Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 82: The Way to Kill the Demon King

Chapter 82: The Way to Kill the Demon King

You know everything?

Hmph, stop talking big! Elena hesitated and an expression of surprise flashed by, then asked with a cold expression, All you do is laze around, what can you know?

She wont believe Lin Xiaos lies.

Ever since she started living with Lin Xiao, all this pervert knew how to do was tease her, he never once asked around about what had happened to her!

Yet he has the audacity to say that he knew everything about her this guy was definitely lying!

Im not lying, Elena. Lin Xiao didnt choose to explain himself, he just softly said something, A rebellion happened, right?

At that instant, it was like Elena was struck by lightning.

How did he know?

Without waiting for Elena to find an answer, Lin Xiao continued to speak.

If Im not wrong, Elona is in a very dangerous place. Not only is she being chased by the Holy Light Church, theres also someone from the demons that want to kill her, right? As he said that, Lin Xiao reluctantly smiled, some of the color returning to his dead face, So thats why that you were willing to beg me to take her in because she has no other place to go, shell only die if she returns to the Forest of the End.

What? H-how did you know?? Elena was astonished to the point where she repeatedly retreated, unable to believe what she heard.

This fellow, he usually pretends to act foolish, but he actually knew everything all along?

Heh, its actually quite simple, all I had to do was reason a bit Lin Xiao nonchalantly began to explain his deduction process.

There are only two reasons for why Elena, the Demon King, would be stranded in human society she either got done in by the humans or the demons.

If it was the first reason, then there was no way that the demons wouldnt have done anything for a couple of months. Even if they didnt start a large-scale war, they would have at least sent some spies to investigate and rescue the Demon King, right?

But nothing happened, there was no war, no rescuers, just a small kitty, Elona, with low IQ and EQ who had escaped.

She even almost died.

So, the remaining probability was that Elena was done in by the demons.

Elena, youre the leader of the high-level demons, the Demon King, yet you were done in by your own, there can only be one reason someone was coveting your position, and tried to use an armed rebellion to seize power.

Elena couldnt deny Lin Xiaos analysis. Thats right, Elena encountered a rebellion, someone plotted a rebellion to usurp power!

You knew all along? Damn pervert! Not only was Elena not happy, she became even angrier, Why did you not say so earlier? Why did you pretend that you didnt know?

Eh dont get angry. Lin Xiao shook his hands to beg for mercy, Its not that I didnt want to, there are just two more questions that I havent figured out yet, so I didnt want to make any judgments yet.

Two questions? Elena lost some of her vigor.

After analyzing so far, what other questions do you have?

Two questions, number one, why did the rebels not kill you, but stuff you inside of a box?

Although Lin Xiao had a questioning tone, he never expected to receive an answer form Elena, because Elena probably didnt know either.

So Lin Xiao began asking and answering by himself.

It isnt logical. They successfully usurped power but didnt want to kill the old King, then why the hell are they trying to usurp power?

Right, why didnt they kill me? Elena also wanted to know.

Inadvertently, their positions started to change.

Earlier, she was aggressively insulting the dejected Lin Xiao, but with just a bit of work, Lin Xiao took hold of power and now she was seeking advice from him.

Heh, I dont know either. Lin Xiao shook his head, But my guess is that the person who stuffed you inside the box wasnt an enemy, but was your companion.

What? Companion?

Elena widened her eyes.

Why did her companion stuff her inside a parcel?

Think about it, there should have been signs before the rebellion, although you didnt notice them, your subordinates or companions probably noticed and in order to protect you, they snuck you inside an express delivery parcel as a disguise. The evidence is Elona!

Lin Xiao patiently explained.

It was evident that Elona knew that the Demon King was in Winterless City, thats why she took the risk and came out alone to infiltrate into a human city. That meant that she had insider information, she might have even been the one that put Elena in the box!

It was like that? Elena was in a daze, and was at a loss for words.

This was something that even she had no clues about, but Lin Xiao was able to guess the truth with just a few words?

Wait y-you said that you had two questions? She held her head and asked in a quiet voice, Whats the other one?

I dont know which side is good and which is bad, and I dont want to know, but theres one thing that Im curious about

Curious about what?

Hearing her question, Lin Xiao smiled slightly, then dragged his finger across his neck and made the decapitation gesture.

The second question is how they were able to usurp power. Elena, as the Demon King, even if you didnt hold the position for long, you shouldve possessed the strongest power. So, how did they defeat the strongest? Thats what Im curious about.

Elena remained silent.

She couldnt answer this question, at least currently, she couldnt tell Lin Xiao yet.

This matter was too dangerous, if it was leaked, then the entire demon race would be in danger!

Even if it was Lin Xiao, she couldnt say.

You dont want to tell me? Thats fine, Ive already guessed it. Lin Xiao raised the corners of his mouth and admired Elenas hesitant cuteness.

What? S-stop making wild guesses its wrong either way! Elena refuted.

Is it? Its not too late for you to listen first then judge

Lin Xiao confidently talked about his reasoning.

According to the resources he found in the library a couple of days ago, he finally had a complete understanding of the demons.

High-level demons could use Monarchs Aura to control demonic beasts, but if they were both high-level demons, then Monarchs Aura would be useless, at most it would exert some pressure. All of his reasoning was based on this fact.

The Forest of the End contained numerous scary demonic beasts,

and high-level demons would naturally use them as fighters or bodyguards, the Demon King was no exception.

The question is, as the Demon King, you posses the strongest Monarchs Aura and can control any demonic beast, right? Lin Xiao asked.

Right. Elena nodded her head blankly, not understanding what hes trying to say.

Lin Xiao immediately raised an example.

If one day a high-level demon wanted to rebel, and wanted to become the Demon King, what would he do?

Or rather, what should he do so that he can kill Elena?

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