Primordial Sin System

Chapter 66 66- Olivia

Chapter 66- Olivia

Dave opened the door and saw a beautiful woman and even he was mesmerized by her beauty. It was not her best quality because her best quality is her superb breast. She had the largest breast he saw in his entire life, and he even felt that if he was in the monkey king situation, he would do the same.

Dave gulped and unconcealed himself and created a sound barrier to keep safe. Dave checks her status.



Race: Rabbit

Bloodline: Heavenly Rabbit (Epic)- (hidden bloodline)

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Power Level: Middle-tier Heavenly Sage (Sealed)


Skill: Dash (Sealed), Charm (Sealed), Heavenly Kick (Sealed)

Hp: 17,000

Mp: 35,000 (Sealed)

Str: 900 (Sealed)

Agi: 5200 (Sealed)

Int: 3500 (Sealed)



Daughter of Rabbit Clan Leader.

Her power was sealed by the king.

A rabbit woman with a hidden bloodline.


Dave was stunned and now he realizes why he was mesmerized by her as she had a charming skill. She also had an Epic bloodline, but it was hidden, and no one knew it except Dave. If she awakened her bloodline, Dave was sure that her power would elevate.


Olivia was stunned to see a human here in the room. She heard that humans are wicked beings who love to plot against anyone, and they like to fight even if they are of the same race. They are full of greed and never satisfied with what they have.

Her grandma was always telling every kid this story and she even believed it. She examined him and saw his height reached 6'3 and his red hair was so long that it reached his waist. His face is so handsome that she can't help but stare at it. She never saw a handsome man like him in her entire life and his body is hot, and it was curved by a celestial.

She cleared her thoughts and looked at him warily, "Who are you? What is your goal?"

Dave smiled as replied, "I am a human and when I was sleeping on my bed in my world, I suddenly felt that someone is calling me"

"I woke up and saw a portal appear in my room"

"I was confused but I heard a voice in my head that I would meet the love of my life if I went on the portal, and I need to save her"

"I didn't expect to meet a beautiful woman here and I feel like it was love at first sight"

Dave sighs as if it was true and the innocent woman believes him as a human can't appear here unless it was destiny. She looked at him with a gentle look and asked, "So you plan to save me?"

Dave nodded and smirked secretly as she believed his story.

"The voice said that I must save my future wife from a bastard monkey, and I also need to steal his banana to take revenge for you"

Olivia's face was red, and she was shy as Dave called her as a wife. Dave immediately went to hug her waist and their faces were near to each other.

"The voice also said that her name is Olivia, and we need to consummate as it can make you stronger and release your hidden power"

Dave asked his system how to release her hidden bloodline and the system said that if he dual cultivated with her, the system can activate her bloodline and he would also get something from it.

Olivia's face was red, but she believed him as he couldn't know her name and he even said that it would make her powerful. She wanted to have the power to avenge her fallen clanmate.

Olivia nodded and said shyly, "Please be gentle with me"

Dave smirked and loved her cute face. She was the gentlest woman he met and had the biggest chest, so he likes to conquer her completely.

"Of course, I would be gentle to my lovely Olivia."

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