Prime Originator

Chapter 948: Birth Of A Star

Chapter 948: Birth Of A Star

After familiarizing herself with the Celestial Refining Sun Art, Lynne immediately put it into practice, causing her celestial body to pull in the surrounding sunlight like a black hole.

Lynne was covered in a powerful white brilliance in that instance, drastically increasing the temperature and melting everything around her.

However, this white brilliance only appears so to the human eye. In truth, the white brilliance comprised of all colors of the rainbow.

Nevertheless, as her celestial body devoured vast amounts of sunlight, they entered her skin and flowed into her celestial veins.

Then, the sunlight traversed through her celestial veins like they were caught in a powerful river current and circulated throughout her celestial body with increasing speed.

When the circulation speed reached a certain threshold, Lynne's celestial veins glowed with the brilliance of the rainbow—contrary to the pure white brilliance outside her celestial body.

The rainbow-colored energy formed within her celestial veins was precisely newly-refined celestial energy.

However, Lynne suddenly stopped her celestial energy refinement. The pure white brilliance disappeared, and the rainbow-colored celestial energy also slowly dispersed into the surrounding.

'Although this region has lost its power source, it is still vibrant with cold yin energy and mist all around. You won't get much sunlight if you stay here, child,' the Divine Ice Phoenix Empress mentioned.

"Yes, Master. I was just testing the Celestial Refining Sun Art. Now that I have grasped the feel of it, I'm ready to refine celestial energy in a better location," Lynne replied.

Shortly after, frosty air circulated towards the soles of Lynne's feet before lifting her into the air.


Lynne quickly ascended into the high sky, bypassing the sky suppression with the sheer force of her cultivation without being affected by its strong gravity.

It was as if the icy energy, which formed a barrier around her, could freeze gravity itself, completely negating the effect of the sky suppression zone.

Nevertheless, Lynne continued to ascend higher and higher until she was high above the clouds in the open sky while leaving a trail of coldness in her wake.

The atmosphere above the clouds was warmer, and the gravity was much stronger. However, there were no more obstacles to obstruct the sunlight—besides the floating debris in outer space.

If Lynne wished for it, she could even fly into outer space and reach the floating ring of debris around Gaia.

However, that would be as far as she goes.

Beyond the floating ring of debris was the second and final layer of the spatial seal laid down by the Great Void Celestial Conqueror.

Even Celestial Kings would be helpless against it.

Nevertheless, Lynne deemed her present location was good enough. There was no need for her to go into outer space.


Lynne resumed her celestial energy refinement once more, becoming a spot of pure white brilliance in the sky.

In the Neutral Zone high above the Geyser Kingdom's territory, the dragon-beard old man, Old Kaiser, peered through the Celestial Mirror of Omniscience on the floating island temple.

However, the sudden flash of pure white brilliance forced Old Kaiser to avert his gaze from the Celestial Mirror of Omniscience and groan.

At the same time, Old Kaiser's action alerted the other old men in the temple, who had been eagerly waiting their turn to use the Celestial Mirror of Omniscience.

"What happened, Old Kaiser?" Old Thunder asked curiously. But then, he suddenly smirked and said, "Have your eyes grown tired? You still have some time left on the Celestial Mirror, but I am more than happy to take over early."

"Fat chance, Old Thunder. Even if my eyes are tired, I give up my time to you!" Old Kaiser rolled his eyes at the shameless old man.

Nevertheless, such action made his eyes sting. Thus, he groaned again and rubbed them to ease the discomfort.

Upon seeing that, Old Thunder frowned and stopped joking. He put on a solemn look and asked, "So what happened?"

"A new star was born," Old Kaiser stated.

"A new star was born, huh?" Old Thunder uttered with furrowed brows. But after a moment, he immediately widened his eyes in shock. "What! A new star was born? Are you certain, Old Kaiser?!"

"Of course," Old Kaiser confidently responded.

"Even if I haven't personally seen a Celestial in my life, I'm not so senile in my old age that I wouldn't recognize a Celestial when I see one."

"Where did you see the Celestial? Quick! Move aside and let me take a look too!" Old Thunder said excitedly.

Strangely, Old Kaiser did not deny his request. He 'kindly' stepped away from the Celestial Mirror of Omniscience and said, "Above the clouds of Extreme Misty Forest's core region."

Old Thunder quickly tracked down the location with the Celestial Mirror of Omniscience. The moment he laid eyes on the pure white brilliance hanging above the clouds, he immediately averted his eyes.

"Ah, my eyes! It burns!" Old Thunder squealed.

Having expected such a scenario to play out, Old Kaiser softly chuckled, feeling delighted by Old Thunder's misfortune.

"Be careful what you wish for," Old Kaiser commented.

"Ugh…" Old Thunder groaned while rubbing his eyes. After he recovered, he solemnly confirmed, "This pure white brilliance of the stars… There's no doubt about it. That's a Celestial, alright."

"After all these years, the world finally has a new Celestial," Old Thunder continued with an emotional sigh before he suddenly frowned. "However, this location… That place is riddled with Paragon-level vengeful spirits."

"Not to mention the Half-step Divine Beast guarding the ice mountain," Old Kaiser added. Then, he asked, "Makes you wonder how the Celestial managed to venture into that place, doesn't it?"

"Well, if it's a Celestial, then it's possible," Old Thunder stated.

However, Old Kaiser shook his head.

"The young lady wasn't a Celestial when she entered the ice mountain. But when she exited the ice mountain hours later, she was a Celestial. Furthermore, she also tamed the Half-step Divine Beast."

"So it's a young lady, huh? The world sure is full of surprises and geniuses…" Old Thunder uttered with more amazement.

But then, he suddenly paused.

"Hold on. Did you just say the young lady tamed the Half-step Divine Beast?"

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