Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 231: Talisman Sales

Chapter 231: Talisman Sales

The black-robed youth was surprised at first, and anger briefly flashed across his face before he quickly suppressed it down. If I didnt guess wrong, Shidi, you have quite a few Black Ice Orders, right? Ive already asked around; the Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans you took from us back then are still with you, right? If you are willing to hand them over to me, we can be friends he said in a calm manner.

Fang Xing was surprised to hear him make such a request. What do you need them for?

The black-robed youth showed a faint smile. It is to enter Scripture Cave, of course! You have no reason to keep them.

Scripture Cave? Youre saying that in order to enter Scripture Cave, you need this stuff? Fang Xing excitedly asked, his eyes lighting up. Scripture Cave was a location within the Snowy Mountains where the five Golden Cores typically placed their collections of manuals and scripts, and all the elites whod entered the Snowy Mountain were free to read at will. Fang Xing had once heard the old bastard Wanluo casually mention it in passing, but Wanluo had felt the scriptures found inside werent too important to him and hadnt gone into detail. Fang Xing hadnt known about a rule like this until now. Entering Scripture Cave actually required Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans, which he had plenty of!

Fang Xing was incredibly interested. He placed the broomstick to the side and asked, Oh, tell me, how does this system work?

A little impatient, the black-robed youth coldly replied, You still havent answered my question. Do you have them or not? He was worried the Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans had all been taken by Ying Qiaoqiao. Fang Xing was nothing more than a servant, after all.

Of course! Ive got many, at that! Fang Xing took out a storage sack and poured them out all over the ground, creating a small hill of around eight Black Ice Orders and six formation-countering talismans.

The eyes of the black-robed youth widened and his breathing picked up in pace. I will take all of these. If you face any problems in the future, you can come and find me for help! The black-robed youth flourished his sleeve as he spoke and prepared to take the pile away.

Even the hemp-clothed youth and that white-veiled woman quickly came forward when they saw this. As for the other elites in the group, their eyes were also open wide; these Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans were definitely valuable from the looks of it, but the other elites didnt dare try to compete against the leading three and could only try to suppress their desire.

Wait, you havent told me how to use them yet! Fang Xing excitedly said while interrupting the black-robed youth.

The brows of the black-robed youth creased as he sent a slap towards Fang Xing. Back off! From the looks of it, the strength of the blow was condensed to try to push Fang Xing backwards so he could take the Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans.

Damn your uncle, did you not hear what I said? Fang Xing angrily asked before sending out a slap of his own against the youths head, smacking him flat to the ground. The hemp-robed man and white-veiled woman were walking towards them at a brisk pace, but they both suddenly halted in amazement at this sight.

A servant like you dares to sneak attack me? the black-robed youths angered voice rose as he struggled to crawl back to his feet. He didnt think Fang Xinga servant whod only passed the trials through luckwould be able to defeat him, and so something like this had only happened because the blow was unexpected.

Did you say Im a servant? Well, from today onwards, you will be my servant! Fang Xing raised his foot before viciously stepping down, forcing the black-robed youth back against the floor as he was slowly crawling back up. It was then that Fang Xings gaze grew cold and he released a potent aura.

This aura wasnt composed of Foundation Stage power, but sheer murderous intent. Although it wasnt possible to feel his true cultivation level from this aura, it was still possible to sense an irresistible power.

You you. The black-robed youth was so shocked he couldnt even speak anymore. A deep sense of fear had begun to form within the depths of his heart.

Now, tell meyour masterhow do you use these Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans? Fang Xing sternly asked while stepping on this black-robed youths chest.

The black-robed youth quivered. Faced with the gradually thickening murderous intent around Fang Xing, he soon understood and decided to answer truthfully. There are twelve Scripture Caves within the Snowy Mountain. Formation-countering talismans allow you to enter different caves, Black Ice Orders determine how many scripts and manuals you can borrow to read. Fellow Daoist I, Ye Xuan, had failed to recognize you and your greatness. I I beg that you forgive me.

It would have been so much easier if youd just answered me earlier! Fang Xing drew up his foot and sent out another kick, knocking the black-robed youth away before he reclaimed his Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans.

Fang Xing picked up his broomstick and began walking along the hallway, and as he passed the dumbstruck hemp-clothed man and white-veiled woman, he suddenly paused and whacked the hemp-clothed youth in the face with the broom. The broomstick had been instilled with Qi, making it extremely solid and heavy; there was a pah sound as the hemp-clothed man let out a groan and was sent flying back.

From the moment he began his attacks, Fang Xing didnt show any hesitation and had casually dealt with the hemp-clothed man as well. His eyes shifted to the white-veiled woman next and checked her out without saying a word.

What what are you going to do? the veiled woman asked, her voice shaking. Her hand was about to form a spell seal, but her fear and nervousness kept her from performing it correctly.

Fang Xing continued to look at her for a while. All of a sudden, he abruptly tore the veil from her face, only to crease his brows a moment later. Youre not even good looking! Cover your face with a white veil my ass! I thought you must have been some kind of beauty. As soon as he finished, he threw the veil to the side and continued on down the hall with his broomstick in hand, leaving the unveiled woman behind.

The woman was so furious her body began to shake. In truth, she was still rather beautiful, it was just that Fang Xing seemed to have already become immune to beauty of her level.

Which reminds me. Once Fang Xing was halfway to the staircase, he suddenly turned and spoke to the group of shocked elites, who simply stood stiff in their original spots. Just to let you all know, it doesnt matter whether youre named Zhu or Li, whether youre a talented elite or useless trash. From today onwards, within this Wanluo Court, Iyour little grandpaam your boss. Anyone who refuses to accept this will meet this broomstick! At the end of his speech, he let out a loud snort before turning his head and swaggering off.

The group of elites stood unmoving, still shocked. No one dared to make a sound when faced with this boys viciousness.

After returning back to the cave he lived in, Fang Xing placed a bench and a small stool into his storage sack before departing once more, riding on a small spirit shuttle towards the Scripture Cave. As for where hed managed to pick up a spirit shuttle, he actually wasnt sure; he had so many random items he was too lazy to sort through, and sometimes hed just happen to find something he needed after shuffling through the mess.

Within one burn of an incense of flying through the wind and snow, he arrived in front of a giant cliff close to the main hall of the Snowy Mountain. On top of the giant cliff, twelve large caves had been lined up with their entrances blocked off by a spell formation, with a countless number of young elites entering and leaving and some others standing outside muttering something beneath their breath. It was all a rather lively sight.

Here will do! After finding himself a rather eye-catching location, Fang Xing took out the bench and stool, placed them down, and set a flag on top. It was a flag used to form more complicated formations, but he hadnt brought it for such a purpose; instead, he simply took out a fine-quality pen and vase of Beast Blood Pelletall typically used for crafting talismans as welland wrote a few crooked words: Selling Black Ice Order and formation-countering talismans to the highest bidder! Once hed finished with this, he looked at the words and began to praise himself, Look at all those solid strokes! before hanging the little flag up next to the stool with pride and waiting for fat sheep to come knocking on his door.

The people nearby also found the scene of Fang Xing hard at work to be rather refreshing and even stopped from far away to watch. When they saw his flag, however, most of them were left astonished. Such ugly handwriting.

Fang Xing sent an angry glare at whoever said such a thing.

Others were more concerned with the actual contents of the flag. Who is this person? they exclaimed, How can he have Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans to sell?

Someone next to them replied, Shixiong, you came directly from the Ephemeral Butterfly Sect. Since you hadnt gone through the same trial as us, you dont know how vile this brat is. Hes a servant of the Myriad Beasts Sect whothrough great luckwas able to somehow tame the spirit beasts within the trial grounds with the little princess of the Myriad Beasts Sect, Ying Qiaoqiao. With this, they were able to pass the trial and become the disciples of the Snowy Mountain.

If thats so, then this person really would be considered lucky.

Lucky his ass, all the Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans were just stolen from us.

Damn, why did the five grand elders not take away all the Black Ice Orders and formation-countering talismans from him?

Amidst all the admonishments, there was also someone who said, Black Ice Orders determine how many scripts were allowed to borrow, and the formation-countering talismans decide which cave we can enter. Both are incredibly precious, so why would this kid be willing to bring them out for sale? Wouldnt it be a pity to leave them all with him? Why dont we all take it back from him, just as he took them away from us in the first place!

Such an opportunity is rare, but its best we dont do so carelessly. It would be really bad if we were expelled for picking fights!

Everyone discussed amongst themselves. Some wanted to do something about this, but they were too afraid of breaking the rules to do it so casually.

Finally, someone couldnt hold it in any longer. A tall, dark man walked up and coldly asked, How much are you looking to sell for?

Fang Xing gave him a lazy look. Well, theres only this much, and the highest bidder gets it. Oh, and by the way, I only accept high-grade Spirit Stones! Since Fang Xing was in Foundation Stage, ordinary spirit beast pellets and resources simply werent useful to him anymore. He could still make use of high-grade Spirit Stones, however, as well as use them as a currency, making them a far better option.

The tall man looked around before releasing a cold laugh. There doesnt seem to be anyone willing to bid against me!

Fang Xing yawned. Then a hundred high-grade Spirit Stones. No haggling!

Thats highway robbery! the tall man angrily yelled back.

If you had something on you I wanted, I would have robbed you ages ago to get it. Why would I have to set this up just to rob you?

Struck speechless, the tall man considered this carefully before spitefully answering, I am currently unable to decide between two skill manuals. A Black Ice Order will be a hundred, then. Ill take it. Itll allow me to take them and compare them in detail to find the one most suitable for me. He then took out his storage sack, counted exactly one hundred high-grade Spirit Stones, and exchanged them for a Black Ice Order before departing.

I want one, too!

And me!

Two others simultaneously walked up and took out their storage sacks to pay.

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