Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 91: Protecting Honor

Chapter 91: Protecting Honor

A couple of days later

Loran Academy

The past couple of days were very peaceful, nothing big happened.

Lin Xiao did not recover completely from his love sickness, but he could not take sick leave forever, so he could only go back to school.

As for Elena, she was very well behaved for the past couple of days, she did not fight with Lin Xiao anymore, it was like their relationship reverted back to when they first met, the most abnormal yet normal master slave relationship.

After all, the person who Lin Xiao likes is the beautiful princess.

The good news was, with Lin Xiaos cooperation, Elena was able to find out that after leaving the Forest of the End, nothing large scale happened, they also never started any large scale wars against human towns or cities.

From this it showed that Lin Xiaos deductions were correct, there was high probability that the rebels successfully usurped power. However, even if the rebels won with their schemes, it was difficult to become the true Demon King.

If a high-level demon wants to officially inherit the primogenitors power to become the Demon King, they need to undergo a complicated process, they cant easily become one just by chasing Elena away.

So, there was only one remaining question, when was Elona going to arrive? Its strange, how come there hasnt been anything about Elona after so long, even Lin Xiao was suspecting that something happened enroute.

But they couldnt do anything but wait.

Yawn Elena, lets go home.

It was the end of another day of classes, Lin Xiao yawned and called out to his maid to go home and sleep, dont misunderstand, of course separately.

Lin Xiao could only think of Shen DaiYing, he didnt feel like flirting with Elena.

Speaking of Shen DaiYing, a couple days of ago, she found herself isolated by Rosie, so she found Lin Xiao. He gave her the idea of using training as a pretext to get closer to Caesar.

But, would that really work?

The answer quickly became apparent.

Caesar, how about it? Our family chefs food is delicious, right? I specially asked him to make Northern dishes today, the taste is very special! Lets go to my house to eat today as well!

After class, as per usual, Rosie came over and coiled her arm around Caesars and pestered him to go to her house to eat.

Usually, Caesar had no resistance against her, perhaps he would coldly chide her, but every time he would obediently surrender, like a bride getting carried home.

But today, Rosies good days came to an end. Shen DaiYing followed closely behind, walked up in front of them and stopped the two.

He was too far away, so Lin Xiao couldnt hear what they were saying. So he could only sit at his seat and enjoy this silent show as a spectator.

At first, when Rosie noticed Shen DaiYing coming over to ruin things, she pouted and complained to her, then turned around and said something to Caesar. After, Caesar hesitated for a bit then shook his head at Shen DaiYing with an apologetic expression and prepared to leave with Rosie.

Oh, it seems shes at a disadvantage, Caesar is completely controlled by Rosie. The spectator, Lin Xiao made commentary at the development of the play.

The first attack failed, but Shen DaiYing wasnt discouraged. She took out her signature smile, and used her charm to stop the two from leaving.

Stalling! That was also one of the moves Lin Xiao taught her.

Soon after, while speaking, Shen DaiYing was making various strange gestures in front of Caesar. She made movements where she had both arms together and was chopping, she also made movements where she waved one hand around.

This time Rosie was flabbergasted, she could only stand by the side watching and couldnt do anything. Yet Caesars eyes where shining, completely captivated by Shen DaiYings movements!

Is she teaching sword techniques to Caesar? Un, thats definitely most effective against him, he will definitely bite. However, will Miss Rosie give up that easily? Lin Xiao widened his eyes and carefully watched.

As expected, Rosie didnt just give up, she shamelessly tangled around Caesar, and made a disturbance, who knows what she was saying. Caesar felt slightly awkward after that, hesitated, and decided to leave again.

Shen DaiYing once again lost.

Is the princess just going to lose like this? Lin Xiao gulped.

Lin Xiao

Call me master.

Master. Elena paused for a bit, not minding the change and asked, Do you wish for her to fail or for her to succeed?

I I! I With the three Is, it told of the inner turmoil Lin Xiao was going through.

If it wasnt for Elena, he wouldve almost forgot about that!

He couldve happily watched this interesting play, but Elenas question once again stabbed into his heart like a small knife.

Yes, he likes Shen DaiYing, does he wish for her to fail or succeed?

As he was thinking, there was finally new development with Shen DaiYing.

With a screech she actually unsheathed her tachi in front of Caesar!

With that, Rosie was scared and fell back a couple of steps, she thought Shen DaiYing was angered and wanted to slice them. But Shen DaiYing held her mouth and waved her hands like she was apologizing.

Quickly after she waved her sword casually then sheathed it again.

Screech the sword was sheathed at lightning speed.

Rosie was terrified, but Caesar was excited, he pushed away Rosies hands and ran next to Shen DaiYing, lowered his head and carefully examined Snow that was hanging at her waist.

Afterwards, Caesar said something to Rosie with a serious expression, then Shen DaiYing finally revealed a satisfied expression.

Following that, Caesar and Shen DaiYing left the classroom together and Rosie was left by her self.

She succeeded. Elena took joy in his misfortune.

Right, I taught her that, how could she not?

After a couple more days, the Intramural Selection Competition will begin. Caesar definitely wanted to make use of his time to raise his abilities, he must be delighted having someone as strong as Shen DaiYing as his training partner. By comparison, Rosies chef wasnt attractive.

And so, the first day, the second day Rosie was continuously left alone for three days, and Shen DaiYing successfully won over Caesars free time.

Sadly, Lin Xiao didnt feel happy.

A couple of days later.

It was a new day of class, and it was still teacher Wooss old face.

Cough everyone be quiet, the Intramural Selection Competition is going to start the day after tomorrow. Just like last year, it will be a 1v1. The magic department students will compete together with the warrior department students!

After saying that, teacher Woos cleverly paused for a bit, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough, what he was waiting for came

What? Competing with those monkeys from the warrior department? Stop joking!

Teacher Woos, that isnt fair! How could we beat those warriors in a 1v1?

Thats right, we cant use instant cast, even if we may be slightly higher leveled than them, but we cant win against warriors!

Just like Woos though, after hearing the news, the students will get heated and protest against the unfairness of the competition.

But they cant be blamed, under a 1v1, it was very difficult for a magician to beat a warrior of the same level, that was common knowledge.

In a group, magicians can display devastating power, especially collective magic bombardment, that was a tactic that could destroy a city. But in a 1v1, magicians were in a disadvantage. Even Woos, a grand magician, acknowledges that.

Just for the past couple selected students from Loran Academys Intramural Selection Competition has all been warriors, a magician getting into the top 3 once in a while was already genius.

So, every time the Intramural Selection Competition comes around, the warrior department students get excited.

Those warrior department students already didnt like those weak and cowardly magicians, now they had the chance to teach these magic otakus a lesson, how could they hold back?

There was no way to resolve the tension between the students of the warrior and magic department, and it gets worse every year. During the Intramural Selection Competition theres always some students getting hurt, and over 90% of the students are from the magic department.

It cant be helped that magicians were born with a disadvantage.

What? You want to know why Loran Academy does this even though they know its unfair? Its because all the other academies also do the same thing!

There were many other robust academies in Eileen other than Loran Academy. In order to demonstrate their talented students, everyone must select the strongest students to compete.

Strength, that was the sole criterion, it had nothing to do with fairness. Since magicians were weak and warriors were strong, then make those magicians scram and let the warriors participate! What, you dont accept it? Then fight, whoever wins, whoever goes, that was the most fair way!

If you have ability, then take out your true strength and beat those warrior department students, then thats impressive!

Cough quiet down! The rules are already decided, its useless even if you complain. Participation is voluntary, so if youre afraid of getting injured, you dont have to sign up. Woos spoke seriously towards the students, Of course, you cant participate just because you want to! Only the students who received an A or above during the actual combat drill are qualified to sign up!

The students began talking amongst themselves.

What? An A? I-I got a B sigh, I cant even participate even if I want to.

Dont be stupid, even if magicians participate, we cant beat those warriors! Its better to give up

Sigh, youre right, other than Caesar, Im afraid theres no one else from the magic department that can make it to the end, right?

Only Caesar, a magic swordsman, with extraordinary strength, if it was him, he can definitely make it to the end!

The top two obtains the right to participate in the Academy Tournament, Caesar will surely make it to the top two.

Its up to Caesar to protect the magic departments honor!

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