President, go away!

Chapter 1477

Xiang Jie couldn't listen any more. He roared directly, "have you finished all your work? Do you still have time to discuss other people's things here?"

The group heard that they just looked at Wei Jia Ren faintly, and then stopped sneering.

Wei Jiaren said a word to Xiang Jie, then turned around and left with the document.

When she came to President Li's company, she first reported her name and said that she was an employee of Shen's family. She came here to deliver documents to President Li, but I don't know what happened. President Li's assistant asked Wei Jiaren to wait outside until President Li came back.

Wei Jiaren wanted to put down the documents and left.

But the assistant said that if she left, Li would not sign the document, and she needed to bear the losses caused at that time.

Wei Jiaren had no choice but to wait outside the building with the documents.

I don't know how long she waited. Wei Jiaren didn't hear the so-called president Li coming back, and she didn't know. At this time, in the hall of the office building, a glance was looking at her petite figure.

"Ah Mo, what are you looking at?" angel came out of the elevator, stretched out her hand to hold his arm, and then looked down his eyes, suddenly stunned.

How did you meet her here?

What bad luck.

Su Mo came here with angel to find someone. She said that her friend worked here, but she didn't expect to meet Wei Jiaren.

"Mo, I've said hello to my friend. Shall we go to the concert together?" angel suddenly said.

But Su Mo didn't say a word. He looked at Wei Jiaren and suddenly his eyes became very deep and complex.

Angie knew she couldn't go on like this. She quickly reached out and grabbed Su Mo's arm and wanted to pull Su Mo away. "Ah Mo, I'm a little tired. Shall we go back?"

Su Mo didn't promise her, and didn't even take back his eyes. He just said faintly, "I have something to deal with. I'll let the driver take you back."

"But..." what else angel wants to say.

But Su Mo had taken her hand off his arm, and the driver came over.

Even if she didn't want to, she had to leave.

When he saw angel off and looked up again, Wei Jia Ren had disappeared.

At this time, Wei Jiaren saw a car coming in from the outside and saw the legendary president Li. She hurried up and handed the document to President Li. In a faint voice, "President Li, I'm an employee of Shen's family. This time I'm here to send you the document. Please sign for it."

President Li glanced at Wei Jiaren with a trace of obscenity in his eyes. He said, "come with me to the office!"

How could Wei Jiaren not know what idea president Li was up to?

So it's impossible to go up with him.

"No, Mr. Li, as long as I send this document to you personally, my task will be completed." Wei Jiaren said with a smile, and then handed the document to Mr. Li. He picked up his mobile phone and took a picture, smiled and said, "Mr. Li is so handsome."

After that, he turned and walked out.

At this time, it rained heavily. It was sunny before, but now it rained heavily. Maybe God is saving her.

After Wei Jiaren came out, she looked at the traffic coming and going. Because she didn't bring an umbrella, she could only get in the rain, but she also felt that it was good.

Better than being forced upstairs.

And right here, a Hummer stopped by the side of the road in front of her——

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