Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 94: Absence Without Cause is a Forfeit

Chapter 94: Absence Without Cause is a Forfeit

Today, Momm, a warrior departments teacher got up very early.

For him, it was a very important day. It was because today was the competition for the first group of the intramural selection, and as a judge, he had a lot of responsibility.

The tournament was a 1v1 duel, and it was located at the practice range in Loran Academy. There was a spacious arena in the center, surrounded by spectators, it was a bit like the duel arenas in the past, just not as bloody.

Although the competition used real weapons, it was not to the point where they would let the students lose their lives.

Other than a medical team on hand, the teachers of the academy were the judges. On one hand, they could decide the outcome of the duel before it developed into anything serious, and on the other, if any student was about to receive a fatal strike, they could intercept beforehand and avert the crisis.

However, they wouldnt intervene unless it was life threatening.

Hehe, take a good look old man Woos, those weaklings from the magic department will be beaten black and blue by my students. On the way to the academy, Momm was giddy with delight.

Although he respected Woos a lot, it was not the time to worry about seniority. On the arena, strength was king. He already ordered that whoever loses to a magician would receive a punishment when they return, and face his wrath.

Defeat the magicians, fuck those otakus! That has become the warrior departments declaration for the competition.

Caesar is the only one thats pretty strong in the magic department, in terms of vying for a top spot. As for the others Rosie and Lin Xiao arent too bad either, its a pity but theyre still to inexperienced. Momm predicted the results of the competition, I heard that princess Shen DaiYing is also participating as a representative for the magic department thats strange, she uses swords as her weapons, isnt she clearly a warrior?

Recalling Shen DaiYing, Momm was rather stumped.

That princess wore high heels all day and carried two beautiful swords, one short and one long, it was strange no matter how you looked at it. Also, it was said that she was actually very strong. When she was practicing with Caesar, he would always end up riddled with injuries.

Could she actually be stronger than Caesar?

Momm was slightly worried.

There were only two top spots available, if Caesar took one and Shen DaiYing took the other, then the magic department would take both spots and the warrior department wouldnt even get one!

Two to zero, the magic department completely destroying the warrior department, Momm couldnt accept that kind of result!

Good morning, teacher Momm!

Oh, good morning.

As soon as he entered the practice range, a lot of students greeted him.

Today was the first day of competitions, so it was packed. Actually, the number of students participating werent many, only the students that obtained an A or above in the actual combat drill could sign up, so most of the students came to spectate.

No, more like all of the students of Loran Academy came to spectate. Although they couldnt participate, watching their fellow classmates on the arena is also interesting.

Especially since this competition mattered even more about honor, the magic and the warrior department, which side will obtain victory? Will the warrior department take the top again this year? Or would a miracle happen for the magic department and theyll make a large comeback?

There were only two spots, the magic or the warrior department, which side can get more?

The answer will soon be revealed!

Cough Momm walked to the corner of the competition grounds and prepared to organize the students to begin the competition.

The large practice range was separated into multiple different areas. Every area conducts duels based on the grouping. Momm was responsible for the E area, which naturally corresponded to E group.

E groups contestants, please gather here! We will duel by order! Momm checked the competition schedule and began calling out, First contestant, Lin Xiao!

Coming! A black haired youth responded from below the stage, followed by a maid who whispered him something, then he ran on stage.

Thats right, Lin Xiao was the first round contestant in the E group, Caesar was in the B group, Rosie was in C group and Shen DaiYing was in F group, pretty lucky, they were all in different groups.

Since there werent any popular contestants in E group, there were very few students in the surroundings, only a few students that were half asleep and had nothing to do were watching.

The most popular groups was Caesars B group, and Shen DaiYings F group.

Prince Caesar, handsome and elegant, a magic swordsman who obtained a S during the actual combat drill. It was even said that the principal gifted him a powerful sword, the dragon slayer. So all the students wanted to get a glimpse of him, the B group area was crowded to the point where the school had no choice but to send some teachers to maintain order.

As for Shen DaiYings F group, it was even more crowded, the difference was that, Caesars area was filled with mainly female, where Shen DaiYings are only had males, especially warrior department ones!

Fluttering long hair, long slender legs, Shen DaiYing wore an elegant windbreaker and alluring black silk stockings. The two beautiful swords, Snow and Soul Slayer, hanging at her waist were especially eye-catching. Even though it was a competition, she still wore her red high heels, her half closed eyes were charming as usual, and her face was contained a self confident smile.

The males inevitably treated her as their female goddess, but the females, like Rosie, treated her as a wanton vixen.

Who wears high heels to a competition? Shouldnt there be a limit in wishing to look good? Is she looking down on her opponents?

But what happens in the other groups isnt important. As long as Lin Xiao can defeat the others in the E group, he can successfully make it out of the first stage and advance to the second stages knockout competition!

The first stage was childs play, the second stage was where the real show is!

Lin Xiao, youre here hehe. Watching Lin Xiao walking onto the stage, Teacher Momm chuckled harboring ill intent.

Eh teacher, what are you laughing at?

Lin Xiao, did you think that you would be able to advance because you werent in the same group as Caesar? How naive, kid! Momm smugly felt his bald head while whispering to Lin Xiao before the competition starts, You should already know all the other contestants in E group, right?

Yeah. Lin Xiao replied.

Sigh, how unfortunate. Groups are made entirely random and are completely impartial, so it was just unlucky that you were assigned to E group, you cant complain even if you dont advance.

Unlucky? Lin Xiao froze for a bit, then he understood what teacher Momm was implying.

Why was Lin Xiao unlucky for getting assigned to E group? It was simple, it was because Lin Xiao was the only magician in E group, all the others were warriors!

Everyone knows that in a 1v1, magicians had a natural disadvantage, unless there was a large disparity in strength, if they were the same level, it was virtually impossible for a magician to defeat a warrior!

To everyone else, Lin Xiao was only a fourth level magician, and all the others in E group were fourth level warriors who had grasped the basics of battle aura!

How could Lin Xiao, a mere magician, advance forward facing this group of warriors?

Not only Momm, the other students werent optimistic for Lin Xiao, and felt regretful at his tragic encounter, so there werent a lot of students there.

Teacher Momm, other than me, theres also Harrison, Harden, and Hart, right? Lin Xiao asked.

Thats right, you know them? Momm asked with surprise, Although those three brothers fool around all day, their strengths are all top notch! The eldest brother, Harrison, even managed to learn a battle skill, Mountain Splitter, its strength is tremendous!

Mountain Splitter? Oh. Lin Xiao blinked.

He saw that move last night, what can he say? It was okay, pretty strong.

Lin Xiao, you clung to Caesar to muddle through the actual combat drill, this time, you wont be so lucky! Momm chuckled, I know these three well, they have solid foundations, and their battle aura is quite good, although their only fourth level warriors now, theyll soon surpass me!

Oh, how powerful. Lin Xiao went along with it.

But dont grieve, Lin Xiao, even if you cant beat them now, one day youll become a grand magician thatll surpass them! Momm patted Lin Xiaos shoulder and seriously said, Dont worry, Ill save you right away when it looks like youre going to lose, I definitely wont let you get injured!

Oh thank you very much, teacher Momm. Although he knew he wouldnt get injured, Lin Xiao still appreciated Momms consideration.

Momm was a warrior department teacher, and he was a magic department student that Woos was deeply fond of, showing off his students was like showing off to Woos. Look, the students I taught is about to defeat your student!

Pride, arrogance, that was probably how Momm felt, Lin Xiao didnt really mind, but Momm probably wouldnt be able to be smug for long.

E groups first duel, Lin Xiao vs Harden.

Harden? Harden?

Momm was picturing an exciting scene of his beloved student beating up Lin Xiao, but no one responded after he shouted a couple of times.

Whats going on? Did that Harden not come?

One minute, two minutes no one came, Lin Xiao standing on the side began to yawn.

Teacher, is my opponent still not here? He feigned innocence and asked.

Eh where did that Harden run off to? How could he be late to such an important competition? Did he go drinking last night? That brat! Momm anxiously scratched his large bald head, Um Lin Xiao, lets wait for a bit more. Hell probably come in a bit!

Yeah, no problem. But teacher, according to competition rules, if a contestant doesnt show up 10 minutes after it starts with no cause, then its considered a forfeit and the other side automatically wins. Lin Xiao said, Teacher Momm, you wouldnt break the rules to shield your students, right?

That Momm hesitated.

Lin Xiao was right, although he was Hardens teacher, he was standing on the stage as a judge, he had to abide by the competition rules. If the judge didnt abide by the rules, wouldnt the competition be a joke?

But the problem is, where did Harden go? He was still seen yesterday, why did he just disappear the next day?

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