Prime Originator

Chapter 738 - Truth Manifestation Realm

Chapter 738 - Truth Manifestation Realm

After reaching Seeking Insight-level Transcendent, Leon spent some time familiarizing himself with his Nihility power.

He slightly exerted Nihility on a tree branch before it disinterested into a speck of True Grandmist Energy.

With a stronger exertion of Nihility, another tree branch disappeared completely without a speck of salvageable energy.

'If I exert any more power than this, I will tear a rift to the chaotic sea of nothingness and speed up the process of world destruction,' Leon mused.

Nevertheless, he feels like his Nihility Law was finally powerful enough to slay Paragons with ease.

'I should refrain from using something like this unless it's a last resort,' Leon silently decided.

He did not forget his seniors' warning.

If powerhouses in the Celestial Realm noticed his ability to open rifts to the chaotic sea of nothingness, they would hunt him down.

'Since I've reached the Seeking Insight-level Transcendent, I should upgrade my other abilities to the Primary Accession-level at least,' Leon thought.

However, shortly after closing his eyes to push his Metal Law to the Transcendent level, he felt a wave of dizziness strike him.

'Haiz, never mind. Unfortunately, it seems that using this method to achieve higher levels doesn't come without prices to pay.'

Leon shook his head with a sigh.

It was like breaking down an iron gate with brute force instead of using a key to open it with minimum effort.

Of course, there would be a price to pay.

'And even after I forcefully raise my level to the Seeking Insight-level Transcendent, I doubt I will be able to progress further until my Nihility comprehension level catches up…'

Leon suddenly frowned.

The gods and devils most likely didn't have such a problem, or their wills weren't strictly used the same way he did.

He might have missed something.

What happens when the gods and devils fully comprehend the heavenly laws?

For example, how could a god who mastered the law of fire compete with a god who mastered the law of space?

Their strong beliefs in the path take the heavenly laws to a level beyond their limits, or in other words, their beliefs evolve the heavenly laws.

Leon suddenly thought back on the cultivations art he perused.

The Darkness Law wasn't just called the Darkness Law, and the Fire Law wasn't just called the Fire Law.

Whether it was the Eternal Darkness Law or the Eternal Flame Law, the elements of the cultivation arts all had the word 'eternal' in their name.

'A law that exceeds that limit of primal chaos becomes eternal?' Leon pondered.

After a short moment, he shook his head in resignation.

There was no point in pondering these things that are clearly far beyond his level of understanding and cultivation.

He shouldn't bite more than he can chew.

With such thought in mind, Leon no longer concerned himself with the heavenly law and resumed focus on the Devil Emperor's Tome of Eternal Darkness.

After learning the energy cultivation instruction, Leon proceeded with his practice.

The early level of energy cultivation was primarily similar to the standard energy cultivation practice of the Divine Realm.

Whether it was Energy Condensation, Revolving Core, or Heaven Ascension, the Devil Emperor's Tome of Eternal Darkness followed the practice of gathering energy, building the foundation, and forming the core.

However, the latter stages differ entirely with the purpose of comprehending the Darkness Profound Law, and ultimately, the Eternal Darkness Law.

It didn't shatter the energy core to enter the Void Realm.

Instead, the instructions told Leon that once he reached the peak of Heaven Ascension Realm, the next step forward was to sprout the energy core.

Upon success, it would grow a vitality tree, greatly enhancing his lifespan and marking his step in the Truth Manifestation Realm.

When the vitality tree is fully grown, he would have reached the peak of the Truth Manifestation Realm.

Truth Manifestation Realm is also the turning point to comprehending the heavenly laws.

The more heavenly laws he comprehends, the more fruits, which contains the cumulation of his law comprehension, the vitality tree will bear.

When Leon understood up to this step, he began to wonder if the standard practice of the Divine Realm was wrong from the start.

Not only was the path of Truth Manifestation Realm much safer with a lower death rate for failure, but it also allowed cultivators to comprehend the laws early.

After stepping into the peak of the Truth Manifestation Realm, the vitality tree would have fully grown at that point.

Leon's goal was to reach the Truth Manifestation Realm.

With the abundant Darkness Energy in the Eternal Night Secret Realm and the cumulation of Demonic Energy in his Black Vortex, there shouldn't be a problem reaching that realm—given enough time.

The path of demonic cultivation never cared for the purity of its energy.

He could use all types of energy to cultivate.

That being said, mixing too many types of energy wasn't good.

Demonic Energy and Darkness Energy will always be ideal for practicing the Devil Emperor's Tome of Eternal Darkness.

Leon began absorbing the Darkness Energy from his surroundings and refining them at an incredible speed before filling his long-deserted energy center.

Within a short instance, the energy center was already brimming with Darkness Energy and started condensing.

Half an hour later, Leon stepped into Energy Condensation Realm.

Three hours later, he reached the Revolving Core Realm.

Nine hours later, he refined all the Demonic Energy in his Black Vortex and reached the Heaven Ascension Realm.

Ignoring Leon's various factors to allow such an unbelievable cultivation speed, he would have set unprecedented records back in the Divine Realm with such an achievement.

Nevertheless, his cultivation speed drastically slowed down after reaching Early-stage Heaven Ascension Realm.

The Darkness Energy was almost non-existent within a 100-yard radius of him.

'The Darkness Energy in the surrounding has grown extremely thin. I will need to change location if I want to keep up my high-speed cultivation,' Leon mused after putting a pause to his cultivation.


Suddenly, Leon's gaze turned sharp after picking up the rustling of leaves in the distance.

'Seems like my cultivation speed attracted people; no surprises there. I can't let them disturb the others from cultivating, though.'

'I shall see who they are.'

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