Prime Originator

Chapter 866 - Nihility’s Opposing Law

'The world's savior, huh?'

Leon smiled slightly with self-deprecation while reminiscing the past again for a brief moment before shaking his head.

'Senior can't be serious. The end of everything we know is inevitable. Are you aware of the Chaos Sea outside of Primal Chaos, Senior?'

'Naturally,' the Black Turtle God Beast affirmed.

'Then are you aware that there's a Dimension Crack in Gaia's Core that connects to that very Chaos Sea, which is brimming with nothingness, Senior?' Leon further asked.

'Of course,' the Black Turtle God Beast affirmed again before saying, 'The Vandelheim Star Realm has been a battleground for the Celestial and Demons. It would be strange if the world layer didn't weaken from the devastation.'

'The battle between the Celestial Alliance and the Eternal Night Demon Empress's faction had been especially fierce, lasting several ten thousand years before the Radiant Sword Celestial Emperor proposed a truce on this planet.'

'Alas, the damn truce was a sham! The Radiant Sword Celestial Emperor is a big hypocrite, and the Great Void Celestial Conqueror isn't any better for supporting such a big hypocrite!'

The Black Turtle God Beast's blood boiled at the sudden recollection of the two most detested beings in its life.

'Why did Senior side with the Celestial Alliance in the war against the demons in the first place? Was Senior part of the Celestial Alliance? Or did Senior have the same prejudice against demons as them?' Leon inquired.

'Part of the Celestial Alliance? What a joke!' the Black Turtle God Beast snorted at Leon's words as if it was the most absurd thing it ever heard.

'This Old Turtle is a Half-step God Beast, hailing from the Myriad Beast Star Realm and unaffiliated to any power! Besides, the Celestial Alliance is only for humans. This Old Turtle joined the war because the demons were too invasive and violent.'

'They weren't content with their territory and encroached on another's domain; that is why this Old Turtle joined the war to put the demons in their place. However, this Old Turtle has learned from his mistake.'

'The humans are just big babies; they cry the loudest for help, yet when they receive help, they don't hesitate to stab their helpers in the back if their interests and opinions don't align! They are just too despicable!'

The Black Turtle God Beast vented its frustration for some time before recalling the one listening to it was also a human.

'Ahem, enough of that. We've strayed off-topic,' the Black Turtle God Beast said before going back to their previous topic, 'Anyway, this Old Turtle has been aware of the Dimension Crack for a long time.'

'Since Senior is aware, how can Senior say that this Junior can become the world's savior when my power only speeds up the world's destruction?' Leon asked with doubt.

The best he could do was slow down the Dimension Crack's expansion by absorbing the power of Nihility leaking out from the Dimension Crack.

Nevertheless, his question left the Black Turtle God Beast wanting to shake its head.

'It seems that you haven't realized it, boy. The first Shiva became a God of Destruction, but that was his choice. You don't have to follow down the same path; whether you destroy the world or save it, the choice is yours, and only yours,' the Black Turtle God Beast said.

'Nevertheless, this Old Turtle must say that the path of becoming the world's savior is much more difficult than becoming the world's ender, just as it is easier to destroy things than it is to rebuild them.'

'There are two sides to every coin; everything comes in pairs, even Nihility, boy.'

Although the Black Turtle God Beast didn't mention it directly, Leon immediately understood what it was trying to say.

'Nihility's opposing law was the solution to saving the world's eventual end, huh?' Leon smiled wryly before helplessly saying, 'Is it even possible to comprehend?'

'Not even the gods and devils from the primordial era could comprehend the Nihility Law, yet someone succeeded in this era—two people succeeded, actually. So what does that tell you, boy?' the Black Turtle God Beast asked.

'Just because it's possible doesn't make it any easier, Senior,' Leon smiled helplessly before adding, 'I can't even begin to imagine just how difficult it'll be.'

'This Old Turtle didn't say it would be easy, but only you have the destiny to make it possible; others cannot even get the opportunity even if they want to because—'

'Because they don't even have a starting point,' Leon finished the Black Turtle God Beast's sentence.

The Law of Actuality, Existence, Reality, or whatever people wanted to call it is an impossibly difficult law to comprehend without a doubt, but still possible, nonetheless.

However, if people do not even know where to start, then it will truly become impossible.

Only he knew where to start because only he was qualified.

Nevertheless, Leon could not help but feel burdened by the immense weight on his shoulders.

The plan to comprehend Creation Law through the reverse understanding of the Destruction Law is already difficult.

Yet, now he must go one step further and comprehend existence through the reverse understanding of nothingness.

'So you know… That's good.'

The Black Turtle God Beast uttered with surprise after Leon accurately guessed what it was going to say.

'Nevertheless, this Old Turtle can see that you are overwhelmed by the destiny placed on you, so let us put an end to this topic. Don't let it weigh down on your mind. There is only one thing you need to do; become stronger. Everything else comes after.'

'You're right, Senior,' Leon agreed with a nod before saying, 'I still have a long way to go before worrying about such matters like saving the world. At the very least, I should reach the Celestial Emperor Realm first.'

'That's the spirit,' the Black Turtle God Beast said encouragingly before offering, 'Why don't you take some more blood before you go?'

'I also want to, but if I take anymore, the divine herb's environment will be affected,' Leon replied with a wry smile.

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