight hit the forest, the horizon was already brightening.

Taking advantage of the dim lighting, Lin Xiaos eyes fell on Elena. When she pretended to be captured, the Jackalwere leader mischievously licked her, and wet her burqa. Elena had no choice but to throw away her robes and only wear the sexy maid outfit.

Immediately behind her, Lin Xiao was breathing roughly.

It was the first time hes seen Elena walking while wearing the maid costume. In the past, Elena only wore it when it was just the two of them at home. Elena looked like a model wearing the maid costume in front of him, although beautiful, she lacked vigor. After looking for a while, her impact took a hit.

But now, Elena, with an angel-like appearance and devilish body, was is in front of him, walking step by step with her slim jade legs wrapped in white stockings, twisting her perky little buttocks, and gracefully walking forward.

She was like a bundle of contradictions. Her indifferent expression was like a high and mighty goddess, making people afraid of being blasphemous. Yet her exaggerated chest can make anyones sex drive go crazy, as long as its a man, theres a strong urge to tear off her clothes, ride on top of her and bully her.


It was difficult for her to find this girl, and she was getting excited. But she suddenly noticed that Lin Xiao wasnt even paying attention and kept glancing at her chest.

Pervert, what are you looking at? She was very uncomfortable with Lin Xiaos lecherous gaze, she pointed to the girl lying on the floor dissatisfied, Look at her!

Hmmher? Lin Xiao scratched his head a little and also walked around the wooden bed like Elena. He saw a girl lying there, Who is she?

Why would there be a girl in this kind of place? Was she also brought here by the Jackalwere leader? Lin Xiao was confused.

When he got closer, he could clearly see the girls appearance. Cute this was Lin Xiaos first impression of her. At first glance, she looked like a naive and innocent girl. Her face was covered with dirt, she was drooling, her mouth and nose were small, her appearance was very cute.

Shes called Elona. said Elena.

Whos Elona?

My niece. she replied faintly.

Eh? Lin Xiao lost his balance and almost fell.

This girl called Elona was actually the Demon Kings niece? In other words, she was a high-level demon like Elena and was currently in human form, but she was in fact also a red-eyes black cat?

It was too much information, and Lin Xiao was unable to accept it at once.

Although she was Elenas niece, her pure and immature appearance was completely different than the aloof Elena. Looking at her, Lin Xiao felt no overbearing pressure and only felt like he was looking at an innocent little girl.

Although this little girl has matured very well, as in all aspects of her body were not small, but since Lin Xiao was tempted by Elena day and night. He has long become indifferent to the female body, this level of beauty couldnt tempt him already.

But was it the characteristics of the red-eyes black cat? Lin Xiao conjectured that perhaps all the black cats have a bountiful chest after they transform into humans, and Elena, whos the Demon King, is the king of them all, The Kings Oppai!

Looking carefully, Lin Xiao discovered something amazing.

This, this is eh? Her ears, tail Whats going on?

There were two triangular ears on top of Elonas short gray hair, the short black fur also looked very soft, you couldnt help but want to reach out and rub it. There was also a long tail under her butt. No matter how you looked at it, she wasnt an ordinary human.

Cat-girl!? Lin Xiao felt that his eyes have already become stars.

The Demon Kings niece is actually such a cute cat-girl? Thats cheating! Even if one knew that she was a demon, after seeing her lovely ears and innocent appearance, which human would willingly kill her!

It turns out that cute was the red-eyes black cats biggest weapon against humans, the demons are so calculative!

Wait Shes your niece? Lin Xiao suddenly felt that something was not quite right.


Niece, huh.

Lin Xiao was instantly alert. Now was not the time to think about how cute cat-girls are!

She was Elenas niece, and would undoubtedly stand on Elenas side. If she knew that Lin Xiao had abducted Elena, and forced her to do a lot of shameful and strange things, even threatening Elena to be his maid, what would she do?

Lin Xiao felt like he was Goda Takeshi who always bullied Shizuka Minamoto. Now Shizukas parents are looking for him to teach him a lesson.

Your niece Why is she here? Lin Xiao carefully began to question.

I dont know. Elena had no time to take Lin Xiaos thoughts into consideration. She was kneeling beside Elona and carefully examining her body.

Did she come to look for you?


What happened to her, was she OOXX by the Jackalwere leader? Lin Xiao asked.

Idiot. Hearing this, Elena fiercely scolded him, A mere low-level demonic beast, would it dare touch Elona?

Oh then are her injuries okay?

Shes heavily injured. Elena showed a rarely seen distressed expression.

Although Elona was a high-level demon, and the blood of the red-eyes black cat can greatly improve her recovery rate, her injuries were too severe, especially the deep knife wound on her back. The wound was also contaminated with a nasty holy aura and was interfering with the healing of the wound.

Was it the people from the Holy Light Church? However, why did she catch the Holy Light Churchs attention? Why was she here? Although she had her speculations, she had to wake up Elona as soon as possible and ask her.

Can she be saved? Lin Xiao asked watching Elena rushing around.

Her lifes not in danger, but shes very weak.

What should we do, is there any way to wake her up?

Let me try.

Saying that, Elena sat next to Elona, put her head on her knees, and then bit the tip of her index finger, and squeezed a few drops of blood.

The sparkling and translucent drop of blood trembled on her fingertips. Elena gently squeezed Elonas mouth and parted her lips, revealing a gap, and carefully dripped the blood into Elonas mouth.

Afterward, she did something that made Lin Xiao excited, she stuck her finger directly into Elonas mouth!

Her slender fingers entered the girls mouth unimpeded and felt the warmth of her oral cavity. Elena began to slowly stir her finger and applied the blood to Elonas tongue. A wet sensation instantly surrounded her finger.

In order to spread it more evenly, Elena moved her finger in and out, the sticky saliva stuck to her fingertips, creating a few translucent threads.

Finally, with a pop, Elena pulled her finger out.

You, what are you doing? Lin Xiao blushed and thought of something very H.

Giving her blood. Elena replied.

Your blood even has this kind of effect?


Elena didnt bother with talking to him. After finishing what she was doing, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, she gently placed Elonas head back on the hay and preserved her lying posture, then she stood up and quietly waited for Elona to wake up.

Ss ow. The slight pain from her fingertip made Elena very uncomfortable.

She tilted her head and looked at the small wound that she bit open on her finger, paused a bit, then stuck it into her mouth.

W-what are you doing!? Lin Xiao exclaimed.

Elena gave him a glance while sucking her finger, and mumbled: Saliva can stop the pain oh

Oh Lin Xiao nervously swallowed, and blood was about to spurt out of his nose. But, isnt your finger still covered with Elonas spit?

What about it shes my niece. Elena licked her fingertip with her small tongue.

Cough, Demon King, your actions are too vulgar!

Is it

She pulled out her finger with a pop and without even looking at him, responded with coolly.

Vulgar people think of vulgar things.

How philosophical!

Lin Xiao cupped his fists in admiration.

But was Elenas blood really that useful? Just a couple of drops of blood from her fingers will heal the wounded? Then didnt Lin Xiao just pick up a super large HP potion

It was just like playing an RPG game, once he gets injured, and his health is reduced, he can take a bite of Elenas finger, drink the blood of the Demon King to recover. Who can defeat him?

Your blood, is it also effective for me? Lin Xiao asked curiously.

Elena did not answer, she just turned her head and looked at him silently, her eyes full of vigilance and was on guard.

It seems like itll be effective! Lin Xiao confirmed.


It clearly will! Otherwise, let me try sucking your finger!

Pervert, no, scram!

Definitely! Hmph, dont try to lie to me.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao did not correct the way Elena called him. He was very happy, and was scheming on how to make full use of the Demon King HP Potion. At this moment, a lovely gasp sounded.


The two soft cat ears slightly twitched, and the Demon Kings niece slowly woke up.

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