Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 57: Snow and The Snow Witch

Chapter 57: Snow and The Snow Witch

You mean you want me to take her in? No, no, no, no way! Lin Xiao quickly shook his hands and refused.

He was not an idiot who couldnt control himself seeing a beautiful woman! Dont look at this kitten who lost her power because of a demon sealing boundary, and was now crying as someone harmless, she was definitely a dangerous person! Just now she was yelling about killing him, since she did not have a slave contract with Lin Xiao, keeping her would be a disaster!

She, she didnt really want to kill you, she just wanted to protect me! Seeing through Lin Xiaos thoughts, Elena quickly explained in a succinct manner, In fact, Elona is a very kind child, she has no prejudice against human beings, she will not harm you!

Elena made up her mind and she had to send Elona to Lin Xiaos home!

No, no way Lin Xiao still shook his head.

Seeing this, Elena bit her lip and made up her mind.

She could only use that!

She leaned by Lin Xiaos ear, with a soft and delicate tone that only they could hear, and said: Master cant you?

Eh?? Lin Xiaos entire body went limp like he was floating on a cloud.

Elenas voice was always pleasant to listen to, her usual cold rejections push people far away, but this time it carried a strong sweet tone. Hearing her call him master, Lin Xiao felt like a large piece of candy was stuffed in his ear, sweet enough to make him deaf.

Master, you really cant? Elena was still working hard. For her niece, she could endure this amount of humiliation. As long as youre willing to take Elona in, I, I will not only be an obedient maid, Im also willing to tell you all my secrets!

Secrets? When he heard the last sentence, Lin Xiao finally woke up from the sweet illusion.

The secret of the Demon race? Even if Elena didnt tell him that kind of thing, with his intellect, he had already pretty much guessed it, it was because he knows, thats why hes reluctant to mention it and always pretended not to know.

The Demon King was stuffed into a parcel and delivered to a human home. What other secrets could there be? Something big must have happened!

His dream was to become an unremarkable reserve hero, and then relax until death, so the less he knows about the demons, the better What disaster of the Demon race, the demise of the world, the future of mankind, etc. He doesnt care about those things! None of those have anything to do with him!

But was his way of thinking good? Just? Rational? Lin Xiao did not know.

If the world was really demised, and the country was in a war, how long could his peaceful days last? Lin Xiao did not know.

In the past, there was a cute little sister with a vile personality that always called him brother, and criticized his life view of eating and doing nothing until death on numerous occasions. Unfortunately, he did not change because of this, but instead, he became even lazier.

Whos right and whos wrong, its useless to debate, only time can tell.

Lin Xiao didnt realize that todays choice seems to be insignificant, but for him, it was the beginning of another story


Elena was disgusted with herself. She was not suited for acting flirty, so she simply put on her useful cold tone.

Damn pervert, are you agreeing or not? She instantly flipped and angrily yelled at him.

If being nice doesnt work then Ill just have to be forceful!

No, no Lin Xiao still disagreed.

You dont want to? Good! Elena squinted and threatened, When Teacher Woos comes, Ill tell them everything that happened!

What? Lin Xiao was shocked.

Oh right, maybe Ill go to the Holy Light Church to surrender, and say that I am the Demon King, and that you are my master, lets die together! Elena calmly said this extremely dreadful thing.

Hey, I dont want to die with you!

Dont want to? Then you can kill me. Elena said with no fear, If you dont kill me, you have to promise to take Elona in!

That, she hit Lin Xiaos sore spot.

Yes, Lin Xiao was reluctant to kill her. If you want to ask why, Lin Xiao could come up with 10,000 excuses to beat around the bush, but the real reason, perhaps he himself did not even know.

Was it because he liked her? No, no, Lin Xiao firmly denied that he would ever like this bad-tempered, aloof and arrogant Demon King. Lin Xiao warned himself more than once.

Can a lie become the truth if repeated for thousands of times?

Im warning you, dont rile me up. The next time I get angry, I really will become hostile!

Lin Xiao was threatened with no confidence, but Elena successfully interpreted the true meaning of this sentence, and her indifferent expression instantly melted.

Next time, that means, this time is fine!

That is to say, you agree?

Sigh count me as unlucky. Things have already progressed up to here, so he had no choice.

Elena made up her mind, and he didnt want to kill Elena, so he could only accept Elona.

However, how do we send her to Winterless City? Elena frowned and started planning, Its far away, and if we let her go by herself, then she might get in trouble again

I dont know if it was the purity of their blood, but they were both clearly red-eyes black cat, yet Elenas human form is perfect, but Elona still retained the cat ears and cat tail. Shell get spotted instantly, its too dangerous, it will definitely be troublesome for her to go alone to Winterless City.

Lin Xiao, do you have any ideas? Elena once again pleaded for help.

Sigh, its like Im indebted to you in my past life Lin Xiao miserably reached into his clothes and rummaged back and forth, eventually finding half a piece of a gold coin. This was the common currency of the Lombard Kingdom, but it was broken in half.

Under the watchful eyes of Elena, he handed the coin to Elona.

This is, a gold coin? Elona was suspicious, Hey human, why are you giving me money?

Just now, Elena and Lin Xiao whispering to each other about something, so she didnt understand what was going on. After taking a while, Elena finally explained to her that she had to go to Winterless City by herself.

Elona didnt want to be separated from Elena at first, and almost cried again, but after all, it was Elenas order, she didnt dare to go against it. After crying for a while, she could only obediently do it.

After taking the gold coin from Lin Xiao, Elona said, Is half a gold coin enough for me to go to Winterless City?

Tsk, you think its too little? Remember, this is not money, but a keepsake! To the north of Black Lake Forest, there is a small place called Sheryl City. Take this gold coin to the city to find a girl named Snow. Then get her to take you to Winterless City. Lin Xiao said.

This was his idea, to get someone else to take Elona to Winterless City, safe and reliable.

Snow? But how can I find the girl named Snow after entering the city? Elona feebly asked.

She was afraid that she would get lost in the city like the last time, and then cause trouble again.

Right how about this, after you enter Sheryl City, go find a really big house! Lin Xiao said.

Big house?

Yeah, the roof of the big house is pointed, with a large cross on the top, so its very easy to find. Lin Xiao said with a smile, Everyone in that house are good people, give this coin to the people inside and they can find Snow.



Great! Elona was overjoyed and jumped up, You are a good person, I dont know what your name is!

My name is Lin Xiao.

Brother Lin Xiao, thank you! Elona carefully hid the coin in her bosom as if it was a precious treasure.

She did not expect this human called Lin Xiao to be a good person! Originally, she was worried that Elena was bullied by this human. Now, she was no longer worried!

How can such a good human bully Elena? If Elena knew what her niece was thinking, she would probably die of anger.

Wooss group was about to arrive, so Elona must leave quickly.

Although very reluctant, but Elena still had to send Elona away, and then wait for her to arrive at Winterless City with Snow.

Watching Elona walk into the depths of the forest, Elena suddenly felt something was not quite right.

Lin Xiao

Call me master, you were so sweet earlier!


Hmm, good, good what do you want to ask?

You just said a big house, a pointed roof, and a cross, that cant be the church of the Holy Light Church, right? Elena suddenly raised her voice.

Thats right. Lin Xiao nodded nonchalantly.

You even admit it!! You, why did you let her go to the Holy Light Church? Do you want to kill her? Elena could not help but want to slap him.

Dont worry, I wont harm her. Lin Xiao spread out his arms, Snow is a good girl, although her personality is somewhat somewhat weird, she is very good at handling things, you can trust her.

Snow? Is she the blind girl you mentioned before that was similar to the saint? asked Elena.

Yeahbut, Snow and The Snow Witch are two different people, rest assured! Lin Xiao said.

According to Lin Xiao, the little girl named Snow was the first friend he made after he transmigrated to Eileen. The two were birds of the same feather and lived together for a long time. Later, they separated because of some unforeseen event.

Last year, Snow officially joined the Holy Light Church and became a nun in Sheryl City. Like Lin Xiao, she had no hostility or prejudice against the Demon race, so she can definitely bring Elona safely to Winterless City.

Elena expressed doubts about this. But since Elona already left, she could only wait.

Wait Did you just say that you transmigrated to Eileen? Sensitive Elena noticed a strange detail.

Yes, transmigrated. Lin Xiao nodded and admitted.

Transmigration again So what exactly is it?

Oh its something amazing! Ill tell you when I have the chance.

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