Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 5: Yes, I’m Beating You Up

Chapter 5: Yes, I’m Beating You Up

The collective two and a half square miles of herb fields owned by the Qing-Yun Sect reverberated with the name of a boy, of gluttony in human form: Fang Xing.

For the past two months, Fang Xing had been consuming at least ten pounds of meat every day. This didnt even include the rice, fruits, vegetables, and wine he would have on top of that, and hed even buy some herbs and tonics every so often to supplement his sizable diet. Thanks to him, all five of the daotongs in his herb field had managed to gain themselves extra layers of fat complete with prominent double chins and potbellies.

Yet, despite all this food, Fang Xing had actually become thinner than he was before. In fact, he had become so thin he was like a piece of paper that could be easily sent flying on a breeze. In spite of his physique, however, his spirit was high and his eyes were shining with energy.

Although his eyes were focused on the hare roasting on the bonfire as though fascinated, Fang Xings mind was wandering off somewhere else. As I expected, Qing-Yuns Qi Formation is really powerful. No wonder even Ninth Uncle Joshu with his skills in martial arts wasnt a match for that man.

Theyd spent nearly all their savings on food in these two months, andwithout any other optionsthey been forced to resort to hunting. Fang Xing couldnt really ask them to sell themselves, after all and besides, based on their appearance, no one would want to pay for them anyway.

The sect fortunately didnt have any restrictions on hunting for wild animals within its mountain ranges, and now that Fang Xing had grasped the basic flow of Qi, his eyes and ears had also become sharper than normal; hunting wild hares and birds was a breeze for him.

Fang Xing had even run into a wolf and battled with it on one occasion. Hed grabbed its tail, jumped on its back, and then bashed it with his bare hands until the poor sucker died. When Fang Xing dragged the wolf back to their wooden cabin, Wang Zhi and the rest of the daotongs were so stunned they nearly wet themselves.

It was also from that point on that they finally accepted Fang Xing as their leader from the depths of their hearts. From that day onward, Boss Fang Xing was no longer just a name they forced themselves to address him with, but rather something that came honestly from their hearts.

I finally have enough Qi to circulate one full cycle. I wonder if this counts as reaching the first tier of Spirit Stage? Fang Xing thought to himself. According to the rules of the sect, once a daotong reached the first tier of Spirit Stage, they would no longer need to do any hard labor and instead would receive numerous benefits as a true disciple of the Qing-Yun Sects outer court.

Qing-Yuns Qi Formation mentioned nothing on how to distinguish the difference between each tier, so Fang Xing was left without even knowing how close or how far he was to reaching the first one.

Boss! Were back with the firewood. Freckle-Boy and Wang Zhi were smiling broadly, each carrying a bundle of firewood on their back. Although theyd started hunting, the work at the herb field still had to be done, so the daotongs took turns hunting with Fang Xing. Today it was Freckle-Boy and Wang Zhis turn, and hed asked them to pick some firewood so they could start up a fire and cook their kills for the day.

During Wang Zhis time as boss, there had been a clear hierarchy despite there only being five of them total. Wang Zhi would bully someone, and that someone would bully the next person down along his hierarchical chain, and so on. Ever since Fang Xing had become the boss, however, everything had become much simplereveryone had to listen to Fang Xing, and there was no bullying allowed among the rest of them. Every time Wang Zhi unconsciously tried to order Freckle-Boy or Ghost-Face to do something, Fang Xing would kick him out of it. Within three months, Wang Zhi had even gotten used to washing his own dirty socks.

Fang Xings dirty socks were washed by everyone else, of course.

The fires almost out, hurry up you two! Going to just take your time? Fang Xing mocked, hurrying the boys over.

The supposedly simple and ascetic lifestyle of these daotongs had now become quite plentiful.

As they were portioning out the already-cooked hare meat onto plates, someone ran hurriedly over, screaming, Boss! Theres a shixiong from one of the departments asking for you guys in the herb field! Theyre angry because youre not in the fields!

All three of them looked up to see a worried Ghost-Face. Fang Xing wondered aloud, Isnt the monthly inspection tomorrow? What are they doing here today?

Im not sure, but apparently its a shixiong named Yu who just happened to pass our herb field and decided to drop by and have a look.

Hearing this, a surprised and bitter expression formed on Wang Zhis face. Normally, no one would ever bother them as long as they maintained their herb field well.

Every three months, someone from the Herb Department would come and check in on the daotongs to make sure there was no slacking off and everything was in order, and if they managed to find something wrong or unusual during their visit, it was possible for the daotongs wages to be cut. Depending on the actual problem, even physical punishment might get involved, and these greedy shixiongs would often take the opportunity to extort some money during their visits as well.

None of the gang had taken the day off today. They had, however, gone out to the back mountain to hunt, which was potentially a rather large problem now that someone had come here for an early inspection.

Freckle-Boy was so frightened that his complexion grew just as pale as Ghost-Faces.

Fang Xing spat out the grassroot hed been chewing on. What are you all afraid of? Ill go have a look! he said with derision before ordering Wang Zhi to wrap up their cooked hare meat in bamboo leaves.

In front of the C-Rank herb field, three blue-faced Daoists coldly watched the three daotongs arrive following behind Ghost-Face.

Its him? Fang Xing smirked to himself when he saw who the leader of the pack was: a stubby man with squinty eyes who clearly looked like he was up to no good.

The stubby man was the very same plump Daoist Fang Xing had ridiculed in front of hundreds and thousands of people during the recruitment ceremony: an outer court disciple named Yu Sanliang. The other two following close behind were two daotongs the plump Daoist had asked to be there with him to improve his image.

Hah! Caught red-handed! This is during work hours; what are you all doing slacking off! If I go and report this to the Herb Department, they will beat the hell out of all of your *sses! When Yu Sanliang saw Fang Xing from afar, even the fat on his face wobbled from excitement. Oh, and especially you! Youve only been here for how many days? How dare you violate the rules; do you want to be thrown out of the sect so soon?

The plump Daoist Yu did not belong to the Herb Department, but actually worked at the Miscellaneous Department. This Miscellaneous Departmentas its name impliedlooked after all the menial matters in the Qing-Yun Sect. Put simply, they pretty much just ran errands for the other departments.

Yu Sanliang only decided to drop by the herb fields because hed been asked to sort something out at another field. Remembering the little monkey hed sent to a nearby field three months ago, he decided to drop by to see if hed been fixed up by the older daotongs but who would have expected that when he arrived at the field, Fang Xing would be nowhere to be seen? There was no better opportunity to have some sweet revenge for what the monkey said about him three months ago.

Isnt this Shixiong Zhu 1 ? How rare for you to visit! Please, please, take a seat. Fang Xing grinned broadly while pretending to order the others to find a seat for him.

Zhu your face! My name is Yu! The fat on his face rolled again as he loudly cursed.

Fang Xing smiled even more broadly when it seemed Yu Sanliang didnt even realize hed just been mocked. Suddenly, a random paragraph appeared across his mind:

Spirit Stage. Tier one. Physically weak. Amount of Qi contained in his meridians is.

It was all information about Yu Sanliangs cultivation tier and stage, and there was even information about his shortcomings.

Wait, was that that book can do appraisals on people, too? Fang Xing was so surprised not even he could control the muscles in his face.

Seeing Fang Xings expression change, the plump Daoist was convinced his words must have sent the boy into shock and fear. Satisfied and proud of himself, he coldly laughed out, Scared, huh? Then drop to your knees. If I feel satisfied after that, I may just forgive you this time.

Fang Xing began to circle the plump Daoist in thought, catching the latters interest. Not knowing what the monkey could be planning in his head, the plump Daoist Yu began to yell, What are you looking at, you little brat! Ill kick you flying again if you keep on looking at me like

Are you from the Herb Department? Fang Xing suddenly interrupted.

No, but so?

Did a shixiong from the Herb Department ask you to come here for inspection? Fang Xing continued.

No. I was passing by, so I thought Id check on all of you to make sure no one was slacking off.

Slacking off your mom! Fang Xingbeing only ten years oldwas not very tall in comparison to a fully grown man like the plump Daoist, but he was still able to reach his face to land a loud smack on his cheeks after a swift jump. An obvious palm mark was left on the Daoists right cheek, and blood began to ooze from his nose.

Little bastard, you dare to hit me? Yu Sanliang shouted a few seconds later after he realized what had just happened. Just as he finished, however, a powerful kick forced him to bend his leg at the knee andunable to regain his balancethe Daoist fell flat on the ground face-first with Fang Xing standing right over him.

No, how dare you ! Someone from the Miscellaneous Department coming to interfere with our Herb Department? Fang Xing landed another punch to Yu Sanliangs face before continuing, Yes, Im beating you up. You know, you really deserve a good beating for thinking you have any authority here!

Soon, the crying man realized something: although hed only achieved tier one of Spirit Stage, he was still a cultivator, and he tried to utilize his Qi to fend Fang Xing off.

Who would have imagined that Fang Xing had also reached the Spirit Stage by now and would use his Qi to counteract Yu Sanliangs own? Fang Xing continued to land punches and kicks all over the plump mans body while the daotongs watched on in horror.

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